The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (93 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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Two wide pair of eyes swung round to me. Courtney’s jaw dropped while Greg’s eyebrows lifted.

I laughed nervously and gulped. “Uhh . . .”

Courtney grinned at me. “Kade?” she asked with a twinkle and I shrugged. “Good girl,” she said seriously and I cringed, trying to hold in a giggle. “What?” she asked, puzzled.

“That’s what Kade said when he tied me to the bed,” I sucked in my lips and Greg howled.

“You are such a dirty tart” Courtney giggled but I could see the delight on her face.

“TWO MINUTES” I shouted back up to Kade as I slumped in the chair next to Greg. “Did you find anything out?”

He shook his head. “Nah, Sam’s tight lipped but he was very shifty when I asked him some stuff.”

I nodded and then frowned. “Did Mason ask you to look over the bar staff wages?” I asked, suddenly remembering the discrepancies in the salary financial paperwork I had looked at. He shook his head and my frown deepened. “Really? He said he would. I was looking over them when I worked for him and they were £126,000 down.”

He reared back. “Really? Rebecca deals with all that.”

I raised my eyebrows at him and nodded slowly. “I know, that’s why I took a look at them.” I informed him and winked. “And that was nearly six months ago so they’re gonna be worse now.”

I was suddenly fuming; I wasn’t sure if Mason knew Rebecca was skimming him or if he had genuinely forgot.

Mason’s broken face swam before my eyes and I looked down, nibbling on my fingertip.

“Ava?” Courtney said, snapping me back to reality and I looked at her. “What is it, babe?”

I sighed deeply. “Mason found me and Kade together last night; we were just sleeping but . . .” I banged the table with my fist and looked away. “Damn, fuck, bollocks.” I pulled at my hair in despair.

“Hey.” Courtney grabbed hold of me and crouched in front of me, tipping her head in query.

“I found him broken and crying at my kitchen table in the middle of the night,” I whispered, not wanting Kade to hear.

Greg sighed. “Shit!”

And now I felt even worse!

“I didn’t know he would turn up!” I snapped at him and he frowned.

“No Ava, I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at him. He needs to decide what he wants.”

I nodded. “That’s what I told him but it broke my heart to see him like that. He was devastated and to be honest if I found him snuggled up naked to Rebecca well . . .” I didn’t want to picture that so I stood up quickly.

Kade appeared in the doorway in just his shorts. The bottom of my stomach dropped into my knickers. God he was all hard, glorious man and I licked my lips hungrily.

“Morning, Beautiful” he grinned pulling me into him and kissing my nose. I smiled up at him and Courtney coughed slightly.

“Sorry,” I mumbled.

She laughed and shook her head. “Morning, Kade” He gave her a wide grin and said his hello’s to Greg.

“Right we’ll leave you to it,” Greg said jumping up and staring pointedly at Courtney.

“Oh, yeah,” she mumbled and scurried off behind Greg. “Have fun,” she laughed as the pulled the door shut.

I shook my head and sighed and then noticed Kade’s heated stare on me. He licked his lips hungrily and stalked towards me, grabbing my hand and pulling me against his hard body.

His arousal was greeting me from his shorts and I smiled as I cupped it. “Did you want something, Sir?”

I watched as his hand snaked down and undid the tie on my robe belt and pulled it free. He growled at me, pushed my robe over my shoulders and proceeded to tie the belt around my eyes, completely blinding me.

I gasped. “You really are a kinky fucker, aren’t you?” I giggled but was highly alert and practically begging for it.

His hands held my arms as he manoeuvred me around the kitchen until I felt the table at my back. He hoisted me up onto it. “Lie back, Ava. I am gonna blow your mind.” I groaned at his words as he held my hands and supported me as I lay back.

I was completely unaware of what he was doing and it added to the excitement as I waited patiently for him to make his move.

He started on the instep of my foot, his fingers slowly and softly drawing swirling patterns against my skin. I was already pooling for him.

“You’re so responsive, Ava. I’m gonna have so much fun with you,” he whispered beside my ear and I jolted at the surprise, thinking he was down near my foot.

His mouth now joined in making patterns on my other foot while his fingers started sweeping up my shin on the opposite leg and then his other hand was stroking across my belly. There were so many places to concentrate on that my mind was getting frazzled. I felt his tongue sweep up from my foot and trace patterns up to my knee, his other hand now flicking light finger wisps up the inside of my thigh.

