The Naughty List (11 page)

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Authors: Jodi Redford

BOOK: The Naughty List
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The reminder of the sexy adventures the three of them got up to in Bram’s bed only served to make Ry’s cock painfully hard behind his fly. He never would have imagined that sharing Lacey with his best friend would be something he’d be okay with, much less enjoy.

Hell, who was he kidding? He fucking loved every second of it. Sure, at first a spark of jealousy ignited in him when he’d watched Bram kissing Lacey in the entryway of the house. But for some odd reason, the moment all of their clothes came off, everything changed. Bram had ceased to be a threat, or competition, and instead became an ally in making Lacey’s wickedest fantasies come true. Plus there was no denying that Ry got off on being in charge. Maybe it had something to do with the fact he’d had so little control over his life while growing up and now he hungered for that aspect. Who knows? The only thing he could say with any certainty was that he’d gotten a taste of how things could be for the three of them. There was no way he’d settle for less.

The exit he needed popped into view, and he maneuvered into the far lane. Seconds later, he took the off-ramp and drove into the city limits. Traffic was light, cutting the drive time significantly. Less than fifteen minutes later, he pulled into the relatively empty parking lot of Club Arabesque. The small amount of cars didn’t necessarily mean anything. There were plenty of club patrons who preferred a low profile and parked their vehicles in one of the lots farther down the street and hoofed it over on foot. Still, he hoped for Lacey’s sake that some of the club’s more interesting characters were too busy with holiday festivities to make an appearance tonight. She might profess to be ready for this, but he wasn’t entirely convinced.

Leaving the toasty warmth of the truck behind, the three of them approached the gothic, multistory stone building. Not for the first time, he couldn’t help thinking how ironic and twisted it was that a former church now housed an underground sex club. He glanced at Lacey and noticed that her teeth were chattering. Either the cold was getting to her or her nerves were kicking in. Dropping an arm around her shoulders, he hugged her close. He met Bram’s gaze over the top of her head and a shared look passed between them, a nonverbal pact that together they’d do everything in their power to make this a positive experience for Lacey.

At the door, a burly bouncer who probably bench-pressed refrigerators for the shit of it asked for ID. Once the man ascertained that Bram was a paying member of the club, he stepped aside and allowed them admittance. The interior of the building offered a warm reprieve from the frigid temps outside—something that the majority of scantily clad patrons no doubt appreciated. Apparently also feeling the effects of the central heating, Lacey shrugged from her coat and draped it over her arm.

A woman dressed in a red latex corset that exposed her breasts—pierced nipples and all—strutted past them leading a shirtless young man by a studded collar and leash. Ry checked Lacey for her reaction and wasn’t disappointed as her mouth fell open. This night would be a revelation for her in more ways than one. As if they were of one mind, he and Bram rubbed her shoulders before leading her toward the metal railing that looked down on the lower level. The main floor and the basement were basically two large open spaces. Here was where the tamer public scenes were on display for anyone’s viewing pleasure.

Of course, it was debatable if most of the things that went down in this joint could be considered tame. The third and fourth levels housed the private rooms. Again, it was up to the occupants of said rooms how private they wanted to keep their play. Many were more than willing to invite the curious observer or even those who wanted to join in on the action. He and Bram had already decided that no one would be allowed to watch or participate in anything they did with Lacey tonight. Yes, one of the things on her list was public sex—and this place certainly fit that bill—but regardless of what Lacey might argue to the contrary, she wasn’t ready to be fucked in a room full of strangers. It was definitely one of those things that worked better if you built up to it over time. If she decided down the road she still wanted to try it, he’d be more than happy to oblige. Hell, not like he had any problem driving her out of her mind with pleasure in front of an appreciative audience. God knows, he’d loved the hell out of it when Bram had been watching.

But tonight a different item was on the menu. One she wasn’t aware they’d be checking off—her desire to be tied up and blindfolded. There was one room upstairs that provided an intriguing way to go about it. Bram had called ahead of time to reserve the space as well as to have a few necessities purchased from the club’s in-house store sent up to the room.

Lust, hot and heady, pooled in Ry’s groin when he imagined Lacey’s response to what they had in mind.
He glanced toward Bram and caught the fire simmering in his eyes and the telltale flush creeping along his neck. He was just as aroused as Ry at the prospect of what waited for them upstairs.

