The Other F-Word (17 page)

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Authors: MK Schiller

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: The Other F-Word
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“Sorry,” he said, kissing the inside of my wrist. “Let me do your hair.”

I nodded, turning around and wondering what had happened. I didn’t think too much though—his fingers massaging my scalp with the masculine smelling shampoo was robbing me of coherent thought.

“That’s the door,” he said, and the annoying banging sound registered for me too. “I’ll be right back.”

I watched him exit the shower with a billow of steam following him like a cloud of magic. He walked with the grace of a dancer, but the swaggering strut of a confident man. And that glorious ass moved right along with him. Asses like that weren’t made…they were built. He put on the black robe that had been hanging on the door, smiling at me before exiting.

I finished up, turning off the shower and wrapping the towel around me. I was not looking forward to wearing my sweaty clothes again. Maybe we could be naked for a little while longer.

The door opened. He walked in behind me, placing a garment bag on the hook by the door. “I promise no more interruptions. Oh, you got out of the shower?” He sounded so disappointed, I almost laughed.

“There’s only so much hot water a woman can take.”

“That’s too bad,” he replied, licking his lower lip.

“Don’t worry, I’m still wet.”

He lunged after me, pulling the towel off in one swift motion. His strong hands grasped my hips, lifting me to the marble countertop in the empty space between the double sinks. I undid the knot on his robe, pushing it away from his shoulders. He knocked on the counter three times, causing the sound to ricochet in the room.

“You know, the biggest argument I got when redesigning the hotel was on the bathroom vanities. I insisted they be as tall as possible and the architect was pissed because he had to redo his plans, but right now, I know it was the best fucking decision I made.”


“Because this is going to be so much more comfortable for me…and you.” He hooked his arms under my thighs, managing to spread my legs and push me back at the same time.

My knees were up, with my feet and ass planted on the cold surface. His lips followed a clear path of delineation, marking a trail down my body, before he buried his face in my sex. I stared at him, struggling not to squirm with the sudden pleasure, but his arms held me firmly in place. He licked me fast and deep, rocking my whole body, until his tongue began thrusting, rolling back and forth. I tugged his damp, dark hair and leant back against the mirror, still slick from steam. He paused and kissed the inside of each thigh, biting the skin there gently before resuming his slow, passionate probing. He sucked on my clit, bringing it into his mouth and releasing it in slow, pleasurable agony.

“Damien,” I whimpered, feeling myself let go. I clasped onto the faucets on each side of me as my body shook from the orgasm. Before I could regain my breath, his strong arms encircled me, sliding me forward to the edge of the vanity. I gripped his shoulder in fear I’d topple off.

“I won’t let you fall, Jessie. I never will,” he said.

I had a feeling he meant it in more than the physical sense. He entered me with his rock-hard cock, pushing into me deeper than I thought possible.

“You feel so damn good, Jessie,” he said, nuzzling my neck. He cradled me, keeping me at an angle as he propelled himself deeper still.

I swear even the chandelier above me was swinging. I wrapped my legs around his waist, aiding the momentum of each movement, and I moaned his name like it was the only word I knew. I think in that moment it was.

I wasn’t sure how he was able to keep me so aroused. Perhaps it was because it had been so long, or maybe he was just that amazing. It was probably a combination of both. One thing was for sure, I had never felt such satisfaction and lust before, especially at the same time. The muscles on his forearms flexed with every advance. His eyes reflected the carnal desire I felt. He tipped my head up, grabbing a fistful, and pulled it back. I arched my back and he buried his face in my neck, planting wet kisses there, which caused my climax to reach new heights as I shook against him. The room smelt of fresh soap and hot sex. My arms were limp, but that didn’t prevent me from holding him closer, not wanting to let him go. Damien’s hands glided up my back as his lips brushed against my ear.

“Don’t hurt me, Jessie,” he whispered. It was the most shocking request he could have made. I opened my mouth to form some kind of reassurance, but he covered it with his. Then he pulled out and handed me the towel.

“I had our clothes sent to the cleaners.”

“What are we going to wear, Damien? I have to leave soon. I work this afternoon. As comfortable as it is, I can’t exactly go to my car in a hotel robe.”

