The Patriot (25 page)

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Authors: Dewey Goldsmith

BOOK: The Patriot
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Well Goldie said, we should be hearing from Richard or Wallace regarding any information they have on the UN troop movements in Canada. I’m sure they have people keeping them advised of that situation. Mac said our central sector commands were already moving their people into Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in case the UN forces move across the border. They will probably need us to move in and join up with the Michigan militia to cut off the invaders southern route if that happens. Shrader, their commo chief said, well we’ll know soon Richards coming on line now. Seconds later Richard, Wallace, and Wilson could be seen seated around a table.

Mac said we have you on screen now, if you can see and hear us try your conference speaker so we can all hear you as well. Wallace said you’re coming in loud and clear, you have that mobile unit up and running already. Goldie replied loud and clear here too gentlemen. We were just watching the public media network looks like the UN may be ready to make their move. Sounds like the General is unwilling to state his position openly. What news do you have? Wilson said Richard has a bit of a cold so I’ll bring you up to date on what we believe is happening. We have received a number of UN officials from other locations with more on the way. They will be interned here with the others as planned until matters are resolved. We are in control of both air bases out west and our personnel are capable and ready to use those aircraft and those we have here if the need arises. We are advised our forces are in place in all regions ready to meet the returning military when and if they are ordered to move against us. We know we outnumber the active troops ten to one and are confident our commanders have the experience and resources to defeat any who may be launched against us.

Now as to the situation in Canada. Our informants advise there are troop movements ongoing. At this time it appears to be a consolidation of troops closer to our borders in the Ontario Providence in the area around Sault Ste. Marie. That would put them in position to come across the Mackinaw bridge into Michigan. That would be a fatal error on their part isolating themselves by water on both flanks with no means of escape except to return the route they entered. But we believe they want to take you and your men out of action and get their leaders back and that is the most direct path for them to attempt it. The Indiana militia have twenty thousand men already in position around East Chicago, while the Michigan forces have placed their twenty thousand men in the Toledo Detroit area. We need you to move thirty thousand men between them in the south bend and Elkhart areas. That will give us seventy thousand manpower on a southern line of defense stretching from Chicago to Detroit. Also Wisconsin and Illinois will have an additional force of fifty thousand in position should they try to move across the border south thru Wisconsin. We also have the Pennsylvania and New York force of forty thousand should they try to come in south thru Toronto and Buffalo. Those forces also will be able to move in to your southern front if needed.

Goldie asked how imminent is the threat of UN forces moving across the border. Wilson replied they are at least two days away from having all their forces in position and we also believe they are waiting for the generals troops to arrive by air flights. Goldie replied two days is not a problem, we can assemble that many men or more by morning. Wilson said we don‘t believe it is that urgent, however, if you assemble your people by noon tomorrow at your camp we will have trucks and busses there to transport all your personnel and equipment. Extra supply and ammunition trucks will accompany you and all trucks and support personnel will remain behind your lines for re-supply purposes. Wilson said load your mobile commo lab aboard a truck you can run your command out of that unit.

Now as to other matters. We have heard nothing official from the general or the joint chiefs as yet. But we must and will be prepared to meet the enemy on our terms wherever they come from. Our base here will be the central command for all militia operations. All sectors will report directly to this command for logistic purposes as well. We have twenty thousand men quartered here at this base. They will be available to re-supply or reinforce your men if that becomes necessary. Your operation code name is northern lights. Any questions gentlemen? Goldie said all clear here we will be prepared to move on your arrival, and complete the mission. Richard rose to say I have no doubt you will succeed. Gentlemen stay in contact we will furnish any new information as we receive it.

Mac turned to their radio operator and told him get our field commanders on the line. One by one first Brian, Tim, James, and Joshua all were contacted and brought up to date on the need to assemble their troops at the camp. They were advised of the purpose and the need to pack for a weeks travel. All assured they would be there by noon with their men ready to travel. Mac said well Goldie nothing to do now but pack our gear and wait for morning. Their camp cook walked up and said the fire is hot and we have hamburgers and hotdogs with sweet corn our friend the farmer dropped off this morning. The men all rose and charged towards the mess tent and spent the next hour enjoying the good food and friendship then turned in for the night.

Mac came walking up to the fire where Goldie was had just poured a hot cup of coffee. He got himself some coffee then said you’re up early Top. Goldie asked him how do you think the squad would feel if we split them up on this one? Mac said the twelve of us have been thru a lot together but they trust your judgment. What do you have in mind? Well I kind of thought I would like for four of them to go with James, four with Joshua, you and the other three stick with Tim and myself. I’d feel a lot better knowing they were with the boys on this one. Mac said they will understand that and It’s a good idea for the boys to have someone with them whose experience and judgment they trust. What about Brian? I want him and a couple of men to stay with Shrader and make sure the commo lab is secure and working. Later as the others gathered round the fire for coffee and breakfast Mac discussed the idea with them and all were in agreement.

It was nearly ten o-clock when the first men started arriving at the campsite. Within an hour Tim and James and Joshua all reported their troops were all present and accounted for. Goldie advised have your men go to the supply tent, make certain each man has at least three days supply of rations, ammo, and a supply of grenades. Have your launcher teams stock up with missiles and make sure your medics have supplies if needed. Also have your men load all the excess ammo and rations on three of the army 3/4 tons . Assign drivers and security for each vehicle. Each of you will take one vehicle with you when we take up our positions. I don’t want any of you running short. Also Each of you take a jeep with drivers to use as command vehicles. Mac and I will ride with Tim. Tim turned to their unit commanders and said lets get it done men our rides will be here before long.

