The One Addicted (22 page)

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Authors: Alexandra North

BOOK: The One Addicted
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One week later and I’m on a flight to Dubai and staring fixated upon the spot in front of me, where my brandy awaits, the ice melting within a heavy glass tumbler. I’m tempted to down it in one and follow it with a tequila chaser. The sound of the plane is a deafening mix of engines, technology and air conditioning. I loathe flying with a passion.

Sebastian is at my side, all soothing and supportive and I lean into his strength and grip his hand tightly in mine as we descend to Dubai International Airport, my tummy doing somersaults as we drop in altitude.
Only a few more minutes and you’ll be living it up with Mr. Gorgeous
- it’ll be worth it.

“Not long now, baby - we’ll be landing soon.”

“Ok.” I smile weakly at him.

“I never knew you disliked flying so much?”

“We’ve never flown together before. I’ll be fine honestly - its just take offs and landings.”

“Another first for us to celebrate.” He leans in and kisses my forehead.

The first bump as we hit tarmac sends my heart pounding and up into my throat, the second jolt is less worrying and the sheer relief as I sense that we are completely at ground level comes out in a huge whoosh.

I hear Seb’s murmur at my side. “All over. I’ll have to get you slaughtered on the journey home or take your mind of it with other things.”

The glint in his liquorice eyes and crooked smile is full of sexual promise and my bits loop the loop in expectation. I can’t wait for this break to begin.
One whole week with Sebastian Silver!
One whole week,
just him and I, acting like a real coup
le. I’m still pinching myself. How’d I get this lucky? Now that I’m here I can switch off from home and work to a certain extent and go with the flow and this man deserved my full, undivided attention.
Its only as we enter the private VIP lounge at Dubai International Airport at 3am, that I consider Sebastian’s body language. He’s spent the past ten minutes on the phone, all secretive and away from my vicinity and we’ve not headed out to collect our baggage - we are just… well, waiting.

“What are we doing Seb? Are we waiting for someone to collect us?”

“All in good time, baby.”

Oh no.
I sense a surprise coming and I hate surprises - definitely the control freak in me.

Luckily I don’t have to wait for long as a well-dressed gentleman arrives to take us to wherever the hell we’re going now. After following him for a few gates we reach one that makes him stop, however its not clearly advertised and had I not known it was there, I’d have walked straight past.

“Here we are, Mr. Silver. If you head through here, the desk will check your passports and show you onto your private jet.”

Private jet?

This might not be such a bad surprise after all.
Confused I bite my lip and frown at Seb’s secretive wink. What has he got up his sleeve?

“Why are we going on a private jet?”

“Trust me.”

I’m not given the opportunity to continue my path of questions as he heads on expecting me to follow. Of course I do. This was all too good to miss out on. I’m quickly finding that life is never dull with you, with Sebastian Silver.

We head through passport control, the stewardess checks Sebastian out, in both his picture and person and smiles a bright come hither look with eyes as black as his. I’m annoyed when he jovially throws her a winning flash of his straight white teeth and dimpled cheek.

God you have it bad - he’s only being polite.

The heat hits me like a thick cloak as we leave the building and walk out onto the tarmac. It’s boiling and I long for the coolness of the airport. Where are we going now? Seb’s hand is firmly planted in the small of my back, his thumb brushing up and down in a soothing motion as he gently guides me towards the medium sized jet directly in front of us.

My eyes fly up to his, and I halt immediately. I can’t go back on another plane yet. “Seb, what is going on?”

“I need you to relax and trust me, baby and all will be revealed in about 5hours give or take.”

What another 5hours? We’ve just flown seven to Dubai? I’m not sure I can get on another aeroplane so soon.

“It’s a private jet, fully kitted out to encompass all that we could ever want on our journey to paradise - nothing but the best for my baby.”


“Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” I nod. I trust him implicitly. Despite everything we’ve been through the past few weeks. I trust him.

“Well I promise you that this flight will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. The mile high club is something all couples should experience together - don’t you think?”

