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Authors: Philip Kerr

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It was worth a look, too. Weisthor's taste in decoration was no less eccentric than mad King Ludwig's. There were strange-looking calendars, heraldic coats of arms, paintings of standing stones, Merlin, the Sword in the Stone, the Grail and the Knights Templar, and photographs of castles, Hitler, Himmler, and finally Weisthor himself, in uniform: first as an officer in some regiment of Austrian infantry; and then in the uniform of a senior officer in the S S.
Karl Weisthor was in the SS. I almost said it aloud, it seemed so fantastic. Nor was he merely an NCO like Otto Rahn, but judging from the number of pips on his collar, at least a brigadier. And something else too. Why had I not noticed it before — the physical similarity between Weisthor and Julius Streicher? It was true that Weisthor was perhaps ten years older than Streicher, but the description given by the little Jewish schoolgirl, by Sarah Hirsch, could just as easily have applied to Weisthor as to Streicher: both men were heavy, with not much hair, and a small moustache; and both men had strong southern accents. Austrian or Bavarian, she had said. Well Weisthor was from Vienna. I wondered if Otto Rahn could have been the man driving the car.
Everything seemed to fall in with what I already knew, and my overhearing the conversation in the hallway confirmed my earlier suspicion that the motive behind the killings was to throw blame on to Berlin's Jews. Yet somehow there still seemed to be more to it. There had been Himmler's involvement. Was I right in thinking that their secondary motive had been the enlistment of the Reichsführer-SS as a believer in Weisthor's powers, thereby ensuring the latter's power-base and prospects for advancement in the SS, perhaps even at the expense of Heydrich himself?
It was a fine piece of theorizing. Now all I needed to do was prove it, and the evidence would have to be watertight if Himmler was going to allow his own personal Rasputin to be sent up for multiple murder. The more so if it was likely to reveal the Reich's chief of police as the gullible victim of an elaborate hoax.
I started to search Weisthor's desk, thinking that even if I did find enough to nail Weisthor and his evil scheme, I wasn't about to make a pen-pal out of the man who was arguably the most powerful man in Germany. This was not a comfortable prospect.
It turned out that Weisthor was a meticulous man with his correspondence, and I found files of letters which included copies of those he had sent himself as well as those he had received. Sitting down at his desk I started to read them at random. If I was looking for typed-out admissions of guilt I was disappointed. Weisthor and his associates had developed that talent for euphemism that working in security or intelligence seems to encourage. These letters confirmed everything I knew, but they were so carefully phrased, and included several code-words, as to be open to more than one interpretation.
K. M. Wiligut Weisthor
Caspar-Theyss Strasse 33,
Berlin W.
To SS-Unterscharführer Otto Rahn,
Tiergartenstrasse 8a,
Berlin W.
8 July 1938
Dear Otto,
It is as I had suspected. The Reichsfuhrer informs me that a press embargo has been imposed by the Jew Heydrich in all matters relating to Project Krist. Without newspaper coverage there will be no legitimate way for us to know who is affected as a result of Project Krist activities. In order for us to be able to offer spiritual assistance to those who are affected, and thereby bring about our objective, we must quickly devise another means of being enabled legitimately to effect our involvement.
Have you any suggestions?
Heil Hitler,
Otto Rahn
Tiergartenstrasse 8a,
Berlin W.
To SS-Brigadefiihrer K. M. Weisthor
Berlin Grunewald
10 July 1938
Dear Brigadeführer,
I have given considerable thought to your letter and, with the assistance of SS-Hauptsturmführer Kindermann and SS-Sturmbannführer Anders, I believe that I have the solution.
Anders has some experience of police matters and is confident that in a situation created out of Project Krist, it would not be unusual for a citizen to solicit his own private agent of inquiry, police efficiency being what it is.
It is therefore proposed that through the offices and finance of our good friend Reinhard Lange, we purchase the services of a small private investigation agency, and then simply advertise in the newspapers. We are all of the opinion that the relevant parties will contact this same private detective who, after a decent interval to apparently exhaust his putative inquiries, will himself bring about our entry into this matter, by whatever means is deemed appropriate.
