The Patriot (18 page)

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Authors: Dewey Goldsmith

BOOK: The Patriot
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Ours was not the only operations going on this day. Other sectors had major operations ongoing as well and most reports have been favorable. Scott agreed and added we will have a better report of all operations once we return and get first hand reports. Richard agreed and said we will keep you advised of any activity approaching your sector until then you and the men go home and get the rest you have earned. Should you need anything, food rations, medical, or other contact me. Goldie assured him they were well supplied for the moment.

After the convoy had moved off and Richard and his men had departed Goldie told Brian your men deserve a rest. Take them home to their families we will contact you if something comes up. Brian said our transportation is here we will load the men up and head down the road. They watched as Brian and his troops pulled out of the base area then Mac turned to Goldie and said our drivers are here lets clear this place. He told their radio man contact Tim and the boys and advise things are complete here and we are on our way to the base.

Once they were back at camp the men all went to the falls and washed up in the clear running water and changed into clean uniforms, washed their others and hung them in the trees to dry. As the men started back up the trail to camp Goldie walked over to his wife and sons gravesite. He knelt for a moment and spoke her name then stood for a moment in silence. Mac took his arm and together they walked back to the campsite.

The men sat together and enjoyed a can of soda and some snacks from their rations. The state controlled radio commentator was reporting that terrorists have attacked government forces. Thousands of military men have been killed and wholesale destruction of government vehicles and facilities have been reported. The commentator said the worst attacks on government forces occurred in southwest Ohio where it is reported that as many as ten thousand soldiers, including scores of united nations troops, were murdered in two violent unprovoked ambushes. It is reported that also in Ohio two army ranger units were ambushed and all members of those units were murdered by terrorists. Goldie said well men we gave them something to think about now lets turn in and get some rest.

The following morning Goldie awoke to find his tent well warmed by the sun. He dressed then went out to Mac and the others all seated by a fire eating some hot scrambled eggs and sausage from their rations. Man he said that smells good why didn’t you wake me. One of the men answered you were sleeping so sound we figured you needed the rest but we saved some for you. Mac handed Goldie a tray with a large helping of eggs and sausage and said dig in top. He said we talked to Tim and the boys they are on their way here. Richard called just to check in see how we were, said let you rest he will call back later.

Some time later Tim came into camp followed by James, Joshua, and Brian. All were in good spirits under the circumstances. Tim said we have met with the families of those we lost this week and the families have decided to have all those whom we lost buried at one central location. A farmer who owns land adjacent to the highland county cemetery has donated a parcel of land adjoining that cemetery and the families have all agreed they want their loved ones to be buried there. Additional space will be furnished so that family members also will be able to rest near their loved ones. There will be one memorial service held at the burial grounds with several ministers and friends paying tribute to those we lost. This is Monday the service and burial will begin at eleven o’clock Wednesday morning. Goldie said I’m so glad they have made these arrangements as it was he didn’t know how he could pay his respects to all the families. Now we will be able to be there as all are laid to rest.

That afternoon Richard called and Goldie advised him of funeral plans for their casualties. After their talk Goldie turned to the others and told them Richard said he would like to be here tomorrow but they are holding services for those he lost in their operation. But Goldie said Richard also said some important meetings of Washington dignitaries are being reported. He said they don’t know the whole story yet but it sounds like some major decisions are about to be made. He said they are waiting for additional information and would contact us when more is known. Goldie said for now we can relax and prepare for tomorrow. He said I see no reason for it to look like an armed camp and the others agreed. Goldie told Tim and the others you guys all go home to your families and get them ready for tomorrow, we will see you at the cemetery.

The next morning as they prepared to leave for the funeral services Mac said some of the men are staying behind to look after the camp and supplies. Goldie said good lets be on our way. The drive was a short trip and soon they arrived at the cemetery to find several thousand people there to offer support to the families. The gravesites had been prepared in seven rows ten in each row with spaces in between for future family use. After a while one of the ministers attending called for a moment of silence followed by a prayer for the families of the departed. A resident who was previously the leader of the local American legion chapter stood to read the names of the departed. When his reading was completed he said the families have asked that the one who leads the fight for liberty be the one to honor those who gave their all.

Goldie stood silently for a moment then in a voice filled with emotion and strength he said, no words can describe the honor our fallen comrades deserve. They were men of courage who dedicated their lives to the cause of liberty. To the families of those who have given their all I can promise you they will not have died in vain. We will win this fight and our children will again be free. My friends I too have known the sorrow of losing my loved ones. I promise you the weight of the pain and sorrow you feel will be lightened and replaced with memories of the love and friendship you shared. With the help of our Lord these days of sadness will be shortened. My friends I will leave you now for this is a time for family and close friends to spend time together and say goodbye to those they love. My sons and Tim will remain to help you in any way they can. Goldie turned to Mac and said let us go now and leave the families share their sorrow.

Mac and the others of their old squad walked together with him back to their vehicles and soon was on their way home to their camp. On arrival their camp guards said all has been quiet no calls or visitors. Mac asked what do you suppose Richard has found out about the federal bigwigs meetings. Goldie said hard to say what they’re up too but Richard has people in places to find out. He will let us know once he is sure of the information. Meantime lets inventory our supplies and equipment and get ready for whatever tomorrow brings. The rest of the day was spent sorting thru the equipment and supplies taken from the federal troops. Mac said Tim and your boys can take these uniforms and other personal type gear for their men to use. We have enough mortars, rockets, and small arms ammo to support several operations and enough rations to feed our people for many months to come.

