The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (131 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Fuck,” was all I managed.

He stretched out beside me as his fingers stroked up and down my back. “Christ Ava. I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard,” he puffed and I nodded.

“Yeahhh,” I yawned.

He smiled tenderly and pulled the duvet over us, gently kissing my nose. “Sleep, baby. I’ll wake you in time to fetch the babies.”

I nodded, yawned and passed out with exhaustion but with a very large grin on my face.


AT 8 O’CLOCK Mason was leading me into an expensive Italian restaurant in the city centre. We were shown to a private room that had a small circular table decorated with tea light and flowers and soft music was playing in the background.

“Wow,” I whispered.

His hand swept my hair to the side from behind me as he planted a small kiss to the nape of my neck. “I figured we needed some alone time.”

I nodded and turned my face to kiss him. “It’s stunning.” I smiled and his thumb swept over my cheekbone.

“Very,” he whispered as his eyes never left my face.

The waitress pulled out my chair and tucked me in as I sat and handed me my menu. “Would you like to taste the wine while you choose, Sir?” she asked and I could swear she fluttered her lashes at Mason. I glared at her. She couldn’t take her eyes off him but she didn’t even notice me. I shivered at the her address to Mason, every time I heard someone say ‘Sir’ it always reminded me of Dane.

Mason frowned at me and I shook my head faintly. “Yes please.” He smiled at the waitress. The blush spread from her neck all the way up to her cheeks, the usual female response to Mason’s smile. I rolled my eyes at her blatant longing as she poured a mouthful of white wine into a glass and Mason tasted it. He nodded and grinned at her and I narrowed my eyes on him as she gave him her sweetest smile, showing her perfect white teeth. I couldn’t help but notice the way she pulled her shoulders back slightly to make her breasts look larger. I think Mason noticed too as he quickly looked at me and I wondered if he was struggling to keep his eyes on me rather than her chest.

She half-filled our glasses with the wine. “Can I get you anything else, Sir?” she asked again.

“Can you call him Mr Fox please?” I grated through my teeth, trying to suppress another shiver. She eyed me curiously as though I had two heads and I sighed heavily, “Please.” I tipped my head at her suddenly feeling exhausted. She nodded but I knew she didn’t like it.

“Could you leave us for a moment please?” Mason asked.

She turned to him and nodded with a grin. “Of course, Sir.” I bit my lip at her deliberate ignorance. I saw Mason eyes darken and he looked up at her slowly as his eyebrows rose but she had already turned to leave.

“Baby? What’s wrong?” he asked with concern and I shook my head, feeling foolish at my behaviour. “Tell me, Ava,” he demanded softly and I chewed on my little finger. His eyes dropped to my mouth and he reached across and pulled it away, wrapping his fingers around mine. “Baby, talk to me.”

I picked up my fork and started fiddling with it. “Dane made me . . . I had to call him . . . Sir,” I revealed.

Mason’s face darkened. “Oh baby,” he sighed but I shrugged.

“It’s just me being stupid but when I hear it . . . well it kind of . . . you know,” I explained.

He smiled softly at me. “Yeah,” was all he said but I knew he understood my discomfort.

“Do you think you’ll be able to talk about it?” he asked. I knew he wanted to know what had happened in that room but I just shrugged.

“I dunno, maybe . . . one day.”

I glanced at him and he held my gaze. “Ava don’t be . . . don’t be worried about my reaction. If it will help to talk then . . .”

I took a gulp of wine and sighed. “I was thinking of going back to see Dr Greene.” I picked up my fork again, fiddling with it so I wouldn’t have to look at Mason.

“If you think it’ll help,” he replied but I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

“Mason,” I held his eyes as I spoke. “I don’t think you’ll . . . I know you won’t like . . . well, it’ll hurt you if I tell you what . . .” I looked away as the waitress returned.

“Have you chosen, Sir?” she asked. I grit my teeth and shivered, pressing my fingers into my temples at the encroaching headache.

This time Mason noticed and he turned slowly to look at her. “If you call me Sir one more time I will personally make sure you never work in another restaurant again, my Fiancé has asked you to call me by my name and I’d appreciate if you could honour that request.” He glared at her as she squirmed.

“Yes of course Mr Fox, please accept my apologies,” she hummed and Mason sighed.

“You could start by apologising to my Fiancé, not me,” he snapped.

