The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (196 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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He jerked at my words but nodded, “I know, and you know I would never do anything to hurt you all. I know how much you’re in pain right now, Ava and I’m gonna make it all better, baby. I’m gonna scour the earth for what our marriage needs to make it whole again. I promise.”

His words triggered the tears that had been threatening to materialise since last night.

He pulled me in tight and wrapped my hair around his fingers in his possessive hold; his heart was beating rapidly against the thin material of my shirt as he whispered words of love and commitment in my ear.

“We need to talk about something.” I tipped my head back and peered up at him. He kissed the tip of my nose and nodded as I took a deep breath.

“I asked . . .”

“Katie smacked me. . . .” George bellowed as he came sobbing through the hallway into the kitchen.

Damn, just when it was good time to tell him!

I needed to tell him quickly and whilst he was feeling so indulgent, so I blurted it out the same time as George scuttled himself into my legs and Katie came stomping in to shout her disapproval at George splashing her with dirty toothpaste water.

“I asked Kade to come this weekend.”

The children quietened immediately when they felt the chill envelope us and the air tighten to a near struggle to breathe in.

Ice seemed to cover everything in the room from the kettle to the fridge, from the window to my babies. From Mason to me.

Mason blew out a breath slowly then inhaled purposefully as Katie and George stared at their daddy desperately trying to rein in his temper in front of them.

“Go get your bags and climb in the car” I told them with no room for argument.

They didn’t even moan or acknowledge my demand as they thankfully had an excuse to remove their precious bodies from the house.

“Mason” I warned as I palmed his cheek and turned his face to me, “We need to sort all this with Kade. We’re just friends and I hate to see him hurting after what I did to him. It still pains me and I need to fix it.”

He screwed his face up and a deep growl rumbled through his chest. “What
did to him, Ava? What
did? Fuck, baby, was he not there when you two fucked like rabbits?” he hissed out and I felt his anger like a physical slap.

“Shit, I didn’t mean that, Ava.”

I nodded, I understood, it must hurt him every time my affair was revisited but I needed to be firm on this. It had gone on long enough. They used to be family as well as friends and I ached at how far apart I had blown their friendship.

“You need to understand, Mason. I need to do this. Parts of my life . . . hurt; they ache inside me, Mason. It’s like something that I can’t control and I need control after . . . everything I’ve been through. I need this.”

He exhaled loudly then he did something I would never have expected from him. He nodded. He nodded in agreement. He fucking nodded.

“Okay . . . thank you.”

He leant into me so his nose was touching mine as his hands settled on my bum and pulled me close to him. “Just . . . don’t let me down, Ava, because it happens again and . . .”

This time in was turn to nod. “I know, baby. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

His eyes pierced mine as he placed a soft chaste kiss on my lips, “I do Ava, more than you realise.”

Chapter 9


I TURNED AND smirked at Ava as we passed the Service station on the motorway as we made our way up to the cottage. The erotic images of Ava’s hot little mouth around my cock in that car park had my dick roaring to life, the hard length pressing into the zip on my jeans with my lack of underwear.

“I am not paying you any attention, Mason.” She grinned as she flicked the playlist on the iPod and a
Thirty Seconds to Mars
album hit the car at an ear splitting level. I scowled at her and turned it down with the controls on the wheel.

“But, baby, it’s my birthday.”

She turned to me and treat me to that god damn stunning smile of hers, “It is and because of that and cos’ you haven’t touched a speck of that filth since Monday, I have a special surprise planned for tonight, so rein it in Mr Fox and hold those thoughts until then.”

I shivered in anticipation. “Fuck, baby. Now I’m gonna be sporting a damn hard on all day.”

She pursed her lips and I didn’t miss her slight squirm in her seat. My woman was randy too, hell; my woman was always fucking randy. Not that I was complaining of course. I would sit her on my cock all day and let her ride around with me for 24 hours if I knew we wouldn’t get arrested in public and embarrass other people.

“You heard if Lay’s managed to get up?” I asked her, hoping to draw my attention away from fucking my little warrior.

She nodded as she ripped into a Mars bar. “I think everyone’s managed to make it.”

