Read The Origin of Satan Online
Authors: Elaine Pagels
Tags: #Religion, #Christianity, #History, #Christian Theology, #General, #Angelology & Demonology
“Pharisees and scribes” (or at least as gullible disciples,
susceptible to seduction by these teachers). Fourteen hundred
years later, Martin Luther, for example, would come to see his
former fellow Christians—Roman Catholics—as the “Pharisees
and scribes” against whom Jesus warned his disciples. While
most believers see in Christ and his message the power to
overcome the forces of evil in the world, some dissenting
Christians ever since the second century have claimed that the
gospel itself has been co-opted by the forces of evil.
But the author of the
Testimony of Truth
goes far beyond the
“protesting” Christians of the Reformation and later times.
Convinced that Christ's message is precisely the opposite of “the
law”—that is, the Hebrew Bible—this teacher raises radical
What is the light? And what is the darkness? And who is the
one who created the world? And who is God? And who are the
angels? . . . And what is the governance (of the world)? And
why are some lame, and some blind, and some rich, and some
Approaching the Genesis story with questions like these, this
teacher “discovers” that it reveals truth only when one reads it in
reverse, recognizing that God is actually the villain, and the
serpent the holy one! This teacher points out, for example, that
in Genesis 2:17, God commands Adam not to eat from the fruit
of the tree in the midst of Paradise, warning that “on the day that
you shall eat of it, you shall die.” But the serpent tells Eve the
opposite: “You will not die, for God knows that when you eat of
it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing
good and evil” (3:4—5). Who, asks the
, told the truth?
When Adam and Eve obeyed the serpent, “then the eyes of both
were opened, and they knew that they were naked” (3:7). They
did not die “on that day,” as God had warned; instead, their eyes
were opened to knowledge, as the serpent had promised. But
when God realized what had happened, “he cursed the serpent,
and called him ‘devil’ ” (Gen. 3:14-15).35 Now that Adam had
attained godlike knowledge, God decided to evict him from
Paradise, “lest he reach out his hand and eat of the tree of life and
live forever” (Gen. 3:22), attaining eternal life along with
“What kind of god is this god? . . . Surely he has shown
himself to be a malicious envier,”36 says the author of the
Not only is this god jealous of his own creation, he is
also ignorant and vindictive. And what of the serpent, whom
God cursed and called “devil”? According to the
Testimony of
, the ser-
pent who led Adam and Eve to spiritual enlightenment is
, appearing in this disguise in Paradise to release
Adam and Eve from “the error of the angels”37—that is, error
induced by malevolent supernatural “rulers,” who masquerade
as God in this world.
Another anonymous Christian teacher whose writing was
discovered at Nag Hammadi was asked by one of his students
what “the great apostle” Paul meant when he warned that “our
contest is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of
the universe and the spirits of evil” (Eph. 6:12). He replied by
writing a secret revelation called the
Reality of the Rulers
, which,
he says, “I have sent you since you have asked about the reality
of the [cosmic] rulers.”38 The teacher explains that “their chief
[the God of the Hebrew Bible] is blind; because of his power and
his ignorance and his arrogance, he said, . . . ‘It is I who am God,
and there is none apart from me.’ ”39 This teacher then says:
When he said this, he sinned against the whole place. And a
voice came forth from above the realm of absolute power,
“You are wrong, Samael,” that is, “God of the blind.” . . .
And he said, “If anything else exists before me, let it become
visible to me!”
And immediately Wisdom stretched forth her finger and
brought light into matter. . . .
And he said to his offspring, “It is I who am the god of the
And Life, daughter of Faith-Wisdom, cried out and said, “You
are wrong, Saklas!” (that is, “fool”). She breathed into his face,
and her breath became for her a fiery angel; and that angel
bound him and cast him down into Tartyros below the abyss.40
In the universe depicted by this teacher there is no devil, and
no need for one, for “the Lord”—the God of Jews and most
Christians alike—himself acts as chief of the fallen angels who
seduce and enslave human beings. By declaring himself to be the
supreme and unique God of the universe, he “sinned against the
whole,” refusing to recognize himself as part of a much larger
divine reality. His boasts reveal him to be only a lesser, ignorant
being whose power has led him into overweening pride (
and into destruction.
According to the
Reality of the Rulers
, it is Samael and his
fellow “rulers of the darkness” (Eph. 6:12), not the true God,
who formed Adam’s physical body (Gen. 2:7), set him to work in
Paradise “to till it and cultivate it” (Gen. 2:15), then put him to
sleep and fashioned his female partner out of his rib (Gen. 2:21-
22). These same rulers commanded Adam not to eat from the
fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, which could open his eyes to the
truth, because they jealously wanted to keep control over him.
When Adam and Eve, enlightened by the feminine spiritual
principle who appeared to her in the form of the serpent, defied
them, the rulers cursed the woman and the snake, and expelled
Adam and Eve from Paradise:
Moreover, they threw humankind into great distraction and
into a life of toil, so that humankind might be occupied with
worldly affairs, and might not have the opportunity of being
devoted to the holy spirit.41
According to the authors of such teachings, the human
condition, involving work, marriage, and procreation, does not
reflect divine blessing, but demonstrates enslavement to cosmic
forces that want to blind human beings to their innate capacity
for spiritual enlightenment. Such radical Christians believe that
most people, including most Christians, have fallen prey to the
rulers of darkness and so, like most Jews and pagans, remain
entangled in sexual, social, and economic bondage.