She bit her bottom lip as if it would cost her her life to address me. “I’m really sorry, Miss,” she grated out with a smirk and I curled my lip at her but didn’t answer. She turned to Mason once more. “Are you ready to order Sir . . . Mr Fox?” I could see the glint in her eye.

“Just one moment,” I sighed. I stood and left the room, making my way over to the Maître d. “Is it possible to speak with the manager please?”

He frowned at me but smiled. “Of course, one moment Miss.” He disappeared into a door behind him and I started wondering if it was such a good idea to leave her alone with Mason, she was probably straddled across his knee already.

“Miss Stone?” A young, dark haired Italian man spoke.

I tipped my head in query and smiled at him. “Are you the manager?” I asked thinking he was rather young to be running his own restaurant.

“I am, Ben Rossi, pleasure to meet you Miss Stone.” He smiled and showed me his brilliant white teeth.

I held out my hand to him. “Hi, I’m dining with Mason Fox in the private room and I’m having trouble, what shall I say, warming to the waitress. She’s rude, arrogant and she looks at my fiancé like she wants to rip his pants off and sit in his lap.” His eyebrows rose. “I was wondering if it would be possible to substitute her with a different waitress or am I allowed to . . . modify her without the risk of getting arrested?” I smiled widely.

He looked at the floor and I noticed him trying to hide his grin. “I will personally see that a replacement is made immediately and please accept my apology for the behaviour of one of my employees. I shall make sure I . . . modify her myself.” He gave me a wry smile and his eyes lit with humour. I tipped my head at him.

“Thank you so much, I’ll make sure Mason tips well,” I smirked and winked.

He smiled again as I turned and walked back to our room. Ben followed me through the door, to where I found our waitress sat in my chair, leaning over the table towards Mason, showing him her ample cleavage. I harrumphed and glowered at Mason, whose eyes were wider than the waitress’s huge arse!

“Clarissa!” Ben growled behind her. She flew off the chair and stood to attention at the sound of his voice. “Come with me please,” he ordered pleasantly but I could hear the underlying anger in his voice. Her eyes shifted quickly to mine as she stared daggers and I raised my eyebrows at her.

She muttered something under her breath and turned to Mason, a sly smile curving on her lips. “Don’t forget to call me Mason,” she simpered and I sucked in a breath.

“OUT!” Ben bellowed. I bit my cheek and clasped my hands together before I dragged her across the room by her hair and forced her fake smile through her large arse.

“I’m so sorry about Clarissa, I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again,” Ben apologised but I only had eyes for Mason who looked thoroughly guilty and I wondered if he had actually took her number.

Ben and Clarissa left the room and I stood glaring at Mason. “Sit down, Ava,” he sighed but I narrowed my eyes on him. He held up a piece of paper that looked remotely like a napkin, screwed it up and threw it across the room.

My brows hit my hairline. “So you did actually take it then,” I scoffed and he glared at me.

“Sit down,” he demanded. I huffed but sat and he cocked his head at me. “Baby, sometimes it’s easier to just take their number and throw it rather than keep fighting them off.”

I snorted. “And how many do you actually throw away Mason and how many go in your pocket?” I asked through gritted teeth.

He narrowed his eyes. “Ava . . .” he cautioned but I shook my head.

“And while we’re on the subject of your many tarts, do you want to explain what happened with you and Rebecca, while were ‘talking.’” I drained my wine and filled it up straight away.

He pinched his temples and let out a heavy sigh. “Are we just going to argue all night?”

“I don’t know, are we? It wasn’t me ogling the fucking waitress.”

His head snapped up as his eyes bored into me. “I was not ogling the waitress.”

I scoffed and shook my head at him. “Mason, nobody gives their number out if they haven’t been encouraged. Shall I just go up to somebody in the restaurant and say ‘here’s my number, ring me’?”

His lip curled and he closed his eyes, sucking in a deep breath. “For fucks sake Ava, I didn’t encourage her. What the hell is wrong with you tonight?”

“Does it not occur to you that I might have reason to not trust you? After Rebecca, Blondie and now back to Rebecca and whoever else you’ve fucked while you’ve been fuelled up on fucking coke, Mason?” I seethed. He cringed but scowled at me, his eyes dark and flinty. “Well?”

“Ava please don’t do this now, we’re supposed to be having a nice evening together.”

I reared back, “I thought you brought me here to talk, so talk!”

