The Outlaws: Rafe (30 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Outlaws: Rafe
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He pulled the hat down low over his forehead.
"I'll be careful."
He started forward and Angela plodded after him.
They reined in at the general store.

"There's money in your saddlebags," Rafe said as Angela dismounted.

Angela found the money, peeled off a few bills and put the rest back.
"I won't be long."

She tied her horse to the hitching post and started toward the store.
She hadn't gone five steps when she stopped abruptly, her eyes focused on one of the wanted posters placed prominently on a post outside the store.
Blood rushed to her head and her heart pounded erratically.
She glanced over her shoulder to see if Rafe had seen the poster bearing the pictures of the Gentry brothers.

"I see it," Rafe said quietly.
"Pretend the poster doesn't mean anything to you and go about your business."

Angela nodded jerkily and walked into the store without a backward glance.

Rafe's eyes narrowed as he studied the poster bearing a rather bad likeness of him and his brothers.
The poster boldly proclaimed the Gentry brothers bank robbers, and offered a five hundred dollar reward for their capture.
Rafe wondered why there wasn't another poster beside it, charging Rafe Gentry with the murder five people.

Pulling the brim of his hat down lower, he turned his head away from passersby.
He thought it highly unlikely that he would be recognized, given the poor quality of the picture on the poster, but he wasn't taking any chances.
He breathed a sigh of relief when Angela exited the store wearing a tan hat atop her blond hair and carrying a cloth sack filled with the supplies she'd purchased.
Rafe dismounted, took the sack from her and fastened it to his saddle horn.
He didn't relax until the town was behind them.

Each night Rafe selected secluded spots for them to camp.
Though he kept a sharp eye out for Indians, Rafe saw nothing to indicate their presence in the area through which they traveled.
Whenever they were fortunate enough to camp beside water, they soaked away trail dust and grime.
On most nights they shared a bedroll.
If they were too tired to make love, Rafe just held Angela close, wondering how long fate would give them before snatching away his happiness.

Rafe couldn't begin to describe the kind of contentment he'd found with Angel.
Nothing about their meeting had been what one would call conventional.
She had saved his skin and ended up married to him, something neither of them had really wanted.
He felt bound to her by an emotional bond that cut deep into his soul.

One night they camped on the banks of the Arkansas River, giving Ordway a wide birth.
Rafe said they might rest the next day so Angela took advantage of the leisure time to wash their dirty clothes and string them over bushes to dry.
Then she stripped, washed the clothing she was wearing, and immersed herself in the cool water.

Rafe joined her a short time later, having caught and spitted a pair of rabbits for their supper.
He shed his clothes and waded in, splashing water over his wide shoulders as he made his way unerringly to Angel's side.

"There will be more than beans and bacon tonight for supper," Rafe said, smiling.
"I set two rabbits beside the fire to cook."

"My mouth is watering already," Angela returned.

Her mouth
watering but it was due more to watching Rafe strip than from want of food.
Never would she tire of looking at him.
She'd seen a stature once in a museum in Wichita that didn't hold a candle to Rafe's magnificent form.
There wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere on his body.
The best part was that no fig leaf concealed that male part of him more powerfully arousing than a cold marble statue could ever be.

"What are you thinking?" Rafe asked.
"You're so quiet.
Not still conjuring up ways to convince me to return you to the Golden Angel, are you?"

"I suppose we've passed the point of no return now," Angela said.
"I've resigned myself to seeing this through, whatever it is you're trying to prove.
I just hope you don't regret it."

Rafe frowned.
"Regret what?
Taking you with me or trying to prove my innocence."

"Both," Angela said.
"I'm afraid you've set yourself an impossible task.
You should have disappeared while you had the chance.
Gone west to California, maybe, or north to Montana.
Anywhere the law couldn't touch you."

He shook his head.
"I need to prove something to you."

"But at what cost?
Honestly, Rafe, sometimes you can be so stubborn it boggles my mind."

She dipped her head beneath the water and began working soap into her long tresses.

"Let me do that," Rafe said, shoving her hands aside.

A moan slipped past Angela's lips when Rafe, having finished washing and rinsing her hair, turned his attention to her body.
He soaped her upper torso first, then dipped down below the water to run the soap over her limbs and private parts.
When she felt his hands sliding up the inside of her leg, she moved restlessly.

Behave yourself."

He gave her a wicked grin, not in the least apologetic.
"How can I behave with an alluring temptress seducing me?"

"You're insatiable.
For your information, I'm not trying to seduce you.
Turn around so I can wash your back."

Rafe handed her the soap and dutifully turned around.
After she scrubbed his back she moved around to his front and soaped his chest.
Her hands wanted to stray downward but she knew where that would lead so she handed him the soap and told him to finish bathing himself.
He looked so disappointed she wanted to laugh.