Ry curled his fingers around Lacey’s and pivoted away from the railing. She didn’t immediately follow, and he gave her a questioning look. Her focus veered toward the stairway in the opposite direction, the one that led down to the basement level—or the dungeon, as the regulars referred to it. “Aren’t we…going down there?”

The last thing he wanted to do was watch those scenes below when his entire body was primed to take her upstairs so they could create their own infinitely more satisfying one. But he couldn’t deny her this if it was truly what she desired. Squeezing her hand, he led their trio to the stairs. Once they reached the bottom he waited to see which spectacle would pique Lacey’s curiosity. Recessed speakers in the walls provided a nonintrusive loop of electronica music. Its sexy, pulsing beat provided a steady soundtrack for the rhythmic slap of whips and floggers that were being used in the BDSM display. Lacey surprised him by heading in that direction.

A few other spectators were crowded around to watch one of the club’s more skilled Doms teach the proper technique for using his implements of choice on the willing participant bent over a metal spanking stand. Ry detected Lacey’s hard swallow. Difficult to say if the sound was provoked by the crisscrossing pattern of red stripes marking the woman’s ass, or the cuffs bolting the female’s hands and feet to the base of the stand.

He looked down and noticed Lacey was staring entranced at the scene. She licked her lips, and another thunderbolt of lust ricocheted through him. His concern that she might be repelled by the sight before her instantly dissolved. No, she was definitely intrigued and aroused. Which only made him more anxious to get her upstairs. Apparently he wasn’t the only one because Bram leaned forward and
brushed his fingers along Lacey’s breast. She jumped slightly, her gaze jerking up to meet Bram’s. Ry took advantage of her momentary distraction and squeezed her hand. “Let’s go.”

She turned toward him, her forehead furrowed with a frown. “We’re leaving? Already?”

“No. We have a surprise for you upstairs.”

“What kind of surprise?”

He nudged closer to her until his thigh butted against hers. Pressing his mouth near her ear, he flattened her palm over his erection. “The kind you’ll like.”

A breath shuddered from her, and her fingers reflexively tightened around his cock. Scraping her teeth over her bottom lip, she stroked him through the denim. His rough exhale gusting free, he tugged her away from the display and headed toward the steps. It took every ounce of control he possessed not to sweep Lacey into his arms and barrel up to the room. As it was, he ground his teeth in frustration when they reached the locked door and Bram fumbled around in his wallet for the coded keycard. Finally Bram slipped the card into the slider and swung the door open.

A gasp escaped Lacey as she stepped inside. Although Bram had given him a tour of this room before, Ry tried to see the space from Lacey’s perspective. The stone walls were swathed floor to ceiling with black velvet drapes lined with red silk. An oddly shaped leather bench rested near the far wall, its funky design perfect for making love in a variety of positions. Interesting as that piece of furniture was, it didn’t hold a candle to the room’s main attraction.

Lacey stepped forward, her attention riveted to the large suspension cage and the uniquely engineered harness swing hanging from the center pulley. “W-what’s that for?”

Ry stepped behind her and caressed her rib cage. “You.”

She gulped. “You’re going to strap me into that?”

“Hell yeah.” Bram moved in front of Lacey, sandwiching her between he and Ry. “You’re gonna love it. The harness binds you, but the swing makes it feel like you’re floating in air.”

“Have you used it before?”

“No, but I’ve always wanted to.” Bram relieved Lacey of her coat and tossed it onto one of the nearby chairs before removing his jacket and adding it to hers.

Ry followed suit and unbuttoned Lacey’s blouse. He slipped his hands beneath the opened sides and cupped her breasts, massaging their weight through her bra. “This will be a first for all of us.”

She nestled against his collarbone and released a shaky sigh. “I’m glad.”

He kissed the crown of her head, the sweet floral scent of her hair filling his nose and making him ache. But in a good way. The best way. “Me too.”

Bram ducked his head and nibbled along Lacey’s jaw before sliding his mouth down the slope of her neck, heading toward the deep V of her cleavage. He groaned. “How about we get rid of these clothes?”

Ry was all for that idea. Leaving Bram to take care of Lacey’s boots, pants and G-string bikini, he eased her top off and caressed her shoulders before unhooking her bra and letting it fall to join the rest of her garments. He traced the gentle curve of her spine, his focus drifting to the smattering of freckles that dotted her hip. Stooping, he kissed the tempting marks and massaged her ass cheeks. Unable to resist a second longer, he nipped her butt and smacked it, the action making her squeal. He chuckled. “Naughty girl. We saw the way you stared at that girl while she was getting spanked. Were you hoping you could take her place?”


