The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (242 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Oh god, oh god . . .” she chanted as her hips rolled and she grinded against my mouth, her movements causing her to take from me what was being offered as I took her higher and higher and brought her to an intense and fevered climax. Her pussy walls drew in my fingers as she tightened around them and her clit virtually throbbed between my lips as she cried out and flooded both my hand and my face with her cum.

I couldn’t wait any longer to be inside her and my jeans were around my hips before I had even come to stand behind her. The condom was on and I was sinking into her from behind as we both pushed against each other until I was soon balls deep inside her, her soft warm cunt dripping around me and feeding my craving for her.

Taking a section of the rope in my hand and using it as a hold over her I began to fuck her with an urgency we both needed to sate the powerful throb that ruled us. She bucked back onto me as I thrust into her so deeply I could feel the tip of her bouncing against me and triggering a surprised yelp from her.

“Am I hurting you?” I managed to ask around the clench of my jaw.

“More . . .” she growled and I groaned as I forced into her deeper, screwing her furiously as I yanked on the rope and wrenched her deeper onto my dick, the ferocity of it scorching me as each drive snatched my foreskin sharply.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” I roared as I felt my cum start to build in my balls and demand its release. “You need to come, Grace.” I demanded as I reached round and pinched her swollen clit.

Her head finally lifted off the chair as her orgasm tore through her and overtook every inch of her body in a painful clinch as she shook and jolted with the strength of her climax.

I cried out as my body exploded in relief when it allowed the release of my spunk, the pure white bliss powering from my thighs, up my spine, slamming into my brain and then straight down into my balls as I erupted into her, filling the condom so fully I was scared it would start to seep back out.

She issued a distraught sob and I let go of the rope and embraced her waist to hold onto her as she continued to shake and come around me. She was on fire and the blaze seared my dick and generated a violent shudder to rush through me as her pussy held onto me so tight I choked out a tight gasp with the intensity of it.

“Kade, oh fuck, Kade . . .” She screamed as the final rush of ecstasy hit her brain brutally and took her so high she collapsed forward and her head bounced off the chair.

“Shit, shit Grace . . .” I pulled her back against me so her back was resting against my chest and bit into her shoulder to jolt her brain back into action.

She gasped with surprise and her chest juddered when she gulped in a lungful of oxygen and as I felt her sway I scooped her up and settled her on my knee as I took to the chair. “It’s okay sweetheart, just a bit of a head rush.”

She nodded as she rested her head against my chest, her hands still bound behind her as she curled up her legs and huddled into me.

I held her with one arm as I worked the rope with my fingers and slipped the ties easily, unravelling the rope and letting it drop to the floor as I nuzzled her hair and engrained the smell of her inside me, it’s soft gentle scent soothing my over excited heart beat and calming the over stimulated nerves in my body.

Bloody hell! What the hell had just happened?

I knew I had never reacted like that with anyone before and I’m sure the way Grace had appeared shocked at her own reaction, she had never experienced it either.

But neither of us voiced what had just occurred as we sat, our bodies entwined around each other as her arms snaked around me and she held on as if letting me go would result in her fall.

I held onto her just as hard because I too was frightened of falling, but not in the same sense as Grace.

Chapter Sixteen


I SLIPPED OUT from under Kade’s arm as the morning sun peaked through the wonky blind and threw a streak of sunlight into the room. It was quiet, too quiet. There was always a phone ringing, the neighbour’s dog barking or just the hum of the house appliances in the background at home, but here, in the quiet of the hotel room, my mind decided it wanted to engage in everything and more.

Pulling on my knickers and then my t-shirt, I took my cigarettes and stepped out onto the balcony, lighting up immediately and appreciating the stimulant to my blood as well as the crisp cool air to my lungs.

I missed my morning workout routine and pondered waking Kade up to drag him around the block with me just to get my muscles motivated and my mind roused.

