The Pack-Retribution (10 page)

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Authors: LM Preston

BOOK: The Pack-Retribution
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Valens brought her hand up to his lips, lingered and then kissed it. Sliding his hand to grip her fingers, Valens gently nipped at the tip of Shamira’s finger. “That knows someone.” He got off the bike and strode over to the gate while Shamira followed. “Sam? Sam? I’m here.”

Shamira followed behind Valens and he snaked an arm low around her hips. A gray haired older guy with dark brown skin and bright black eyes limped up to the gate smiling.

“I figured you were running late. I closed the place so it would be empty for you.”

Valens gave the man a genuine smile. “Thanks Sam, you always look out for me. This is Shamira. The one I told you about.”

Sam’s grin got wider. “Hello, you are a beauty. Look at those eyes. Skin like cinnamon, just like you said.” He handed Valens a flat computerized key. “Well, you two have fun.”

“Thank you, Sam,” Shamira said with a smile.

“No. Thank you. Both of you remind me of my wife and I at your age. Inseparable.” Sam limped away.

“C’mon. I want you to see this place.” Valens tugged her with him, and stole a quick hug. His nose tickled her neck before he planted a soft kiss just below Shamira’s ear.

A giggle escaped from Sharmira’s lips as neck warmed where he kissed her. She tilted her chin then shyly pecked his lower lip.

“I love when you do that,” his voice deepened.

“What?” She closed her eyes and just breathed in his scent.

“Kiss me on your own.”

Shamira smiled, then opened her eyes before stepping away. Valens shrugged at her distance then grabbed her hand and tugged Shamira alongside him.

She gazed around the garden and was in awe. She’d never smelled anything so wonderful. The scents, although strong, seemed to blend together in soothing harmony. They were planted and potted in a way that made designs of different Earth birds. Aggravation and grief from the last few days seemed to hang inside her like lead, but melted away at Valens kind gesture. It bought her out of that place where she felt safe and where Valens fought to keep her out of, the place in her heart and mind where she buried herself in barriers miles thick.

The garden seemed to go on for forever. Real grass, imported from earth. Tulips and roses mingled together as they flanked large statues of ancient humans garbed in clothes from an older time. Warmth surrounded them in a moistened blanket as the slight smell of fresh water mixed with the fragrant blossoms.

“Here, down this path is your surprise.”

Shamira stopped walking. “Surprise? You know I don’t do surprises.” But she couldn’t help the bubble of excitement in her chest at his teasing.

“You are so lying.” Valens kissed her on the cheek and led her down the brick paved walkway through the flowering trees.

A gasp escaped her lips. They walked into the clearing of neatly cut grass surrounded by hanging flowers of pink, white and yellow. A large red blanket was spread out with a woven basket in the middle. Matching checkered lounge pillows were stacked neatly next to the picnic basket.

“I have no words.” Shamira bought her hand up to her lips. “This is beautiful. I…”

He twisted her around to him and kissed her softly on her lips, his hands cradling her face. “You’re beautiful. And I love you.” Before he could cover it, a brief flicker of pain showed in the depths of his gaze.

Giving in, she relaxed her face to show him how she felt. Something she didn’t do often, she whispered. “I love you, too. Thank you. For loving me even though…though I don’t know how to show it.” She hugged him close.

The stress of the last few days laid heavy on her. She took a guilty moment to rub her face against his chest. The secret fear that the attacks were directed at her filled her with such sadness it was a struggle to keep from crying, right there in his arms. Keeping this secret was the hardest thing Shamira had to do since finding her friends, but she didn’t have a choice. She had to figure out who was doing this and save her team.

“Hey, we better enjoy this feast Sam put together for us.” Valens tugged her with him. He plopped down on the soft blanket and snuggled her close on top of him. Valens rested his hands on the curve of her hips. Then he nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck. “Ummm, you smell good.”

