The Patriarch (118 page)

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Authors: David Nasaw

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death of, 572–73, 577, 580, 589

Kathleen Kennedy’s marriage to, 564–67

Kathleen Kennedy’s relationship with, 324, 438, 531–32, 551, 552–53, 561–67, 620

military service of, 567, 568, 571, 572

Harvard Business School, JPK’s lecture series at, 100–102, 109

Harvard College, 78, 89

Boston Latin and, 17, 22

Edward Kennedy at, 647–48, 649, 650

JFK at, 240, 298, 317, 321, 424, 457

Joe Kennedy, Jr. at, 221–22, 239, 298, 310, 312, 317, 321

JPK at, xx, 21–26, 30–31, 55, 64–65, 259

JPK passed over for honorary doctorate from, 312

JPK’s degree from, 32, 33, 34, 100

JPK’s 1936 reunion speech at, 259–61, 269

reunions of, 47, 78–79, 259–61, 312

social life at, 25

Harvard Crimson,

Harvard Department of Fine Arts, 101, 102

Harvard Law School, 216, 244

Joe Kennedy, Jr. at, 423, 424, 457, 476, 526, 527

Harvard University, 696–97, 702

Harvey, Oliver, 419

Haussermann, Oscar, 79

Hawaii, 442

Pearl Harbor, xxii, 509, 538, 567

Hayden, Charles, 58, 64, 66

Hayden, Stone & Co., 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 77–78, 87, 88, 91, 256, 613

Hayes, Carlton, 549

Hays, Will, 75–76, 100, 101, 104, 421

Headley Park, 479

Hearst, Millicent, 28, 176

Hearst, William Randolph, 28, 74, 96, 137, 143, 146, 173–74, 175, 187, 209, 245, 249, 250, 313, 317, 501, 505, 545

death of, 644

Garner and, 173–74, 176–77

JPK’s work on restructuring business of, 254–55, 257–58, 264

Roosevelt and, 176–77, 179, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 254

tax measures and, 231–32, 237

Heddal, Mathilda, 589

Henlein, Konrad, 336

Henderson, Nevile, 336, 399–400, 401, 403, 404

Hennessey, Luella, 267, 297, 406, 410, 777, 778

Henri, Marquis de la Falaise de la Coudraye, 110, 114, 115, 116–17, 118, 137, 140, 141, 143–44, 147, 156

Hersey, John, 561, 598

Hertz, John, 88, 89

Hesburgh, Father Theodore, 680, 715, 723

Hialeah, 559, 580, 581, 610, 693, 720

Hillman, Sidney, 327

Hillman, William, 418–19, 441

Hinton, Harold, 291

Hirohito, 580

Hitler, Adolf, 272, 287–90, 293, 341–46, 356, 372, 376, 385, 394, 399–407, 413, 416, 418, 432, 437, 438, 447, 479, 486, 494, 511, 530, 567, 579, 581, 605, 633

appeasement of,
appeasement of Nazi Germany

Arvad and, 540–41

assumption of power and first actions of, 199–200, 258

Chamberlain’s meetings with, 336–38, 340

death of, 579

declaration of war against U.S., 538

Dirksen and, 741–42

Dunkirk and, 449

Hollywood and, 501–2

Jewish emigration and, 322, 358–59

Jewish persecution initiated by, 199–200

Joe Kennedy, Jr. on, 200, 201–2

JPK and, 741–42, 748;
see also
appeasement of Nazi Germany, JPK and

Munich Agreement with, 346–47, 348–49, 359–60, 400, 402, 435–36, 485, 633, 745

Roosevelt and, 341, 344, 346, 381–82, 385, 413–14

speeches of, 335–36, 342

sterilization law and, 201

see also
Nazi Germany

Hoare, Samuel, 336, 346, 371, 413, 414

Hodkinson, W. W., 74, 85

Holland, 439–40

motion picture industry

Holmes, J. H., 161

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 198

Hoover, Herbert, 135, 171, 183, 246, 248, 362, 503, 531, 579, 580, 616, 637–38, 675, 676, 752–53, 760–61, 783

British war debt payments and, 185

Depression and, 167, 171, 172

JPK’s leaking of information to, 676–77

Truman and, 584

Hoover, J. Edgar, 446, 508, 541, 559, 675, 769

Hoover Commission,
Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government

Hopkins, Harry, 230, 231, 251, 278, 332, 492

Horizon House, 778

Horton, Rip, 369

Hot Springs, Va., 162

Houghton, Arthur, 65, 77, 78, 162, 241, 299, 369, 375, 398, 403, 554, 572, 578, 604, 610, 645, 649, 668–69, 679–81, 749

death of son, 577–78

Hourigan, Mollie, 264, 265–66

House, Edward M., 181

House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 511–12, 518–20, 525

House Committee on Un-American Activities, 508

Houston, David, 67

Howard, Roy, 208, 317, 376, 503, 505

Howard, Sidney, 157

Howe, Louis, 179, 182, 183, 188, 206, 207, 233, 275

Howey, Walter, 88, 571, 646

Hufty, Page, 511

Hull, Cordell, 191, 206, 296, 301–3, 326, 330–32, 334, 340, 342, 343, 346, 347, 364, 368–70, 382, 384–85, 394, 403, 405, 411, 414, 434, 439, 441, 443, 446, 448–49, 452, 458–61, 465, 496, 507–8, 512