Her stuttering response provoked a growl from his throat. “No one touches you but Bram or me. But we’d be happy to make that fantasy come true for you, baby.”


He bit her again and reveled in her sharp intake of air. “Impatient, aren’t we? No, we had some other form of teasing in mind for tonight.” He straightened and took her hand while Bram claimed her other. Together they led her to the harness swing and helped her step into the leg restraints. Once those were properly fastened, they secured her into the torso section, making sure that the bindings were snug enough to provide pleasure but not restrict blood flow. By the time they were finished getting her situated, her skin was all flushed and pink and her breaths came in wispy, ragged pants.

“Now what?” An unmistakable tremor of excitement shook her voice.

Bram strode to the small end table where their purchased goodies were laid out. He picked up the silk blindfold and ran it between his fingers. “Now we see exactly how much pleasure you can stand.” His grin sinful, he tucked the cloth around Lacey’s eyes and knotted it firmly behind her head. “Can you see anything?”

“N-no.” Lacey’s entire body was quivering now, making the swing dip and creak. They’d barely touched her and already she was incredibly aroused. Ry could smell the musky evidence of it.

. He wanted to bury his mouth in her pussy and gorge on her until she was screaming and coming hard on his tongue. His hands unsteady, he fumbled with his black pullover and tugged it off before kicking out of his shoes and stripping from his jeans and briefs. The rustle of clothing hinted that Bram was equally engaged in getting himself naked.

“Why are you guys taking so long? Is this all part of your evil plan to drive me crazy?”

Ry returned to Lacey, keeping his approach stealthy and quiet. He barely grazed his fingertips over her nipples and she jerked. Her lips parted, her breath quickening. Without saying a word, he leaned in and kissed her. His groan floated free as her tongue met his in a lusty joining, and she scraped her nails along his jaw. She gasped for air and he used the opportunity to nuzzle her neck, sucking the soft spot just beneath her ear. She shivered. “Oh God. Ry, that feels so good.”

He lifted his head as Bram moved beside him. They both shared a grin, and Bram cleared his throat. “Uh, Lace. That was me.”

She snorted. “Nice try. Ry’s gone a lot longer in between shaving than you, Mr. Smooth Face.”

Bram grunted. “Damn, busted.”

Ry gave Lacey’s ear a gentle love bite. “Pretty soon you won’t be able to cheat by using your hands. Then we’ll see how good you are at figuring us out.”

“W-what do you mean I won’t be able to—” She yelped when Ry cranked the pulley that lowered the head and torso section of the swing. Bram grabbed the ties affixed to the side bars of the suspension cage and fastened them to the leg restraints Lacey wore. The bindings spread her thighs into a wide V, leaving her completely exposed and unable to do a thing about it. The knowledge sent a hot spear of lust through Ry, making his cock bob. He stroked it before reaching for the matching ties that hung loosely from the opposite rails. These came with velvet-lined Velcro cuffs, which he promptly secured around Lacey’s wrists. She was now thoroughly at their mercy.

Fuck, this was going to be hot and mind blowing. “Everything okay, baby? None of those straps are digging into you, are they?”

Swallowing hard, she shook her head. He stroked her cheek. “You need to say the words, Lacey. It’s important to verbalize if you’re enjoying something or not. Bram and I don’t want to mistake or miss any cues you might give us. All right?”

She nodded before apparently recalling his orders. “No, I like it. It feels kind of like I’m lying on a hammock.” A ghost of a smile tilted her lips. “Make that a hammock used for dirty, kinky sex.”

Both he and Bram laughed, but the sound died in Ry’s throat as he stepped around Lacey and got his first real view of her pussy on such perfect display. The snug black straps of the harness acted like a frame to her pink, glistening flesh. She was unbelievably wet. Moisture trickled constantly from her slit and slid between the cheeks of her ass. The sound that ripped from Ry was nearly unrecognizable, even to him. His knees hit the carpet and a second later, his tongue plunged inside all that sweet sugar. She cried out, the harness swaying slightly as she writhed. Her bonds significantly limited her motions though. Knowing that she had no choice but to remain open and available to his feasting fueled Ry’s hunger to the max. Grasping her hips, he sucked on her clit until the tiny nubbin slickened and swelled.

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