The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (164 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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Pulling in a deep breath and ignoring Lucas’s confused expression I answered. “Hey.”

“Lay, you okay?” he asked gently and I scoffed.

“Ava?” I asked hesitantly.

“She’s okay, Lay. Don’t worry. I’ve sorted it with her.”

I exhaled heavily “You sure, Mase cos’ I . . .”

“Lay! I said she’s okay and she is. It was before her, and she understands that and believe me Lay, Ava is no angel, she has her own kinks so don’t worry. Anyway listen, I’ve got Sam and Greg on it as well as a couple of security guys I know. They’ve put traces on him so we’ll find him. Okay?”

“Yeah” I answered quietly but I didn’t hold much hope.

“Come on, I’ll run you home” Puss said when I ended Mason’s call.

“No need. I’ll take her” Lucas demanded and I rolled my eyes and I sighed at his dominance.

Sometimes it would be nice to just go with ‘easy,’ ‘simple’ and ‘uncomplicated’ but I didn’t have a hope in hell at the moment.

Puss glanced at me questioningly and I held up my hands. “Whoever, cos’ right now all I want is a long soak, a hot chocolate and some blasting tunes to sink into.”

Lucas nodded once and grabbed my hand, pulling me through the door before I had chance to change my mind.

Chapter 10


I GLANCED AT Red as I opened the car door for her and my stomach clenched at the resignation in her eyes.

She looked utterly defeated and I wondered what hold this guy had on her, and what was in the damn secretive brown envelope. It was obviously something shocking regarding Red and Mason and I was damned if I didn’t get a glance at the contents before the night was out.

“I really think you ought to stay with me for a while, Red. Just while Diablo is out there.”

She shook her head and turned to face the window as I turned into a back street and checked my mirrors to see if we were being followed.

I noticed a couple of cars but they were quite far back so nothing jumped out at me.

“Red?” I asked again but she still didn’t answer and I cast a quick glimpse in her direction.

Shit! She was crying. What the hell did I do now?

“Hey” I said softly and placed my hand on her thigh nervously.

She shook her head but still didn’t turn to face me and I could sense her embarrassment so I found a spot at the side of the road and pulled over.

She suddenly gripped the door handle in a bid to escape but I flicked the door lock before she could make her getaway.

“Please, just let me out Lucas . . .” she hiccupped and my heart stuttered at her distress.

Oh Crap. I wasn’t used to these feelings and I didn’t know what to do to help her.

I gripped her chin gently as I turned her to face me and I gulped at the desolation in her eyes. “I . . . I’m . . . S. .Sorry . . .” She stuttered.

I shook my head at her and stroked the tears off her cheeks with my thumbs “Hey, I can’t wipe away your tears unless you let them fall.”

Her eyes widened at me as I continued to dab her wet cheeks and she nibbled furiously on her bottom lip.

I squinted as I saw a figure approaching the car with his head down and covered with a hood. He glanced upwards and caught my eyes.


“Hold on, Red!” I told her as I floored the accelerator. The man started running.

Like he could outrun a Porsche. Fool!

Red turned in her seat to see who we were fleeing from and I heard her gasp when she caught sight of whoever it was.

She slumped back in her seat and confusion covered her face. “Holy Fuck!” she whispered and I risked a glance at her as I screeched into a one way street just to see if we were being followed.

“You know him?” I asked her as I shot a look in my mirror and was relieved to see no car following us down the wrong way.

“Yeah . . .” she puffed out and looked a little startled, “But I thought, I thought Mason . . .”

She leant forward and pulled her phone from her bag and I took it she was dialling Mason. “Mase. Simon Bell . . . he’s still around.”

I caught Mason swear down the phone. “Yep, No just seen him following us,” Pause. “Well the last I heard he was self contracting himself out, but we thought he’d moved abroad.” Pause. “Yeah, well just warn Ava. After Dane contracted him, I just wanted to warn you.” Pause. “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”

I sighed heavily when she ended the call and slowed down the car when I was sure we weren’t been followed. “Are you gonna tell me what the hell’s going on, Red?” I asked with annoyance at all the secrecy.

