The Name of the Game (26 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Dawson

BOOK: The Name of the Game
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“Perfect. Why don't you make one of your recipes and one of mine. I figure it will give us a good idea how we'd work side by side and I can get an idea of your skills. Sound good?”
Harmony jumped up, her light blue eyes dancing. “I'm ready.”
“Then let me show you the pantry.”
Late that afternoon, James sat in his office at the university reading research papers when Jane knocked on the door and plopped down on the chair without waiting for an invitation. “We've got to file our report on the Jane Doe. The precinct called.”
“It's on the list.” James put down his pen and rubbed the bridge of his nose under his glasses. “What did you tell them?”
“That they'd have it by Monday,” Jane said, offering a crooked smile.
“We'll have to work over the weekend.”
“Is that okay? Or is the blond bombshell going to be here?”
Unfortunately, no. And talking over the phone wasn't the same as being able to touch her. He shook his head. “I won't see her until Thanksgiving.”
“Too bad. Anne and I love her and can't wait to see her again.”
The three women had practically ignored him all afternoon as they became fast friends. He noticed Gracie had that effect on people. Outside of her gorgeousness, there was something vibrant and warm about her that people gravitated to. He'd never run across a person who hadn't liked her on sight.
“So . . . ,” Jane said, her voice turning sly. “What's going on with her?”
The real question was, what
going on with her? Cautiously, James said, “We're taking it slow.”
Jane laughed, shaking her head. “Is that what you call it?”
“Yes, that's what I call it.”
“James, you guys are crazy about each other.”
He feared he might be more than crazy about her. He feared he might be in love with her.
He scowled at the thought that had been popping into his mind over and over again like a bad penny. It was crazy. They hadn't spent nearly enough time together to make that deduction. Love required time and commitment. It required being together for more than forty-eight-hour intervals. He was merely infatuated, which wasn't the same as love. He shrugged.
“Don't think I don't know what you did to her when you took her down to the wine cellar. You know exactly where I keep that bottle of Pinot Noir.”
James grinned at the memory. He couldn't help it. “Yes, well, I do enjoy her company.”
Jane threw her hands in the air. “You're impossible!”
There was an incessant loud banging on the door followed by his older brother yelling, “Jimmy, are you in there?”
James shot a warning glare at Jane. “Not a word about her. Understand?”
Jane frowned, but nodded.
James called, “Come in.”
The door flew open and Shane entered the room. He wore a dark navy suit, white shirt, and a red striped tie.
James cocked a brow. “You look like a politician.”
Shane slammed the door behind him. “Goddammit. That's exactly what I said. I swear that woman is out to get me.”
Jane gestured to the empty chair as though it was her office instead of his. “Take a seat, you look exhausted. Everything okay?”
“Hey, Jane.” Shane rid himself of his jacket and ripped off his tie, rolling up the sleeves of his dress shirt. “Long day of bureaucratic bullshit. You know how it is—typical.”
Jane nodded. While Shane owned a ridiculously successful commercial real estate company and they worked in academia, they weren't strangers to bureaucracy. “And who's this woman out to get you?”
Shane looked at her like she was a bit dull witted. “Cecilia, of course. It's like she's looking to get me riled up.”
James had been a witness to Shane and Cecilia's relationship since the start, and he had to side with Shane on this one. Cecilia routinely devised plots to challenge him. But, in fairness, Shane couldn't be happier. His brother needed that in a woman.
Jane gave Shane a long once-over. “I can't say I blame her.”
James let out a long-suffering sigh. “Don't encourage him. What are you doing here?”
“My last meeting ended early and I need a game of no-holds-barred racquetball to relieve all this stress. I'd have called first, but you've been avoiding me, so I figured I'd make an in-person visit. You game?”
His brother played a vicious game, with no rules, and blunt force. Seeing as how James was pretty pent-up himself, it sounded damn good. “I'm in.”
Shane cocked his head, studying James before shifting his attention to Jane. “Do you know why he's avoiding me?”
“I'm not avoiding you,” James said, shaking his head. “I've been busy.”
