The New New Rules: A Funny Look at How Everybody but Me Has Their Head Up Their Ass (12 page)

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Authors: Bill Maher

Tags: #Humor, #Form, #Political, #General, #Topic, #Political Science, #Essays

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New Rule:
Marine recruiting ads have to stop it with the rock climbing and dragon slaying. I’m no stickler for truth in advertising, but this is like marketing Doritos as a douche. What’s wrong with advertising what Marines really do? They get to protect America, shoot bad people legally, and serve as the advance team for Halliburton.
New Rule:
Since Glenn Beck is clearly onto us, liberals must launch our plan for socialist domination immediately. Listen closely, comrades. I’ve received word from General Soros and our partners in the UN—Operation Streisand is a go. Markos Moulitsas, you and your
Daily Kos
–controlled army of gay Mexican day laborers will join with Michael Moore’s Prius tank division north of Branson, where you will seize the guns of everyone who doesn’t blame America first, forcing them into the FEMA concentration camps. That’s where ACORN and I will re-educate them as atheists and declare victory in the War on Christmas.
New Rule:
If an Evangelical tries to use Halloween to pimp Jesus to kids, they get to egg his house. On Halloween, the president of the American Family Association urged his flock to hand out a Christian-based comic book instead of candy. Excuse me, Halloween isn’t a time to push your beliefs. You don’t see me handing out pot to kids . . . Okay, well not the little kids.
New Rule:
The boys’ room at Chuck E. Cheese’s must install a condom machine. A thirteen-year-old in the UK just became a father, bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase “baby daddy.” You know you’re too young to be a dad when your excuse for not getting up for the midnight feeding is “monsters under my bed.”
New Rule:
The White House doesn’t have to release the dead Bin Laden photos, but don’t pretend we can’t take it. We’ve seen pictures of Britney Spears’s vagina getting out of a car. Television has desensitized us to violence, and porn has desensitized us to people getting shot in the eye.
New Rule:
The Napa Valley is Disneyland for alcoholics. Be honest, you’re not visiting twenty wineries in four days because you’re an oenophile, you’re doing it because you’re a drunk. It’s the only place in America where you can pass out in a stranger’s house and it’s okay, because it’s a B&B and you paid for it.
New Rule:
President Obama must not bail out Greece. Besides democracy, philosophy, geometry, poetry, architecture, and drama, what have they ever given us? Greek president George Papandreau came to Washington, begging for money. To which I say: Screw you, Zorba, and the horse you came hidden inside of. You want our hard-earned tax dollars? Come back when you’re an insurance company.
New Rule:
Stop lying to me about your pancake mix. The back of the box says 1½ cups makes ten to twelve pancakes. Really? ’Cause I get four. Who’s your cook, Jesus?
New Rule:
7-Eleven doesn’t need its own brand. I don’t come into 7-Eleven because of the allure of the name. I come into 7-Eleven to steal rolling papers while the clerk’s stocking the cooler. Here’s a marketing tip, 7-Eleven: Take that time you put into product development and clean the microwave.
New Rule:
Joggers have to leave the Batman utility belt at home. You’ve got two water bottles, a protein shake, an iPod, an odometer, headphones, car keys, pepper spray, and some gizmo that uploads your heart rate onto your Twitter page. Meanwhile, those German women who win every marathon can run thirty miles uphill drinking only the sweat that drips from their mustaches.
New Rule:
If you believe you need to take all the pills the pharmaceutical industry says you do, then you’re already on drugs. Yes, it’s that time in the campaign where all the candidates are presenting their health-care proposals. But none of the plans address the real problem: We won’t stop being sick until we stop making ourselves sick.
Because there is a point where even the most universal government health program can’t help you. They can’t outlaw unhealthy food or alcohol or cigarettes. Just pot, sadly. The government isn’t your nanny. They’re your dealer. And they subsidize illness in America. They have to; there’s too much money in it. There’s no money in healthy people. And there’s no money in dead people. The money is in the middle—people who are alive, sort of, but with one or more chronic conditions that put them in need of Celebrex or Nasonex or Valtrex or Lunesta.
Fifty years ago, children didn’t even get type 2 diabetes. Now it’s an emerging epidemic, as are a long list of ailments that used to be rare and now have been mainstreamed—things like asthma and autism and acid reflux . . . arthritis, allergies, adult acne, attention deficit disorder—and that’s just the A’s.