“Stop it. That tickles.” She let out a weak giggle. “I’m hungry. I didn’t eat breakfast since I was sneaking out of the house.”

“Good, then it’ll be me feeding you.”

She beamed. “Let me up so I can take a peek.”

Valens wrapped his arms around her waist. “Nope.” He held her firmly. His stare held such hunger that it scared her.

Shamira swallowed back a sob at his naked expression of love. “You and I both know I can win this, right?”

“No fair. You can’t use your strength outside of the duties of the Security Force, directive 23-987.”

“You got me there.” Shamira pursed her lips.

“Don’t tease me like that.” Valens tsked her. “You want to get up, then you have to tell me something.”

Shamira studied Valens face, suspicious. Every time they played this game, she always told him way more about herself than she’d ever admit to anyone. “What?”

“What did that guy say to you at Nan’s?”

Shamira nibbled her bottom lip. “What makes you think he said anything?”

“I was behind you when you had him down. I wanted to make sure you were okay since my creep took off. I saw this…look on your face. Something I have never seen there before.”

“I’m not talking about this now. Let me up.”

Valens sighed and released her. Shamira sat next to him and crossed her legs. Her eyes were glued on the basket of food.

“Didn’t mean to push too hard.” Valens stood and opened the basket. “It’s just…what happened to Nan, I feel like…like it was my fault.” He handed her a croissant filled with jelly.

She grasped it and bit off a piece. “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know someone would follow us there. We all thought it was just an attack against Cal.”

He grumbled, “Attacking Cal is the same as attacking the Security Force, a direct threat to all of us. I should’ve known we were targets too.”

“I knew, and still wanted you to take us to Nan. It was my decision. I’ll take the blame.” She stuffed the croissant in her mouth, feeling horrible about how Valens felt. And that others who trusted Valens were killed because of her decision.

“I don’t need you to take blame for this. I’m a man, 18 years old, and never had a problem claiming what’s mine. I knew Nan trusted me. I also knew that no one in that neighborhood wanted a Security Force member there. If it wasn’t those men, it would’ve been someone else.”

“I know.” Shamira finished off her food and took the juice offered. Changing the subject, she inhaled loudly. “I remember Earth had a lot of flowers. It smelled like this when I first stepped foot there for my eye surgery. But going there at that time sucked because when I came back, David had been kidnapped. At least when we went to Earth earlier last month to be fitted into our technosuits my nose adjusted to the smells.”

“Yeah, it was fun. I haven’t seen that many of my cousins in a long time. My dad was glad he was able to be there too.” Valens lowered his gaze. “He got to visit my mother’s grave.”

Nervously she looked at him. His love of Earth scared her. “Do you still want to move there?”

Valens hugged her close between his legs and rubbed her arm with is thumb. “No. I’m on the Mars Force for good. Besides, all my friends are here.” Lifting her chin, Valens kissed her. “You’re here.”

“Yeah, you sure do have your fair share of friends and then some.” Shamira delivered a soft punch to his stomach. “But do you have to like everyone? Like Katie.”

“Jealous?” Valens chuckled.


“I like people. You know, helping them if I can. My mother was that way. That’s what I remember most about her. Besides, I figure if she can’t be here with me, I could at least…well, share a piece of what I remember of her with those who need it.”

“Oh, I get it. I’m your charity case?” Shamira exhaled. “Someone you have to take care of?” She pulled away and crawled to the pillows to put some space in the middle of them. Her stomach filled with butterflies, but she couldn’t look at Valens when he answered.

Valens crawled up close and his embrace caged her in. “You were never a charity case. When I first met you, you were setting some street pusher up for a beating. I was just glad I was able to get in on the fun.” His finger traced her jaw. “Yeah, and when I followed you to set up Lenny. You knocked him out by yourself.” Valens pecked her lower lip, and trailed kisses along her chin to her ear. Then whispered, “No, I’m your charity case. Just glad that you let me in that place you hide. Happy, that I’m the only one that knows the real you. That you’ll share that special piece of yourself that you keep hidden.” He took her bottom lip in his before deepening their kiss. “With only me.”