In the main such men are motivated only by money, and therefore, provided that our operative is sufficiently remunerated, he will believe only what he wishes to believe, namely that we are a group of cranks. Should at any stage he prove troublesome, I am certain that we will need only to remind him of the Reichsführer's interest in this matter to guarantee his silence.
I have drawn up a list of suitable candidates, and with your permission I should like to contact these as soon as possible.
Heil Hitler,
Otto Rahn
K. M. Wiligut Weisthor
Caspar-Theyss Strasse 33, Berlin W.
To SS-Unterscharführer Otto Rahn
Tiergartenstrasse 8a, Berlin W.
30 July 1938
Dear Otto,
I have learnt from Anders that the police are holding a Jew on suspicion of certain crimes. Why did it not occur to any of us that the police being what they are, they would frame some person, albeit a Jew, for these crimes? At the right time in our plan such an arrest would have been most helpful, but right now, before we have had a chance to demonstrate our power for the benefit of the Reichsfuhrer, and hope to influence him accordingly, it is nothing short of a nuisance.
However, it occurs to me that we can actually turn this to our advantage. Another Project Krist incident while this Jew is incarcerated will not only effect this man's release, but will accordingly embarrass Heydrich very badly indeed. Please see to it.
Heil Hitler,
SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Richard Anders,
Order of Knights Templar, Berlin
Lumenklub, Bayreutherstrasse 22 Berlin W.
To SS-Brigadeführer K. M. Weisthor
Berlin Grunewald
27 August 1938
Dear Brigadefiihrer,
My inquiries have confirmed that Police Headquarters, Alexanderplatz, did indeed receive an anonymous telephone call. Moreover a conversation with the Reichsführer's adjutant, Karl Wolff, indicates that it was he, and not the Reichsfuhrer, who made the said call. He very much dislikes misleading the police in this fashion, but he admits that he can see no other way of assisting with the inquiry and still preserve the necessity of the Reichsführer's anonymity.
Apparently Himmler is very impressed.
Heil Hitler,
Yours, Richard Anders
SS-Hauptstürmführer Dr Lanz Kindermann
Am Kleinen Wannsee
Berlin West
To Karl Maria Wiligut
Caspar-Theyss Strasse 33,
Berlin West
29 September
My dear Karl,
On a serious note first of all. Our friend Reinhard Lange has started to give me cause for concern. Putting aside my own feelings for him, I believe that he may be weakening in his resolve to assist with the execution of Project Krist. That what we are doing is in keeping with our ancient pagan heritage no longer seems to impress him as something unpleasant but none the less necessary. Whilst I do not for a moment believe that he would ever betray us, I feel that he should no longer be a part of those Project Krist activities which perforce must take place within this clinic.
Otherwise I continue to rejoice in your ancient spiritual heirloom, and look forward to the day when we can continue to investigate our ancestors through your autogenic clairvoyance.
Heil Hitler,
Yours, as ever,
The Commandant,
SS-Brigadeführer Siegfried Taubert,
SS-School Haus,
Wewelsburg, near Paderborn,
To SS-Brigadeführer Weisthor
Caspar-Theyss Strasse 33,
Berlin Grunewald
3 October 1938
Herr Brigadeführer,
This is to confirm that the next Court of Honour will take place here in Wewelsburg on the above dates. As usual security will be tight and during the proceedings, beyond the usual methods of identification, a password will be required to gain admittance to the school house. At your own suggestion this is to be GOSLAR.