By the time all had finished the transport vehicles had started arriving. Goldie said Mac we will go with Tim’s division so load them up first, followed by Joshua, then James. We will leave in that order then assign positions when all reach our destination. Mac wondered what the people along the way will think when they see a ten mile long truck convoy moving down the highway. Joshua said most will know their men are in these trucks so it won’t come as a surprise to anyone. And with one division leaving out at a time there will be some breaks in the traffic. Tim said mine are all aboard we can shove off. As Mac and Goldie got in their vehicle he turned to his sons waved then told the driver lets get underway.

They started down the county road and onto the state highway heading north towards their destination. As they proceeded thru the rural village of Vienna the townspeople were coming out onto the sidewalks cheering and waving them on. Mac said the hometown folks know many of their loved ones are in these vehicles and they sure are with us all the way. It’s tough for them with shortened paychecks and all but these rural folks know how to weather a storm. We have to make certain we are successful and bring their men home safe. Goldie said a lot depends on how well equipped the UN forces are and how willing they are to sacrifice themselves for a bunch of would be world rulers. But if they come across our border they will learn about the will of a free people when their liberties are threatened.

Within an hour they had bypassed the city of Dayton and were headed west towards Indianapolis. James came over the radio to advise Joshua’s division had departed and his convoy was getting underway. Mac said good work stay in contact we’ll meet you at the other end. An hour later they were clear of Indianapolis proceeding north on route 69 towards South Bend. Joshua came over the radio to advise they were now approaching Indianapolis followed by James who advised they were approaching Richmond. Mac said so far so good no transportation problems. Maybe we should contact Richard and bring him up to date on our progress.

Before they could do so Richards voice came over the radio saying he had new information for you. We had one of our craft do an over flight over the northern Michigan territory. I need to advise you the UN command is moving out of Canada at the Sault Ste. Bridge into Michigan. Also they are dividing their forces. Some units are moving west assembling in Wisconsin while Others are moving south across the Mackinaw bridge and assembling on the Michigan side of the border. What is your position? Goldie advised our lead convoy is now one half hour south of South Bend, all forces can be in the South bend area within two hours and move forward to meet the enemy from there.

Richard said were ok at this time. It will take them several hours to move all their forces into position for a march south. Our Illinois and Wisconsin force are in position to engage the enemy once they have all crossed over and start south towards Chicago. Goldie advised we already have the two Michigan Divisions in the Toledo area that gives us a force of fifty thousand once we are in place. I advise moving the Indiana force west to Wisconsin to supplement your troops there. If necessary the Pennsylvania troops can be diverted to our sector to reinforce us. Mac asked what do you estimate their total number to be. Richard said our spotters believe total UN forces approximate seventy thousand. Mac said if they divide their force in half we can expect thirty five thousand, more or less, to be approaching from both directions. That means we outnumber them on both fronts. Goldie asked did the flight see any indication of heavy armor or aircraft? Only light armored vehicles with their troops and several choppers on the ground on the Canadian side. Goldie said the light armor will pose no problem we can deal with those. Richard added if they bring the choppers into this we will respond with air power as well.

Goldie advised so you will be aware of our troop movements here is my battle plan. I have ordered one division, commanded by James, to take up positions near Grand Rapids. They should be in position within the hour. Our division commanded by Joshua will be deployed in the Flint Michigan sector and should be in position within ninety minutes. I will take my lead division north and contact the enemy near Lansing. This will halt their advance where the other divisions can wage flank attacks from the east and the west. I will advise the Michigan forces at Detroit to hold their position and prepare to supplement our divisions as necessary. Have you sent out over flights since they started moving?

Richard said our last over flight reports major troop movements now on our side of the border. Their lead units are holding at the juncture of Routes 75 and 27 waiting until all are across the border. They appear to be massing on the west side of route 27. Goldie said that will bring them right at us in Lansing just where we want them, so lets hope that is their plan. What about the Wisconsin situation. Richard replied our flight shows they have stalled north of Green Bay waiting for trail units to catch up. Our divisions are positioned on a line reaching from Milwaukee to Madison. Other units are in position to flank them from the Rochester and St Paul sectors. We are in good condition on both fronts, so I’ll sign off now but will keep you advised of their troop movements. Goldie replied we will do the same.

An hour later found them in the Lansing area and Tim called his unit commanders together for a short briefing. He told them our command center will be our current location. Position your forces out over a fifty mile wide area half to either flank of our command center. You will position your troops in a defensive mode and initiate the enemy on our command only. Mac told them also, as you meet local citizens advise them of coming actions and advise our transports will assist them in relocating south out of the danger zone if they choose to do so. James called in to advise they had reached their destination and their forces were being positioned as planned with half his forces to the north and east of Grand Rapids. Once they are deployed we will wait for your orders. Thirty minuets later Joshua reported in to say he was in his sector and his forces were now being deployed as planned. We are prepared to move on your command. Mac said things are shaping up I will contact the Detroit blue skies command and advise of our positions and advise they are to hold their positions until needed as reinforcements. After he had completed his communications with all elements Goldie told the others now we wait until we have the foreigners in our sights.

Nightfall found Goldie, Mac, and Tim seated near the communications van with the old squad members from Nam when Tim hesitantly asked, is there anything that concerns you guys. Goldie sensed the nervousness in Tim’s voice and sought to calm him down. Many of our men are former reservists and guardsmen with combat experience. A lot of the others are combat veterans of Viet Nam and Korea. They know what will be required of them and will meet the test. We also have the advantage in numbers and the cause of liberty to fight for. When these days are over we will have our victory Tim. And so we will the others said, tomorrow is another day tonight is a time to rest. One of the men said we have some of that pre-packaged coffee and chocolate in the trailer and they all said lets break it out. The men sat around relaxed and enjoying the refreshments before Mac said men it’s time to turn in. The air was warm but their blankets were a comfort as they settled in for the night.

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