The One Year Wisdom for Women Devotional: 365 Devotions through the Proverbs (12 page)

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Authors: Debbi Bryson

Tags: #RELIGION / Christian Life / Devotional, #RELIGION / Christian Life / Women

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February 9

Created by God

Our proverb today tells us that God first created wisdom before he created the world.

The L
brought me [wisdom] forth as the first of his works,

before his deeds of old;

I was appointed from eternity,

from the beginning, before the world began. . . .

I was given birth,

before he made the earth or its fields

or any of the dust of the world.

PROVERBS 8:22-23, 25-26 (

The natural world around us is a masterpiece of engineering design, wisdom, and perfection. But many scientists have looked at our world and universe from an evolutionist perspective. From that perspective, chaos, randomness, and accidents are said to explain everything from the snowflake to the sacrificial mothering instinct of the penguin. However, God himself definitely has a more logical, reasonable, and credible explanation: intelligent design. When we look at a well-designed building or bridge, it gives evidence that somewhere there would be an intelligent designer.

Just studying the human body alone argues for an Intelligent Designer. Did you know that every human spent about a half an hour as a single cell, but within that one cell there was the entire DNA written code to determine everything from eye color to height? One human brain generates more electrical impulses in a single day than all of the world’s telephones put together. Scientists have counted over five hundred liver functions, and not only does your finger have a unique print, but so does your tongue. You truly are a living display of God’s wisdom.

Make It Personal . . . Live It Out!

We can marvel that God designed rainbows and zebras. But clearly he applied his most personal touch when he designed you. Have you forgotten that? Maybe you grew up in a home where you never truly felt wanted, or maybe the hard things in life have left you feeling insignificant. From God’s perspective, there is no one like you. Psalm 139 tells you that he has always known you, even when you were in your mother’s womb; you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Let’s Pray

Lord, help me see that you know me better and love me more than anyone. My significance comes from you, the brilliant and wise Creator of all.

One Year Bible Reading

Exodus 29:1–30:10; Matthew 26:14-46; Psalm 31:19-24; Proverbs 8:14-26

February 10

Wisdom—the Brilliant Architect

The proverb today had a profound impact on me. Wisdom is telling us that she was present observing the formation of the big elements of our world. She observed and understood and actually participated in determining complicated things like the distance of the sun from the earth and the placement of the reservoirs of water, oil, and gas deep within the earth. This same wisdom is available to you and me. Wisdom will oversee the complicated, multifaceted, and challenging processes and dilemmas that we face in our own personal lives. Think about that; really think about that. Yes, this can challenge us, but more, this should excite us, bless us, and give us great assurance. Why would we ever lean on our own understanding when we can rely upon God’s?

I [wisdom] was there when [God] established the heavens, when he drew the horizon on the oceans. I was there when he set the clouds above, when he established the deep fountains of the earth. I was there when he set the limits of the seas, so they would not spread beyond their boundaries. And when he marked off the earth’s foundations, I was the architect at his side. I was his constant delight, rejoicing always in his presence. And how happy I was at what he created—his wide world and all the human family! And so, my children, listen to me, for happy are all who follow my ways.

PROVERBS 8:27-32

Make It Personal . . . Live It Out!

What a masterpiece the universe is! Stars don’t collide, the sun rises every morning, there’s a rainbow after a storm. If your personal world seems in chaos, spinning out of control, this is the perfect time to fall on your knees and ask God to take control. Maybe you have told him what you want him to do, but have you asked him to show you what his ways are regarding this?

Will you stop and pray right now?

Let’s Pray

God, I am looking to you. Help me to visualize all the things in the universe your wisdom has accomplished. With the same wisdom you use to guide the stars and the oceans, please direct me. And help me to rest with confidence.

One Year Bible Reading

Exodus 30:11–31:18; Matthew 26:47-68; Psalm 32:1-11; Proverbs 8:27-32

February 11

Your Choice!

Hear instruction and be wise,

And do not disdain it.

Blessed is the man who listens to me,

Watching daily at my gates,

Waiting at the posts of my doors.

For whoever finds me [wisdom] finds life,

And obtains favor from the L

But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul;

All those who hate me love death.

PROVERBS 8:33-36 (

Did you ever watch the TV show
The Price Is Right
? On the show, the contestant stood before a selection of doors. He knew there was a big grand prize behind one door and a booby prize behind the other. But it was a mystery which one was which. He had to take a wild guess and then take what he got. Not so with God. Our proverb today tells us that God is not making you guess. Door number one offers blessings, wisdom, and life. Door number two rejects wisdom and chooses soul-damaging death. This seems like a no-brainer. Let’s choose door number one.

But you might be thinking,
That is easier said than done. When I come to a difficult decision, sometimes the wrong choice is disguised as the good choice.
Women have made bad choices in men because they were wolves in sheep’s clothing. Money schemes, cults, jobs choices can all look good on the outside too. How are we to know? James 1:5-6 gives us the perfect answer. “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt” (

Make It Personal . . . Live It Out!

An important element of wisdom is personal responsibility. Many people blame others for their wrong choices and unhappiness. It is time to realize that we are each accountable for our own emotional and spiritual well-being. Did you know that you are exactly as joyful and wise and peaceful and full of God’s love as you choose to be? No one can make that choice for you. Today, will you choose to put on some praise music if you feel down, will you sit and read Psalm 33 if you are discouraged, will you cast your care on the Lord if you are weary and heavy laden? Your choice!

One Year Bible Reading

Exodus 32:1–33:23; Matthew 26:69–27:14; Psalm 33:1-11; Proverbs 8:33-36

February 12

Wisdom Calls Us Home

Wisdom has built her spacious house

with seven pillars.

She has prepared a great banquet,

mixed the wines, and set the table.

She has sent her servants to invite everyone to come.

She calls out from the heights overlooking the city.

“Come home with me,” she urges the simple.

To those without good judgment, she says,

“Come, eat my food,

and drink the wine I have mixed.

Leave your foolish ways behind,

and begin to live; learn how to be wise.”


This proverb paints a picture of wisdom as a woman calling us home. Dinner is on the table. It’s a beautiful and inviting picture. Truly there will never be a more important place to learn and be nourished by good wise living than at home. Mary Farrar, in her book
, writes, “For most of known history, the home has been central to woman. It has been her primary place of work and influence and thus the natural place to express her womanhood. Therefore, throughout history . . . as the home has gone, so has gone woman.” But because the structure of the home has been shattered over the last few decades, women have struggled with their sense of identity and worth. People are adrift.

We are longing for a place where we belong. Therefore, we need to redeem the concept of home as more than just a crash pad. Dear ladies, no matter what your age, marital status, how you grew up, or if you work outside the home, we are called to be homemakers. Wisdom is calling us to create within our homes a place of order and welcome, warmth and wise living.

Make It Personal . . . Live It Out!

Above all things, our homes should be godly homes. Will you look around your home and see if there is anything that you would be ashamed of if the Lord himself knocked on your door unexpectedly? Will you prayerfully walk around and ask him if there is anything you need to eliminate? That said, will you also pray about how to add some things to your home that reflect his presence? I love to have Scripture in every room of my house, in keeping with Deuteronomy 6:9. You can go to my website ( and download Scriptures that are beautifully designed and perfect for framing.

One Year Bible Reading

Exodus 34:1–35:9; Matthew 27:15-31; Psalm 33:12-22; Proverbs 9:1-6

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