The Passage of Power (128 page)

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Authors: Robert A. Caro

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Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, Austin, Texas

George D. Aiken, Carl B. Albert, Robert S. Allen, Stewart J. Alsop, Clinton P. Anderson, Eugenie M. Anderson, James Anton, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, Malcolm Bardwell, Kenneth E. BeLieu, Levette J. (Joe) Berry, Roland Bibolet, Sherman Birdwell, Hugo Black, James H. Blundell, Charles K. Boatner, Hale Boggs, Charles E. Bohlen, Richard Bolling, Paul Bolton, T. Edward Braswell, Jack Brooks, Marietta Moody Brooks, Edmund G. Brown, George R. Brown, Richard Brown, Russell
M. Brown, Raymond E. Buck, Anthony Buford, Waddy J. Bullion, Cecil E. Burney, Horace W. Busby, Bo Byers, James Cain, Joseph A. Califano, Elizabeth Carpenter, Leslie Carpenter, Clifton C. Carter, Clifford P. Case, John Brooks Casparis, S. Douglass Cater, Emanuel Celler, John Chancellor, Oscar L. Chapman, Warren M. Christopher, James E. Chudars, Frank Church, Ramsey Clark, Tom C. Clark, Earle C. Clements, Clark Clifford, Jacqueline Cochran, W. Sterling Cole, James P. Coleman, John
B. Connally, Donald C. Cook, John Sherman Cooper, Thomas G. Corcoran, John J. Corson, Ava Johnson Cox, Ben Crider, Otto Crider, Ernest Cuneo, Carl T. Curtis, Lloyd N. Cutler, Price Daniel, Jonathan Daniels, William H. Darden, Sid Davis, Homer E. Dean, Willard Deason, Marjorie Delafield, Claude J. Desautels, Nancy Dickerson, Ralph Dungan, Dudley T. Dougherty, Helen Gahagan Douglas, Paul H. Douglas, David Dubinsky, Clifford and Virginia Durr, Virginia Durr, Frederick G. Dutton, L.
T. (Tex) Easley, James O. Eastland, India Edwards, Louise Casparis Edwards, Allen J. Ellender, Roy Elson, Virginia Wilke English, James Farmer, Truman and Wilma G. Fawcett, Marie Fehmer (Chiarodo), Tom C. Ferguson, Thomas K. Finletter, Elaine Fischesser, Adrian S. Fisher, O. C. Fisher, Sam Fore Jr., Mrs. Sam
Fore Jr., Abe Fortas, Joe B. Frantz, Orville Freeman, Gordon Fulcher, Hector T. Garcia, Reynaldo G. Garza, Eugene B. Germany, Olga Bredt Gideon, W. Sim
Gideon, Arthur J. Goldberg, Irving L. Goldberg, Arthur and Elizabeth Goldschmidt, Elizabeth Wickenden Goldschmidt, E. Ernest Goldstein, Ashton Gonella, Callan Graham, Katharine Graham, Josh H. Groce, William Haddad, Walter G. Hall, Estelle Harbin, D. B. Hardeman, Robert Hardesty, Bryce Harlow, Mary Michelson Fish Haselton, Mrs. Jessie Hatcher, Carl Hayden, Walter W. Heller, Richard M. Helms, Charles Herring, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Betty Cason Hickman, Jack Hight, Lister Hill,
Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, Luther H. Hodges Sr., John Holton, Welly K. Hopkins, Welly K. and Alice Hopkins, Ardis C. Hopper, Walter Hornaday, Solis Horwitz, Hubert Humphrey, J. Willis Hurst, Henry M. Jackson, Robert M. Jackson, Jake Jacobsen, W. Ervin (Red) James, Leon Jaworski, Walter Jenkins, Alfred T. (Boody) Johnson, Claudia Taylor Johnson, Sam Houston Johnson, Luther E. Jones Jr., Marvin Jones, William H. Jordan Jr., William J. Jorden, Edward Joseph, Nicholas deB. Katzenbach,
Carroll Keach, Jesse Kellam, Edward M. Kennedy, Mylton L. Kennedy, Carroll Kilpatrick, Sam Kinch Sr., Robert Kintner, William Knowland, John Fritz Koeniger, Joseph Laitin, Eugenia Boehringer Lasseter, Gene Latimer, Ray Lee, Erich Leinsdorf, Kittie Clyde Leonard, Gould Lincoln, Otto Lindig, C. P. Little, R. J. (Bob) Long, Russell Long, Stuart M. Long, J. C. Looney, Kathleen C. Louchheim, John E. Lyle Jr., Warren Magnuson, George Mahon, Mike Manatos, Frank Mankiewicz, Gerald C.
Mann Sr. and Jr., Stanley Marcus, Leonard Marks, Thurgood Marshall, Joe Mashman, Margaret Mayer, Vicky McCammon, Eugene McCarthy, Sarah McClendon, Frank McCulloch, Ernest W. McFarland, Simon McHugh, Marshall McNeil, Harry McPherson, George Meany, Harris Melasky, Dale and Virginia (Scooter) Miller, Newton Minow, Clarence Mitchell, A. S. (Mike) Monroney, Booth Mooney, Powell Moore, A. W. Moursund, Robert W. Murphey, James P. Nash, Dorothy J. Nichols, Lawrence F. O’Brien,
Kenneth O’Donnell, Robert Oliver, Frank C. (Posh) Oltorf, Thomas P. (Tip) O’Neill, Hal Pachios, Wright Patman, James Cato Pattillo, Edwin W. Pauley, Harvey O. Payne, Drew Pearson, Arthur C. Perry, Carl L. Phinney, Robert L. Phinney, J. J. (Jake) Pickle, W. Robert Poage, Ella SoRelle Porter, Paul A. Porter, Harry Provence, William Proxmire, Graham Purcell, Daniel J. Quill, Mary Rather, Joseph L. Rauh Jr., Benjamin H. Read, Cecil Redford, Clarence Redford, Emmette S.
Redford, George E. Reedy Jr., Horace E. Richards, Chalmers M. Roberts, Charles Roberts, Juanita Roberts, A. Willis Robertson, Fenner Roth, Payne Rountree, Elizabeth Rowe, James M. Rowe, Luis Salas, Leverett Saltonstall, Harold Barefoot Sanders, Josefa Baines Saunders, Norbert A. Schlei, Arthur Schlesinger, Emmett Shelton, Polk and Nell Shelton, Hugh Sidey, Gerald W. Siegel, Ivan Sinclair, George A. Smathers, Bromley K. Smith, Carol Davis Smith, E. Babe Smith, Margaret Chase
Smith, Anthony M. Solomon, John Sparkman, Adrian A. Spears, Richard Spinn, Max and Evelyn Starcke, Arthur Stehling, John C. Stennis, Sam V. Stone, Robert Storey, Cecil Stoughton, O. B. Summy, James L. Sundquist, Stuart Symington, Herman E. Talmadge, Hobart Taylor Jr., Willie Day Taylor, J. William Theis, Donald S. Thomas, Homer Thornberry, Strom Thurmond, Bascom N. Timmons, Grace Tully, Stewart L. Udall, Jack Valenti, Mary Margaret Wiley Valenti, Cyrus R. Vance, Carl Vinson, H.
Jerry Voorhis, Earl Warren, O. J. Weber, Harfield Weedin, Edwin L. Weisl Jr., Edwin L. Weisl Sr., Wesley West, June White (Mrs. William S. White), William S. White, R. Vernon Whiteside, Gerri Whittington, Tom G. Wicker, Claude C. Wild Sr., James Russell Wiggins, Roger W. Wilkins, Roy Wilkins, Eugene and Helen Williams, Glen and Marie Wilson, Mrs. Alvin J. Wirtz, Wilton Woods, Wilton and Virginia Woods, Warren G. Woodward, Eugene Worley, James C. Wright Jr., Zephyr Wright, Milton
R. Young

