The Next Season (novella) (11 page)

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Authors: Rachael Johns

BOOK: The Next Season (novella)
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‘You won't complain about my lines after you've tasted my cooking,' he said, turning back to something sizzling in a pan on top of his stove.

Intrigued, she crossed the kitchen, Eeyore still close to her side, and peered round Shaun to take a look. She inhaled and immediately placed her hand against her stomach as it rumbled with excitement.

‘What is that?' she asked, half panting, half drooling, one hundred percent invested in finding out.

Shaun laughed. ‘Down girl.' Then he turned around, put his hands on her hips and ushered her back towards the table. He pulled back a seat and deposited her in it before handing her a Crownie.

Smiling, she took a sip as he went back to his task. ‘What happened to the beans and noodles?' she asked.

‘As if I'd feed you stuff like that after what we've just done,' he scoffed. ‘You might never come back.'

She smiled around the bottle, which she'd just lifted to her lips for another satisfying sip.
As if.
She was already anticipating their next rendezvous, happy to wipe her diary clean—not that it had much written in it—whenever Shaun said the word.

‘My wicked plan,' Shaun continued, still making magic over the stove, ‘is that once you've tasted this you'll be begging for more.'

Eeyore plonked himself at Zoe's feet and she rubbed her toes against his warm fur as she drank her beer. She could get used to this. The post-coital beer. The friendly dog. Watching Shaun cook—the way he tossed chicken and bacon through steaming pasta and then poured a luscious creamy sauce over the top—made her insides feel like jelly. It didn't hurt that he'd only bothered to drag on a pair of low-slung shorts. That meant that she could admire his chest and arm muscles while he finished cooking and dished the dinner up.

Staring at him, she decided the two sexiest things in the world were men who knew how to build things and men who knew how to cook. And Shaun could do both.

‘What?' he asked, frowning at her as he laid a steaming bowl in front of her.

She shrugged innocently and picked up her fork. ‘Nothing,' she replied, not about to tell him any of the head-swelling thoughts she'd just been having. Flings were about mind-blowing sex—not making comments that could be misconstrued.

Shaun grabbed the last two Crownies from the fridge and then sat down at the table. Smiling at her, he lifted his beer to his mouth and stretched out his legs so that his feet nudged hers. The simple touch set her on fire, warming her from her toes right up to her
neck. Trying to concentrate on eating, Zoe wound a few strands of tagliatelle around her fork and slipped it into her mouth. She moaned her approval as the creamy sauce melted on her tongue.

‘You like?' Shaun's tone sounded choked.

She grinned, certain his mind had stage-dived to the gutter with her carnal noise. ‘Oh yeah…' She ran her toes over his feet as she took another mouthful.

Grinning, Shaun also loaded his fork. ‘I could watch you eat all day.' His gaze lingered on her lips as he shoved his fork into his mouth.

She chewed slowly, watching his strong jawline as he did the same. Eating had never felt so erotic. Had to be due to the illicit nature of their relations. Knowing it was all about sex added an element of fun and sauciness to everything they did or said. She wondered why she'd never thought to enjoy a fling before.

‘So, tell me about this flower essence thing,' Shaun asked between mouthfuls.

She finished hers, took a sip of her drink and then said, ‘Well, it's basically a natural therapy for all kinds of ailments. The theory is that the dew from flower petals retains the healing benefits of their plants.'

He cocked his head to one side, listening carefully, and it was such a cute sight that Zoe almost lost her train of thought. ‘A few years back I was having problems sleeping and a friend told me about it. It sounds airy-fairy but I've always been a strong believer in the power of natural healing, so I did a course.'

‘And it worked?'

‘Yep. I went from sleepless nights where I tossed and turned in frustration to sleeping like the dead. Nothing could wake me.' She chuckled.

‘So then you did it for a job?'

She nodded, comforted by Shaun's genuine interest. ‘Kinda. I did it from home for a couple of friends and then the message spread through word of mouth. I had to stop when I got busy at the restaurant, but it's something I'd like to get into again one day.'

‘I'm happy to be your guinea pig if you need one down here,' he offered. ‘I've been suffering shocking migraines lately. Is there an essence that can fix that?'