There are a few, however, among whom these authors number
themselves, whose eyes have been opened, who have awakened
to the divine source from which human beings come and to
which they belong—a source deeply hidden in ordinary
experience. The prototype of the spiritually awakened person is
Eve’s daughter, Norea. When the “rulers” try to seduce and
deceive her, Norea cries out to God and receives divine help; the
Eleleth (whose Hebrew name means “understanding”) reveals to
her how these corrupt and limited powers have come to rule over
the world, and assures her that she herself belongs not to them
but to the powers above—the Father of the whole, and to his
emanation and “daughter,” Wisdom, and to divine Life:
You, together with your offspring, are from above; these souls
have come out of the imperishable light. Thus the rulers
cannot approach her because of the spirit of truth present
within her; and all who know this way live deathless in the
midst of dying mankind.42
Those who have “the spirit of truth within them” refuse to
enter into marriage, business, or any other worldly entangle-
ments, in order to remain an “undominated generation,” free “to
devote themselves to the holy spirit.”43
Secret Book of John
, another well-known “revelation”
discovered at Nag Hammadi, offers another wildly mythological
reading of Genesis intended to reveal the ties that bind people to
futile and unsatisfying lives. The
Secret Book
explains that after
Adam was created, the chief ruler and his allies carried out a
series of three assaults intended to overpower and capture the
children of Adam. First the chief ruler “seduced [Eve] . . . and
begot in her two sons,” Cain and Abel; thus from that time “up
to the present day, sexual intercourse continued, because of the
chief ruler,” who “planted sexual desire” in Eve. Yet because
certain people still eluded his domination despite the pressures
of sexual desire,44 the chief ruler next “made a plan together with
his powers” to subdue even the strongest of human spirits: the
rulers “committed adultery with Wisdom, and bitter fate was
begotten by them.”43 From that time on, fate proved to be the
most inescapable of bonds:
For from that fate came forth every sin and every injustice and
blasphemy and oblivion and ignorance, and every harsh
condition, and serious violations, and great terrors. And the
whole creation was blinded, so that they might not know God,
who is above all of them.46
Since even the invention of fate left the rulers uneasy about
their control over human beings, they planned a third
conspiracy. The chief ruler “sent his angels to the daughters of
men”47 (cf. Gen. 6:2) to mate and procreate with them, and to
share with them and to teach them how to mine gold and silver,
iron and copper. Thus the
Secret Book
depicts the misery of
ordinary human life, enmeshed in labor, driven by instinctive
passion, dominated by fate, spent in getting money and trying to
amass wealth. By all these devices the rulers kept human beings
under their control:
and they steered the people who followed them into great
distraction; the people became old without having joy; they
died without having found truth, and without knowing God. . . .
And thus the whole creation became enslaved to them, from
the foundation of the world until now.48
Certain Christians who stood with the majority responded to
these extremists. Tertullian, a convert in the North African city
of Carthage, and a contemporary of Irenaeus (c. 180 C.E.), agreed
with Irenaeus in denouncing all who deviated from the majority
consensus as “heretics.” Both fathers of the church insist that
what characterizes the true church is unanimity— agreement in
doctrine, morals, and leadership. Christians, Tertullian says,
quoting Paul, should “all speak and think the very same
things.”49 Whoever deviates from the consensus is, by
definition, a heretic; for, as Tertullian points out, the Greek
word translated “heresy” (
) literally means “choice”; thus
a “heretic” is “one who makes a choice.”50 Tertullian notes that
heretics actually pride themselves on the points at which they
differ from the majority, regarding these as evidence of their
own deeper insight. He says sardonically,
Wherever they have hit upon any novelty, they immediately
call their presumption a “spiritual gift,” since they value not
unity but diversity. . . . Consequently, most often they are in a
divided state themselves, being ready to say—and indeed,
sincerely—of certain points in their belief, “This is not so,”
and “I take this in a different sense,” and “I do not accept
But Tertullian insists that making choices is evil, since choice
destroys group unity. To stamp out heresy, Tertullian says,
church leaders must not allow people to ask questions, for it is
“questions that make people heretics”52—above all, questions
like these: Whence comes evil? Why is it permitted? And what
is the origin of human beings? Tertullian wants to stop such
questions and impose upon all believers the same
regula fidei
“rule of faith,” or creed. Tertullian knows that the “heretics”
undoubtedly will object, saying that Jesus himself encouraged
questioning, saying, “Ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you” (Matt. 7:7). But
Tertullian has no patience with such people: “Where will the
end of seeking be? The point of seeking is to find; the purpose in
finding, to believe.”53 Now that the church can provide a direct
and simple answer to all questions in its rule of faith, Tertullian
says, the only excuse for continuing to seek is sheer obstinacy:
Away with the one who is always seeking, for he never finds
anything; for he is seeking where nothing can be found. Away
with the one who is always knocking, for he knocks where
there is no one to open; away with the one who is always
asking, for he asks of one who does not hear.54
The true Christian, Tertullian declares, simply determines to