Great, that meant Kade.

I nodded and she slipped her hand on my thigh, “Thank you for this, Mason. I’ll make sure I’m not left alone with him and I won’t leave your side all weekend” she told me with conviction as though she had read my thoughts.

I flicked her a smile, a relaxed one. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her, it was Kade. I knew he still wanted her, wanted what he couldn’t have. Wanted what was mine. If he touched her this weekend, so help me I would finish what I had started all those years ago and rip the bastards fucking head off.

I changed the subject before my heart started that rapid beat it always insisted on with the mention of his name.

“What’s the plan for tonight?”

“The usual, the French bar for food then onto Haven to dance my ass off with my girlies.”

I chuckled slightly. Ava and her ‘girlies’ would demand the whole of the dance floor when they started rockin’ their asses and to be honest, I couldn’t wait to watch her perfect body move fluidly before me. She was one hot little dancer and I groaned at the image dancing around my head.

I flicked the left hand indicator when we approached our junction and Ava bounced and clapped when she knew we were near. I laughed, God this woman was my fucking life.


She turned and beamed at me before she planted a huge smacker on my cheek. “I know this weekend is gonna be just what we need, Mason. I have a good feeling.”

I took her hand and brought her tiny knuckles to my lips, “Me too. Just what we need, friends, food and fucking all fucking weekend.”

She shivered and squirmed again and I laughed out loud, “Ready for me, Ava?”

She scoffed and both her eyebrows hit her hairline, “Mason, you should know by now, I’m always ready where your glorious cock is concerned.”

“And me, you baby.”

* * *

They were dancing before we’d even found a table, all eight of them. God knows where everyone was sleeping tonight but the master suite was ours with it being my birthday.

Ava grinned at me and I waved her off with a smile, “Go, go dance, baby.”

She giggled, jumped up and kissed my cheek before she turned and I watched the sway of her hips and the way her tight cream dress hugged her arse cheeks as she rocked across the floor to her friends with her arms already swaying in the air to the beat of the music. Fuck, now I was hard again.

“To the birthday boy” Connor declared as he shoved a shot of something potent in my hand. The rest of the guys held up their glasses and we all hit the shot back as one.

“So, old man, what’s it feel like to hit forty?” Greg smirked and I curled a lip at him.

“You’re as old as the woman you feel. In that case that makes me thirty one” I winked as I cast a glance at the woman who I would be feeling tonight.

Nate nudged me and flicked his eyes towards Kade who was watching me warily. I rolled my eyes and attempted to build a few bridges as Ava so desperately wished for. I would sell my soul if she asked me to, and I think I was just about to do that.

“Get ’em in, Kade.”

He tipped his head slightly and his eyebrow flicked as he tried to determine if I was trying to include him or take him for a mug and make him buy the drinks all night.

I gave him a small firm nod and he returned it before he clapped his hands and looked around at his friends for the weekend. “Let’s get the birthday boy pissed.”

Everyone cheered and Nate slapped my shoulder lightly, thanking me silently for making the effort to welcome not just Ava’s friend but his also.

The night flowed, the booze flowed and Ava’s body flowed like liquid gold on the dance floor.

I thrust my stiff cock into her arse as I shrouded her from behind and danced to
Matchbox Twenty ‘Like Sugar.’
“Fuck, Ava, can we go yet?” I whispered in her ear. If my balls got any heavier I’d have to go and get some relief in the toilets soon.

She snaked her hands behind her and wound them around my neck as she turned her face into me demanding my lips. I didn’t refuse; I gave her exactly what she asked for and plied her lips expertly as my grasp tightened on her hips with a swift pull into me. Her small moan tightened my sac and throbbed my cock.

Christ, this was hard work.

“When I sink into that pretty wet pussy of yours, I’m never coming out. You hear me? All fucking night baby, me inside you and you around me. Till the sun comes up.”

Her groan was louder this time before she flanked my bottom lip with her teeth. “And I want you so deep I can feel your cock in my throat, Mason.”

“Sweet fucking Jesus, Ava. We’re going—now” I demanded as I took her hand and pulled her off the dance floor. “We’re off, guys.”