I was moaning loudly and wiggling about under his touch and my hands rested in his hair and he pulled back. “No touching, Ava,” he ordered.

I pouted, seriously pouted. “But I want to touch you,” I whimpered.

He held my hands together and suddenly they were being tied in front of me with something I couldn’t recognise.

Oh Jesus, This was hot!

I gulped as his tongue and fingers continued their relentless worship and as his fingers reached the top of my thigh and slid across the groove of skin where it met my hip, I was sliding my bum on the table trying to get his fingers to touch my sex.

“Please, Kade,” I panted.

“Shush sweetheart, calm down.” His tongue licked up the inside of my right thigh.

“Oh Fuck, Kade, I’m gonna come without you even touching me.” I could feel him grin against my skin. The reactions and sparks shooting around my heated blood had me whimpering and humming.

His left hand had reached my breast and he feathered little flicks over my pert nipple, touches that were barely recognisable but in my highly aroused state I felt every sensation against my frazzled nerve endings.

” I was panting and begging unashamedly now. He took pity on me. All of a sudden his hands settled on each thigh and he pulled me to the edge of the table quickly, propped my legs over his shoulders and before I could blink his lips wrapped around my engorged clit as he inserted a finger into me and I climaxed like never before.

The whole of my body exploded and my nerves screamed with me. Every single muscle groaned in ecstasy and my lungs held in my breath for what seemed like an eternity.

Kade worked me down slowly but extending the life of my orgasm.

Sweet Jesus,
” I wheezed.

I heard his slight chuckle and then I felt him climb up the table until he was straddled over my chest. I was happily aware that he had considered my babies and spanned my boobs instead.

I heard him moan and the sound of something sweeping. I could feel a rhythm against my breast. “Open your mouth, Ava!” he demanded.

My god, he was masturbating over me.

“NOW, AVA!” he barked. My mouth flew open just as he garbled out my name and hit my mouth, cheek and nose with his cum. He grunted a few times and panted heavily.

I wasn’t quite sure how to react to that . . . but whatever! It was totally hot.

I felt a whoosh and his hands settled at each side of my head on the table as he kissed my forehead and untied his homemade blindfold.

“Hi.” he grinned at me.

“Hey.” I grinned back when the blur had passed.

“Jesus, Ava, You’re gonna kill me,” he laughed and kissed my forehead again before climbing off the table.

I lifted my clenched hands. My eyes widened when I found Kade’s boxer shorts stretched to within an inch of their limit and knotted around my wrists.

He grinned at me and undid them, kissing the red marks that now adorned my wrists from the friction of the material. “Now that’s fucking hot,” he said huskily.

I raised my eyebrows. “What the red rings around my wrists?” I asked bewildered but he nodded and grinned but didn’t expose any reason.

I shrugged, rubbed my wrists and gave him my hand to help pull me up. “What are you gonna do when you’re ready to drop?” he chuckled as he pulled me.

“Don’t!” I grumbled and he laughed again.

“Go get cleaned up before we’re disturbed again,” he said seriously and as I turned round he slapped my arse quite hard and I jumped.

His eyes dropped to my bare bum and he groaned deeply. “Now that
a magnificent sight! A bright red hand mark on your pale ass.” His eyes hooded and his breathing became heavier.

I widened my eyes and rushed from the room before he could pin me down again. God! He was limitless but I wasn’t complaining. Oh No! In fact I was bloody grinning like a Cheshire cat.


KADE AND I enjoyed each other for the next week and three days before Christmas I was leaving with Courtney to attend my next ultrasound scan as Kade was leaving to drive down to Newquay to spend Christmas with his family.

He had me pushed up against the car and was nibbling on my neck while Courtney waited patiently in the car.

“I’m gonna miss you, sweetheart. You sure you won’t come with me?” he urged.

I shook my head. “No, me and Courtney always spend it together.” I hadn’t wanted him to know about our log cabin visit. We both needed a break from each other and I didn’t want us getting too attached as I knew he had to leave for Italy after the New Year.

“Aww,” he whinged and I laughed.

“Hey, they are your family, go and enjoy a family Christmas” I scolded and he caught the undertone in my voice.