My only memory of the mile high club is when Chevy Chase got his foot stuck down the aeroplane toilet in National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation and ended up with one ombre dip-dyed blue trouser leg. It’s not something I’ve ever dabbled in - aeroplane toilets are hard enough to pee in let alone fuck! However, looking around I consider that my issue would not be how would we fit in the bathroom together but how would we decide where to do the deed. It appeared we were the only passengers.

We head up the short stack of steps and into the plush interior of the aircraft and are welcomed by another steward, who is just as enamoured with Sebastian, openly showing his approval as he minces his way through the initial introductions to what has to be the most beautiful plane I’ve ever stepped foot on. Male and females worship at his feet but this time instead of making me jealous, I understand completely. Standing in faded fitted jeans a navy linen shirt with sleeves rolled back on his muscled, tanned forearms and white converse; he is Godlike, seriously dreamy and all mine.

My own jaw drops as I take in our ride to god knows where; all grey and white, with huge leather chairs, a curved seating area and cosy lounge. If I couldn’t feel safe and chilled in this environment 30,000 feet in the air, then I’m screwed.

“You like?” His seductive drawl in my neck sends currents running directly to my nether regions.

“I love.”

Andrew, our steward, coughs politely and encourages us to get seated so that we can take off for our destination to paradise. “All of your bags are already on board. Can I get you something to drink?”

“Yes - Ms. Myers will require something stiff.” I glance across at him and see the charm oozing out of him, his enigmatic smile firmly engaged. He knows how to play it. Poor Andrew doesn’t know where to look and is now blushing from head to toe.

“I’d like a brandy thank you, Andrew.”

We settle into the comfiest armchairs I’ve ever known; Seb nearest the portal window and I accept the Brandy with thanks. Not a plastic cup here; cut glass all the way. Andrew checks our belts, and does the usual talk through, which I’m grateful for - this is still a flight, even if it looks like a flying penthouse.

The takeoff is a relatively smooth transition, much easier than I’ve ever known. I know that is partly down to my surroundings and my down-in-one brandy, which now warms my belly comfortingly but is mainly down to Sebastian. He is extremely attentive and puts me at ease, talking to me in soft undertones about work and his expectations about the launch party.

“Hi.” His lips touch my inner wrist, igniting a fire along the sensitive nerves there, as he draws my hand to his warm mouth, pressing gently just over my increasing pulse.

“Hi.” I look up at him through heavy lashes. The man is devastating.

“You hungry?”

“Not yet.” I smile at him as we unclip our belts, twenty minutes into the air.

“I am. But not for food.”

Oh my
. He holds a hand out to me, and I take it, no questions asked, as we head deeper into the aircraft. This place is truly amazing and I can’t believe we have it all to ourselves. The clean lines continue, with suede and fur and textures and then we hit a dead end, the only way forward, through a pair of high gloss arched black doors.

“Are you going to show me the

His loud laugh, turns me on and showcases his sexy dimple. “In a manner of sorts. I’ll finally get you to myself.”

“You’ve had me at your side for over ten hours.” I laugh at his comment.

“NOT in bed, I haven’t…” He pushes the doors open on the word
, showcasing a small bedroom with a dominating circular mattress and I gasp. “ … And NOT naked.”

The next few minutes go by in a blur of teeth clashing and bodies frantically undressing to our underwear. All thoughts of my whereabouts have completely dissipated. I’m so desperate to have him. Sitting so close to him for hours on end has been wonderfully cosy but also agonisingly constricting. Seb clicks a button and the blinds come down, as we slip onto the bed, cocooned from the outside world and the regularities of a usual in-house flight. I’m in a luxury travel bubble and I don’t want it to pop - its entirely surreal.

We devour one another’s mouths, his hands sinking into my body, touching every part of me and I do the same. My palms stoke the fine hair on his chest feeling his heart beneath them and I drop to replace them with my mouth. Cascading light kisses all over his taut physique. He is so ripped my mouth waters at the sheer sight of him. “I’ve missed you.”

