The Night the Sky Fell (10 page)

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Authors: Stephen Levy

BOOK: The Night the Sky Fell
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Peyton tried to contact his sister after he heard her car drive up, “Merry Christmas, Tricia.” Banks tried too, “Merry Christmas, Tricia.”

Tricia glared at Banks, “Talk is so tedious.” Tricia sat with Ann and her mother as Stan walked down the stairs. He noticed immediately that this was a boys against the girls’ scenario. He felt uneasy in his own home. The only tradeoffs were that Julie was no longer drinking and depressed and the sex was fantastic. He thought that it was too good to be true. During his ‘afterglow,’ he attempted closeness and intimacy but this was quickly eschewed. As he neared the Christmas tree, he attempted to hide his discomfort as he rummaged through the unopened gifts. Three males felt varying degrees of intimidation and were doing their best to hide it.

Stan spoke, “Julie, don’t I warrant a gift?” The three women turned towards Stan. Julie assured, “It’s on its way.” Stan mumbled to Peyton and Banks, “Better be on its way.”

Stan turned on the news channel as Julie said, “Stan, you better join us. Sit down.” This was not a friendly gesture to join the group but rather an ominous command. He obeyed as if a judge were giving a sentence to a guilty prisoner and he was the prisoner.

Tricia began, “All three of us have missed our periods.” Stan stared at Julie.

Julie continued, “The girls are virgins of course.” There was a silence as Stan thought that Julie ‘sent’ orders to Ann and Tricia. He was right: In step, the teen girls left the Powers’ house for the Abrams’ house.

Julie shifted her head to Banks, “You guys go for a walk. Visit the neighbors. Come back in an hour. When you come back, go to Banks’ room and stay there until I call you. Leave your door closed.” Banks and Peyton grabbed their coats and walked out of the house without questioning the command.

Hand in hand, Banks and Peyton walked down Skyline Boulevard.

Peyton began, “I’m scared, Banks. Scared for many reasons.”

Banks commented, “Tell me, Peyton. Tell me everything.” Banks’ self-esteem was at a low point and he missed being helpful during winter break from his school for the blind. He must concentrate on helping Peyton. He wanted to feel worthy of his job and needed to be useful.

Peyton shared, “You see, Banks, my mind’s eye is going dark. I can still see with it but it has taken a scary turn. I enjoy visiting secret places with my mind’s eye but it is scaring me. I always feel as if I were falling. As if the light were becoming shadows. Am I making sense, Banks?”

Banks squeezed Peyton’s hand, “Yes, Peyton. Go on.”

“Ever since I started taking those eye drops, my mind’s eye vision has decreased.

Tricia was sweet for a while and now she’s silent. Mom is happier. I honestly believe she is doing well. She doesn’t drink. And she doesn’t cry. So that’s a good point, right Banks?”

“Yes, Peyton, that is a good thing. Let’s go over and say hello to Mr. and

Mrs. Kadet.”

Peyton offered, “The Kadet’s smell good. I think they eat lots of fruit. They smell like berries.” Banks was not thinking about the Kadet’s, but rather he thought about the eye drops. For the time being, he would comfort Peyton until he had a solution.

Banks confirmed, “I will think about the eye drops.” Banks was in a real bind. It was part of his bargain with Julie to make sure that Peyton took his daily doses. He wanted to find out from the Chief if the eye drops could have a negative effect on Peyton. However, if he went to the Chief he would have to admit that he violated a sacred pact with the Spirit Above. Banks had become accustomed to dilemmas and detested them since he thought when a decision was made, it could lead to additional conflicts. There was always a loser. If he decided to give up on Ann, it would definitely be Banks’ loss. So for now he would ‘sit on’ Peyton’s anguish but soon the time would come when he must act. Meanwhile, Mrs. Kadet offered Peyton and Banks a bowl of strawberries and cream. Peyton chuckled.

The Powers’ house was silent. The wife starred at her husband. “Stan, your gift is arriving any minute. Oh it’s here now.” There was a momentary pause. And then the doorbell chimed.