“You’re right, sweetheart. I’m sorry” he said with a contrite expression on his face.

I smiled softly. “Merry Christmas, Kade” I whispered as I reached up to kiss him. His mouth covered mine in a demanding but owning kiss. He was starting to get a little possessive and I was worried I was going to hurt him again, even though I had told him it was just sex and he had accepted that.

He groaned and pulled away, sliding his long lean legs into his Mercedes then grinned at me, turned the engine over and sped off.

I clambered into my car next to Courtney. She narrowed her eyes on me. “What?” I asked, pulling off and heading towards the hospital.

“He’s getting a little clingy Ava, I like him and I don’t want him to get hurt. If you’re not gonna reciprocate his feelings then you need to tell him.”

I held up a hand to her. “I have told him from the start it’s just sex between us, and he has agreed all the way along.” I defended.

“Well I don’t think it’s sunk in, I can tell by the way he looks at you, Babe.”

I nodded sadly. “I care for him. I can’t help it. But my heart belongs to Mason and always will.” I was utterly truthful with her and I knew she appreciated my honesty.

I hadn’t heard or seen anything from Mason since the night in my kitchen and to be honest I was a little worried about him. Greg had said he had seen him and he was fine but he hadn’t seen him broken and crying at my table and I will never forget that heart-breaking sight.

Courtney sighed and nodded, changing the subject. “I am so ready for this Christmas break.”

“Me too, who’s going? I stuck two fingers up at an arrogant male driver who cut me up and then had the gall to mouth ‘stupid fucking bitch!’ at me.

“Well there’s you, me and Greg, Sam and Marcy and another couple I think but I’m not too sure,” she divulged, rooting through her bag to retrieve her phone.

“Oh God, I’m gonna be a great big gooseberry,” I grumbled.

She scowled at me. “No you’re not.”

“FOR GODS SAKE” I barked as the road rage nutter slammed his brakes on in front of me. Courtney jumped through the roof as I blasted him with my horn and he stuck his middle finger up at me through the rear view. I made a ‘wanker’ motion to him.

“Ava.” Ethan the sonographer greeted me and smiled at Courtney.

“Do you ever get a day off?” I asked.

He grinned. “Don’t be silly,” he laughed as I settled myself onto the examination table.

I pulled up my shirt, wearing trousers and a T-shirt this time. He squirted me with the cold gel and settled the transducer against my tummy as a small knock came on the door.

“Just a mo, Ava” he said and went to open the door.

“He’s well fit,” Courtney whispered. I laughed and then my jaw dropped when Mason entered the room with Ethan.

“Hey.” He smiled softly and came to stand beside me, taking my hand in his and holding it tightly. I glanced at Courtney who was as stunned as me.

“Sorry I’m late,” he said as Ethan continued with the examination. A small smile grew on my face and soon I was beaming up at him as he grinned back at me. He bent, planted a soft kiss on my forehead and looked at the monitor.

“Let’s see what the peanuts are up to,” he said as they popped up on screen.

I sighed happily and watched my babies wiggle, kick and turn in my belly. “Amazing,” Mason whispered.

I looked up at him and squeezed his hand. “Yes,” I whispered back. His eyes shot to mine when he grasped I was talking about him. He smiled softly and brushed my knuckles with his thumb.

“Everything’s fine Mum and Dad. Both peanuts are growing healthily.” Ethan smiled and proceeded to print off two pictures.

Mason cleaned my tummy and helped me up off the table, pulling me craftily against him as he pulled. He brushed his hand over my stomach and leaned in to my ear. “I have to go, I’m sorry, Ava. I have an appointment but didn’t want to miss this.”

I smiled up at him and nodded as he kissed my mouth gently but left his lips against mine a fraction too long to make it chaste and I sighed dreamily against him.

“I’m sorry about that Saturday night,” he whispered but I placed my finger against his lips and shook my head slowly.

“Don’t be.”

He shrugged but smiled. “I love you,” he whispered quietly so only I could hear him.

“And me, you,” I whispered back.

He closed his eyes as if relishing my words but then pulled back. “See ya later” he said to everyone and then left.

I was nibbling on my finger contemplating the change in him when I caught Courtney’s glare. “When the hell is he gonna make his damn mind up?” she said angrily.

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