The Night That Started It All (22 page)

BOOK: The Night That Started It All
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She was just gazing wistfully into the window of a patisserie she knew she should avoid when a voice she vaguely recognised accosted her.

‘Shari, is it?’

She turned. Like an apparition from her worst nightmares, Manon was standing there, smiling a little uncertainly, an elegant tote bag hanging off her wrist.

. How are you? I mean you … you look very well. Beautiful, as always.’

Manon laughed. ‘
. I feel like a whale. My back aches, my ankles are swelling, and I’m hot. I’ve only just arrived and already I need to sit down. Shall we go inside?’

Shari only just managed not to drop her jaw. But why not? Why refuse the elegant woman?

‘How close are you to your time?’ she enquired over the tiny sliver of gateau that she’d allowed herself. No added cream. Even on a horrible day some lines had to be drawn.

‘Three days past. My waters could break at any second. Does that give you an uncomfortable feeling?’ She grinned and Shari allowed herself to relax and laugh. ‘I’m not supposed to go out but I needed to escape. My partner would be cross with me if she could see me now.’

Shari pricked up her ears. Well, well, well. Here was an intriguing turn-up. She wondered if she should tell Luc that he and Jackson Kerr had been supplanted by a woman.

‘Was that her at the clinic that day?’

Manon nodded. ‘
, that was Jenny. And are you and Luc still living around the corner?’


‘I enjoyed living there. Such a wonderful part of the city.’ She smiled across her strawberry mousse.

Shari lowered her gaze. ‘Mmm. I love the views.’ And the man. So much. Too much.

. So pretty. I still think of my peaches and lemons sometimes. It was Luc’s maman who whispered Luc’s favourite colours to me.’

Shari lifted her brows. ‘Really?’

. I could never really grow used to it. And after all my effort I was never even sure he noticed.
. What can we do about them?’ She gave a Gallic shrug, then winked. ‘I have found my own way.’

Shari looked searchingly at her. ‘And—you’re happy?’

‘Never happier.’ The glowing radiance of her smile was undeniable. ‘Life is too short not to be as happy as you can be.’

Shari agreed with that philosophy with all her heart. Though why did other people’s happiness always make the heart twinge? ‘Do you mind if I ask something?’

Mais non
. Ask away.’

‘Did you have the—amniocentesis test?’

Manon nodded. ‘I needed to. We had some concerns at one stage about spina bifida, because it is in my family genetics.
But … it seems there was no need to worry, after all. It’s good to know our baby escaped that terrible thing.’

‘How bad was it? Taking the test?’

She waggled her hand. ‘
Comme ci, comme ça
. A little scary. Everything is scary when you’ve never done it before. But in the end—not bad. It gave us peace of mind.’

‘Of course.’ If only
had peace of mind. She was beginning to doubt that a test would deliver it, when all was said and done. Feeling Manon’s curious gaze, she hastened to change the subject.

‘Is Jackson Kerr as gorgeous as he looks on the silver screen?’

Manon laughed. ‘
. He looks hot, but that’s where it stops. He’s selfish, his breath smells like a drain, and he thinks about nothing except his beauty, his personal trainer, and football. Always football. And his
.’ She shuddered. ‘Luc is a much sweeter, smarter guy.’ She added softly, ‘But not the one for me.’

Heartsore on that subject, Shari lowered her lashes.

Manon scraped the bottom of her glass with the spoon. ‘Someone has told me you are an author of children’s books?’

‘Oh, well …’ Shari certainly didn’t want to boast, but, under duress, she admitted it.

It was an illuminating conversation. Perhaps because they didn’t need to be rivals, Manon was warm and genuinely friendly. After they’d canvassed pregnancies, partners and partners’ mothers thoroughly, Shari saw her into a taxi and turned for home.

Somehow during that forty or so minutes she’d reached a decision. Cruel though it was to face the truth, she saw with clarity that clinging to a man in the hope some day her love would be returned in full measure was a fool’s game. Experience had shown her that pain would only escalate with time. And life was short. Take Rémy, for instance. Here one day, gone the next.

Luc, beautiful man that he was, had done his best to do the honourable thing. He deserved a chance to find a woman he could prize as he’d prized Manon.