Stan followed Julie to the front door. After Julie opened the door, in walked a new and improved Evelyn Sands. Stan’s mouth dropped. He hoped that he would go to his grave keeping this indiscretion secret. But no as Julie said, “I know everything, Stan. We met in aerobics class. We hit it of like two pregnant sisters who had…so much in common.”

As each woman grabbed one of Stan’s wrists, they locked eyes with one another in a ‘sending’ state. Stan’s attempts to free himself were futile. The ladies dragged him to the staircase and Stan refused by sitting on a step. He was hyperventilating. His secret world was disclosed. Each world had a grip on his wrists. The women dragged him up the staircase as if he were just a piece of light furniture. Once at the top of the stairs, he felt so light headed that he was on the verge of a faint. Undaunted by his condition, the women dragged him to the master bedroom and shut the door.

Stan screamed, “Let me go, I can’t do this!” The women ignored his pleas and placed Stan on the bed. They tied Stan’s wrists and ankles to the bedposts with wire that Evelyn had in her purse. He lay on his back spread eagled.In order to prevent his passing out, Stan submitted to the scene. He just lay there and gave up the fight.

After the women undressed Stan, they passionately undressed each other. Evelyn and Julie locked eyes in a ‘sending’ mode. Then they kissed one another with tongues entwined. Their eyes switched to Stan and each mounted the bed and then taking turns, they each mounted Stan.

As Stan was receiving his Christmas gift, Banks and Peyton returned. They came in quietly, and followed Julie’s instructions. They went to Banks’ room. Peyton was able to decipher the presence of an unknown woman and Banks kept quiet about the mysterious Mercedes in the driveway.

Later as Evelyn dressed, the women in unison wished Stan a Merry Christmas. Evelyn left with a parting glance to Stan followed by a parting wink. Julie released Stan from bondage. She stared coldly at Stan, “One more time!” This was not a question but rather a command.

Meanwhile, Peyton and Banks continued their card game in silence. Peyton as usual was first to whisper, “Why is that woman in my parents’ bedroom?”

“I just don’t know, Peyton. I just don’t know.

“Tricia and mom scare me, Banks. They hardly speak to me…it’s like I just don’t exist.”

Banks attempted to change the subject since he had no answers for Peyton. “Thanks for your great gift, Peyton. The shirt fits perfectly.”

Peyton questioned, “Do you like the color? Do you like yellow?” Banks told him how it is one of his favorite colors.

Peyton grilled, “Banks? What’s yellow?”

On the second floor of the Abrams’ house in Ann’s bedroom, Tricia and Ann were in full ‘send’ mode. Ann stood and took her right hand and circled her stomach with it. Ann gave out a whispered bellow. Tricia stood and followed the same hand movement and sounds that Ann had emitted. While doing so, the sounds were loud enough for The Monarch Raven to catch his attention. The Monarch Raven had seen this behavior several centuries before. Somehow, The Monarch Raven interpreted that the worst was yet to come. Of course, the raven was correct.

Murray had picked up on Tricia’s sound and knocked on the door, “Is everything okay, Kitten?”

Ann screamed with an unearthly voice, “Go away!”

During the next few weeks, Murray Abrams made inquiries at the hospital. As expected there was a shortage of staff. The pregnant women stopped working leaving less doctors, nurses, technical and physician assistants. The one place that the pregnant women continued to work was in the school system. Most female teachers simply lectured by ‘sending.’ The boy students were shuffled around by counselors to male teachers when the second semester began in late January.

Male authorities were attempting to get support from the state and federal government but most of their communications were blocked by the pregnant women on the internet and phone. The communications that got out to outside government was that everything was fine in Juneau. By the beginning of February, the pregnant women were in charge of all information that went out from Juneau. They decided who could leave by boat or plane and who could not leave the city. Disinformation was created to the outside would. The women managed to get the message out from Juneau that all was well and no help was needed.

It was rumored at school that some of the boys were physically accosted by their mothers for disobeying them. Others said that they were simply threatened. Those that had child bearing sisters learned to stay far away.

During January in Juneau, obvious allies were created…girls against the boys.

Be My Valentine

Many people thought that groups of animals were led by the alpha male. For example, if a herd of deer were pursued by lions, and that herd had a choice of directions to run, they would follow the leader. There is evidence to support that they first vote by eye contact of where each deer wishes to run. The majority of the deer votes would win the direction to which the herd would flee. Of course the counting system must be quick.