“I had the concierge pick out some clothes for you. They’re in the garment bag. I’m sure everything will meet your approval. There are toiletries in the drawers if you need anything.” He wrapped a soft beige towel around his waist.

Then it all made sense. The soap and shampoo in the shower hadn’t been packaged for a hotel. Hell, the bathrobe was monogrammed. “This is where you bring women to fuck them,” I said in an even voice.

He nodded with a sad smile, tucking a piece of my damp hair behind my ear. “I’m entering asshole territory here, but you’re right. This is my personal suite. I didn’t plan it this way, Jessie. I would have taken you to my place, after a fancy dinner and some fine wine. I would have done all the right things, and we would have waited. But you in those running shorts and pink bra…well, I’m just a weak man in your presence.”

I pulled him close to me. “I’m not much for tradition anyway.”

“I don’t think I’ll be needing this suite anymore,” he said, exhaling against me.

It surprised me how deep of a breath he’d been holding.

“But let me make it right. Let me do all the right things now with you…for you.”

My heart fluttered and flopped all over the place. Was Damien Wolfe real or had I made him up and right now I was lying in bed dreaming all this? I never wanted to wake up. “It’s a shame you’re giving up this room.”


“Because I love that shower.”

“Wait till you see the one in my apartment. That one will require a much longer training session, though.”

He left me so I could get dressed. I unzipped the garment bag a little gleefully, acting like a kid at Christmas. Unfortunately, the clothing was very similar to the stuff my Aunt Fern sent me every holiday. An oversized beige silk blouse with a huge ruffled collar and two pink bows over the pockets that would make me look like a queen…and I mean a drag queen. It was paired with a matronly floral skirt that came down to my ankles. The sandals that came with them were beige and boring too. Even the underwear had that grandma flair. My girly senses were tingling. I knew what this was…a very clear message.

“Damien,” I called from the bathroom. “Is the concierge friends with Kelly Harris by any chance?”

“That’s funny you should ask. They’re sisters. Why?”

“Just curious.” I had a few choices. I could complain. What would he do if I did? I knew he’d fix it, and hold the parties responsible. The way he’d spoken to Kelly earlier made that clear. I could just wear it and look ridiculous, but this was not my style, and I refused to be forced into intimidation by another woman. I was a resourceful girl so I solved my own problem. I ripped the collar straight off the shirt. It was cheap fabric so it gave way easily. There was nothing I could do about the skirt. Thankfully, the shirt was long enough to come a few inches above my knee, in a sexy but not obscene way. It was two sizes too big for me, so I tied the ruffled collar around my waist as a belt. It was a fine accessory if I ever saw one. I found a pair of scissors in a drawer and snipped off the ribbons, braiding them through the shoes to add some needed colour, then French braided my hair, tying another ribbon through it.

Damien knocked on the door. “Jessie, are you okay in there?”


“Good. I ordered some food.”

I walked out of the bathroom, nervous to see if I had succeeded in my silly quest. As soon as I saw his lustful expression, I knew I had.

He sat at the dining table in the living area, dressed in khaki shorts and navy blue Polo shirt. I could see him in a Polo ad—he had that look like he belonged on a yacht somewhere, but it didn’t quite fit his personality.

“You look great,” he said. “Sit.”

Before I could take the chair next to him, he pulled me down on his lap, kissing my neck. “I don’t know if I can let you leave. I mean, I haven’t even got acquainted with these legs yet.” He ran his hands up and down my bare legs, causing me to shiver against him. “Perfect.”

He was perfect. I took his wrist, staring down at the face of his expensive silver watch.

“Shit, I have to go.” How had so much time passed already?

“Not until you eat something. I ordered you a stir-fry. I hope that’s okay. There weren’t many choices.”

“It’s great, but I’m running late.”

“Jessie, just eat with me. You can’t just use me for my body and run out on me. It makes me feel cheap.”

I giggled, cupping my hand over my mouth. How did he get me to laugh so much? “Fine, but you need to stop touching me, Damien.” I stood up and took the seat next to him. The food did smell delicious and I was starving.

He leaned over the table, staring at me while I ate.