Doesn’t anyone wonder why we live with all this illness? I’ll tell you why: At the L.A. County Fair, they were serving something called “fried Coke.” My first thought was, “Gosh, what a waste of a perfectly good eight ball.” But no. They actually pour the Coca-Cola syrup into the deep fryer, then put it in a cup, and top it with sugar and whipped cream, and a cherry—you know, because fruit is good for you. Would it really be that much more unhealthy to get molested by one of the carnies?
In Hillary Clinton’s health plan, the words “nutrition” and “exercise” appeared once. The word “drugs”?
times. Just as the pharmaceutical companies want it. Their ad weasels love to say, “When diet and exercise fail . . .” Well, diet and exercise
fail, a fact brought home by a new Duke University study that showed exercise—yes, exercise—to be just as effective a cure for depression as Paxil and Zoloft. So,
your doctor if Getting Off
Ass is right for you.
—September 28, 2007
New Rule:
It’s okay for the president to play ball in the house. It’s easy to judge and say this scene detracts from the dignity of the White House—until you consider the end zone is between Clinton’s semen stain and where Bush OD’d on a pretzel.
New Rule:
There are worse things on airplanes than terrorists. Virgin Airlines is promoting the power outlets on their planes with this ad of a woman blow-drying her hair at thirty thousand feet. After washing it in what, the blue liquid in the toilet? Air travel is bad enough without turning it into a flying locker room. “Let’s see, twenty minutes before landing, I’ve got just enough time to shave my balls.”
New Rule:
There’s just something about a crew cut that says, “You can trust me.” This is Montana Senator Jon Tester. I don’t know much about him, and I don’t need to. His hair says it all: “I’m friendly. . . . I’m dependable. . . . I’m
levelheaded.” If hair could smile, it would look like this. And most important, it’s hair that says, “You will never, ever find me snorting meth with a gay hooker.”
New Rule:
If the doctor makes you take off your clothes, he has to provide somewhere to put your clothes. It’s bad enough I have to sit in this cold exam room wearing a paper dress; I also have to cradle all my clothes in my arms like I’m boarding the train to Auschwitz. You’ve got a million dollars’ worth of equipment in there, Doc—how about a hook on the wall. Yes, I could pile my clothes on top of the hazardous-waste container, or the table where dozens of men get their prostate exams every day, but on second thought . . . I’ll just hold them.
New Rule:
If we can’t, after all is said and done, make this election go the right way, at least we can save one man. I’m talking about young Master Levi Johnston. He’s the eighteen-year-old Alaskan hockey enthusiast who knocked up Sarah Palin’s daughter, and the
National Enquirer
describes him as “a boozing pot-smoker who doesn’t want to get married”—and John McCain thinks he found
soul mate!
We’ve all seen how evil henchmen of the Republican party captured this poor innocent out of his natural habitat and forced him into a shotgun engagement because when the seventeen-year-old daughter of the vice presidential candidate is “out to here,” it’s just better that Levi was introduced as the “fiancé.” Looks a little less white-trashy.
But that doesn’t change the fact that Levi is America’s number-one political prisoner. But, Levi, you don’t have to be—this is the twenty-first century, at least in the blue states. You don’t have to do this—you have options. You can pull a
—fuck, you live in Juneau! Or you could do what most people do with an unwanted child: Give it to Angelina Jolie.
And if you’re worried about the baby, don’t. Let’s get real, dude, the way you are at eighteen, a baby’s better off not being around you—you’ll wind up losing it, or shooting it, or it’ll be on the bottom of your skate or something. Just let the Palin womenfolk look after it for a while. One more infant in that Mormon compound they call a house won’t bother anybody—they’ll barely notice another kid at the table, and soon they won’t even remember whose seed it was that produced young Trink or Truck or Puck, or whatever fucked-up redneck name they give him.
In any event, we here at
Real Time
have taken the liberty of purchasing the website
. It’s yours if you want to use it to get folks to contribute to some sort of liberty fund so you can get enough money to get out of that frozen meth lab they call a town. And even if the money doesn’t come in, it’s not too late: Just grab your skull bong, climb out the window, and get on the highway. I can’t actually come get you, or even let you stay at my place, because I’m pretty sure you’d smoke all my weed, but just call me from a pay phone, I know of a safe house you can stay in till after the election; it’s like the witness protection program for baby daddies.
And remember, Levi: California knows how to party. Trust me, the girls out here are going to love a big, high-sticking farm boy like you. If you play your cards right, in a couple weeks you could be screwing the lesbian right out of Lindsay Lohan.
—September 19, 2008

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