The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (87 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Sooo what’s the goss with Courtney and Greg?” Kerrie asked with an eager expression and I chuckled.

“Wonderful apparently, can’t seem to get enough of each other and I’m really pleased for her. She deserves it.”

Kerrie murmured her agreement over a mouthful of pie, “Wow this is really good” she hummed appreciatively.

I couldn’t hide my disappointment at her approval of the pie.

“Sorry sweetie but there won’t be any left.” She giggled and I pouted. “I’ll buy you a pudding” she winked at me and I grinned.

“Are you going to Liv and Nate’s party?” I asked her as I finished my meal and shoved my empty plate away, my eyes on her chips. She shook her head at the question but rolled her eyes at my pleading expression and pushed her plate over to me. I beamed at her, “I love you so much.”

“I hate you” she grumbled humorously. “You look tired Ava,” she said suddenly serious. “You still having trouble sleeping?”

I shrugged and demolished the last chip. “I’ll get used to it.”

She cocked her head as her lip curled wickedly. “I heard you got a good night’s sleep Monday.” Her eyebrows were high over the rim of her glass and I smiled longingly.

“Yeah, best sleep I’ve had in weeks. I’m surprised he told you.”

It was her turn to shrug, “He told me it was the best night’s sleep he’d had in weeks as well.” Her lips were now pursed in unison with her high eyebrows.

“Kerrie, don’t look too far into it. I was exhausted and I asked him to stay and . . . he did. We slept. That was it,” I informed her. She nodded and smiled but I still caught the glimmer in her eye.

“I suppose he didn’t tell you about storming into my workplace Tuesday morning shouting the odds?” I asked her. “I didn’t think so,” I said when she shook her head with wide eyes.

“He phoned me when me and Nate were grunting trying to lay a cable under his desk, Mason thought we were having sex and stormed in shouting and bawling saying he was gonna kill Nate,” I told her angrily, still pissed off with Mason’s behaviour.

She stared at me, “Wow.”

“Mmm, and when I told him it was none of his business if I wanted to have a sexual relationship with someone, he went mad. Apparently I’m not allowed.” I shook my head in disgust as the waiter came to remove our plates.

“I’ll take a piece of the chocolate cheesecake and a fruit salad please,” I told him before he even asked if I wanted a sweet. “Kerrie?” I asked. She shook her head, declining.

“She’ll have a trifle,” I informed the waiter. Kerrie laughed when he looked at me like I’d got two heads.

“Sure.” He grinned in understanding when I rubbed my baby bump.

“He’s hot,” I whispered to Kerrie as I checked out his retreating ass. Her mouth dropped open, “It’s not my fault, it’s these bloody hormones,” I told her with an exaggerated pout. “I’m so fucking horny all the time and it’s not good when you haven’t got a fella.”

“You wanna take a visit to Ann Summers before we get our hair done?” she asked seriously. I gave her a wide grin in confirmation.

The waiter returned with my three puddings and placed them all in front of me. “Enjoy,” he winked. I beamed at him.

“Maybe I’ll just take him,” I giggled to Kerrie as he walked away.

* * *

The party was in full flow at Nate and Liv’s house Saturday night and I was sat around a patio heater with Grace, Leah, Liv, Lexi and Beth laughing and talking.

I was tired but the lack of alcohol was helping me to stay awake.

Nate and Pete, Lexi’s husband, and a couple of other men were singing Christmas songs on the karaoke and everybody was in the Christmas spirit. I was relaxed and happy, until Mason walked in with Rebecca. I groaned loudly and slumped down in my chair.

“I’m sorry Ava, I couldn’t not invite them.” Liv apologised guiltily but I shook my head and smiled at her.

“No, don’t be silly. I don’t expect you and Nate to get in the middle.”

I would have to start coming to terms with the fact that Mason was no longer mine. It hurt though, to see him with
it hurt so fucking much but I plastered a smile on my face and tried to ignore them.

Roughly half an hour later Rebecca swanned over to us and took the chair opposite.

I took a quick glance around for Mason, needing him to get her the hell away from me. He was stood in a group with Nate and a few others, whisky in hand, laughing at something Nate was joking about.

Everybody glared at her and took a quick glance at me to observe my reaction, knowing from the last party here that I had a temper.

“Well hello, ladies,” she purred, her pouty Botox lips tight against her face. I bit my lip to rein in my temper. “How is everyone?” Her eyes perused the circle, then landed on me with a sneer. Nobody answered her, everybody hated her. “And how’s your pregnancy going Ava?”