She closed her eyes as her heart melted just a little more.

Chapter 16

Shamira sneaked in the back door of the house. The walkway lit as she tip-toed in, the smile still on her face from the time she had with Valens. Although she loved him, more than she ever thought to allow herself, she wondered how long she could do both. Be with him and become the person she needed to be to lead the Security Force. She’d struggled with this for the entire year while training with Cal.

Cal had never really talked about his wife. A girl he’d met while he was in training for the Force. But Shamira’s mom had told her that Cal’s wife was killed during a shootout with the Mars police and some thieves robbing a store. Cal’s wife wasn’t an Elite Officer with the enhanced power of the technosuit. She was one of the Mars Police. The Mars police were well-trained officers, but they had to rely on their weapons and training only. They weren’t dipped in the special suit that fitted the Elite officers as a second skin to protect them and enhance their strength. Cal, her mom said, was devastated after the death and made it known his focus would always be his job. He’d decided not to remarry.

Shamira groaned. That’s what her focus needed to be. Reaching her dream, and saving the many lives that were affected by how well a job she did. Her love of Valens snatched away the strategic edge she had when she was blind. Extreme focus with no emotional distractions was something she took for granted then. This new life filled with love and relationships still unbalanced her. The insecurity she felt with Valens never left. Did he really love her, or was he with her because he saw that she needed him? Was she holding him back from his dream of living on Earth? He was so charismatic and handsome that all of the girl cadets, save Hedi, flirted with him every chance they got—like she wasn’t worthy to have him.

Maybe, not dating any other boys was her problem. The whole situation made her feel uneasy about her relationship with Valens. This relationship thing was hard. It hurt her every time she saw disappointment or pain in his gaze when she pushed him away. How much more pushing away could he take before he gave up? When he could have someone love him as openly as he loved her, why would he allow her to keep her feelings hidden away from him?

Sure, Valens said he wanted to come into her safe place. She loved him too much to fool herself into believing that what she offered was enough. Valens deserved more, much more.

Luckily, the others had left the house. Shamira went to her room to change and do some research before the team came to go to the Outlands. Her room was bathed in dim lighting. She’d never liked it bright. With a crack of her neck, Shamira tossed her jacket on the purple blanket on the bed. Amped up, she kicked off her shoes and snatched up a brush to pull through her waist length hair.

She sat at the computer and tapped her fingers. Guilt at second-guessing her team crept up her back, Shamira pushed passed it and logged into the computer. Using the hacking skills she’d perfected with Hedi’s help, Shamira downloaded a list of questioned Security Force and Mars Police Officers that were suspected of dealings with Monev. Her eyes bulged at the size of the list. Twenty-five members of the Mars Security Force Elite’s three-hundred were serious suspects. The beat cops—the Mars Police—had almost one-hundred of the thousand that were suspected of dirty double dealing with Monev.

“You’ve gotta be kidding. That many possible dirty force members playing both sides.” She bit her lip and scrolled down the list. “No way!” Shocked at her discovery that all but ten of the members suspected were released back to their jobs, two of the Security Force Elite members, and eight of the Mars Police were put to death in the execution Waters on Earth after their trial.

One by one Shamira checked her teammates’ psychological profiles. Mitch, Kurt, and Hedi seemed to have the most problems adapting to being free. She was stunned to realize that all of them suffered from insomnia and night terrors for which treatments weren’t working. Shamira was surprised because they’d never mentioned it. All of them were changed by the events that led up to the destruction of Monev, but truth was, none wanted to talk about it. They never discussed their adjustment problems; they’d grabbed at the chance to be normal kids. At least it seemed that way. Truth was, after living a life of fighting for your life, they would never be normal. They had just been through too much, and seen too much, to pretend it was safe on Mars.

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