The Other C-Word (6 page)

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Authors: MK Schiller

BOOK: The Other C-Word
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I sat, trying to avoid Rick’s intense gaze. He chuckled when I adjusted my skirt, but I ignored him.

“Rick will be here for a few months and the work he’ll be doing is very intense.” I knew all this from the morning meeting, so I was wondering why Mr Henley was re-hashing it for me. “He’ll need help with the marketing plans, budgets, deciphering spreadsheets.” Just then, my stomach decided to growl. It was embarrassing, but I hadn’t eaten lunch and right then, even the Vegan chili in my lunchbox made my mouth water. “He’ll need an assistant and we both think you’ll be perfect.”

I sat up in my chair so fast it hurt my spine a little. “You want me to be his assistant?” I asked wide-eyed.

“Actually, Rick’s analytical skills are already paying off. It was his suggestion, and I couldn’t agree more. It will work out so well, since he’s taking Bellman’s old office anyway. You don’t even have to move your desk.” I had an inkling why Rick, or rather ‘Dick’, would want me to be his assistant, and I didn’t like it at all.

“But, Mr Henley, I’m not sure I’m qualified for that.”

“Marley, if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times, please call me David. I appreciate how respectful you are, but I really would prefer it.”

I nodded, but knew I would find the request difficult. I liked to call him Mr Henley, maybe because he was older.

“It seems like a perfect match in my estimation. You’ve done similar research and materials with Bellman, and Rick can bring you up to speed on anything he needs.”

I felt an odd mismatch of emotions. I was grateful I wouldn’t be losing my job. I was terrified to be working with this gorgeous man for the next four months. I was irritated he was the one saving my job. I was nervous because of his mischievous smile and whatever plans he had for me.

“Marley, if you’re not comfortable with the prospect of being my assistant, I’m sure we can find someone else. I just assumed you would be a good fit based on your background. I have a great deal of work to do. In fact, so much so, that there will be copious amounts of overtime,” Rick interjected, completely interrupting the gamut of emotions rushing through my head.

I didn’t acknowledge him.
Overtime? What is that code for?
I wondered how to go about filing a sexual harassment complaint with HR. This was something I’d probably need to know fairly soon. I chanced a sidelong glance at Rick and sure enough, he smirked at me. I didn’t give him the satisfaction of a response. The truth was, I really did need my job. I lived at home, but I paid my mom rent and had a ton of student loan debt. Plus I wanted to get Stevie something special for her wedding. If it meant being uncomfortable and irritated for the following four months, working with the arrogant GQ model sitting next me, I could handle it. I’d just have to lay down some explicit ground rules and let him know I wasn’t the kind of girl who would spread her legs, no matter how shimmering his eyes were, or how perfect his sandy brown hair fell upon his face, or how cute the dimple on his cheek looked, or how soft his lips appeared. I restrained myself from continuing with the litany of his alluring features before I got to his body. Nope, I was not that kind of girl.

I met his gaze with my own steely one and smiled brightly. “I’d be happy to work with you.”

I exchanged a few more pleasantries with Rick and Mr Henley before I excused myself to go back to my desk. Kathy held out an empty cardboard box to me, smiling brightly. I shook my head. “Thanks for your concern, but I won’t be needing that,” I replied, relishing her look of dismay.

I barely had time to text Dillon before Rick walked in with his bags. He stopped at my desk, and I forced myself to look up at him.

“Can I help you?”

He flashed me a mischievous smile. “I just wanted to say I’m glad we’ll be working together, Garter Belt Girl.”

I clenched my fists, feeling the rage well up within me. “You can’t say stuff like that to me. This is a place of work and you have to be professional.”

He feigned a look of contriteness, but I saw the smirk threatening to peer through. He coughed as if he was uncomfortable, but I knew it was an act. “Sorry… Ms Garter Belt Girl.” His statement was a blanket confirmation of my suspicions.

“Are you insane? Do you think I’m going to be your office slut?”

Rick’s expression quickly turned serious and apologetic. It didn’t fool me. He backed away, holding his hands out in some sort of calming gesture. “No, Marley, sorry about that. I guess you bring out my playful side. I had no intention of making you feel uncomfortable and hope you’ll forgive my transgressions. We’ll have a completely professional relationship, I promise you.”

“Why did you ask for me?” I bet
would have given up Kathy or any other assistant in this office to Rick.

“Because you’re single and have no children.”

I couldn’t believe he’d said it with a straight face. I stood up in a lame attempt to be intimidating, but being a foot shorter than Rick, even in Stevie’s Louboutins, I doubted I pulled it off.

“What? You asked that? How is that supposed to speak of a professional relationship?”

“Because it means you can work a lot of overtime.”

“Ugh!” I sighed in frustration. “What is overtime code for?”

His smirk returned, disarming me, but I retained the majority of my fury. Rick was thoughtful for a second then spoke very slowly, as if I were a small child. “Well, it means you work additional hours than the normal workweek and receive supplemental compensation as a result.”

“Oh, you’re going to compensate me now? I’m not a whore.”