She smiled. ‘Yes, there are certainly essences that can ease headaches and other persistent pains, however, more often than not we'll try to look at the cause of the migraines. There's often stress or other issues and certain essences can assist them as well. I'd start you on holly, oak or angelica.'

They continued chatting about everything from the other jobs Zoe had done, Shaun's current projects at Elliot's and of course their mutual passion of surfing. By the time they had finished their beers and the bowls were empty, Eeyore was snoring under the table. Shaun seemed quite content to sit back and talk all night but Zoe was all too aware that if she didn't leave soon, she might never want to go.

Finally, she pushed back her chair, stood and started collecting the empty bowls and bottles. ‘I'd better go. We're expecting another busy day at Hannah's café tomorrow.' She worried she didn't sound very convincing but the truth was she could very easily stay all night.

Shaun sighed and stood as well. ‘Leave all this. I'll do it later.'

She paused in tidying and they stood not far apart, gazing at each other. He sighed again and then took a step towards her, putting his hands on her face and drawing her close for another mesmerising kiss. Zoe relaxed into him as hands roved and their tongues danced. Only the need for oxygen eventually drew them apart, which was a good thing as
things were getting heated. Much more and she wouldn't be able to stop. Judging by the hardness pressing against her belly through Shaun's shorts, he felt much the same.

‘Ah, shit Zo-Zo.' He looked into her eyes, still cupping her face as if it were a delicate ornament. ‘I'd better drive you home before…well, we both need some sleep.'

Right now she'd happily forgo sleep for more of him. Managing to keep this thought to herself, she shook her head. ‘It's okay, I walked. You're not that far from Sandee.'

‘But it's dark…' His brow furrowed and she resisted the urge to reach up and smooth it.

‘And this is small town Wildwood Point.' She smiled. ‘I'll be fine.' But damn, his concern for her was cute.

Still, he frowned as he dropped his hands to capture hers. ‘I don't know. It just doesn't feel right letting you walk home alone so late.'

‘As I said, small town. If someone sees you driving me, we'll be fodder for gossip over everyone's breakfast tables.'

‘Damn.' He pressed his head against hers. ‘Promise you'll message me the moment you get home. I won't be able to sleep unless I know you're safe.'

‘Deal.' She couldn't help but grin at his sweet admission.

Hand-in-hand they walked to his front door, Eeyore dragging himself off the kitchen floor to accompany them. Before Shaun turned the porch light on, they indulged in one final kiss on the front step and then Zoe reluctantly pulled away.

‘Will I see you tomorrow morning in the surf?' he asked.

She nodded. ‘It's a date.' And then turned to go home, warm in the knowledge it would only be a few hours before she saw him again.

It was a beautiful warm night, and a light breeze washed over her as she walked the short distance to Sandee's house. A massive smile sat on her face and she kinda hoped her foster mum was already in bed so she wouldn't have to make excuses about her late arrival.

She also wanted to be by herself for a little longer, to relive the magic of the night and to reimagine Shaun's talented hands roving over her naked skin, knowing that it would happen all over again the moment either of them said the word. Before she knew it, she was at Sandee's house and although the light on the front verandah was shining brightly, the rest of the house looked dim.

Zoe burrowed for her key in her pocket and then let herself inside, locking the door behind her and then tiptoeing down the corridor. She was about to step inside her bedroom, thinking she had made it unnoticed, when Sandee called to her from down the hall.

‘What time do you call this, Missy?'

Zoe froze. Although her tone was in jest, Sandee had a point. As a boarder here, it was only fair she let her know whether she was going to be late home or not. If evenings like this were to become a habit, she'd have to get her story straight because she didn't want Sandee worrying.

‘Sorry,' she said, turning to look at her friend, whose silhouette had appeared in the doorway of her own bedroom. ‘I got caught up celebrating the opening of the shop with some of the other staff. Lost track of time.'

She swallowed, glad the hall was dim and Sandee wouldn't be able to see the flush that crept up her neck at such an outrageous lie. Although she trusted this woman with her
life, she and Shaun had agreed to secrecy. Sandee wouldn't judge her, but she'd likely worry about the arrangements.

