The Outlaws: Rafe (43 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Outlaws: Rafe
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He's gone."

"Is he?"

I should have known he'd be involved in this."

"This is strictly my idea, Desmond.
If Rafe had his way you wouldn't receive a cent of my money.
Do we have a deal?"

Desmond looked as if he wanted to kill someone.
His eyes spewed hatred in his contorted features.
"You've backed me into a corner; I have no recourse but to agree to your terms.
When do you plan to make the trip into town?"

Excitement thrummed through Angela.
At long last Rafe would be a free man.
Free to love her and free to plan a future.

"Tomorrow morning."

"When will I get my gold?"

"Right after we talk to the sheriff."

"I want to be as far away from Canyon City as I can get when Chandler learns I betrayed his confidence."

"Don't worry, he'll be behind bars where he can't hurt you.
Meet me at ten tomorrow morning with the buckboard.
If Anson asks, tell him you're taking me to town for supplies."

Dexter nodded curtly.
"If you're finished, I'll leave now.
I've got plans to make and clothes to pack."

He headed for the door.
Angela didn't stop him.
Elation was a heady emotion.
Success was another.
Soon, she promised herself, soon Rafe will be free to love me.


A raw wind ruffled Dexter's hair as he slowly made his way back to the cabin he shared with Chandler.
Soon, he thought, soon he'd have the money he desperately needed.
So what if he had to betray Chandler?
It wasn't as if Chandler had done anything for him.
Chandler had failed at the simple task of persuading Angela to marry him.
Furthermore, Chandler had killed a man in cold blood.

A shiver passed through Dexter.
Had he not heard Chandler's confession with his own ears he wouldn't have believed his friend capable of killing a man who'd been bound and gagged and unable to defend himself.
He knew little of the details except that Chandler had told him he'd been in the right place at the right time and had turned the situation to his advantage.

The cabin was empty when Dexter arrived.
The fire in the hearth flickered lifelessly and Dexter fed it until the flames leaped high.
Winter wasn't even here and already he was feeling the cold.
He couldn't wait to leave the mountains for civilization.
He pulled out a carpetbag and began tossing his belongings inside.

Moments later the door opened and Chandler blew inside on a chill wind.

"What did you and Angela talk about?" Chandler asked, moving close to the fire to warm himself.
"I saw you both entering her cabin."
His gaze settled on the carpetbag.
"Going somewhere?"

"Thought I'd move into town for the winter," Dexter said, unable to look Chandler in the eye.
"Angela and I just talked about my leaving."

"I could use your help before you leave.
I'd like you to accompany me inside the mine to collect any tools the miners might have left behind.
Four eyes are better than two."

"Can't you do it alone?
I'll fix something for us to eat while you're gone."

"I really do need you, Dexter.
It won't take long if we work together."

"Very well, but you know I don't like going into the mine."

Ignoring his complaints, Chandler hustled Dexter out of the cabin.
Chandler struck a match to a lantern he found at the mine's entrance and all but pushed Dexter inside.

Thirty minutes later only one man emerged from the mine.
He returned to the cabin and left again a few moments later carrying a carpetbag.
He reentered the mine and walked out not long afterward...empty-handed.


Angela couldn't wait for Rafe to appear that night.
She knew he'd be thrilled with what she'd accomplished despite his warning not to meddle.
Telling him he'd be a free man tomorrow was bound to soothe his ruffled feathers.

Rafe arrived shortly after dark, several hours earlier than usual.
He seemed exited when he greeted her with a hug and a kiss.

"I've decided on a course of action," Rafe revealed.

"Rafe, that's not necessary," Angela began, I've already..."

"Don't interrupt, sweetheart.
I'm determined to end this infernal waiting once and for all."

"But Rafe, let me explain..."

"You, Chandler and Dexter are alone up here now that the mine is closed," Rafe continued, ignoring Angela's attempts to explain.
"Tomorrow, ask Dexter to drive you to town for supplies, then leave Chandler to me."

"But Rafe..."

"Your job will be to bring the sheriff back up here with you.
I don't care how you do it, just do it.
Leave the rest to me.
By the time I finish with Chandler he'll be eager to confess to Brady's murder."

"But Rafe..."

"No, I know what you're going to say.
You're afraid I can't make Chandler talk.
Well, you're wrong.
You'll see."


"Don't try to talk me out of this, Angel.
I'm tired of running, sick of hiding.
I want to show my face in public without fear.
I want to walk the streets a free man."

"I know," Angela sympathized.
"It's going to happen, Rafe.
That's what I've been trying to tell you.
I convinced Desmond to testify against Anson.
We're going to town to see the sheriff in the morning."