She scrunched up her face and took a huge gulp of air “It’s best if you don’t get involved, Lucas. Honestly, you don’t need to get on the wrong side of Diablo . . . he, he has his own set of rules and, well they’re not nice.” She turned her face away and I could see her reliving some of Diablo’s rules.

“I can take care of myself Red, and well, I just wanna help.”

Her brows furrowed in puzzlement as she cast me a glance. “Why?”

I used my mirrors as a diversion and shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe I like you.”

She smiled at me softly when I turned to glance at her. “And I like you too, that’s why I’m trying to keep you out of this” She said as I pulled up outside her apartment.

We we’re both quiet for a moment, just eyeing each other up, trying to figure out what each of us felt but she eventually smiled and pulled open her door. “Thanks for the lift. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Sighing heavily, I nodded and glanced up to the window of her flat, “Give me a wave when you’re in safe” I told her and she nodded before closing the door softly.

I couldn’t help but watch the sweep of her coat swish against her tight calves, the way she took each delicate step with elegance and controlled movement, her hips swaying with each ascend of the steps up to her flat front door.

Before I knew what I was doing I was out of the car and running to catch up with her. “Let me see you in, okay?”

She sucked on her lips but sighed and relented and gave me a small nod as I followed her in.

I frowned at the noise as we entered her flat and Red groaned loudly but didn’t say anything and I cringed when we passed a closed door and the sounds got louder.

“Your room mate?” I asked and she nodded as she made her way towards the kitchen and filled a mug with milk as she plonked her bag beside the worktop.

“Hot chocolate?” she asked.

I smiled widely and nodded in confirmation “Christ, haven’t had a hot chocolate in years.”

She gave me one of her pretty smiles, the one that lit her whole face and her eyes twinkled brightly and I bit down on my lip to shift my wayward thoughts.

She filled another mug and placed them both into the microwave. “I’m just gonna go change. Two minutes.”

I nodded and watched her retreat into her bedroom and as soon as she dipped around the doorframe I swept down and pulled the envelope out of her bag. Casting another glance towards her room before I pulled out the contents to make sure it was safe, I slipped open the flap and slid my hand inside.

“Oh go fuck yourself, you big jerk . . .” a female voice filtered from the hallway and I hissed and put the envelope back into Red’s bag.

“Oh . . .” A tall blonde girl gasped as she caught sight of me. I smiled at her, even though I wanted to throttle her for interrupting my only probable moment to sneak a look at the contents of the mystery envelope.

“Hi,” she smiled back “Sara.”

“Lucas Hunt” I greeted back. She nodded, and then swung her gaze to the microwave as it pinged.

She walked over to it and pulled out both cups before proceeding to open a couple of sachets of chocolate powder and poured them in. “I presume one is yours?” she asked as she turned to me.

I nodded in reply.


At first I thought she was referring to me with an endearment until she smirked and held up the sugar canister, “Oh, no thanks.”

She chuckled to herself and I knew she had read my thoughts, as a long streak of piss walked into the kitchen.

He wore nothing, completely nude, and narrowed his eyes on me. I lifted my eyebrows at him in return.

“For God’s sake, Rob, put something on!” Sara chastised.

He smirked at her as he walked across the room and pulled her against him. “Come back to bed, Sare” he said as he nuzzled into her neck.

She sighed deeply and moved her neck away “Ten minutes.”

I caught the glint in his eyes as he leant back in and pinched her arm forcefully. “Now!” he hissed.

Sara flinched and bit into her bottom lip before she nodded and passed me my mug.

“See you later, Hunter” She said as she followed the arsehole back to her bedroom

It just occurred to me that she knew my Dom name and I frowned before a thought jumped into my head. Had Red mentioned me?

Well that thought brought a wicked smile to my lips just as Red reappeared.

“Penny for them.”

I glanced up at her and she tipped her head with a soft smile, “You were obviously thinking of something nice by the looks of your smile.”

I sighed and took a sip of my drink “Now that would be telling, Red.”

