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For Marji and Dick
—Loren Cordain
For Pat and Dennis
—Lorrie Cordain
To my husband, Chris, and my mom, Ellen
—Nell Stephenson
Writing a book
is always a labor of love, involving countless hours and the generosity of numerous people with their time, dedication, and hard work. However, this book would never have come about were it not for you, my faithful readers and followers of the Paleo Diet, who have popularized humanity’s ancestral diet and made “Paleo” a household word—thank you!
I want to especially express gratitude to my agent, Channa Taub, who tirelessly worked with us to create a book from simply an idea. Her warm enthusiasm and steady guidance over seemingly endless hours on the telephone are truly appreciated and made the arduous task of writing seem almost fun. Thanks to Tom Miller, my editor, for his enduring support and commitment to the Paleo Diet concept since its inception. Appreciation is due to Nell Stephenson for her passion and loyalty to the Paleo way of eating.
A special apology goes out to “the boys” for the summer that wasn’t—someday you will understand. And finally, thanks to Lorrie for her unwavering support and love over the past twenty years. I have enjoyed the ride.
Twenty-one years ago,
on the shores of beautiful Lake Tahoe, I attended the wedding of a friend and was introduced to Dr. Loren Cordain. Little did I know at the time that I was about to embark on a journey with an individual who would change the way millions of people view diet, nutrition, and the concept of healthy living. It has been my good fortune to participate in the quiet revolution that began with a simple question: what is the optimal human diet, and how does it relate to overall health?
Through dedication, perseverance, and integrity, Loren has answered this question and has systematically outlined for the scientific world, as well as the layperson, the link between the human diet and overall well-being. Together we have embraced the concept of the Paleo Diet, and we faithfully live by its principles. Most gratifying have been the countless testimonials from people all over the world who have written that after adopting the diet, they have rid themselves of lifelong ailments, eliminated the chronic symptoms of modern disease, and discovered renewed energy and vibrant health.
I want to thank Loren for his hard work, his commitment to answering the fundamental questions, and his unselfishness in mentoring countless individuals in successfully eliminating their health problems and restoring their vitality. Thank you, Loren. I too have enjoyed the ride.
In addition, I would like to thank my parents for the sacrifices they have made to help me reach my dreams. I am forever grateful. To my brother, Michael, my sincerest gratitude for your years of love and support during our incredible adventures together. You have enriched my life. I must express my appreciation to my three sons, Kyle, Kevin, and Kenny, for all of their patience and understanding when their parents were working nonstop to meet deadlines.
Thank you to Nell Stephenson for her contributions and her enthusiasm for this book. Special thanks to Channa Taub for her advice and her confidence in my writing abilities. Finally, thanks to Tom Miller for his willingness to take on this project and see it through to fruition.
Growing up with a hippie mom
was my introduction to a healthy approach to eating and being active, so much so that it’s always been an intrinsic part of who I am. Although at the time I was always the odd kid out, with raw veggies and cashews in my lunch while all the other children ate bologna on white bread, I now have nothing but appreciation for my mom’s dedication to making sure I ate only real food. Thank you for that, Mom!
I must acknowledge my wonderful husband, training partner, and best friend, Chris, for always encouraging and motivating me to follow my passion in nutrition and fitness and turn it into a successful business, and for being my number one taste tester for years’ worth of countless dishes, meals, and elaborate dinner parties that I’ve created or reinvented as Paleo-friendly foods.
Finally, thanks to Loren, not only for inviting me to coauthor this book but also for the decades of research that have gone into the Paleo Diet, which I truly believe is the way that all human beings were meant to eat. It has so significantly changed my life, my athletic performance, and my nutritional counseling business practices that I cannot imagine where I’d be if I had never discovered it. It’s been a wonderful opportunity to have worked with him and Lorrie, whose experience and expertise have been invaluable and with whom I’ve enjoyed collaborating tremendously.
he Paleo Diet Cookbook
represents a
practical plan for you and your family to cook and eat the healthiest diet on the planet—the diet to help you optimize your health and normalize your weight. The benefits of this lifetime way of eating are enormous: You will have more energy throughout the day. You will sleep better. Your mental outlook will improve, and all indices of your health and well-being will soar.