The three month pregnant women of Juneau seemed to have a similar way of making group decisions. But sometimes, one woman must make a decision for all. The boys at Juneau-Douglas High School had concluded that sometimes all girls locked eyes with Ann Abrams. They further concluded that after eye contact was broken, they acted in a decided fashion. Right now, certain women were collecting fabrics to make maternity wear for the women.

Men have learned to leave the women alone. The men have endured enough physical consequences to simply stay away. Additionally they have learned that if a woman requests something of a man, the men should obey.

As Julie Powers dressed for aerobics class, the doorbell chimed. A delivery boy, handed her two dozen roses with a card that routinely read, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Julie.” Julie found a few dollars and handed it to the boy. She glanced at the standard card. It had a picture of two cupids, a large red heart and Stan’s signature with the words, ‘Love, Stan.’ She placed the flowers and the card on the foyer table and shrugged.

In the Juneau-Douglas High School cafeteria, the pregnant girls sat together in silence. They locked eyes with one another. The boys on the opposite side whispered. They had come to think that too much noise disturbed the girls. Their speech over time had descended to whispers.

Johnny got up and walked over to Tricia carrying a Valentine’s gift. All boys watched the move in silence. He placed the gift in front of Tricia and wished her a good day. He was ignored and then he questioned, “Pick you up at six?”

Tricia glanced at him and then the gift. She continued locking eyes with her girlfriends. As Johnny retreated from Tricia’s table, all girls locked eyes with Ann. Then, all girls’ eyes glared at Johnny.


After school, Julie returned home with Tricia, Ann and Peyton. Julie parked the SUV behind Banks’ truck. Peyton was ignored by the women. Peyton asked, “Is Banks’ truck here?” Peyton felt uncomfortable in this world of female silence. During the day, Peyton’s world was mostly guided by sound. After the women left the SUV, Peyton was left to fend for himself. He lost his bearings and cues from the lack of familiar sounds and conversations of others. During the last couple of months, the distance had been great and he relied more on Banks than in the past. If Banks’ truck were not in the driveway, he would truly be alone. He panicked and asked again, “Is Banks here?” With the unwelcomed silence from his questioning, his anxiety escalated. The three women had simply left him alone and went into the Powers’ house.

Peyton opened the car door and with his cane and attempted to get his bearings. “Mom? Mom?” If only he could get to the front door, since his mother was parking in different locations on the driveway, he would feel a sense of victory. He heard the front door open and localized himself to the apparent sound’s direction.

At that instant, Banks approached, “Hey, Sport!”

Peyton relaxed with, “Banks, oh Banks, so glad you’re here.” Banks had made a conscientious effort to be around Peyton and should he need to leave, to always let Peyton know. Banks truly empathized with Peyton’s situation and the accompanied angst.

Banks guided Peyton to the front door. To comfort Peyton Banks asked, “You want to touch and smell some roses?”

In the foyer, Peyton touched the rose pedals that Stan had purchased for Julie. He sniffed them with excitement. “What color are they?”

Banks soothed with, “They’re red. Red Roses.”

Peyton shared, “They’re red like fire trucks, stop signs, and blood.”

“Right and there’s a card, a Valentine’s card.”

Peyton grilled, “What’s on the cover?”

Banks, responded, “Well it has two cupids—”

Peyton interrupted with, “What’s a cupid?” And as Banks explained about the little cupids that fly around a red heart, Tricia turned on the news. The news announcer gave little insight regarding the pregnant women of Juneau. He did set a projected delivery date for all women to be around the middle of August. He continued that since so many women would deliver at the same time that women would have to deliver at their homes and the hospital should only be contacted in extreme emergencies. People in the health and medical profession and teachers at schools should attempt to learn as much as possible about safe deliveries. Tricia smiled. She knew that all questions could be answered by Ann. He ended with an interesting comment that the Vatican was seriously considering that the happenings of Juneau constituted a miracle. Tricia’s smile turned to an exaggerated laugh. On the television, it could be noted that a pregnant woman sat next to the announcer as she passed additional scripts for him to read. The only real truth that came out of his mouth was the delivery date.

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