Goldie told Mac come with me lets pay our friend a visit see if we can store some of these supplies in one of his buildings. They walked down the road to his home and found the old couple sitting on their porch enjoying the warm weather. The old fellow said been listening to the radio. You men sure raised hell with them, we could hear the sounds from here. They’re still crying about their losses. Mac asked him how are you and the Mrs. fixed for groceries. He replied we are doing all right, the Mrs. put a lot of garden vegetables in the freezer and we have the little jersey that keeps us in milk and butter. Goldie told him about the excess food rations and other supplies they have on hand. The old man said put them over in the barn loft they will stay dry there till they are needed. Goldie said was hoping you had room some of the men will be bringing the supplies over later. He added, there are of boxes of dinners, lunches, and snacks we will be bringing over. You guys help yourself to anything you can use. After a while they bid the couple goodbye and returned to camp. Nightfall found the men all seated around the fire eating snacks and listening while one of the men played his guitar until they retired for the night.

The next morning Richard called to say he and the others were on their way to the camp with good news. Goldie had the men build a fire and heat up some of the lunch rations so all could eat when they arrived. Before long the lookout called to say visitors coming in, its Richard and the others. As they came walking up to the campfire Mac said set down and dig in the foods fine. After they had finished and getting their coffee Richard said we have a lot of things to talk about. Important things are happening and we need to be ready to act.

He said meetings are being held in several states to coordinate a nationwide attack against all federal and state forces loyal to the president and homeland security forces. Goldie asked what timetable are we looking at? Richard said no date has yet been established but tomorrow he would be meeting with militia leaders from Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, and west Virginia. Other meetings are being held in the west and eastern sections. The state of readiness in all districts will be evaluated and our strengths nationwide assessed. I will know more when I return. But I want you to know we are winning the war for the support of the people everywhere. The people now understand they have been betrayed, that America is no more, that it is up to the people to take back and preserve the free nation our ancestors gave us.

A line has been drawn dividing the country into districts. From no. Carolina thru Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi one hundred thousand of our people will draw a line and march south in a fight to rid the south of all traitors. From Maryland, thru Virginia and west Virginia another one hundred thousand will march north joining the Pennsylvania militia and close in on the traitors in new York and the north east. In Missouri, Arizona, Texas, new Mexico, and California patriots are organizing by the tens of thousands. They intend to move south against united nations and government forces there. In Washington, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and Minnesota a line will be drawn and tens of thousands will march north driving the enemy towards the Canadian border. The intent is to divide the enemy into sections then destroy them and their ability to organize their forces.

Now with respect to our region. Kentucky has a force of twenty thousand militia members who will march north into Indiana and Illinois thru Wisconsin and link up with the western states and continue the drive to the Canadian border. Another twenty thousand from Kentucky will move thru the eastern and central area into Ohio joining our forces here. Our people in southeast Ohio advise they can mobilize an armed force of twenty thousand to join with us. We can field another twenty thousand from western Ohio. Do you have firm numbers you can field? Goldie said militia groups promise us they can field ten thousand each from Adams and highland counties, another five thousand from Clinton county, that’s twenty five thousand total that are ready to fight. Richard said that brings the total to approximately one hundred thousand. Once we have united our forces we will launch a three pronged push north joining up with militia in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Together we will destroy any who stand and fight and drive what’s left into Canada.

A nationwide command network is being worked out and will be established to monitor all regional conflicts. All of our forces will be armed, as you are here, with surface to air missiles to counter the air force should they send their choppers and aircraft against us. All units will also be issued ground to ground missiles, rockets, and mortars to combat any infantry or armor units the feds unleash against us. This will be the nationwide start of a fight to the finish. Your actions here have shown the nation we can and will win this struggle if all are willing to fight, and the people everywhere now realize liberty is a pries worth fighting and dying for.

Most important he said we have been able to confirm that the secretary general of the united nations and the security council president are going to meet with the president, the director of homeland security, and the secretaries of state and defense. Our contacts advise this is to be what amounts to a war council and the president is preparing to request full deployment of united nations forces on our soil. Our full military forces will be deployed alongside the un. forces under a united command structure. Basically this means our forces will be commanded by un. officers who are mostly European military officers. Mac asked do we know the location and date for this meeting? Richard we have confirmed they are to meet but the exact place and date are not known yet.

Goldie said no doubt her appointed parliament members will back her all the way as will all the appointed state governors. Oh sure the appointed puppets will dance to her tune. Goldie said we know the numbers the feds have in uniform then asked do we have a firm number of foreign troops massed in Canada and Mexico. The Colonel said we have reasonably accurate numbers of approximately one hundred thousand now in Canada with about fifty thousand in the central American corridor. If all our active forces take part in this that would give them a total force of one and a half million. The captain said well we faced that many at the river in Korea and were able to turn them back. Goldie said yes but that was a different situation where we were better armed than they were and after the first few days our firepower overcame their numbers.

Richard agreed meeting that large a force under current conditions would be inviting defeat. However there is a growing sense of despair in the military high command and it is not certain that all active military personnel would be committed. Our operations here over the past few months as well as other actions are beginning to impress our military commanders. They now are becoming convinced they may well have to fight a nationwide insurrection that would pit family against family, father against son. Mac said they need to know we will have our own Viet Nam right here and it will never end. The colonel said the joint military chiefs are scheduled to meet right after the president meets with the united nations leaders. Goldie said then we need to act. What would it take to convince the joint chiefs to pull out of that unholy alliance with the president.

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