“Lovely. You?” I asked even though I didn’t give a shit.

“Oh wonderful, Mason and I are so excited,” she smiled slyly.

“That’s nice,” I smiled sweetly.

“Who are you having for a birthing partner Ava?” She was really pissing me off now.

I caught Liv and Leah’s lip curl at her. “Courtney of course.”

“I’m just hoping I don’t break Mason’s fingers when I squeeze his hand during a contraction,” she laughed falsely and my chest heaved.

“I thought you were having a pre-elected C-section Rebecca?” I mocked. “I don’t think you will have to put up with much pain . . . only your own voice and Mason pouty face.” I smirked and everybody else laughed.

“Excuse me, my babies are hungry again.” I smiled sickly at her and left the table.

I turned towards the buffet table and saw Mason watching me. “You okay?” he mouthed with an apologetic look. I rolled my eyes at him but smiled. It was hardly his fault his ‘girlfriend,’ and I use the term loosely, was an utter bitch.

Perusing the table and nibbling bits and pieces, wondering if I should make a run for it, a warm familiar breath whispered on my neck.

“Hello, sweetheart.”

I froze. My breath stuck in my lungs and my heart jumped for joy. I spun round and greeted Kade’s wonderful smile. I couldn’t help it; I beamed at the sight of him. He laughed heartily and pulled me into his arms.

“Well that smile made my plane journey worth every fucking second,” he whispered into my ear.

Holding me at arm’s length he scanned me up and down. “Wow, look at that tum,” he winked and placed his hand over my stomach. “I’m pleased for you Ava, really.” He smiled genuinely and I pulled him into another hug.

“I missed you,” I disclosed softly and I had. Not like the agonised misery with which I missed Mason with but I had missed him; his friendship, his laugh, his smile and right then, his touch.

As though he could read my mind his hand skimmed over my backside. “Missed my hands, sweetheart?” he rasped. I quirked an eyebrow as I felt his erection press against my lower stomach.

“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!” I heard Nate shout.

We turned to see Mason stalking towards us. “Fuck!” I growled and pulled Kade behind me. “Listen to Nate, Mason. You lay one finger on him and you will never see me again!” I warned.

Rebecca snorted. “Well I don’t think that will be a problem.” She crossed her arms in a huff.

“Shut the fuck up, Rebecca,” Mason barked as he took a step closer to us.

Kade was trying to move around me but I held him back. “Ava sweetheart, it’s fine. Let’s get this over and done with,” he tried but I could see the haze cloud Mason’s eyes, the sure sign that the white rage was taking over.

Mason was nasty and malevolent when his fury took over, he showed absolutely no mercy and would fight to the death; there was no way I was letting him anywhere Kade.

“Stay where you are,” I hissed at Kade.

Mason’s chest was heaving and he was literally snarling.

“Listen to me Mason,” I said sternly. His eyes were near black now. “LISTEN TO ME!” I screamed at him. His eyes flicked to mine, finally allowing a little part of his attention. “You do not
touch him if you want to see your children,” I said slowly but determinedly. Mason narrowed his eyes on me but I also saw his pain at seeing me stood with Kade.

I caught Sam and Nate stood ready for him and I gave them a quick glance. Sam nodded at me. “Sam is going to take you and Rebecca home. I will call you tomorrow,” I told him softly. His face tightened as he bit his bottom lip.

Rebecca strolled up to the side of him and rested her hand on his forearm. “Mason? Why are being like this over that skank?”

He snapped his head round to her with speed and hatred. She cowered at the malicious coldness in his eyes, her own eyes widening on him. “Don’t. EVER. Fucking. Call. Her. That. Again” he snarled. She took a step back, her chest stuttering with fear and shock.

My heart swelled at his protectiveness. I took a step closer to him and cupped his cheek. “Kade and I are just friends Mason. That is all.” His eyes softened and he leant into my palm. I reached up and kissed his cheek. “I will always love you Mason, you and only you.” I whispered in his ear.

His shoulders slumped as he exhaled heavily. “Ava,” he whispered back softly, his small voice full of pain.

I made myself step away from him. “Sam’s gonna run you and Rebecca home, Okay?” I begged him silently with my eyes. He nodded but didn’t smile, then he turned and walked away.

I gave out a huge weary sigh of relief as Kade came round to my side. “Thanks for that, I think he wants to kill me,” he joked but we both knew Mason well enough to understand that he would have definitely beat the life out him if he got his hands on him.

