The Nightingale Shore Murder (27 page)

BOOK: The Nightingale Shore Murder
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Chapter 11

Primary sources:

Personal correspondence from Dr Sam Coulter-Smith, The Master, The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin

Secondary sources: re history of The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin
Information from the Museum of Midwifery at the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, London
Chapter 12
Primary sources:
Handbook for Queen's Nurses by Some Queen's Superintendents, published by The Scientific Press Ltd, in 1924 [accessed at The Queen's Nursing Institute]]
Report and Proceedings of the Jubilee Congress of District Nursing held at Liverpool, 12th, 13th and 14th May, 1909, published by Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses, 1909 [as above]
The History and Progress of District Nursing by William Rathbone, published by Macmillan and Co, 1890 [as above]
The History of a Hundred Years, published by the East London Nursing Society, 1968 [as above]
Trained nursing for the sick poor, by Florence Nightingale, published by Spottiswoode & Co, 1881 (re a ‘higher stamp' of woman to be a district nurse') [as above]
Chapter 13

Primary sources:

A Guide to District Nurses and Home Nursing by Mrs. Dacre Craven published by Macmillan and Co, London, 1890 [as above]
Nursing Notes, Feb 1898 (examination in hygiene) [as above]
Nursing Notes Jan 1889 (appointment of Florence Shore and Mabel Rogers as QNs) [accessed at The Queen's Nursing Institute]
Nursing Notes (editorial) 1 Sept 1910 (Harriet Martineau tribute to Florence Nightingale) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Feb 1920 (letter from Florence Nightingale dated 8 Dec 1897) [as above]
Roll of Queen's Nurses vol V no 947, folio 131 (Florence Shore) [as above]
Roll of Queen's Nurses vol V no 915, folio 131 (Mabel Rogers) [as above]
The Charter of Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses [as above]
Trained nursing for the sick poor, by Florence Nightingale, published by Spottiswoode & Co, 1881 (re a ‘higher stamp' of woman to be a district nurse') [as above]

Secondary sources:

A History of the Queen's Nursing Institute 100 years 1887-1987 by Monica Baly, published by Croom Helm, 1987 [accessed at the Queen's Nursing Institute]
City of Liverpool website
Chapter 14

Primary sources:

Address by Surgeon General on the history of the Army Nursing Service, published April 1902 by the Nursing Board of QAIMNS [accessed via The National Archives, ref WO243/20]
Baptism record. Parish of St Michael and St George, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Nursing Notes July 1902 (Miss Cross article) [accessed at The Queen's Nursing Institute]
Nursing Notes October 1902 (comments on problems with nurses in S Africa) [as above]
Nursing Notes May 1904 (comments on value of nurses in South Africa) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine 30 Aug 1905 (Lucy Watchhorn article) [as above]
Roll of individuals entitled to the South Africa Medal and Clasps, under the Army Order granting the Medal, issued on 1st April 1901 [accessed via The National Archives ref: WO100/130]
Shipping Lists database, British Medals [accessed 11 September 2013] citing The London Times, 19 October 1900, p. 8, cols. 2-3

Secondary sources:

Aberdeen Weekly Journal 9 June 1900 (Dr Farquharson on the War, quoting letter from nurse at IYH) [accessed via]
Aberdeen Weekly Journal 22 Sept 1900 (Letter from soldier re conditions at IYH) [as above]
Birmingham Daily Post 22 Mar 1900 (IYH base hospital open) [as above]
British Imperial Policy and South Africa 1895-9, by Andrew N. Porter, in The South African War (in The South African War – the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902, General Editor Peter Warwick, published by Longman, 1980). By kind permission of Pearson Education.
Daily News 6 Jan 1900 (volunteer doctors and nurses)] [accessed via]
Daily News 10 May 1900 (letter: cost of running IYH) [as above]
Derby Mercury 21 Feb 1900 (Miss Fisher appointed Superintendent of IYH) [as above] re Dru Drury family history re Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service/Reserve
Imperial Yeomanry Hospital, Deelfontein, by Dr J. Hall-Edwards, published in the British Medical Journal 20 April 1901.
Ipswich Journal 20 Jan 1900 (beds named after donor counties, Queen Victoria's donation, ships to S. Africa) [accessed via]
Jackson's Oxford Journal 4 April 1900 (Extent and size of IYH) [as above]
Morning Post – Monday 12 February 1900. South African War Nurses. From a Colonial point of view. [as above]
Northern Echo 30 Jan 1900 (Princess Christian presentations) [as above]
Northern Echo 10 Feb 1900 (SS Norman sails to South Africa) [as above]
Notes on Enteric Fever at the Imperial Yeomanry Hospital, Pretoria, by H. D. Rolleston, published in the British Medical Journal, 5 Oct 1901
Nursing Notes Nov 1903 (‘Dirge of Dead Sisters' by Rudyard Kipling, from ‘The Five Nations') [accessed at the Queen's Nursing Institute]
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps/Famous Regiments by Juliet Piggott and Lt Gen Sir Brian Horrocks, published by Pen and Sword Books Ltd in 1990
Sisters in Arms – British Army Nurses Tell Their Story by Nicola Tyrer, published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson in 2008
South African Military History Society / [email protected] re hospital at Deelfontein
The National Archive:
Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette, 9th Oct 1902. Town Council Wed Oct 8th. [Accessed via the British Library Newspaper Archive].
Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette – Thursday 06 November 1902. Honouring the volunteers. The Freedom of the Borough. [Accessed via the British Library Newspaper Archive.]
The Graphic 28 Apr 1900 (picture of hospital and Sisters, camp newspaper and description of camp) [accessed via]
Western Mail 5 Jan 1900 (letter from Lady Georgiana Curzon) [accessed via]
The South African War – the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902, General Editor Peter Warwick, published by Longman, 1980
Tracing your medical ancestors: a guide for family historians by Michelle Higgs, published by Pen and Sword, 2011
Women and the War, by S. B. Spies, in The South African War (in The South African War – the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902, General Editor Peter Warwick, published by Longman, 1980) (Register of South African War)
Chapter 15

