The Other Shore (39 page)

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Authors: Gao Xingjian

Tags: #Drama, #Asian, #General, #Literary Criticism, #Chinese

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Roosters never lay eggs


An island in the Pacific Ocean

It never sinks no matter what

He lays a trap

And he traps himself


One day the war breaks out

Nobody is alive

And this house exists no more

The sun still shines over the lawn


Mozart is dead

Some people still play the quartet

It would not be so sad

There’s no sugar in the coffee


Tea is always bitter

Some teas are sweet

A left-handed person

A fable that is a parable but not speakable


One day he lays a trap

And this house exists no more

Taborsky’s son

He is called Taborsky


He eats breakfast every morning

There’s no sugar in the coffee

The sun still shines over the lawn

It would not be so sad


An island in the Pacific Ocean

Some people still play the quartet

A left-handed person

It never sinks no matter what


When the war breaks out

Tea is always bitter

Mozart is not dead

Some teas are sweet


A fable that’s a parable but not speakable

Roosters never lay eggs

Speakable but not a parable

A parable but not speakable




10 January 1995, France.


This play was commissioned by the Bibliotheque Municipale de Joué-Lès-Tours and sponsored by Le Centre National du Livre de France.

Some Suggestions on Producing Weekend Quartet

1. The play can be used as a recitation text, a radio drama or a stage performance. The text, combining drama, poetry, and narrative, can easily be accompanied by music.

2. During the performance the four characters are on stage at all times except during the breaks; it is as if they are members of a quartet playing at a concert.

3. Each character has his or her own point of view. As there are four characters, there will be four points of view. In case of the same incident being enacted in different scenes, the director should alter the angle of vision, change the positioning of the characters, or rearrange them in a contrasting manner.

4. The same character should distinguish between the first, second, or third person point of view while he is engaged in a monologue, dialogue or in a conversation involving three or four speakers. This awareness provides the performance with new possibilities. The actor could choose to play the role (when speaking in the first person) or not play the role (when speaking in the third person), or he could also take on the image of his character in the eyes of other characters. There are many options, and the overall design may require the coordination on the part of the director.

5. When an actor has mastered the three different points of view in the dialogues, he will not find it difficult to clearly define his own character and the characters of others and play his part among them. When the dialogue is in the second person, the actor adopts the identity of a neutral actor, and he can address the character he is playing or address the audience directly. When the dialogue is in the third person (“he” or “She”), the actor, taking on the identity of a neutral actor, can explain the character he is playing to the audience or to his addressee in the play.

6. The play has appropriated some structural elements of musical composition, thus logical development and chronological sequence of the plot elements are not its major concerns. Changes in mood are more important than the unfolding of the story. It is essential, more so than any other stage techniques, that the different scenes should be accorded corresponding time span and tempo during the performance.

7. A realistic stage design should be avoided because there are many shifts between reality and imagination, memory and dream, and thought and narration in the play. As for set design and spatial arrangement, it is advisable to use only a few movable doors, chairs, and tables in different combinations. This can be coordinated with changes in lighting or by switching the lights on and off. The actors’ costumes and props can be changed behind the doors; there is no need for exits. In this way the tempo of the performance is quickened and the structure tightened.


The above suggestions are for reference only.

Appendix A

Plays Written by Gao Xingjian



Absolute Signal

Bus Station

Modern Shorts

The Imitato

Hiding from the Rain

Tough Walk

The Pass at Mount Habala


Wilderness Man

The Other Shore


The Story of the Classic of Seas and Mountains


Between Life and Death

Dialogue and Rebuttal

Nocturnal Wanderer

Weekend Quartet

Appendix B

Selected Criticism on

Gao Xingjian’s Plays




Barmé, Geremie. “Bufang huangdan yixia—Jieshao Gao Xingjian he tade zuopin
” 〈不妨荒誕一下—介紹高行健和他的作品《車站》〉(It Does not Matter to be a Bit Absurd—An Introduction to Gao Xingjian and His Bus
).—Trans. by Zhang Zebo 張澤波.《香港文學》, 9 (1985).

Beijing Renmin Yishu Juyuan
Juedui Xinhao
Juzu 北京人民藝術劇院《絕對信號》劇組, ed. “
Juedui xinhao” wutai yishu tansuo
〈《絕對信號》舞臺藝術探索〉 (Explorations into the Dramaturgy of
Absolute Signal
). Beijing: 中國戲劇出版社, 1985.

Chen, Fangzheng 陳方正. “
zhiwai de shengsijie—juzuojia Gao Xingjian yinxiangji” 〈《靈山》之外的生死界—劇作家高行健印象記〉 (The Boundary Between Life and Death Beyond
Spiritual Mountain
—Impressions of the Dramatist Gao Xingjian).《信報》(Hong Kong), 26 Oct. 1993.

