The Only Thing That Matters (13 page)

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Authors: Neale Donald Walsch

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BOOK: The Only Thing That Matters
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In short, God is using Life in order to experience Itself.

Divinity can be experienced only through the
of it. Divinity can be imagined, it can be thought about, and it can be held in Awareness by the Soul, but until it is
, it is merely a concept; unless it is
, it cannot be experienced.

A Soul Knowing:
Until you
Divinity you cannot experience Divinity.

You can talk about Love, you can imagine Love, you can think about Love, you can hold Love as an idea conceptually, but until you
it, you cannot experience it.

You can talk about Compassion, you can imagine Compassion, you can think about Compassion, you can hold Compassion as an idea conceptually, but until you
it, you cannot experience it.

You can talk about Understanding, you can imagine Understanding, you can think about Understanding, you can hold Understanding as an idea conceptually, but until you
it, you cannot experience it.

You can talk about Forgiveness, you can imagine Forgiveness, you can think about Forgiveness, you can hold Forgiveness as an idea conceptually, but until you
it, you cannot experience it.

To help the Mind better grasp this, let's use that aspect of human life called Sexuality. You can talk about Sexuality, you can imagine Sexuality, you can think about Sexuality, you can hold Sexuality as an idea conceptually, but until you
it, you cannot experience it.

Divinity is all of these things, and much more. It is Patience and Kindness, Goodness and Mercy, Acceptance and Forbearance, Wisdom and Clarity, Gentleness and Beauty, Selflessness and Nobility, Benevolence and Generosity. And yes, much, much more.

You can imagine all of these things, you can think about all of these things, you can hold all of these things as ideas conceptually, but until you
all of these things
you, you have not experienced Divinity.

And you will never have an opportunity to experience these things unless Life
you with such an opportunity. This is what Life is doing every day. Indeed, this is the purpose of Life Itself.

Therefore, when Life brings you challenges; difficulties; and unique conditions, situations, and circumstances that are ideally suited to bring out the best in you, “judge not, and neither condemn,” but be a Light unto the darkness, that you might know Who You Really Are—and that all those whose lives you touch might know who they are as well, by the light of your example.

While the idea that “God uses Life to know Godself” is surely not new to you,
God works this way may very well be something you'd like to know more about.

So here is the explanation.

God cannot experience all that God is within the Spiritual Realm alone, because in that realm there is nothing that God is not.

The Realm of the Spiritual is the place where God is all there
, where Love is all there
, where Perfection is all there
It's a wonderful place, because there is nothing but Divinity. It is, in short, what you would call heaven.

There is, however, this particular reality: There is nothing that God is not. And in the absence of what God is
, what God is … is not

The same is true about you. You cannot experience what
are except in the presence of What You Are Not. Nor is
able to be experienced unless it is in a Contextual Field that includes its opposite.

The light cannot be experienced without the darkness. “Up” has no meaning in experience without “down.” “Fast” is simply a term, a word having no meaning whatsoever without “slow.”

Only in the presence of the thing called “small” can the thing called “big” be experienced. We can
that something is “big,” we can
that something is “big,” we can
something as being “big,” but in the absence of something that is “small,” “big” cannot be experienced.

Likewise, in the absence of something “finite,” “infinity” cannot be experienced. Put into theological terms, we can know “Divinity”
, but we cannot know it

Therefore, all the people and events of your life—now or in the past—which seem to be “at odds” with who you are and what you choose to experience, are simply gifts from the highest source, created for you and brought to you through the collaborative process of co-creating souls, allowing you to find yourself in a Contextual Field within which the fullest experience of Who You Really Are becomes possible.

Or, as it was so wonderfully stated by The Divine in
Conversations with God

I have sent you nothing but angels

Now there's a statement to remember.

It was said here that your eternal Sacred Journey has a purpose, and it does indeed. It is a purpose established by Divinity Itself.

The Divine Purpose is to expand the Reality of God

In simple terms (and these
simple terms), God is growing—becoming more of Itself—through the process called Life. God IS this process.

God is both the Process of Life Itself … and the result of it.

Thus, God is The Creator and The Created. The Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and The End. The Unmoved Mover. The Unwatched Watcher.

In not so simple terms, God cannot “grow” because everything that God ever was, is now, or ever will be, Is Now.

There is no Time and there is no Space. Therefore, there is no time in which to grow, and no space
which to grow.

The Cycle of Life is occurring simultaneously everywhere. What the human Mind wants to call God's “growth” is merely God experiencing more and more of Itself as the Individuations of God experience more and more of
selves. This is called Evolution.

This was accomplished by The Whole dividing Itself (not to be confused with
Itself, re-creating Itself in smaller and finite form.

No finite form, by the very reason of its being finite, could hold the infinite consciousness, awareness, and experience of The Whole, yet each individuated form was designed uniquely to reflect a particular
of Divinity Itself. Putting all these aspects together again, as one puts the pieces of a puzzle together, produces a picture of what
all the pieces create

Namely: God.

All the pieces are part of the picture, and no piece is less a part of the picture than any other.

Get the picture?

Now some forms of Life have been endowed with a level of Essential Essence (the raw energy from which everything springs) sufficient to produce the possibility of that Essence
knowing Itself

This is the quality in certain living things that is called Self-Consciousness.

Human Life (and, we suspect with good reason, Life elsewhere in the Universe) was designed in such a way that what we call “expansion” of Consciousness and Experience is possible. In fact, human Consciousness can expand even to a point where it once again knows itself as part of The Whole.

Jesus, for instance, said:
I and the Father are one.
He understood his relationship to God perfectly. He understood that the picture which the puzzle created was not Complete without him. He
The Completion.

A Soul Knowing:
God is both the Process of Life Itself and the result of it.

As are we all.

Take one piece of the puzzle away and the picture is not Complete.

The experience of becoming fully Self Consciousness occurs through a process by which the Individuated Aspect does not
, actually, but simply becomes more and more
that it does not
to grow, but truly is, in its individuated form, Divinity Itself.

The individual piece recognizes itself as The Puzzle Itself, simply divided.

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