They all looked at one another, every single one sporting as much lust as me and Ava. The surprise of Kade rocking against Carla, Courtney’s work colleague, hit me and I nudged Ava. She turned and the grin that lit her face warmed my insides. If she had felt anything for Kade, it would have been jealousy that crossed her face not happiness for him.

“Count us in” they all shouted as we piled out of the club and planted our arses in the limo already waiting for us. Tristan, Kerrie’s boyfriend, popped the cork on the champagne and proceeded to pour for everyone.

I pulled Ava onto my lap and I groaned into her lips when she slid her drenched pussy across the ridge of my erection. “Baby, you’re gonna have to stop before I take you right here, in front of everyone.”

“Fuck, yes” she groaned and I realised those words had turned my little warrior into an even bigger hot temptress. Ava loved the joy of fucking with someone watching.

Luckily The Black Panther had managed to provide my wife with her kink. Sometimes there would be at least three people watch her ride me like an animal. Her lust and primal need for this side of her sexuality allowed me to relax with this part of her.

The fact that they were just watching and not touching bated my possessive streak and if I’m honest, I enjoyed this side of her. She allowed me my kink and I wouldn’t begrudge her hers.

She slid around so her back was against my chest and I raised my hand and slid my thumb across her hard nipple, the pert nub pressing against the tight silk material of her dress.

I eyed her when she looked at Connor and he lifted the corner of his lip at her. My woman wanted to play.

Connor flicked his eyes to me to silently ask for permission and I nodded.

Everyone else was already eating face, all of us feeling the sex and heat in the confines of the car, and currently there was only Connor and Marcy’s friend, Paula, without a partner however I frowned when Paula sidled up to Connor and he shook his head at her. She pouted grumpily then slid back across the seat and glared out of the window at the speeding lights passing us.

Ava ground onto me as she continued to hold Connor’s gaze. He swept his tongue across his bottom lip as his hand cupped his own erection.

Ava’s heart sped up against my wrist which was pressed up hard into her chest. “You are so damn fucking hot, baby. You’re setting fire to my cock through my trousers.” I moaned into her ear as I slid a hand under the skirt of her dress and stroked my fingers up her thigh.

She opened her thighs, giving Connor a glimpse of her beauty and I hissed a fuck, my cock now becoming painful in my need for release.

Her breathing sped up until she was mere panting and my gut blazed with the sound of her extreme arousal. “Are you watching Connor stroke his hard cock, baby?”

She moaned but nodded whilst Connor sank his teeth into his lip and tipped his head at Ava, his eyes fucking her hard.

“Fuck” she breathed and just as I pressed my thumb against her swollen clit, the limo pulled up outside the cottage.

Everyone piled out like greyhounds after the hare; me and Ava being no exception.

She held me back as we reached the door, her hands pushing at me firmly until I was slammed up against the wall and her tongue invaded my mouth.

Her lips moved in perfect sync with me as her tongue duelled hungrily with mine. Her soft wisps of breath mingled with my own and hardened my need even further. I cupped her bottom and she lifted her legs and wrapped her delicious thighs around my waist.

She eventually calmed her kiss and hovered her lips over my wet ones. “I love you so much, Mason, so god damn much. You’re my everything, baby. My heart, my soul, my life.” Her eyes flitted across my face searching me; “You think we can survive this?”

Her anguish tore me up and I rested my forehead against hers. “I would die before I hurt you, Ava. We
do this, we’ve been through worse. I know you’re aching inside, you’re ripping yourself open and bleeding baby, but I’m gonna fix that. Trust me.”

I swiped my thumb over her cheek and caught her single tear, a solitary tear but it was like a dam of emotion and my soul wept with her.

“Take me to bed, Mason” she whispered softly.

“With pleasure, my little warrior.”

She was still clung to me when I flicked the bedroom door open and carried us both in.

I frowned when I saw Connor laid out on our bed, naked. It was like Deja vu and I shot a frantic look at Ava before she hit the roof, but she palmed my cheek and smiled softly at me, “Happy birthday, baby.”

I frowned in confusion before it clicked and I stared at her.

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