Read The Omega's Heart (Wilde Creek Four) Online

Authors: R.E. Butler

Tags: #wolf, #pack, #mate, #shifter, #mating, #wilde creek

The Omega's Heart (Wilde Creek Four) (21 page)

BOOK: The Omega's Heart (Wilde Creek Four)
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He stopped the truck along the curb on Acksel
and Brynn’s street, which was packed with vehicles, lined up on
both sides.

Jeremiah turned in the seat to face her. “I
don’t want to disappoint you.”

“How could you do that? You’re awesome and
you’re mine.”

She didn’t know what was wrong, but he seemed
to be worried. She took his hand and placed it over her heart,
pressing her own to his chest. She could feel the thrum of his
heart under her palm, and for a moment she thought about ripping
their clothes off and forgetting all about hunting, but she pushed
the sexy images away.

“I don’t want anyone but you. I love you the
way you are right now, and I love you in your shift. Even if you
had remained as you were before you found the ability to more fully
shift, I’d still love you, right down to the very center of my
being. You are the most important person in my life, and I can’t
think of any better way to spend tonight than chasing something
furry and then going home and making love until dawn. Whatever
demons are running around in your mind, you need to let them go. I
don’t care what anyone thinks of you, your shift, or our mating, I
only care what you think of me. Of us.”

“I love you.”

She smiled. “I love you, too.”

“Someone might say I’m a freak.”

“Is that what worries you? If they think
you’re a freak, then they’re just jealous because your shift is so

He chuckled and exhaled loudly. “Let’s go
before Acksel gets annoyed at us for being late.”

They walked together down the sidewalk to the
alphas’ house, skirted along the side and strode out into the
backyard. A month ago, she’d been a visitor here, but now she was a
pack member, with her mate by her side. Other pack members were
milling around in the yard. She and Jeremiah walked up the steps of
the back deck and Malachi opened the sliding door for them, a young
boy perched on his hip.

“Have you met my son Jack, Honey?”

“No. Hi cutie.” She tickled the little boy’s
chin and he giggled, saying, “Woof.”

“Woooolf,” Malachi said, exaggerating the

Jack smiled brightly. “Woof.”

Nila, Malachi’s human mate, laughed from
nearby and Malachi said, “I think he says it wrong because he
thinks it’s funny.”

“He’s a baby. Babies don’t have ulterior
motives,” Nila said.

Malachi snorted with a smile and ruffled
Jack’s tawny head before turning to his mate. Honey imagined
Jeremiah in the role of father, holding their child in his arms.
Jeremiah’s arms slipped around her and he drew her against his
warmth. His lips brushed her ear and she shivered from head to toe.
“What are you thinking about, sweetheart?”


He growled softly, his hands splaying on her
stomach. Her skin prickled in awareness, heat spiraling through
her, as she closed her eyes and wished they were anywhere but in a
room full of wolves.

Someone cleared their throat in annoyance and
Honey’s eyes popped open. Acksel, brow raised, stood next to Brynn,
who was smiling sweetly. “I think we should get them official so
they can go play in the woods,” Brynn said.

“It’s called hunting, babe,” Acksel said.

“Whatever. Sweetie.” She winked at Acksel and
he growled with a smile.

“Let’s get this show on the road,” Acksel
said, clapping his hands together.

The high-ranking members filed out of the
house, and Jeremiah, hands still splayed on her stomach, stood
still until they were alone. “I want to talk about kids

“Oh?” She turned in his arms and looked up at


“We can talk tonight.”

“We’ve got plans that don’t involve

“I’m yours, you know.”

His smile softened. “I’m yours, too.”

They walked out onto the back deck. The pack
had gathered in the yard, from the omegas to the highest-ranked
males, and even the human mates. Everyone was going to watch them
pledge themselves to each other and welcome her into the pack.

She and Jeremiah stopped in front of Acksel
and Brynn. Renfrow, an elder she’d met earlier in the week, held a
large, leather-bound book in his hands.

Renfrow smiled at them and spoke loudly, “We
are gathered together tonight, not only to celebrate the full moon,
but to welcome a new pack member and mate to Wilde Creek. Jeremiah
Kincaid, do you swear to love, honor, and protect your mate at all
costs? Do you swear to care for her and your offspring to the best
of your abilities?”