‘I'm glad you're making friends,' Sandee said.

‘Yes, it's good to be back.' Zoe was itching to slip inside her room, close the door and message Shaun. ‘Shall we chat in the morning before work?'

‘Sounds good. Sweet dreams, my darling.'

Sandee went back into her bedroom and shut the door and Zoe breathed a sigh of relief as she did the same. She grabbed her mobile phone from her bag and then slumped onto her single bed, staring up at the posters of famous soccer players that adorned Daniel's bedroom walls as she typed.

Home safe. You can sleep now.
She grinned stupidly again as she pressed Send.

Less than twenty seconds later came Shaun's response.
I'm glad. Thanks again for tonight. Will you be surfing in the morning?

If I don't sleep through my alarm.

I'll see you there.

She didn't reply, but instead sunk back into her pillows and closed her eyes. She doubted she'd need the alarm: the thought of Shaun on the waves would surely wake her early.


Electric sander in hand, earmuffs on his head to cover the noise, Shaun was working meticulously on a twelve-seater jarrah dining room table when he sensed someone behind him. He switched off the machinery, yanked the muffs down to his neck and spun round to catch his two older brothers looking at him like an exhibit in some museum. That was the problem with a family business, you rarely got a moment's peace.

‘What?' he asked, glancing down to his pants to check if his fly was undone or whether he'd put them on back to front or something. It wouldn't be that surprising. He and Zoe had rushed back to his place after their morning surf—something that was becoming a ritual these past few days—and shared a shower before work. What they'd meant to be a quickie had gotten out of hand, making both of them almost late for their jobs.

‘There's something different about you lately,' Troy accused, his arms crossed over his chest.

Luke nodded his agreement. ‘You no longer look like a bear who's been woken from hibernation too early. You look more like a puppy with a basket full of new toys.'

Shaking his head, Shaun tossed his brothers a
haven't you got anything better to do
look. ‘And that's a problem because…?'

‘No problem.' Troy shrugged. ‘We just want to know if there's a bird responsible.'

‘Not everything is about sex,' he snapped.

Luke and Troy looked at each other and grinned.

‘Did you say anything about sex, bro?' Troy asked Luke.

‘Don't think I did,' Luke replied cockily.

‘If you must know, the waves have been good the last few days,' he told them. And that was the truth, sort of. Zoe on a board made almost any wave perfect. His gut tightened at the thought of the way her wetsuit clung to her curves. Not wanting to tell his brothers jack shit about his fling, he gestured to the table. ‘Now, do you mind if I get back to work?'

‘Not at all.' Troy stepped forward and slapped him on the back. ‘Whatever it is, we're glad you're getting back to your old self.'

‘Yeah, real glad.' Luke nodded and then they both went off to their own work. That was about as touchy-feely as the Elliot brothers got, but Shaun knew they'd all be there for each other in a crisis.

As he sanded down the Karri wood for a coffee table, his mind drifted once again to Zoe. Every morning they met on the beach to surf and every night they met at Shaun's place and tumbled into his bed. More than once they hadn't even made it to the bed. Shaun had never had this much sex in his life. He kept waiting to tire of it, but somehow his body always found the energy to make Zoe scream. Where she was concerned his stamina was endless—and hers seemed to be as well.

The fling thing was doing him good. His brothers were right. He had a spring in his step for the first time since Melissa had dashed all his hopes and dreams. He often found himself whistling as he worked or when he was out taking Eeyore for a run. And he was back on his game in the workshop too—crafting furniture with passion rather than the anger that had driven him the last couple of months.

No doubt about it. Sex was medicine for the body and soul.

Shaun worked solidly for another couple of hours, pleased at his progress, but at the first sign of his stomach rumbling, he downed his tools and headed out to find morning tea. Another ritual that had developed the last few days was stopping in at Hannah's Chocolate
Dreams Café for something sweet at least once, sometimes twice a day. He told himself that he was simply being a supportive sibling, but the truth was he couldn't go even a few hours without seeing Zoe's smile. He'd eaten his way through most of the menu by now. If it wasn't for all the sex they were having, he'd be the size of a house by the end of the month, but he figured he needed to keep his strength up.

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