Primary sources:

Gazetteer of the British Isles, by John Bartholomew, published 1887 [accessed via]
Nursing Notes Oct 1903 and Nov 1903 (duties of a Superintendent) [accessed at the Queen's Nursing Institute]
Outlines for the Routines for District Nurses, by Miss M Loane, reprinted by the Women's Printing Society in 1948 [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine 30 Apr 1906 (Sunderland local factories' subscriptions) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Apr 1910 (article by M Rogers re exams) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Jul 1910 (nurses in Canada) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Oct 1910 (Personal rules for district nurses and QNs in old age) [as above]
Report and Proceedings of the Jubilee Congress of District Nursing held at Liverpool, 12th, 13th and 14th May, 1909, published by Queen Victoria's Jubilee Institute for Nurses, 1909 [accessed at The Queen's Nursing Institute]
The Census 1901 [accessed via]
The Census 1911 [accessed via]

Secondary sources:

Local Studies Centre collection, Sunderland Public Library Services
Sunderland City website (
Chapter 16

Primary sources:

Free BMD Index (death certificates) [accessed via]
Nursing Notes Sept 1910 (obituary and poem re Florence Nightingale) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Apr 1913 (lecture on ‘living germs) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Sep 1910 (death of Florence Nightingale) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Apr 1913 ( Mabel Rogers' retirement) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Apr 1913 (Miss Curtis' retirement) [as above]
The Census 1891 [accessed via]
The Census 1911 [accessed via]
The Will of Anna Maria Laye died 16 Jan 1912 [accessed via The Probate Registry, London]
The Will of Florence Nightingale died 10 Aug 1910 [as above]
The Will of Urith Beresford Ffoye Shore died 18 Feb 1915 [as above]

Secondary sources:

‘An Enchanted Journey – The letters of the Philadelphia wife of a British Officer of the Indian Army, Ed. Alan Jones, published by The Pentland Press, 1994
Chapter 17

Primary sources:

Queen's Nurses' magazine Apr 1914 (pattern for knickerbockers) [accessed at the Queen's Nursing Institute]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Oct 1914 (QNs going to war) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Oct 1916 (QN nursing in Belgium) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Jul 1915 (Mabel Rogers' account of nursing in Belgium) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Jul 1916 (Mabel Rogers account from France) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Jul 1916 (Ethel Ubsdell's account of maternity case) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Apr 1916 (W. Wells' account) [as above]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Oct 1916 (Questions not be asked in East Leeds hospital and ‘how deeply and terribly it does concern us') [as above] re Queen's Nurses contribution to WW1 [accessed July 2014]
Chapter 18

Primary sources:

British Journal of Nursing (procession to Buckingham Palace) [accessed 25 August 2013]
Daily Mirror 15 January 1920 (Florence Shore's bravery in the war) [accessed via]
Free BMD Index (death certificate) [accessed via]
Hansard Written Answers (Commons) of 11 February 1920 Series 5 Vol. 125
Letters from Edith Cavell to Eva Luckes 1902-1913. Royal London Hospital Archives LH/N/7/7/1-21
Manchester Evening News. Executed by Germans. 19 October 1915
Minutes of the Manchester and Salford District Nursing Association (1907). Minutes of the General Committee, 24 June 1907 (award to Edith Cavell)
Nursing Notes, July 1902 The State Registration of Nurses. Editorial, p82 [accessed at the Queen's Nursing Institute]
QAIMNR service record for Florence Nightingale Shore [accessed via The National Archives ref WO399/7549]
Queen's Nurses' magazine Oct 1916 (memorial to Edith Cavell) [accessed via Queen's Nursing Institute]
Register of the Royal Red Cross Decoration no 11680 [accessed via The National Archives ref WO 145/2]
The Will of Florence Nightingale Shore died 16 Jan 1920 [accessed via The Probate Registry, London]
War Notes – Harvard Graduates' Magazine 1915 [accessed via]
West London Observer 16 Jan 1920 (Florence Shore's bravery in War) [accessed via Hammersmith and Fulham archives]
West London Observer 23 Jan 1920 [A doctor's tribute to the ‘White Queen') [as above]

Secondary sources:

‘An Enchanted Journey – The letters of the Philadelphia wife of a British Officer of the Indian Army, Ed. Alan Jones, published by The Pentland Press, 1994 re QA's history
Testament of Youth: an autobiographical study of the years 1990 – 1925 by Vera Brittain, new edition published by HarperCollins Distribution Services in 1979. Extracts from Vera Brittain are reproduced by permission of Mark Bostridge and T.J. Brittain-Catlin, literary executors for the Vera Brittain Estate 1970.
The War to End Wars 1914-1918, published by Readers' Digest
The White Road to Verdun by Kathleen Burke, published 1916 [accessed via (The Project Gutenberg eBook #16945)
Unknown Warriors: Extracts from the Letters of K.E. Luard, RRC, Nursing Sister in France 1914-1918, by Katherine E. Luard, published by Chatto and Windus in 1930.
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