The smoke in my exhalations mixed with the heat from my breath and curled around me in a mist of steam and nicotine as my addiction started to calm my crazed thoughts and motivate more coherent theories and deliberations.

There was no way out of involving Grant and I grit my teeth as I contemplated numerous ways to deal with him. It wasn’t good, in fact it was a nest of bloody mayhem and I pinched the bridge of my nose as I took another drag on the cigarette and turned my thoughts back to Mona.

It still didn’t make any sense. Her betrayal was not only confusing but downright ridiculous. She had always been there for me, always in the background and always in my heart. She had been a constant in my life since I was born and not only had she been our housekeeper but my nanny and a surrogate member of our family.

I thought back to when Marcus had been born and the sudden shift in my parent’s relationship. Looking back at it now, I would nearly believe that my mother had had an affair to get a reaction like that and I knew I had to get to the bottom of their problematic marriage to find answers to my questions.

I flicked my smoke over the railing and turned to find Kade leaning on the doorframe completely naked watching me closely. My eyes naturally dropped to peruse the picture of perfection staring at me.

He was beautiful; no other words to describe him were or had ever been formulated, because beautiful didn’t even seem appropriate as I took in the glorious smooth broad pectoral muscles that topped his defined abs. I followed the tight contours down lower, over the sharp ‘V’ pointing like an arrow to the short black trail of pubic hair that then lead to the semi-hard erection wishing me a good morning.

I smiled to myself then looked up to find his bright blue eyes twinkling in amusement and his soft pink lips curved into a smug smile.

“I wondered when you’d get to my face,” he smirked and I scrunched my nose up at him.

“I’m not interested in your face, just your cock.”

He nodded and his smile grew into a grin, “Well, does it meet your satisfaction madam?”

“Maybe, I don’t seem to have too much experience yet to answer that.” I licked my lips and leant back to hold onto the frosty railing, the iciness of it was jarring to my senses and I delicately leant my bottom back as I prepared for the cold encounter.

He took a couple of steps closer until he was stood before me and settled his own hands atop of mine on the bar so I was captured under his frame.

I quirked a brow at him, “You do realise that you’re naked and out on the open balcony?”

He shrugged and looked around the car park below us, scanning casually for any signs of life, “There’s no one around, which means I can do this.” He removed his hands from mine, took the hem of my shirt and lifted it high, baring my naked breasts to both him and the cold air, the low temperature immediately seizing my veins and constricting them tightly in protection against the chill around us.

My nipples pebbled and hardened but I wasn’t sure if that was due to the temperature or the desire in Kade’s eyes as he regarded me with what looked like both admiration and need.

His mouth descended on my nipple, the heat from his breath conflicting with my frozen nerve endings as he wrapped his lips around it and slowly traced the hard peak with the tip of his tongue.

My eyes closed instinctively as I let him fill me with the ecstasy from his touch. I gasped as his teeth gently clasped my nipple and a jolt of pleasure shot to my clit as my pain receptors fired up and woke from their slumber. As he moved to my other breast he brought both of his hands to cup and knead me as his mouth continued with its devotion.

“Please,” I pleaded as my body screamed for stimulation and gratification. “Please, Kade.”

He rose to full height, his head a few inches higher than mine and cupped my chin in his thumb and forefinger. “When you beg, you need to be more specific with what you’re actually begging for.”

“I’m not begging.” I scowled at him, affronted by his arrogance but he just smirked at me, his eyes filled with conceit and humour as he lifted a brow in mockery.

“You actually were, Beaumont.”

“Well fuck you, you arrogant arsehole.”

He scoffed loudly as I pushed against him and moved away. “My God, why do you have to be so outraged by everything?” he asked as he followed me back into the room and flicked on the kettle before proceeding to rip open the little sachets of coffee and tipping them into cups.

I sat on the bed and studied the curve of his glorious backside as he made us both drinks. I was slightly in awe of how at ease he was with himself and his body. He didn’t give a toss that every single inch of him was so openly on display but I reasoned with a body as fit as his, he had nothing to be actually self-conscious of.

