The Oath

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Authors: John Lescroart

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller, #Suspense

BOOK: The Oath
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“A particularly strong plot.”

Los Angeles Times


“Topical and full of intrigue.”

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel




When HMO excutive Tim Markham is hit by a car during a morning jog through his exclusive San Francisco neighborhood, he has the bad luck to be transported to one of his own hospitals…and winds up dead in his ICU bed. But in spite of the rumors about his company’s substandard care, this death appears to be a case of malice, not of malpractice—especially after Markham’s entire family is gunned down in their home.

Lt. Abe Glitsky has strong suspicions about a doctor with opportunity, means, and motives to spare. But working up a case against Eric Kensing might not be easy, especially when Glitsky has to rely on two bumbling rookies to gather the evidence. When defense attorney Dismas Hardy takes Kensing on as a client, both Glitsky and Hardy have to worry not only about losing the case, but about losing a best friend as well. And as the investigation leads to something bigger than they expected, they may both be in danger of losing their lives….

“Skillfully researched and executed…. The reliably excellent Lescroart carries on, delivering yet another winner.”

Publishers Weekly


“[A] master yarn spinner…a stellar novel.”



“Hardy and Glitsky are like good wine, improving with time.”

The Orlando Sentinel


“Lescroart skillfully balances his story, blending the action of the plot with the satisfying details of Hardy’s and Glitsky’s personal lives. The minutiae of marriages, children, and domestic routines not only round out the characters but provide a smart counterpoint to the cops-and-lawyer stuff. And unlike so many other authors, Lescroart handles social commentary with a deft touch.”

The Cleveland Plain Dealer


The Hearing


“A spine-tingling legal thriller.”

—Larry King,
USA Today


“Highly entertaining.”

Chicago Tribune


“Excellent stuff.”

The San Jose Mercury News


Nothing But the Truth


“The novel’s pacing is reminiscent of classic Ross MacDonald, where a week’s worth of events is condensed into a few hours….[A] winning thriller.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)


“Riveting…one of Lescroart’s best tales yet.”

Chicago Tribune


“A rousing courtroom showdown.”

Kirkus Reviews
(starred review)


The Mercy Rule


“A thought-provoking and important novel…. Well written, well plotted, well done.”

—Nelson DeMille


“Readers of
The 13th Juror
will already be off reading this book, not this review. Join them.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer




over a weekend…. If you start during the workweek, you will be up very, very late, and your pleasure will be tainted with, well, guilt.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer


“A well-paced legal thriller…one of the best in this flourishing genre to come along in a while.”

The Washington Post Book World


A Certain Justice


“Lescroart swings for the fences with a West Coast take on
The Bonfire of the Vanities
…. A richly satisfying thriller.”

Kirkus Reviews


“A gifted writer with a distinctive voice. I read him with great pleasure.”

—Richard North Patterson


The 13th Juror


“Fast paced…sustains interest to the very end.”

The Wall Street Journal


Hard Evidence


“A hefty, engrossing legal thriller…compulsively readable, a dense and involving saga of big-city crime and punishment.”

San Francisco Chronicle


Praise for John Lescroart


“Raymond Chandler once wrote that the test of a first-rate murder mystery is whether you would keep reading it if the last chapter—and the revelation of whodunit—were missing. In the matter of John Lescroart, I would keep reading any of his books, even without that last chapter.”

Fort Worth Star-Telegram


The Hearing


Nothing But the Truth


The Mercy Rule




A Certain Justice


The 13th Juror


Hard Evidence


The Vig


Dead Irish


Rasputin’s Revenge


Son of Holmes







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Published by Signet, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin
Putnam Inc. Previously published in a Dutton edition.

ISBN: 1-4295-2623-8

Copyright © The Lescroart Corporation, 2002

Excerpt from
The First Law
copyright © The Lescroart Corporation, 2003

All rights reserved



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales isentirely coincidental.


This one’s to Pete Dietrich,
Bob Zaro,
and, as always, to Lisa—
Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief






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