Jeremiah squeezed Honey’s hand as he looked
down at her. “I do.”

“Honey Williams, do you swear to love and
honor your mate and your offspring to the best of your

“I do.”

“If anyone can see reason why these two
should not be mated, speak now, or remain silent forever.”

Jeremiah growled a sharp, short sound, and
Honey grinned. She hadn’t expected anyone to speak up. Even if only
a few had witnessed Jeremiah’s full shift, word had spread through
the pack quickly. Only an idiot with a death wish would suggest he
wasn’t worthy as a mate, or she wasn’t worthy of him.

“I declare the mating of Jeremiah and Honey
recognized and honored by the pack. As is our custom, we gladly
welcome the mates of our members into the pack. Welcome, Honey, and
congratulations to you both.”

The pack cheered in the way that packs do
best — with their heads tilted to the sky and happy howls from
their throats. She and Jeremiah both howled, their arms around each
other and their voices mingling into a beautiful song of

When the wolves quieted down, Acksel and
Brynn stepped in front of them. “A wolf may choose to remain omega
in spite of their apparent abilities and strengths. In times like
these, an alpha can choose to remove the wolf from omega status and
assign them a job within the pack, outside of the male rankings and
the duties of omegas. Jeremiah, step forward.”

Jeremiah took a step away from her but didn’t
release her hand. He went down to one knee and looked up at

“Jeremiah Kincaid, do you accept the pack
position of steward? Do you vow yourself to help those within the
pack who are unable to help themselves? Do you vow to honor your
alphas in all you do for the good of the pack?”

“I vow.”

At Acksel’s request, she stepped forward and
joined Jeremiah on her knees. Acksel asked her if she would serve
with her mate, and she almost cried because she was so happy to
have finally found her place.

The pack cheered for them, and Acksel called
for a good hunt as Jeremiah stood and pulled her gently to her
feet. “Welcome to the pack, Honey,” Brynn said, hugging her

“Thank you for everything.”

Jeremiah shook Acksel’s hand. “I know that we
chose the right male for this job. You’re already making a
difference in the lives of the retirees. If you ever change your
mind and want to fight for rank and become a protector, let me

Jeremiah didn’t take his eyes off Honey as he
spoke. “Thank you, but I don’t plan to ever do anything but be a
steward with my mate.”

She and Jeremiah walked off the deck. Adam
came up to them and Jeremiah hugged his friend tightly. “I’ve been
worried about you. I’m sorry that things got crazy and I wasn’t
able to be there for you.”

Adam smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“I’m cool.”

“We can talk later if you want.”

Adam glanced at Honey. “Maybe I’ll take you
up on that. Have a good first hunt, man. If anyone deserves to be
happy, it’s you.”

Jeremiah grabbed his friend’s arm and stopped
him as he turned away. “You deserve to be happy, too.”

He chuckled darkly, casting his gaze up to
the dark sky. “Maybe my mate will fall out of the sky tonight, and
she won’t give two fucks about my scars or my place in the

Adam moved away quickly and disappeared into
the woods.

“Do you want to go after him?” Honey asked
softly. Her heart ached for Jeremiah’s friend.

Jeremiah shook his head. “I’ve known him long
enough to know that when he’s not interested in talking, he won’t.
I’ll check in with him tomorrow. Right now, I’ve got a date with my
mate in the woods.”

She smiled and tried not to worry about his
friend. She turned her attention to her mate, ignoring the pack
members in varying states of undress. Some of the single males and
females headed off into the woods in their fully-clothed human
form, for some no-strings-attached sex before hunting. She’d never
been big on casual sex. Maybe if she hadn’t had such a restricted
upbringing she would feel differently, but in a way she was okay
with it. It meant she didn’t have a long string of lovers before

He led her into the woods. They walked in
silence for what felt like a long time. When he stopped, she was
aware that they were entirely alone. She couldn’t hear anything
except the silence of the woods.

“Why didn’t you want to shift in the yard
with the pack?”

“I’m not ready for that. I’m not ready to see
the looks on their faces when they see what I am now.”

She frowned. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of
what you are.”

“I’m not,” he protested.