Jane's expression turned innocent. Too innocent. “I saw him this weekend, so I haven't noticed.”
Shane scrubbed his jaw. “Ce-ce thinks it might be a woman.”
James said nothing.
Jane shrugged. “With him, you never can tell, can you?”
“Isn't that the truth?” Shane stood and grabbed his abandoned suit jacket. “Ready?”
Jane smiled, craning her neck to look up at him. “Could you give us a minute? I have to ask him a quick work thing.”
“Sure, I'll pull the car around and meet you out front,” Shane said, and gathered his tie.
They said their good-byes and his brother left. James started straightening his papers. “What's up?”
“Why are you doing this?” Jane asked.
“Doing what?” His mind on racquetball, he couldn't figure out what the problem might be.
“Keeping your relationship with Gracie a secret from your family.”
Even as his stomach tightened, James shrugged. The secret had started innocently enough. He'd expected them to have one date, declare it a disaster, and move on. Secrecy seemed prudent under those circumstances. But now it seemed that Gracie wanted to keep it that way and he hadn't fought her on the issue. “You know how they are.”
Jane stood and narrowed her eyes. “Why, though? Who cares if they know?”
“There's nothing wrong with keeping things private. I'm a private person. You know that.”
“But she's not, and neither were you when you were at our house.”
He knew why. It was a preventive measure to prepare for the end of their relationship.
Jane pressed her finger to her temple as though he gave her a headache. “Keeping your relationship with the head cheerleader a secret feels a little too much like you think you don't deserve her.”
“That's ridiculous.” The words were calm, but inside his defensiveness grew.
“Is it?” Jane put her hand on his arm and he had to force himself not to wrench away.
“Yes,” he said through gritted teeth.
He knew Jane thought that this was some leftover issue from his youth, but she was wrong. He deserved her.
He just didn't have faith he could keep her.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Gracie couldn't decide if she was in heaven. Or hell.
After all these weeks, James would be here any minute. Thanksgiving had arrived and she'd finally see him. Only she wouldn't be able to touch him, because the day was already in full swing at Mitch and Maddie's house.
Maddie opened the oven door and waved her over. “I think this is looking pretty good, don't you?”
Gracie put down the dish she'd been drying and peered into the hot oven. The turkey was golden brown. “It looks great. We should put some tinfoil over the top for a while to keep it from getting too brown.”
Maddie shut the oven and gave her a hip bump. “I'm so happy you live next door.”
Gracie put her arm around the smaller woman and squeezed. “Me too, baby doll.”
Maddie's green eyes filled with tears and Gracie frowned. “What's wrong?”
Maddie sniffed. “Nothing. I'm just so happy.”
Gracie studied her suspiciously. Her red hair was tied back and her skin glowed with health. Gracie surveyed her small frame, still as tiny as ever, in a tan miniskirt and a long, burnished red top. “You're not pregnant, are you?”
Maddie laughed and wiped under her lashes. “No! God, nobody tells you when you get married that anytime you have an emotion or don't feel well everyone assumes you're knocked up.”
Gracie waved at Maddie's outfit. “Well, in fairness, crying over happiness and wearing a long, belly-concealing top does give one thoughts.”
“True, but no.” Maddie covered her heart with an open palm. “We're still waiting. We agreed to talk about it again on our first anniversary.”
Gracie handed her friend a glass of wine. “Then we'd better drink up now.”
Maddie took a sip and glanced around her kitchen. “I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something for dinner, but there's nothing to do.”
“It's one of those hurry-up-and-wait type of meals. Let's go relax with the rest of them while we have a chance.”
Maddie bit her bottom lip. “Before we do, I have a favor to ask.”
“Of course, anything.”
“It's our first Thanksgiving as a married couple. Do you think you could try not fighting with James, just this once?”
Gracie willed the heat flooding her face to cool. If Maddie only knew how easy it was to make that promise. In fact, she planned on being more than nice. Gracie sighed, as though this would be a great struggle, because that's what her friend expected. “I will be on my best behavior. He's staying until after Christmas and I vow, for your sake, to be nice to him the whole time. I even offered up the garage apartment. See how nice I am?”