“What was that last night?” I asked my question quietly, my inner self still quite ashamed of how I had reacted to Kade’s dominance and total control over me when he had taken all of my power and wrapped it into an array of knots and twists.

He peered over his shoulder at me with a crease in his brow. “I’m not quite following you, sweetheart.”

I rolled my eyes and shuffled further onto the bed until my back was resting against the headboard, “The rope.”

He turned and smiled, reaching out to me with a cup of steaming coffee before sitting beside me on the bed. “Kinbaku, or actually last night was more Shibari.”

I squinted at him, both obvious Japanese words meaning zilch to me but he shrugged and stretched down to pick the pool of rope from the floor.

“Kinbaku is an old Japanese art form of both a sensual and stimulating practice. I can only describe it as a form of bondage but doesn’t just focus on the binding but more on the sensual influence it has over both the
and the

I nodded slowly, still quite mystified by what he had just said but he turned to me and tipped his head, “Tell me, Grace, honestly. How did you feel when you were both being bound and then when the Shibari was complete?”


“The actual tying process. The whole practice, including the feelings, the sexual exhilaration and the tying is Kinbaku but the actual binding itself is referred to as Shibari.” He was quite clinical with his answer and I frowned slightly as I thought over his question for a while.

“Well,” I started but he smiled at me and I stared at him in puzzlement.

“Your whole face just told me how you felt, Grace. You went from thinking, to admiring, to appreciating and then to acceptance.”

I rolled my lips and laughed. “You got all that from my face?”

“Yes,” he answered sternly as though my amusement was prohibited and I straightened my back like a chastised child. “The face is a playground of emotion. Surely you, as an operative in the MI5 should be aware of that.”

“Well, yes but . . .”

“But nothing. Your face shows your anger, your fear, your amusement and just now it told me every thought that went through your head. You went from deliberating over what happened, then you realised that you kind of liked it, and then you remembered the feeling of how free you actually felt being bound and restricted of all self-management and then you acknowledged that it had made you feel good. Made you feel ultimately at peace with both yourself and all around you. You accepted that maybe, for once in your life since hitting adulthood, that there was something actually out there that could take all the shit from you and just give a moments quiet in both your mind and body.”

I didn’t know what to say. To be honest, there was actually nothing left to say because he had just described every single thought and reaction I had to last night’s experience.

I sighed and looked away as I ran my finger across the rim of the cup and tried to keep my emotions towards both Kade and last night regulated. “But what exactly do you get out of it?”

His eyes slowly moved across my face as a small but bright smile curled his lips. He leaned forward and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Just because you asked that question delights me in more ways than you would ever think possible.”

I frowned and shook my head in bewilderment. Sometimes the man confused me with his inconclusive remarks and his half said statements.

“You see Grace, most people would ask what
were supposed to gain from being bound but you,” he shuffled a little closer but I just tilted my head in expectation for what he would say. “You asked me what
gained from it. You appreciate the sensuality and sentiment it arouses already; you gave yourself over to the freedom and liberation of it. You took what was being given and you presumed it was just pleasure for you. Whereas the artist or Nawashi as the proper term is, gains not only his pleasure from giving you the pleasure but from the ultimate gift you give him when you present your total self for his desires and rulings.”

“So you’re saying that you got your pleasure from tying me up?”

He laughed a little and ran his finger tenderly over my jaw, “Did it feel like you were just tied up?”

“No, not really.” I deliberated as I thought back to the feelings that Kade had stirred within me, “It was more like. . . . I dunno, the calm that settled not just on me but
me was . . . just whole. I can’t really describe it but all my mind concentrated on was your movements behind me. What the rope felt like against my skin. How relaxed I felt to just let the ties take my weight. But then, they didn’t just seem to take my weight, it was as though they soaked up all the stress and stuff. It was kind of . . . liberating both mentally and physically.”

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