Chen, Ganquan 陳敢權. “Cong
kan Gao Xingjian de xiju lilun” 〈從《生死界》看高行健的戲劇理論〉 (A Look at Gao Xingjian’s Theory of Drama from the point of view of
Between Life and Death
Dramatic Arts
《戲劇藝術》(Hong Kong: 香港演藝學院), 9 (1995).

Chen, Liyin 陳麗音. “
yu Gao Xingjian de xijuguan” 〈《生死界》與高行健的戲劇觀〉 (
Between Life and Death
and Gao Xingjian’s View on Drama). Paper presented at the “International Conference on World Chinese Playwriting” held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, December 1993.

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Da, Yong 大勇. “Gao Xingjian xinzuo
” 〈高行健新作《野人》〉 (
Wilderness Man
, A New Play by Gao Xingjian).《劇本》, 7 (1985).

Ding, Yangzhong 丁楊忠. “Tanlu—
Juedui xinhao ji qita
” 〈探路—《絕對信號》及其他〉 (Asking the Way—
Absolute Signal
and Other Opinions).《劇壇》, 2 (1983).

Ding, Yisan, Qu Liuyi, Tong Daoming, Su Yu, and Zhao Huan 丁一三、曲六乙、童道明、蘇予、趙寰. “Dui you zhengyide huaju jubende zhengyi—Zhongguo Xiju Wenxue Xuehui zhaokai you zhengyide huaju juben taolunhui fayan jiyao” 〈對有爭議的話劇劇本的爭議—中國戲劇文學學會召開有爭議的話劇劇本討論會發言紀要〉 (The Controversy Surrounding Controversial Drama—A Summary of the Speeches Delivered at the Seminar on Controversial Drama Organized by the China Society of Studies on Dramatic Literature ).《劇本》, 7 (1985).

Du, Qingyuan 杜清源. “Huajude tezheng yu huajude biange” 〈話劇的特徵與話劇的變革〉 (Drama: Its Characteristics and Changes).《文藝通訊》, 11 (1984).

“Dui wutai zhenshide zhizhe zhuiqiu” 〈對舞台真實的執著追求〉 (The Earnest Pursuit of Realism on Stage).《作品與爭鳴》, 3 (1983).

Fengzi 鳳子. “Kan
” 〈看《野人》〉 (On
Wilderness Man
).《光明日報》, 13 June 1985.

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xiao juchang yanchu” 〈小議《絕對信號》小劇場演出〉 (
Absolute Signal
Performed in a Small Theatre: A Preliminary Discussion).《戲劇報》, 13 (1982).

de zhengming” 〈關於《車站》的爭鳴〉 (The Controversy Surrounding Bus Station).《戲劇論叢》, 3 (1984).

“Guanyu jige huajude zhengming (
Juedui xinhao he Chezhan
)” 〈關於幾個話劇的爭鳴(《絕對信號》和《車站》)〉 (The Controversy Surrounding Certain Plays [
Absolute Signal and Bus Station
]).《劇本》, 2 (1985).

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Bus Station
).《文藝報》, 3 (1984).

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Juedui xinhao
guangan” 〈話劇藝術形式的可貴探索—無場次話劇《絕對信號》觀感〉 (A Valuable Exploration on Artistic Form—
Absolute Signal
, A Play Without Act Divisions ).《老人天地》, 4 (1985).

Hu, Yaoheng 胡耀恒. “Yi yanyuan wei zhuzhoude xiju—lun Gao Xingjian de xiju yishu” 〈以演員為主軸的戲劇—論高行健的戲劇藝術〉 (Actor-Centred Theatre—On Gao Xingjian’s Dramaturgy).《中央日報》(Taipei), 23 Dec. 1995.

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Bainian gengyunde fengshou
《百年耕耘的豐收》(Plenitude of a Hundred Years of Cultivation). Taipei: 帝教出版社, 1995.

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).《文藝評論報》, 15 Aug. 1983.

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” 〈從現實到莫須有的彼岸—評高行健的戲劇《彼岸》〉 (From Reality to the Other Shore of Nonexistence—On Gao Xingjian’s
The Other Shore
).《明報》(Hong Kong), 18 Apr. 1995.

Ma, Wenqi 痳文琦. “Shuiyue jinghua” 〈水月鏡花〉 (The Moon in the Water and the Flowers in the Mirror).
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). In Lin Kehuan, ed.
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” 〈《山海經傳》序〉 (Preface to
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” 〈孤獨的尋美心靈—評高行健的《彼岸》〉 (The Lonely Heart In Search of Beauty—On Gao Xingjian’s The Other Shore).《信報》(Hong Kong), 12 April 1995.

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