John F. Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts

Jack Conway, Joseph Dolan, Fred Dutton, Peter Edelman, John English, Myer Feldman, Jeff Greenfield, Edwin Guthman, Milton Gwirtrzmann, Louis Harris, Hubert Humphrey, Nicholas deB Katzenbach, Robert F. Kennedy, Marjorie Lawson, Peter Lisagor, Burke Marshall, John Nolan, James Rowe, Pierre Salinger, John Seigenthaler, Theodore Sorenson, Charles Spalding, Joseph Tydings, Adam Walinsky, Bill Walton

United States Senate Oral History Program, Senate Historical Office

Leonard H. Ballard, Roy L. Elson, Grover W. Ensley, Pat M. Holt, Carl M. Marcy, Stewart E. McClure, Jesse R. Nichols, Scott I. Peek, Warren Featherstone Reid, Floyd M. Riddick, Darrell St. Claire, Dorothye G. Scott, Howard E. Shuman, George A. Smathers, George Tames, J. William Theis, Rein J. Vanderzee

Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas

George Aiken, Jack Z. Anderson, John Bricker, Herbert Brownell, Prescott Bush, Ralph Flanders, Barry Goldwater, Andrew J. Goodpaster, Homer Gruenther, Bryce Harlow, Robert C. Hill, Jacob Javits, Kenneth B. Keating, William F. Knowland, Edward A. McCabe, L. Arthur Minnich, Gerald Morgan, E. Frederick Morrow, Maxwell Rabb

Sam Rayburn Library, Bonham, Texas

Carl Albert, Robert S. Allen, Robert T. Bartley, John Brademas, Cecil Dickson, H. G. Dulaney, John Holton, Walter K. Jenkins, Lady Bird Johnson

Richard Brevard Russell Memorial Library, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Harry F. Byrd Jr., Robert Byrd, Lawton Miller Calhoun, John Thomas Carlton, Earl Cocke Jr., George W. Darden, William H. Darden, Robert Mark Dunahoo, James O. Eastland, Allen Ellender, Sam J. Ervin Jr., Luck Coleman Flanders Gambrell, Spenser M. Grayson, Mary Willie Russell Green, Roy Vincent Harris, Roman Lee Hruska, Hubert H. Humphrey, Lady Bird Johnson, Felton Johnston, Wayne P. Kelly Jr., Earl T. Leonard, Russell B. Long, Mike Mansfield, Powell Moore, Richard
Nixon, Patience Russell Peterson, William Proxmire, Barboura Raesly, Dean Rusk, Fielding B. Russell, Reverend Henry Edward Russell, Leverett Saltonstall, Carl Sanders, George Smathers, Clara Smith, Jack Spain, Ina Russell Stacy, Betty Talmadge, Strom Thurmond, Robert Troutman Jr., Samuel E. Vandiver Jr., Cash Williams,


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