“Why do you keep looking at me?”

“You’re pretty, that’s why.”

I’m pretty sure I blushed so hard my cheeks were the same colour as that red ribbon in my hair.

“Do you want me to drive you?”

“No, I have my car here.”

“It can stay here. I can have someone bring it to your house later. I own the parking lot, you know.”

“Can we agree to something?”

“What do you want, Jessie?”

“I don’t want to publicize our relationship.”

He looked hurt, and I shook my head quickly, stumbling to find the right words. “It’s just that my kids aren’t used to seeing me dating. You’re a public figure and I don’t want them to see a photo or something of us. Plus, I don’t want anyone at the library thinking you chose the charity because we had a relationship.” My jaw dropped as the thought formed in my head. “Oh, God, you didn’t choose us because—”

He held up his hand. “No, I didn’t. The library was on my short list of charities and I had the meeting set up for weeks. I think all of our chance meetings, except for the restaurant, had to do with that other four-letter F word.”

“Which one is that?”


I thought of myself as a freethinking cynic, but I had to admit our meetings did seem fateful.

He tilted his head. “Are you embarrassed to be with me?”

I laughed, choking on my water so badly he had to pat my back.

“Are you okay, Jessie?” He changed the patting motion to a slow, circular rub.

“I’m fine. Were you joking? You’re an eligible, rich-as-hell, sexy-as-sin fucking billionaire.”

“I’m just a kid from north of Detroit that made some good deals.”

“Can we just take this slow? I’m out of practice.”

“I’ll do whatever you want, as long as we agree we are together. You’ll find I value my privacy as well. I’ve been very careful with the media.”

“Thank you.”

He tilted his head, a wry smile gracing his lips. “Want to have dinner tonight?”

“Sure, but I don’t get off until nine.”

“That’s too bad.”


“I wanted to get off sooner than that.”

I almost choked again. “You are very naughty and I really have to get going.” I wiped my mouth and gave him a quick kiss. I ran off before he could make me change my mind.

On my way out, Kelly Harris stopped me again. Hell, was she waiting for me? This girl had some serious issues.

“You know that’s supposed to be a shirt, right?” Her voice dripped with sarcasm that matched her theatrical eye-roll.

“I like it better this way,” I replied, not letting my smile falter.

“I should give you some womanly advice about Damien Wolfe.”

“That’s incredibly sweet of you. Nothing like womanly advice, I always say.”

She took a deep breath, placing her manicured hand on my shoulder as if this were a friendly exchange—it was anything but and we both knew it. “That room is like a revolving door. He’s had many women up there and rarely the same one twice, if you know what I mean. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Her words hit their mark, but I wasn’t about let her know that. “Thanks for the advice. Please allow me to return the favour. You are a beautiful girl and I’m sure you have a great personality, although I have not had the advantage of witnessing it. I appreciate your concern, but you need to focus your attention elsewhere because Damien Wolfe is mine. And as for the revolving door, it’s been nailed shut and sealed, so it’s probably a good idea you stop trying to enter it. I wouldn’t want to see
get hurt either.”

Her smug smile transformed into a tight grimace.

I walked away before she could retaliate. He was different with me. I felt that in my heart, and from all his reassurances. Unfortunately, Kelly had managed to cast a few cracks in my newfound confidence.

Chapter Fifteen

“I want to thank you all for giving up your Saturday to help with this. Basically, we just need to make sure all the envelopes get stuffed for the benefit.” I looked around the large library table. None of my co-workers except for Arty had volunteered, so I’d enlisted the help of my family. They hadn’t exactly volunteered either, but I promised I’d stop baking bean brownies if they helped, so here we were.

Stevie, Marley, Kate, Arty and I worked quietly for a while. It wasn’t long though before I heard the rumblings of an argument between my daughters.

“Stevie, this is my pile, leave it alone. I have a system.”

“Your system sucks.”

“Mom, please tell your other daughter to leave my stuff alone,” Marley whined.

Damn…a mother’s job was never done. “Listen, I explained to you girls how to behave at the library like twenty years ago. Let’s not repeat the lecture.”

“Look, Adam’s here,” Stevie said.

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