Attendance is deemed by the Reichsfuhrer to be mandatory for all those officers and men listed below:
Reichsführer-SS Himmler
SS-Obergruppenführer Heydrich
SS-Obergruppenführer Heissmeyer
SS-Obergruppenführer Nebe
SS-Obergruppenführer Daluege
SS-Obergruppenführer Darre
SS-Gruppenführer Pohl
SS-Brigadeführer Taubert
SS-Brigadeführer Berger
SS-Brigadeführer Eicke
SS-Brigadeführer Weisthor
SS-Oberführer Wolff
SS-Sturmbannführer Anders
SS-Sturmbannführer von Oeynhausen
SS-Hauptsturmführer Kindermann
SS-Obersturmbannführer Diebitsch
SS-Obersturmbannführer von Knobelsdorff
SS-Obersturmbannführer Klein
SS-Obersturmbannführer Lasch
SS-Unterscharführer Rahn
Landbaumeister Bartels
Professor Wilhelm Todt
Heil Hitler,
There were many other letters, but I had already risked too much by staying as long as I had. More than that, I realized that, for perhaps the first time since coming out of the trenches in 1918, I was afraid.
Friday, 4 November
Driving from Weisthor's house to the Alex, I tried to make some sense out of what I had discovered.
Vogelmann's part was explained, and to some extent that of Reinhard Lange. And perhaps Kindermann's clinic was where they had killed the girls. What better place to kill someone than a hospital, where people were always coming and going feet first. Certainly his letter to Weisthor seemed to indicate as much.
There was a frightening ingenuity in Weisthor's solution. After murdering the girls, all of whom had been selected for their Aryan looks, their bodies were hidden so carefully as to be virtually impossible to find: the more so when one took into account the lack of police manpower available to investigate something as routine as a missing person. By the time the police realized that there was a mass-murderer stalking the streets of Berlin, they were more concerned with keeping things quiet so that their failure to catch the killer did not look incompetent — for at least as long as it took to find a convenient scapegoat, such as Josef Kahn.
But what of Heydrich and Nebe, I wondered. Was their attendance at this SS Court of Honour deemed mandatory merely by virtue of their senior rank? After all, the S S had its factions just like any other organization. Daluege, for instance, the head of Orpo, like his opposite number Arthur Nebe, felt as ill-disposed to Himmler and Heydrich as they felt towards him. And quite clearly of course, Weisthor and his faction were antagonistic towards ‘the Jew Heydrich'. Heydrich, a Jew. It was one of those neat pieces of counter-propaganda that relies on a massive contradiction to sound convincing. I'd heard this rumour before, as had most of the bulls around the Alex, and like them I knew where it originated: Admiral Canaris, head of the Abwehr, German Military Intelligence, was Heydrich's most bitter opponent, and certainly the most powerful one.
Or was there some other reason why Heydrich was going to Wewelsburg in a few days? Nothing to do with him was ever quite what it seemed to be, although I didn't doubt for a minute that he would enjoy the prospect of Himmler's embarrassment. For him it would be nice thick icing on the cake that had as its main ingredient the arrest of Weisthor and the other anti-Heydrich conspirators within the SS.
To prove it, however, I was going to need something else besides Weisthor's papers. Something more eloquent and unequivocal, that would convince the Reichsfuhrer himself.
It was then that I thought of Reinhard Lange. The softest excrescence on the maculate body of Weisthor's plot, it certainly wasn't going to require a clean and sharp curette to cut him away. I had just the dirty, ragged thumbnail that would do the job. I still had two of his letters to Lanz Kindermann.
Back at the Alex I went straight to the duty sergeant's desk and found Korsch and Becker waiting for me, with Professor Illmann and Sergeant Gollner.
‘Another call?'
‘Yes, sir,' said Gollner.
‘Right. Let's get going.'
From the outside the Schultheiss Brewery in Kreuzberg, with its uniform red brick, numerous towers and turrets, as well as the fair-sized garden, made it seem more like a school than a brewery. But for the smell, which even at two a.m. was strong enough to pinch the nostrils, you might have expected to find rooms full of desks instead of beer-barrels. We stopped next to the tent-shaped gatehouse.
‘Police,' Becker yelled at the nightwatchman, who seemed to like a beer himself. His stomach was so big I doubt he could have reached the pockets of his overalls, even if he had wanted to. ‘Where do you keep the old beer-barrels?'
‘What, you mean the empties?'
‘Not exactly. I mean the ones that probably need a bit of mending.'
The man touched his forehead in a sort of salute.
‘Right you are, sir. I know exactly what you mean. This way, if you please.'

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