Catholic refugees and, 309

Jewish refugees and, 307

and JPK as proposed envoy to Ireland, 506–7

JPK’s speeches and, 292–95, 354

Lindbergh report and, 339

Palestine and, 352, 385–86, 387, 392, 393

and safety of British ships, 409

U.S.-British trade agreement and, 381

Humphrey, Hubert, 703, 720, 730, 732, 733, 734, 735

Hurd, James, 74, 229

Hutchins, Maynard, 531

Hyannis Port, Mass., 92, 99, 126, 132–33, 190, 220, 247, 248, 263–64, 266, 678–79, 719, 766–67, 782, 786

Hyannisport Club, 178

Ickes, Harold, 207, 230, 231, 272, 299–300, 308, 315–16, 319, 332, 344, 367, 393, 429, 505, 516

JPK and, 231, 274–75, 299

I’m for Roosevelt
(JPK), 212, 246, 247, 249–50, 256, 271

Indo-China, 636, 640, 655, 656, 658–59, 660, 689

influenza epidemic, 56–57

Inside U.S.A.
(Gunther), 33

Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees, 329, 350, 393

Iran, 655, 656, 658–59

Iraq, 392

Ireland, 410

emigration from, 4, 9

Irish Poor Law Extension Act and, 3–4

JFK’s visit to, 617

JPK proposed as envoy to, 506–7

Kennedy family in, 4

potato blight in, 3, 4–5, 9

Irish Catholics, 582

JPK’s identity as one of, xix, xx, 22–23, 33, 49, 58, 61, 80, 104, 251, 272, 277, 291, 374

Roosevelt and, 539, 549

Irish Catholics, in Boston, 9, 12

Democratic Party and, 9, 10–11, 14, 15

political success of, 10

prejudice against, 10–11, 105


communism and, 604–5, 607–8

JPK and, xxii, 289, 292, 295, 366, 431, 433, 434, 486, 498–500, 503, 504, 517, 607–8, 637–38, 639, 641

World War II and, 289, 292, 295, 431, 433, 434, 486, 498–500, 503, 504, 517, 607–8

Italy, 301, 368, 373, 377, 381, 414, 416, 433, 440, 475, 575, 617, 636, 679, 753

Christian Democrats vs. Communists in, 618–19, 634, 679, 699, 700

Ethiopia invaded by, 258, 287, 303–4

Great Britain and, 303–4

Star of Solidarity award of, 662

in Tripartite Pact, 479–80


in World War II, 451, 479–80, 497, 529, 581

Jabotinsky, Ze’ev, 359

Jackson, Henry, 673

Jackson, “Pat,” 667

Jackson, Shoeless Joe, 55–56

Jacobs, Rose Gell, 359

Japan, 258, 272, 287, 368, 373, 394, 395, 414, 497, 636

atomic bombs dropped on, 580

Pearl Harbor attack, xxii, 509, 538, 567

in Tripartite Pact, 479–80

U.S. trade with, 538

in World War II, 479–80, 538, 577, 580, 581

Jewish Agency for Palestine, 359, 385

Jews, 22, 202, 316, 356–58, 393, 540, 576, 634, 672–73

in Hollywood, 75, 97, 103, 104, 501–2, 503, 559

JFK and, 742, 743, 748

JPK and, 356–57, 358, 359, 367, 434, 501–2, 507–9, 539, 559, 582–83, 667, 742

Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation and, 695

Lady Astor’s statements about, 305, 357

media influence of, 357, 365, 393

Palestine and,

political influence of, 365–66, 507–9, 574, 582–83, 723

refugees, 306–9, 322, 324, 329, 349–52, 361–65, 387, 390, 507, 508–9

Roosevelt and, 349–52, 362, 390, 508, 509, 583

Zionism and, 286–87, 351–52, 358, 359, 385, 386, 388–93, 712

see also

John XXIII, Pope, 755, 771

Johns Hopkins University, 698, 760

Johnson, Herschel, 417, 444, 445, 446, 453, 474

Johnson, Hugh, 317, 357

Johnson, Lyndon B., 684–85, 687, 711–12, 716, 718, 720, 736, 754, 786

Committee on Foreign Relations and, 684–85, 711

JPK and, 771–72, 785

as presidential candidate, 737, 738, 746

as vice-presidential candidate, 738–39

Johnston, Alva, 320

Jordan, Father Max, 695

Jordan, Sara, 431, 464, 476, 567

Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, 604, 611, 612–14, 625, 694–96, 755–56, 773, 778

directors and infrastructure of, 613–14

Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s work at, 613, 624, 696, 697–98, 760

first gift of, 613

mission statement of, 612–13

Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Laboratories for Research on Mental Retardation, 698

Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Memorial, 623–26

Jowett, Garth, 97

J. Russell Young School of Expression, 284–85

Kahn, Otto, 70

Kaiserin Auguste Victoria,

Kane, Joe, 572, 583, 584, 595, 596, 599–600

Kane, Robert, 107

K-A-O (Keith-Albee-Orpheum), 112, 119–20, 121, 122, 128–29, 130–31, 135, 137

Karmel, Joseph, 307

Katzenbach, Nicholas, 770

Keaton, Buster, 110

Kefauver, Estes, 707–8, 711

Keith, Benjamin Franklin, 65

Keller, Father James, 586

Kelly, Arthur, 24, 25, 54

Kennan, George F., 378, 605

Kennedy, Bridget Murphy (grandmother), 6

Kennedy, Caroline (granddaughter), 163, 750, 767, 775

Kennedy, Edward Moore “Ted” (son), xxiii, 132, 336, 343, 435, 457, 475–76, 490, 526, 557, 559, 611, 646, 668, 718, 749, 751–52, 765–66, 767, 775, 785, 786

birth of, 60, 145, 163–64

childhood of, 133, 134, 243, 253, 375, 423, 555

in Counter Intelligence Corps, 648, 674–75

education of, 424, 527, 547–48

in England during JPK’s ambassadorship, 297, 298

at Harvard, 647–48, 649, 650, 690–91

JFK’s assassination and, 784–85

JFK’s congressional campaign and, 602

JFK’s inauguration and, 762, 763–64

JFK’s presidential campaign and, 736, 738, 740

Joe Jr.’s death and, 570, 571, 578

JPK’s correspondence with, 12, 35–36, 680, 704

JPK’s lecture to, 585

JPK’s stroke and, 776, 779, 783

Kathleen’s death and, 621

military service of, 648–49

in plane crash, 691

Rosemary and, 425

Senate campaign of, 649, 766, 779

as senator, 712, 784

shoulder injury of, 690–91

at University of Virginia, 675–76

World War II and, 410

Kennedy, Ethel Skakel (daughter-in-law), 647, 654, 678, 688, 689, 695, 778, 780

Robert Kennedy’s marriage to, 646–47

Kennedy, Eunice Mary (daughter),
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy

Kennedy, Francis B. (brother), 10

Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier “Jackie” (daughter-in-law), 677, 678, 683, 713, 750–51, 758, 763

JPK’s stroke and, 776, 779, 783

Kennedy, Jean Ann (daughter),
Smith, Jean Kennedy

Kennedy, Joan Bennett (daughter-in-law), 762, 763

Kennedy, John Bright (journalist), 377

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, Jr. (grandson), 758

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald “Jack” (son), 241, 243, 255, 284, 325, 326, 331, 408, 423, 463, 475, 525–26, 541, 543, 548, 552, 554, 574, 645, 646, 678, 681, 709, 767

Addison’s disease of, 527, 617, 654, 682, 683, 704–5, 737

Algerian issue and, 711, 712

appeasement issue and, 357

appendicitis of, 163

Arvad and, 525–26, 540–42, 559, 604, 675

assassination of, xxiii, 80, 720, 784–85

back surgeries of, 568, 570, 682–84, 685, 686–87, 691

bank internship of, 528

Bay of Pigs and, 767–68

birth of, 49

cabinet of, 760

Catholicism of, 701–3, 707, 712–16, 721–25, 727–29, 731–35, 743–44, 747–48, 752, 753–55, 757–58

childhood of, 61–63, 85, 90, 99, 113, 126, 134, 142, 151, 169, 178

at Choate, 150–51, 162, 163, 169, 177, 182, 189, 195–97, 221, 224–26

civil rights and, 711–12

communism and, 641, 656, 668

congressional campaign of, 594–98, 599, 602–4, 611, 635

as congressman, 607, 617, 635, 639–42, 652–59, 663

during Depression years, 169

early schooling of, 85–86, 87, 89–90, 106, 149, 221

elected to Congress, 604

elected president, 749–57, 766

in England during JPK’s ambassadorship, 378

European travels of, 264, 377, 378, 379, 619, 639

Fitzwilliam and, 620

foreign policy of, 745–47

Foreign Relations Committee assignment of, 640–42, 684–85, 711

Forrestal and, 594

Graham and, 743, 757–58

Gridiron dinner and, 716–17

at Harvard, 240, 298, 317, 321, 424, 457

health problems of, xxiii, 56, 61–63, 85, 90, 106, 162, 177, 196–97, 239–40, 263–64, 298, 317, 326–27, 476, 477, 527, 528, 546, 549, 555, 558, 560, 568, 570, 579, 584, 589, 592–93, 617, 654, 677, 682–87, 701, 702, 704–5, 715, 719, 730, 737

Honey Fitz and, 635

inaugural address of, 764–65

inaugural gala of, 761–63, 772

inauguration of, 761, 764–65

Johnson offered vice-presidential nomination by, 738–39

JPK given advice by, 514–15, 607

Joe Jr.’s death and, 571, 578

as Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation president, 604, 613

JPK’s bond with, 63, 85, 162

and JPK’s fears of war, 296

JPK’s financial contribution to presidential campaign of, 716–18, 720, 721, 732

JPK’s involvement in campaigns of, 27, 602–3, 653, 658, 661–66, 668–69, 726–33, 736–41

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