Somehow she’d allowed her Rémy period to sabotage her confidence and her belief in herself. The damned fool test was a case in point. How an intelligent person could have tied herself up in knots over it was nothing short of amazing.

On the walk home, she phoned the clinic and cancelled her appointment. Back in the apartment, she booked her flight to Australia, then started to gather her things. She was in the kitchen unpinning her sketches from the fridge when she heard Luc’s key turn in the door, far earlier than expected.

‘Shari? Are you here?’

‘In the kitchen.’ She braced herself, her heart thumping like a big bass drum.

When he walked in, his dark eyes were serious and unexpectedly stern. Her heart skipped a beat. What was it?

Ça va
,’ he said, kissing her. He continued to hold her arms firmly, his eyes intent on her face. ‘Shari, I can’t let you do it.’

She started. ‘

He shook his head. ‘I’m sorry, my darling. I know you feel this is important for us, but nothing about us is as important as this little one in here.’ He patted her bump tenderly.

‘Oh, the test. Yes, I know, and that’s exactly—’

. I need you to listen. I know you’ve been driving yourself crazy over this. Why are we doing it?’

She was winding up to explain her change of heart, but he went on regardless.

‘It isn’t necessary. I
you are not a liar. I’ve always known—what you are. Who. Who you are to me. And I won’t let you leave me.’

?’ A guilty blush heated her cheeks. Had the guy inherited his mother’s terrible clairvoyance?

His face tautened. ‘I—I only agreed because I wanted you so much to stay, but as far as we know it’s not a medical necessity,
is it? Some people need to go through this thing, but we’ve already decided to go ahead and have our baby, whatever the test uncovers. We said that, didn’t we?’

‘I know, we did. I only suggested having it in the first place because I’ve been feeling so insecure. Anxious.’ She flushed a little. ‘It was ridiculous. I couldn’t be certain you trusted me. But I decided today that you’ll just have to take my word for it, and if you

His eyes sharpened. ‘But of course I take your word. And in the end,’ he added hoarsely, ‘who cares who our baby resembles or what selection of genes she has? Or
has? We’ll love her, or him, because he belongs to us.’

‘Oh, Luc. Oh, my darling, darling man, that’s so wonderful to hear.’ Tears sprang into her eyes. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, long and deep.

She could feel his hard body pressed against her, his big heart thumping with the force of his emotion. Her own was thundering fit to burst.

‘I don’t think you know how much I love you, Shari Lacey,’ he said gruffly when they at last surfaced. ‘And how I—need you.’

‘Honestly?’ she breathed, hardly able to believe her ears. Her heart swelled.

‘Bien sûr
.’ He held her face between his hands, his brows earnestly drawn. ‘You have warmed my life.’

‘Oh.’ Thrilling with a tremulous, painful joy she blinked madly to hold back the tears. ‘Is that really true?’

He searched her face. ‘How can you not know?’ He spread his hands in rueful amazement. ‘You won’t believe it, but I used to consider myself a hard guy. Cynical, even. With you I’ve turned into a—a
. I don’t recognise myself. I’ve become dependent on the sound of your voice. Your—face in the morning.’ His voice cracked slightly. ‘At work I—I find myself thinking of you, worrying you won’t be here when I come home. Even today I …’ He shook his head, then looked firmly
at her. ‘Listen to me …’ He was breathing rather hard, and his eyes grew stern and serious. ‘Don’t dream of walking out that door. I won’t
you. I’ll hunt you down, if necessary. I’ll chase the plane you leave on. I’ll pursue you to the ends of the earth.’

While she contemplated this exciting scenario, he muttered to himself, ‘All along I’ve been so scared of losing you, I’ve been agreeing to crazy things like a—a madman.’

She had a fleeting vision of the time he’d raced to the Ritz at midnight to pick up some buttery scrambled eggs, but dismissed that as an example. Any man would have done the same.

She gave a gurgle of laughter through her tears. ‘Oh, I wouldn’t say

Oui, oui
. It’s true. Every time we’ve disagreed over anything I’ve held my breath for fear you would run for the airport.’