“Thank you. It will be a big weight off my shoulders not having to oversee Shane's summerhouse construction when he can't attend to things because of work. He's so demanding, I don't know how Cecilia puts up with him.” Maddie shot her a megawatt smile. “I wish you could appreciate how great James is.”
Oh, she appreciated it. Nightly. They might have been apart but they spoke every day. More than once, and every night before bed. She'd grown dependent on his low, calm voice being the last thing she heard before she went to sleep. Her fingers clenched in anticipation. She was going to tear him apart.
Oblivious to Gracie's insatiable desire for James to arrive so she could start being
, Maddie continued. “I mean, how many brothers would come during their break to help their little sister?”
“He's practically a saint,” Gracie said dryly.
“I'm just saying, be nice.”
“I promise.” She'd be so nice he wouldn't know what hit him.
They strolled into the hallway at the exact same moment James opened the door, brushing snow from his shoulders. Gracie's heart leapt into her throat as her belly heated.
Good God, the man looked awesome. Tall and lean, his green eyes vivid behind his black frames, his brown hair tousled. She sucked in a breath at the sight of him and had to resist the urge to throw herself into his arms. He wiped his boots on the mat and their eyes locked.
I want you. I want you. I want you.
A chant in her head.
His gaze turned hot, skimming down her body. She wore a short, black, pleated skirt, black knee-high boots, and a matching top. She also wore thigh-high tights because, surrounded by people all day, they'd need easy access. She wanted him, like, right now, and had no intention of waiting for privacy.
Maddie didn't seem to notice the long, tension-filled stare because she ran to James and threw her arms around him. “You're here!”
James hugged her back, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “How's my little sister?”
His voice. She loved his voice. Loved the way he whispered all sorts of dirty things in her ear. The sound of her name as he stroked inside her. The way he moaned when she went down on him. The catch of his breath—
She sucked in a lungful of air as her body heated. She was already wet. Ready and needy.
Okay, get it together.
She could handle this. She'd have him soon enough.
Gracie walked slowly toward him, trying her damnedest not to smile as he watched the slow sway of her hips with hungry appreciation. She nodded. “James.”
He nodded back. “Gracie.”
She jerked a thumb toward Maddie. “She made me promise to be nice to you.”
His lips quivered. “I see. I hope it's not too much of a hardship.”
She flicked her gaze to his mouth, letting her tongue lick over her bottom lip before shrugging. “I'll survive.”
Maddie looked back and forth between the two of them. “Just for today and Christmas. Is that too much to ask?”
James's brow rose. “Anything for my little sister.”
“Awww,” Gracie said, her voice oh so sweet. “Aren't you a good brother?”
Before James could speak, Shane walked over and clapped him on the back. “Just in time for the game.”
“A day watching football. What a joy,” James said, his voice wry.
“Hey, it's your brother,” Shane said.
“But what about the other six games?” James asked.
Shane laughed, shaking his head. “It's only three.”
In an effort to be “nice,” she asked, “What would you rather be watching, Professor?”
James's attention traveled down the length of her body. “There's a
Doctor Who
marathon on.”
“Really?” she asked hopefully, forgetting to play it cool. The damn man had gotten her addicted. He'd already seen all the episodes, but he watched with her because, as he said, he liked the way she got all excited.
“Really.” His voice lowered an octave. “Twelve whole hours. With special bonus mini episodes.”
“What channel?” Gracie said, shivering.
Maddie laughed. “I said be nice, but let's not go too far.”
Shane raised his brows and pointed to Gracie. “I don't think she's faking, Mads.”
Maddie's expression flashed with surprise. “Really? Since when?”
“Umm . . .” Gracie tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, remembering the last time she'd watched it with James. They'd played their own
Doctor Who
drinking game. A combination that included shedding their clothes, melted chocolate, and champagne that James had licked from her nipples every time the doctor said “TARDIS.” “I . . . um . . . caught an episode one night and got hooked.”
James gave her his most evil smile, telling her with one look he knew the exact memory she recalled. “Something we have in common.”
Gracie swallowed. She couldn't last. She needed to get him alone. “Will wonders never cease.”