She only had to raise a brow in disbelief and
he hung his head. “Okay, I am a little. I was practically
non-existent in the pack’s eyes, and now I’m some strange kind of
hybrid. Just because Acksel, the high-ranked males, and the elders
believe I should be part of the protectors, doesn’t mean that
others will feel that way. I don’t want to have to prove I’m worthy
of going out hunting.”

She wanted to argue, to tell him that he
deserved to finally stand with his pack, but she didn’t want to
push him when he wasn’t ready.

She toed off her shoes, and he did the same.
Then she grabbed the hem of her top, lifted it over her head and
laid it over a low tree branch nearby. He growled softly, almost a
purr, as he pulled off his own shirt and added it to hers. He was
wearing cut-off sweats so he didn’t have to strip entirely when he
shifted. He bulked up significantly when he shifted, but he
remained anatomically male and she didn’t particularly want any
females catching sight of his fur-covered man-bits.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked,
dropping to his knees in front of her and reaching for her

“Your dick.”

His brow arched as he undid the button and
lowered the zipper.

She chuckled and ran her fingers through his
hair. “Your new shifted form is like a very furry man. I mean, you
have the muzzle and the long fingers and toes, but your dick is
still swinging free. I don’t really want anyone seeing that except
for me. I’m glad you’re wearing shorts.”

He hooked his fingers inside her pants and
drew them down her legs. She didn’t wear panties on the full moon;
it was just one more piece of clothing to take off. He stared at
her stomach as she tossed her jeans over the tree branch. In a
heartbeat he was shifting. His shoulders broadened, his arms,
chest, and legs bulking as fur sprouted from his skin. In the
silence of the woods, she could hear his bones cracking and
reforming as his face elongated into a wolfish muzzle.

His nose touched her stomach and she giggled
because it was already cold. “What’s that saying? Cold nose, warm
heart? I think that’s true for you.” She sank her fingers through
the thick fur at this neck as he wrapped his arms around her and
pulled her close. His rough tongue stroked along her stomach and
over her hip, and she wiggled at the ticklish sensation. Then he
tugged on her until she settled into his lap and he curled his arms
around her. He was so warm she could have fallen asleep, but her
wolf was anxious to hunt with him.

“Come hunt with me, Jer. It’s just you and me
here. You need to hone your hunting skills so that when I’m
pregnant you can hunt for me so I can have venison jerky and rabbit
stew. Yum.”

He chuckled deeply and nuzzled under her ear.
“My. Mate.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and
inhaled the sweet scent of him. “Always.”


* * * * *


Kammie slipped away from the pack and into
the dark woods, following the route she always took on the full
moon. The hunting was best deepest in the woods away from the
houses, which was where most of the pack went. She always went the
opposite direction. Picking her way through the trees, she heard
some wolves as they entered the woods still in their human forms,
and knew they were single wolves planning to hook up. Kammie was
jealous of their freedom. She wasn’t a virgin, but she didn’t do
the full moon hookups because it meant that a male would have to
see her completely naked. She didn’t allow that. When she had sex,
she kept as many clothes on as she could get away with, so that no
one would see the scars that her uncle had left behind with his
belt or whatever else he could get his hands on during those few
years she’d lived with him. Not that she had sex all that
regularly. There were some males she trusted, but she had trouble
letting her guard down even around her friends. Her scars weren’t
just on her skin; they went soul-deep. She didn’t know if she’d
ever be able to trust a male enough to let him see her completely
naked, which meant maybe she’d never be able to really have a mate.
What male would want to have sex with his mate when she wouldn’t
even go so far as to take off her shirt?

She stopped walking and stood silent in the
woods, listening carefully to make sure she was alone. She couldn’t
hear anything but the occasional creak of the tree branches above
her. If she were a poet, she’d find the silent winter night a thing
of beauty, but all her wolf wanted to do was tear around like a
lunatic and find something furry to chase.

She closed her eyes and stripped. She didn’t
even like to think about the scars, even though she knew exactly
where they were and what they looked like. Her back, arms, torso,
and legs were disfigured. Even in the summer, she wore long sleeves
and jeans when she left the house. When people saw her scars, they
were either repulsed or pitied her, and she wasn’t sure which was

BOOK: The Omega's Heart (Wilde Creek Four)
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