‘Oh, my poor darling.’ Her heart ached with love and remorse, and a degree of guilt. ‘My poor Luc. Why would you think that?’

?’ His handsome face softened. ‘Shari, chérie, I’ve heard it in your voice. Seen it in your eyes. How you miss Neil … How you long for Australia. I understand how cold it feels in a strange country with only me to cling to.’

She gazed at the gorgeous hunk of man through her tears. ‘Well, you are something worth clinging to, you know,’ she said shakily. ‘You don’t need to worry about Neil. Of course I miss him and Em, but you … I’m in love with you. Isn’t it obvious? You’re all I’ve ever wanted. You’re the kindest, the most sexy, the hottest, the most …’

His voice thickened. ‘While you are the most desirable, the most confusing, clever, adorable, darling woman …’

Joy was such a powerful aphrodisiac. This was a precious moment, a solemn, soulful moment when hearts were open and truth was on the table. The most thrilling words she would ever hear in her life were being spoken to her by the most gorgeous man in the world, yet in her delirious state of sunshine and supreme happiness she was feeling aroused.

inappropriate. And so fantastically promising.

‘I know I’ve been difficult,’ she breathed. ‘So emotional. Even now I’m feeling far too passionate. Is there any way I can make it up to you?’

‘Yes,’ he said fiercely. He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

Afterwards, when passion was for the moment in abeyance and she was lying with her head on his chest, contemplating the incredible fact that she’d misinterpreted so much about him, she said, ‘I should have told you sooner how I felt. But I was afraid you were still in love with Manon.’

‘No. Though I admit I felt—hurt, or something. We were over long before we split. I didn’t really even understand that until the day in the café when you asked me about her. That day I brought you home and
nearly ran away as well.’

She squeezed his bicep. It didn’t even leave a dent. ‘Were you surprised when she took off with Jackson Kerr?’

He grimaced. ‘Hardly. The guy’s a stud. Isn’t that what you women think?’

‘He might well be for all I know. He
cute. Nice abs.’ She laughed. ‘Sorry. Just teasing. No, actually …’ She took a deep breath. ‘You may get a bit of a shock at what I’m about to tell you.’

She related the story Manon had told her in the patisserie, about falling in love and knowing it was the right thing for her.

Luc sat bolt upright as if electrified. ‘What? Are you serious? She
you this?’

Shari nodded. ‘She did. She told me things you wouldn’t believe.’

‘What things? Things about me?’

‘No, no. Other things.’ Realising she’d come close to saying too much for any macho guy to take on board at one time, she gave him a womanly glance to warn him off sacred ground. ‘What we call in Australia secret women’s business.’

?’ His brows bristled with intrigue.

‘Put it this way.’ She hesitated, casting about for words. ‘Her affair with Jackson Kerr was just a flash in the pan. Doomed to extinguish itself while she was working herself out.’

‘Ah.’ Luc’s brows zoomed high and he looked keenly at her, his eyes glittering with an intense light as he tried to conceal his excitement. ‘So … Are we saying …? Does this mean that er … sooner or later Manon would have left me regardless of how much of an insensitive
I am?’

Shari could hardly restrain a grin. He looked so chuffed to be off the hook.

‘I dare say. Although she deserves a medal for how long she hung in there with all this ghastly yellow.’

He gave her a playful punch. ‘She wanted it.’

She smiled. ‘Yeah?’

Maybe she did. And maybe she didn’t.


wedding was a glorious affair. There might have been Parisian couples in the past who’d outshone the Valentins, but most of those had been royal.

The ceremony in the
’s office was purely a bureaucratic formality, though the room had been decked with pink and white roses and a red carpet laid for the bride and groom. The real ceremony came afterwards, at the Eglise St-Eustache, a sixteenth century church with exquisitely stained glass.

The service itself was austere and beautiful.

Shari had forgotten Luc’s connections in the air industry, or she wouldn’t have been so surprised to discover that a friend of Luc’s had volunteered his private jet to transport Neil and Emi, their children and two nannies to Paris for the festivities.

As it was, Shari was overjoyed.

Strangely, Neil and Emi were not as totally astounded by her and Luc’s falling in love as Shari might have expected, though their approaching parenthood had come as a surprise.

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