“I know, baby - me too.”

My trail of kisses continue, along his ribs, across his abdomen, my tongue licking a path down one indented and perfected V. His fingers swoop underneath my chin, willing me to look up at him.

“Let me go down on you?”

His eyes darken from chocolate to black. “No. I want to touch


I cup his balls and stroke leisurely up over his cock through his Calvin’s, ignoring his words. I want to feel him, touch him, put him in my mouth - be in control. He is everything to me and his pleasure is my pleasure.

“Baby, I won’t last if you continue doing that…it’s your turn now.”

In the dark, the tiniest light creeping in and slicing across the bed, I can see his black sexy eyes as he slowly begins to work his way from my mouth, down my chest, sucking on each nipple, licking a trail around the soft curve of each mound, all the while holding my gaze. God he’s so damn gorgeous, and he’s all mine.

The breath hisses from my lips; a guttural groan deep from within. The sensations he is awakening flicker like shockwaves, rippling across my body, working their way downstream to pool at the top of my thighs. His touch is like magic bringing something out of me that has lain dormant for years - perhaps forever.

“I promise I’ll make this worth your while.”

Oh I believe you, you sexy mother fucker - my fear isn’t that you won’t show me the time of my life, make it utterly unforgettable - but that one day, you’ll stop, stop giving me pleasure. Stop rocking my world and grow bored of me.

“I’ve lost you, lady - where’d you go?”

“I’m here, don’t worry - I’m all yours but you need to be down there…” I smile seductively at him, nestled between my thighs and choose to ignore the annoying uncertainty rearing its ugly head - my fear of my scar, my fear of how many times he’s done this with other women. Live in the here and now, be strong and confident.

“With pleasure.”

I am devoured by his black orbs filled with flickers of fire; one blink and he is peeling my underwear from my body, smiling between kisses at each point, my strap, the edge of my lace panties and back to my swollen pouting mouth. One lick and he sets my skin alight, and my pussy moistens. One kiss and I am his - every time.

“You are so fucking beautiful - just being around you makes me feel like I’m home.”

I was thinking exactly the same thing.

home, baby - now stop talking and

I part my legs, wide, the air brushes against my clit. I’m bare to his eyes, completely open to him and I don’t care; I am not embarrassed - just spread my feet wider, all the while holding his eyes, willing him to take what I’m offering. “Come inside - it’s warm and tight and where you belong.”

I sigh as his tongue fills me, rolling around my throbbing clit, sliding, along my slit and plunging inside, before tracing delicate swirl patterns on both inner thighs, and I tremble uncontrollably. His technique should be patented, it’s
fucking good.

Holy fuck.

His suckling increases in frequency, and I thrash around desperate to come. “Ah, baby, that’s it just there - don’t stop.” I explode in glorious wave after wave of rippling satisfaction; the tight coil within my belly unravelling until I’m boneless.

The tear of a condom packet is a welcome sound and I look down to watch Seb expertly roll it over the searching head of his impressive and rock hard arousal. Such a smooth bastard and I love it. The first moment when I feel him inch inside me is predatory, both our bodies straining to connect. His hands grab my behind, kneading both globes firmly, allowing his delve inside me to deepen, even with my slickness I flinch to accommodate his girth. I gasp as hot embers of pleasure spark along my wet slippery channel.

“Baby, this is just the start. Oh, fuck you are so tight!”


His name on my lips is a husky sob of delight and Seb’s grunt of approval surges him on. Pounding into me hard and fast withdrawing to the tip, rotating his hips before slamming into me again. Intense and sweaty and downright dirty. The control is there but he is teetering on the edge, as I clutch at the bed sheets, and his mouth seeks my breast, I groan as his tongue laps at my erect nipple, warmth flooding through me and pooling between my legs; the sparks igniting around my clit as his pelvis rubs against me - I’m nearly there.

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