She smirked then nodded as she picked up her mug and my eyes swept the length of her. She now just wore a simple white silk robe and my heart beat maxed out as I noticed the point of her nipples straining against the thin material.

I looked away before my dick got the wrong idea and stood from the chair as I followed her into the lounge.

She settled her ass into the window seat and glanced out.

The silence was comfortable and I suddenly realised how relaxed I was in her company. I had never been content with just a woman for company but with Red it was different.

It was like she gave off easy and relaxed vibes and I established myself into the armchair beside her.

She remained quiet, just staring out of the window and I reached out and ran a finger up the thigh that had become exposed when her robe draped open.

She didn’t jump or jolt, just turned to look at me with a sad expression.

“You gonna tell me what’s going on?” I asked gently.

She sighed and scrunched up her face. “I can’t” she replied quietly as she swallowed deeply.

Her face said it all. She was fucking terrified.

I glanced away and when I returned my gaze to her she was still looking softly at me, as if considering whether I would be an ally or an enemy.

I placed my mug on the table and stood, before taking the one step it required to reach her.

She looked up at me, a slight anxiousness in her eyes as I palmed her cheek tenderly.

“I won’t let him hurt you, Red” I told her softly as I moved my fingers gently over the contours of her delicate cheek bone.

She gulped but still continued to regard me quietly.

She was so utterly beautiful and exquisite that I wanted to kiss her more than I’d ever wanted anything in my entire life.

I heard her gentle inhalation as I slowly leaned into her and hovered my mouth over hers, silently asking for her permission.

I didn’t need it. She reached into me and softly placed her lips over mine, giving me all the consent I needed.

God, she tasted divine. So bloody amazing that I wanted to devour her whole, but I also wanted to relish and treasure each movement of her lips under mine; worship her kisses as she controlled our ache; the only woman who ever had, and the only woman who ever would.

She moaned faintly and I slipped my hand around into her hair and cradled her head as she became more passionate and hungry.

I returned her moan with a deep rumble from my chest as I nudged my knee between her thighs to bring myself into her.

She opened them instantly and I slipped in and pulled her closer.

She pulled herself upright and slipped her hands around my neck as we continued to explore each other’s mouths. Her tongue was winding desperately around mine, and when I flicked against her top teeth she gasped and pushed her body closer to mine.

Her tight little nipples brushed through the material of my shirt and I slipped my hand down and palmed her breast, caressing it tenderly under my fingers.

“We have to stop” she panted and pulled back.

“The fuck we do Red” I warned as I leaned back towards her and took her mouth again.

She relinquished for a while and kissed me back feverishly until I felt her breath falter and she pulled away more confidently. “No Lucas, I can’t do this. I can’t bring you into this.”

I took a step back to study her and saw the pain and horror in her eyes.

I gently grasped her fingers and ran my thumb across the outline of each one, before I held her eyes with mine. “Tell me” I said simply.

Her pained expression became desolate as she shook her head. “I can’t” she whispered as she pulled her hand away from mine.

“I wanna help, Red.”

She turned away and I watched her shoulders slump in resignation “You can’t. Nobody can. He wants me? Then he will have me.”

“No, Red. Only with your permission. It’s the same with all D/s relationships. You know that.”

She laughed loudly, bitterly and with absolutely no humour. “Why do you think he calls himself Diablo, Lucas?” she spat out angrily.

My own anger surged at her defeatist attitude “You just say No, Red. It’s fucking simple!”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head before she disappeared across the room and reached into her bag for the envelope. My heart skipped a beat when I realised what she was doing.

She walked back towards me and flung the damn thing at me. “This is what happened the last time I said no to him!” she practically shouted at me and then turned and left the room.

I stood and watched her leave before I plonked myself in the window seat and removed the contents of the envelope.

“Holy Shit!”

There were roughly eight photos of Red but she was blonde in these pictures. One was of Diablo, Mason and Red in a threesome. Two of them were of Diablo, holding Red by a whip around her throat as he took her from behind.

Five of them were of her chained to what looked like a cellar wall, as three men took her at once, her face was dirty and pained and I fought back the bile that was rising in my throat.

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