“Come on,” Shane said, waving them in to the living room, taking his seat next to Cecilia.
They were a small group. Sam was coming later. Charlie worked. Maddie's mom had decided to stay with Aunt Cathy, and Mitch's mom had gone on a cruise in the Greek isles with friends. Gracie had invited Harmony Jones since she was new in town, but she'd declined, saying she had too much to do as she settled into her new home.
James took off his coat and hung it in the foyer and Gracie said, “Maddie, I'm going to give the turkey a quick baste before I sit down.”
“Thanks,” Maddie called.
Gracie walked through the swinging door and didn't even breathe as she waited for James.
He'd follow her.
She knew he'd follow her.
Seconds later the door swung open and she turned to face him. And then he was there. Crushing her to him, his mouth slamming over hers.
He walked them back, pushing her against the countertop.
Devouring her.
His tongue in her mouth.
His hands everywhere. Hot and demanding.
Between hard kisses he said, “Jesus, you look so fucking good.”
“So do you.” She pulled out his shirt and ran her hands up his chest. “I want your cock.”
He growled, pushing her against the counter and lifting her leg over his hip, thrusting his erection against her already swollen center. “Now.”
“Gracie,” Cecilia called out.
They broke apart, their breathing ragged.
“Yeah,” Gracie answered, never taking her eyes from the man in front of her.
James's mouth was wet, his lips full from the force of their kiss.
“Can you bring beer?”
Gracie sighed. “Sure.”
James pulled her back and kissed her again. “Maybe this isn't the time.”
“When?” She leaned on tiptoes. “I'm desperate.”
“Good.” He ran his hand down her hip and under her skirt, freezing when he met bare thigh. He groaned. “Why are you torturing me? You know how I feel about these.”
“I do,” she said, licking his throat. She was pretty sure he had a fetish for them, and she took full advantage.
He pulled her to the table and moved to stand behind her. “You are the worst kind of temptation.”
He placed a palm at the base of her spine and pushed her down so she leaned over the table, lifting up her skirt.
He slid her panties down her legs. “Step out.”
She didn't even hesitate. In this, he was exactly her type, scarily so. She'd worry, if she weren't so desperate for him.
He kicked out her legs and she clenched at the wood table, her breath coming in little pants. His fingers slid between her legs and she trembled at the sheer pleasure. He leaned over her, whispering into her ear, “Someone's wet.”
She pushed her hips back, needing him to deepen the touch. “For you.”
So light it was nothing but a tease, he skimmed his fingers over her aching flesh. “I know how you like our games. I could practically feel your excitement when you remembered our
Doctor Who
adventure. So let's see how far I can push you until you break, shall we?”
She'd never wanted anyone more. He was like a drug in her system. “I'm already there.”
“I think you can take more.” He pulled her up and slipped her panties into his pocket. “I'll hang on to these.”
Oh man, it was going to be a long dinner.
Every ounce of discipline and control James had ever possessed had been used up over the course of one evening. He'd been hard for hours, as he'd tortured Gracie, and himself, in every possible way. The last time he'd touched her she'd been so wet it coated her thighs.
The sound of her begging still rang in his ears.
It was hell, but damned if it wasn't fun watching her squirm. Keeping her on edge and desperate.
With a glass of wine in one hand, he dragged his fingers through his hair and tried to catch his breath in the now empty kitchen. He wouldn't be able to wait much longer.
The swinging door blew open and Shane entered the room. “What are you doing here all by yourself?”
James shrugged, taking a sip of wine. “Just needed a moment of silence.”
Shane nodded, a grin spreading over his face. “So, how long have you been sleeping with her?”
James straightened, his wine sloshing around in his glass. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
Shane laughed, leaning against the counter and kicking one foot over the other. “I suspected after Gracie didn't stay with us both times she was in town. And there was also Ce-ce and Maddie's suspicions that Gracie was seeing someone. But tonight confirmed it. You guys are doing a shit job of hiding it.”
James had actually believed they were being discreet, but with too much wine and too much lust clouding his perception he couldn't be sure. “You're delusional.”

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