“He won’t touch you now Kade.” I smiled gently. He gave me as small nod then led us over to the drinks table.

“Drink?” he asked, “I know I fucking do.” He laughed when I gave him a ‘don’t be stupid’ look and pointed to my bump. “Oooh poor you,” he grimaced and grabbed my hand.

A few people came over to say hello when we eventually found a couple of chairs in a quiet corner.

“How long are you home for?” I asked as I took a sip of soda and bit into one of the many nibbles I had piled on my plate.

Kade eyed the huge mountain of food sceptically. I rubbed my tummy. “Prepare to be amazed.” I grinned wickedly. “A woman who eats for England.” He laughed heartily making my body hum at the sound.

“I’m here till just after new year,” he divulged, taking a long pull from his bottle. “Nate’s kept me up to date with you Ava. Don’t blame him,” he cut in quickly when he saw my scowl. “He’s a good friend and I just asked him to look out for you. I know what Mason’s like. To be honest I thought you would have been back with him by now.”

I shook my head as I popped a pastry puff thing in my mouth. “No, he can’t . . . can’t get past what we did,” I revealed quietly.

Kade nodded softly. “Do you regret us?” he asked, wincing slightly as he waited for my answer.

I took his hand. “No Kade, never. My only regret is hurting Mason but I’m not ashamed of what we did.” He sighed heavily, his face softening in relief.

“So, where are you stopping?” I asked biting into something that looked a bit too orangey.

“Yours?” he tested candidly.

I laughed at his hopeful expression. “Try again.”

He pouted sulkily but then grinned. “At the apartment. I took out a six months contract before I left for Italy and rented it to a mate, so I’m stopping with him until Christmas then I’m off to my folks in Newquay.” I smiled, glad that he had someone to spend Christmas with. “Unless I get a better offer.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes, “Keep trying.” I laughed.

“Oh I fucking intent to.”

My laughter stopped abruptly, my stomach heating and tightening with the huskiness in his tone.

He rolled his head round his neck and stood. “I’m gonna scoot, I came straight here from the airport and I’m knackered.”

I frowned. “You came straight here?”

He grinned lazily. “Yeah, there was someone I was dying to see.” He winked and bent down, kissing my cheek tenderly, as he cupped my other cheek with his hand. I turned my face and kissed his palm. “I’ll be in touch,” he breathed and then was gone.

I sighed heavily. My body was screaming at me in frustration and I pulled a face. What a night!

* * *

I climbed into bed exhausted and bone tired, and miraculously dropped to sleep instantly but a couple of hours later my mind was racing again.

I refused to open my eyes, knowing the moment I did I wouldn’t get any more sleep that night, but my eyelids had other ideas, slowly peeling open.

I scrambled up the bed in shock. “What the hell Mason?” I squealed.

He was sat in the wicker chair in the corner of my bedroom. I was amazed I hadn’t been aware of him earlier as he had switched on the small lamp on my dressing table. He sat silently watching me. “How long have you been there?” I asked. He cocked his head and I narrowed my eyes on him. “You came to check if I was with Kade didn’t you?” I asked angrily but he still didn’t speak.

He pushed himself upwards and grasped the edge of his T-shirt and pulled it over his head. My eyes widened when I saw his naked powerful chest.

His eyes were full of desire, longing with need and my breath caught in my throat.

He popped the button on his jeans and pushed them down his legs with his shorts and I whimpered at the sight of him. His glorious hard, lean naked body was like nectar to my eyes and my body lit up; my blood surged through my body, every single hair stood on end in anticipation of his touch, my stomach heated and clenched heavily as my core pulsed.

“I need to feel you Ava,” he breathed as he crawled up the bed towards me. Grabbing my ankles, he tugged so I was laid flat on the bed. I gulped as his hands slowly swept up my shins and thighs.

He grinned sensually. “I need to smell you,” he whispered as his face came against my crotch and he inhaled deeply. I moaned as arousal instantly dampened my shorts. Mason closed his eyes in pleasure and moaned gently.

He knelt between my legs. “I need to taste you,” he rasped as he gripped my shorts on either side of my hips and swept them down my legs.

“Oh my God,” I wheezed as Mason kissed my foot then snaked his tongue gently and leisurely up my leg. I watched his every kiss and suckle as he worked his way upwards. My sex was already on fire in expectancy and when he got to the apex of my thighs, I nearly passed out with eagerness.

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