Rick tugged at the knot on his tie, and I saw he was now truly uncomfortable. I also realised my voice was an octave too high and although a closed door separated us from the rest of the office, it would be best to calm down.

“Marley, please let me explain. I seriously have a lot to accomplish in a short time. You said yourself you were a displaced employee so you seemed like a perfect fit. We are not going to replace Bellman as his position was somewhat redundant. I expressed to Henley I needed an assistant who was willing to stay late and typically that means someone who has fewer family obligations. I think you spoke very passionately about this company during the drive, and I want someone who speaks their mind. I also reviewed your résumé with
and noticed you have a good deal experience with spreadsheets, tabulations, charts and pivot tables. I will require all of these items to assess the needs of this company. If you feel uncomfortable with my playfulness, I apologise, and I’ll stop if you want me to. If you choose not to accept this assignment, I’ll completely understand that as well. You are an employee here, and I am a contractor, which means that you are not my direct employee. You will report into
, although I suppose, I am your acting boss. However, I have no direct influence on your raises, promotions or reviews. I believe there were a few moments where we had a strong camaraderie in the car, and I’d like to catalyst that into a sound working relationship, but if you don’t believe that’s the case, I completely understand.”

He folded his arms across his chest, waiting for my answer. I was still reeling from his lecture. I took a deep breath and regained my composure.

“Look, Rick, I appreciate the fact I still have my job. I like working here. I am a professional and an adult and more than capable of doing my job.”

“Excellent, so we’re in agreement then?” he asked, holding out his hand. I shook it warily. A boyish grin spread across his face. “I’m looking forward to working with you, Marley.”

It occurred to me after he walked in his office that I never told him to stop flirting with me.

* * * *

Rick emailed me a task list of items to complete for him. It was actually the first time in weeks I had something purposeful to do. The mailroom man arrived with two large cardboard boxes for Rick and left them by the door. I lifted one and took it into his office, only to have Rick jump from his desk and take it out of my hands.

“Why didn’t he bring it in here? You shouldn’t be carrying that.”

“You sound like a male chauvinist,” I replied cynically.

He shook his head impatiently. “No, Marley, I’m a gentleman, there’s a difference.” His voice was full of quiet authority. He set the box on his desk and retrieved the other one before I could. I noticed the address label—he’d mailed them from
New York
. It was actually a smart idea not to lug them on an aeroplane. He struggled to open the cartons though, trying vainly to lift the packaging tape. I went to my desk and returned with my box opener. Rick had been smart enough to mail the boxes, but he sure was having a tough time getting to the contents.

I easily sliced through the packaging tape on the larger box. Rick looked up and smiled gratefully. “Look at that, you’re assisting me already.”

“What is all this stuff?”

“Manuals, books, office paraphernalia.”

I started removing the books from the box. My stomach grumbled again and I silently cursed it. It was audible and Rick stared at me with an amused expression.

“Was that your stomach?”

“Yes, I skipped lunch,” I replied.

“Why?” His gaze was penetrating, and I felt like I was in school again facing a teacher’s reprimand.

“I was called into a meeting with the owner of the company telling me about my new assignment during my lunchtime.”

He shook his head and I prepared for another lecture, which was the last thing I needed. “Why don’t you get something to eat?” he suggested with concern.

“The cafeteria’s closed, but I’ll get something from the vending machine later.”

“That machine’s full of junk.” He reached inside his jacket pocket and handed me a protein bar. “Eat this, it’ll fill you up.”

I stared at the simple, brown package. “A Zesty bar?”

“Consider it a peace offering. It has lots of protein and isn’t full of calories like other nutrition bars.”

“Thanks,” I said, putting it down on the desk and taking out more books from the box.

“Marley, sit and eat now.”


“Because I need you to focus and your grumbling is distracting me.” He curled his lips in a light-hearted smile, but there was an underlying seriousness in his words too, as if he was genuinely worried about me. I noticed he kept staring at the red marks on my wrists. I lowered my sleeves so they wouldn’t be visible.

I nibbled on the bar timidly, since I’d never found a protein bar that didn’t taste like cardboard, but this one was delicious. It was sweet, but not too sweet. “This is very good.”

Rick nodded, seemingly pleased by my acquiescence. Truthfully, I was starving and I might have eaten his right hand had he offered it. I chewed slowly, stealing sidelong glances as Rick put away the many items from the boxes. He took off his suit jacket, revealing the promise of a muscular frame underneath his crisp, white shirt. I shifted my gaze away from him. It seemed dangerous to stare straight on, kind of like looking at the sun.

“What’s this?” Rick asked motioning to the corner. I laughed at Mr Bellman’s jungle like trough of plants housed in a gaudy, brass planter box. They were overgrown and badly in need of transplanting. Mr Bellman had insisted the tacky foliage added ambience to his office, but unfortunately, he’d left that unwelcomed ambience behind for my enjoyment.

“It’s a plant,” I replied dryly, rolling my eyes.

“Is it real?”

“Yeah, it expels oxygen and everything.”

Rick regarded the planter box with hands on his hips with unease. “I’m not very good at taking care of plants.”

“Do you want me to water it?”

“I guess, unless you don’t care if it dies.”

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