He rubbed his face in his hands and groaned. “Why do you have to be so difficult?”

“Me? Is this your sneaky little way of changing the subject away from your fuck whore?” I was on a roll now and I could tell from his expression that he was doing exactly that . . . changing the subject and I was starting to be a little concerned why.

A waiter entered the room and smiled politely at us. “Good evening, I’m Michael and I’m your new waiter for the evening. Are you ready to order?” He smiled hesitantly and I think he caught the atmosphere.

“I’ll just take Steak and salad please,” I told him with a huge smile on my face. His lips curled slightly as he perused me and then he nodded as he wrote down my order.

“Anything else Ma’am?” he asked and I tipped my head and pursed my lips.

“Let’s see, is there anything else you can help me with?” I asked with a twinkle in my eye.

“Ava . . .” Mason hissed but I ignored him.

Michael gave me a cocky smile and raised an eyebrow at me. “What did you have in mind Miss?”

I snatched up a napkin and scribbled my phone number down and passed it to him. “Apparently it’s perfectly normal for me to give you my number . . . so here you are.” I grinned. His eyes widened as he flicked a glance towards Mason, who swiftly seized the napkin.

“What the fuck, Ava?” he raged but I shrugged and turned back to Michael.

“Looks like just the steak and salad then.” I pouted playfully and I could see him trying to sustain a smile as he turned to Mason.

“Are you ready to order, Sir?” he asked.

I groaned loudly, my temper finally blowing. “For god’s sake his name is fucking Mason, you got that?—‘Mason.’” I took a deep breath and fought back the urge to vomit all over the table. “In fact, just forget it!” I stood up, my chair flying backwards and I reached for my bag.

“Ava! Sit fucking down and behave,” Mason ordered and my head shot up.

You are my Master and I must behave, Sir.

“Yes, Master!” I shouted and strode out of the room, my temper frayed and my teeth nervously chattering, the vomit was seriously threatening to surface. If I heard ‘Sir’ one more time I think I might actually have passed out.

The nausea was rising rapidly and I was starting to panic, tears filling my eyes and spilling onto my cheeks as I heard the words repeatedly in my head. I sucked on my lips and raced out of the building, swiftly looking for somewhere to throw up.

I felt Mason’s hands wrap around my upper arms as he swung me round. “Ava! What the . . .” He didn’t finish as I spewed spectacularly all over his crisp black Armani shirt and trousers . . .

“Fuck!” He growled and stepped back.

“Just fuck off and leave me alone!” I shouted as I scanned the area for a place to substitute a toilet for. I spotted a flower bed and successfully reached it as I continued my stomach explosion. The words were still flying through my head as I retched and I grabbed at my hair, pulling it desperately as I tried to take the concentration off my thoughts and onto the pain but they were getting louder and I sunk to my knees, tears streaming down my face.

‘What do you say Ava?’

‘Please could you take me to the toilet Sir?’

‘You are such a whore that a fuck from anyone would sate you’

‘Yes, thank you Sir’

‘What do you say Ava?’

‘You are my Master and I must behave Sir’

I retched as I covered my ears. “Noooo please.” I sobbed. Mason crouched beside me, his face etched in pain and fear.

“Ava, please, what is it baby?” He scooped my hair in his grip as I threw up again and I fell into him as the last heave left my body.

“Don’t let him . . . don’t let him get me Mason . . . please,” I begged as I buried my face in his strong chest and he enveloped me protectively.

“I promise Ava . . . I promise,” he whispered into my hair as I wept.

After taking me home, Mason laid me on the bed, tenderly removing my clothes and settling me down. “Sleep baby,” he whispered as he kissed my forehead, “I’ll be right downstairs.” I gulped but nodded. He smiled softly. “I promise I won’t leave you, I’m just gonna sort out Kerrie’s taxi and then I’ll be right up.”

I nodded. “Leave the light on.”

He frowned at me and then nodded. “Okay, I won’t be long,” he assured me. I smiled tensely and curled up under the duvet.

I heard the door shut behind me, I panicked and ran out of bed to re-open it. Mason was on the top step heading down as he turned to look at me. I shrugged nervously and walked back to bed, climbed in and pulled the duvet right up to my chin.

“Avaaaa.” I heard his voice behind me as I ran along the embankment, my feet stumbling in my heels. “You can’t run sweetheart.”

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