"You what!
What did I tell you about courting danger?
My God, Angel, this whole thing could have blown up in your face.
Dexter could have told Chandler."
A shudder passed through him.
"They both could have turned against you."

"It worked, Rafe.
Desmond is desperate for money.
He knows I'll never marry Anson, and rather than lose everything, he's agreed to tell the sheriff that Anson told him he'd killed Baxter."

Rafe's lips flattened.
"How much did it cost you?"

"I can afford it.
Aren't you pleased?
Tomorrow you'll be a free man."

"It just seems too damn easy.
Listen, Angel, I wouldn't count on Desmond coming through for you."

Angela refused to let herself believe that.
All her hopes and dreams rode on Desmond's compliance.
"You'll see, it will all work out.
Desmond can be trusted when it involves money.
Are you hungry?"

"Hungry for you," Rafe said, hugging her fiercely.
"Let's go to bed.
I want to sleep with you in my arms all night long.
When dawn arrives, I hope it will be the last time I'll have to leave you.
I want a home, a family."
He searched his face.
"How do you feel about children?"

"I'd love your children."

He touched her stomach.
"You're not..."

Placing her hand over his, Angela gave him a mysterious smile.
"I don't know yet but it's definitely a possibility."

His arms tightened around her.
"If Dexter doesn't come through for you, I'll find a way to clear my name so we can more on with our lives.
Our children won't have an outlaw for a father if I can help it."

Angela touched his brow, smoothing away the worry lines.
"You're no outlaw, Rafe.
Soon the whole world will know it."

If ever a time existed for Rafe to tell his Angel that he loved her, this was it.
But he resisted the urge to bare his soul.
He wasn't free yet to give his heart.
When he told Angel he loved her, he wanted nothing to spoil that special moment.
No worries about the law, just a bright future stretching before them.

Sweeping her from her feet, he carried her to the bedroom.
Their clothing flew in every direction as they undressed each other.
With one goal in mind they fell into bed, both aroused to the point that no further foreplay was needed.
Rafe entered her quickly.
She climaxed immediately, then climaxed again when Rafe sought his own pleasure.

They slept, made love a second time, then slept again.
Shortly before dawn, Rafe shook Angela awake.
"It's time for me to leave, sweetheart."

"So soon?" Angela answered sleepily.
"You just got here."

"I've been here for hours."
He kissed the tip of her nose and tenderly pushed a silky strand of tangled blond hair away from her face.
"Go back to sleep, Angel.
You don't have to meet Dexter for hours yet.
You won't be alone.
I'll be trailing behind you to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"I'm so happy," Angela murmured drowsily.
"Everything is finally going our way."

Angela had already fallen back to sleep when Rafe tiptoed out the back door and into the cold, gray dawn.
He wished he were as confident as Angel about today's outcome.
What if the sheriff didn't believe Dexter?
What if Dexter reneged on the deal and refused to talk?
Rafe shook his head, trying to think positively and not dwell on the disastrous things that could happen.
He hoped for the best but was prepared for the worst.


Angela awoke late to a bright day filled with hope and promise.
Excitement thrummed through her.
After today Rafe would be a free man.
She sang her favorite song as she rose and kindled the banked fire in the hearth.
She always sang when she was happy and today she had so much to be thankful for.

Angela dressed carefully, choosing a blue serge skirt with a wide waistband that emphasized her small waist and a white blouse with lace collar and cuffs.
Too stimulated to eat a hearty breakfast, she drank two cups of strong coffee and nibbled on a stale biscuit.
At the stroke of ten she stepped outside to meet Dexter.
Warning bells went off in her head when she saw Anson Chandler waiting beside the buckboard.

"Where's Desmond?" Angela asked in a strangled voice.

Chandler's deceptive smile was far from comforting.
"I drove him to town at dawn.
He left on the early stage."
He pulled out his watch.
"He's long gone by now.
He asked me to drive you to town today.
He said you needed supplies."

Angela's hand flew to her throat.
No, this couldn't be happening.
"Desmond didn't mention anything to me about leaving when we spoke yesterday.
You're lying."

"What reason would I have to lie?"

Desperation rode Angela.
"Desmond had no money."

The sun suddenly slid behind a cloud, turning the promising day dark and dismal.
But it couldn't compare with the bleakness within Angela's heart.
Why would God do this to her?

"I had some money set aside," Chandler said.
"Desmond seemed so eager to return home that I gave it to him."

Anson's smug smile hinted that he knew more than he was letting on about the deal she had struck with Desmond.
Had Desmond betrayed her?
What was she going to do now?

"Are you ready to go to town?
I've got some business there myself."

Angela backed away.
"I...I've changed my mind.
I'll go tomorrow.
But you go on.
Find yourself lodgings while you're there.
I have no further need of you, now or in the future."

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