"Don't leave yet," Rafe said when she started to wade back to shore.

"Shouldn't the rabbits be turned?
They might burn."

His voice was rough with need, his silver eyes glazed.
"The hell with the rabbits, "I'm the one burning."

She gave him an exasperated look.
"Rafe, this isn't the right time to..."

"I disagree, Angel.
This is exactly the right time.
It hasn't been easy just holding you while you slept, but I knew you were exhausted.
I realize this constant riding hasn't been easy on you, that's why I decided we should rest a day before going on.
After I make love to you tonight, you can sleep the entire day through tomorrow."

She threw him a saucy glance over her shoulder and continued toward shore.
He shook himself, sending great droplets of water in all directions, then he took off after her.
Soon it became a lighthearted romp, something badly needed by both of them to relieve the tension they'd been under since leaving the Golden Angel.
He caught her by the ankle before she could scramble up the riverbank and pulled her back into the water.
She went under, and came up sputtering when he lifted her from the water by the shoulders.

"Rafe Gentry, are you trying to drown me?"

"Drowning you isn't what I have in mind, sweetheart,"

As if to prove where his mind dwelt, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to their bedroll.
Then he knelt beside her, lowered his head and licked the droplets of water that had gathered between her breasts.
When the rough pad of his tongue lapped at her erect nipples, she moaned and clasped his head between her palms, holding it in place against her swollen breasts.

This is madness," she gasped, arching into his mouth.
"Every time we make love increases our chances of making a baby."

He lifted his head and stared at her.
"Would that be so bad?
You're my wife."

"This isn't a good time.
Children need a full time father."

Rafe's eyes narrowed as he reared back on his haunches.
"You could already be carrying my child."

"Don't say that!"

It wasn't the thought of having Rafe's baby that upset Angela, it was the uncertainly of Rafe's future, of their future.
Assuming God allowed them one.

"I'm sorry the thought of having my child disturbs you," Rafe bit out.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," Angela protested.
"Neither of us know what tomorrow will bring."

"That's why we should live for today."

"And if there is a child?"

"I hope to be around to help raise it."
He silver eyes grew opaque.
"But if I'm not, I know you'll be the best mother a child can have.
The mine will give you all the security you need."

Angela scooted onto her knees, her eyes fiercely challenging.
"Damn you, Rafe Gentry!
Do you think I care about security?
Those aren't the words I want to hear from you."

Rafe's jaw jutted out pugnaciously.
"What do you want me to say?
That I need you?
Very well.
I need you.
Are you satisfied?"

"Tell me more," Angela whispered.

"You're my guardian Angel.
When we met, marriage was the last thing I wanted from you.
I should have listened to my conscience before you snared me into your tender web, rode away, and never looked back.
I'm not good enough for you, Angel."

Angela felt tears gathering at the corners of her eyes and dashed them away with the back of her hand.
Rafe needed her; he didn't love her.
That wasn't what she wanted to hear.
The words had sounded almost desperate, as if love was something that would complicate his life.

"Did you abduct me from my bed simply because you needed me?
Is that all you've got to say?"

His hands clenched into fists at his sides.
"I...I can't explain it.
I couldn't stand the thought of Chandler having you.
You belong to me, Angel, whether or not I deserve you.
Leaving you unprotected wasn't an option after I saw you kissing Chandler.
That scheming bastard doesn't want you; he's after your money."

Angela lurched to her feet.
"Don't you think I know that?"
She glared at him.
"Do you want to know how I feel about you?"

Rafe's expression grew glum.
"I already know.
You married me because you're an angel, a woman who hadn't the heart to let a man hang.
You never meant for our marriage to be permanent.
I'm the one who stuck around when I should have left you to seek a better life.
One without me."

Angela gave an exasperated snort.
"How typical of a man.
If you believe that, you're dumber than I thought.
I wanted to prove Chandler had something to do with Baxter's murder.
He could be the killer, but you saw fit to remove me from my home, thus curtailing my investigation.
How do you expect to clear your name without my help?
Surely you know by now that I'm...fond of you."

His eyes glinted pure silver in the waning light.
His stance broadened, his arms wound with steely resolve around her, crushing her to him, bringing her into the vee of his wide-spread thighs.
He wanted to absorb her, to feel her melt beneath him, to feel her softness accommodate his hardness.
He needed to hear her say she loved him even though he didn't have the right yet to unburden his heart.
He was an outlaw, wanted for multiple crimes.

"Just fond?
If I were an optimist I'd read more into those words."

His head lowered and his mouth covered hers.
His tongue swept between her lips, caressing hers in a deep, carnal stroke.
He kissed her until her chest felt deprived of air, until her knees buckled and she was his to do with as he pleased.
He seemed to recognize the moment of her capitulation for he lowered her to the bedroll and followed her down.

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