The Naked Truth: A Romantic Erotic Short Story (2 page)

Read The Naked Truth: A Romantic Erotic Short Story Online

Authors: Madison Martin

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #short story, #love story, #madison martin

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But I’ve wanted to do this since the day
we met,
he’d said, slowly teasing the insides of my thighs with
his lips.

I won’t like it
, I protested, pushing
hard against his shoulders.

He pretended not to notice.
Give me a

When his tongue slid into me, I froze.

You taste so good. I could do this all
, he’d said.

My head fell back against the pillows, and
he took it from there. He’d smiled before his tongue pressed deep
inside me, and then flicked over my clit, over and over again. He
tested to see what made me moan with pleasure, what made me clench
my thighs and grab his head.

When I begged him not to stop, he smiled,
knowing I’d given in and he’d won. Before I knew what was
happening, I came so hard that I shuddered and groaned and grabbed
at him. I’d never come that way before and the force of it
terrified me. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I’d tried to bury
my face in the pillow even when he came up and kissed me, his
tongue stroking against mine. Later, after I’d finally calmed down,
he entered me and brought me to another orgasm that left me
delirious with pleasure.

Determined not to fall in love with him, I
tried to be immune to the dinners he cooked for me, the way he paid
attention to my needs before his own, and the fact that he made me
laugh. I felt myself coming to life again, and the goofy part of me
that had been gone for years slowly returned. I started to have fun
again, and discovered that I could make Will, who was more serious
than I was, laugh, too. I tried to ignore the fact that I enjoyed
his company, feeling happy and turned on at the same time.

“Michaela,” Adrianne said, waving her hands
in front of my dazed face.

I shook my head. “Oh. Sorry. I missed

“So I see. I said I don’t believe that.”

“Believe what?”

“That you don’t love him.”

“Well, believe it. I’m using him.” Using
someone was unlike me, and part of me felt guilty. But part of me
wanted to be selfish and get back what I’d given up for my ex. “Is
that wrong of me?”

Adrianne looked disgusted. “You can pretend
all you want, but I know you. And I know you’re not using him.
You’ve never used anyone in your life. It’s something more. Sooner
or later, you’re going to have to face it.”

I shot her a defiant look. Adrianne might
know me, but she didn’t know everything. And I knew she was wrong
about this.



Sitting at the bar in the Madigan Hotel on
Friday night, I sipped an iced tea and watched the sun set over the

I looked at the time on my cell phone and
wondered if I could dare to dream about the weekend ahead. It was a
warm night and I’d changed into a sleeveless summer dress and a
pair of slinky shoes, ready to put work behind me, and find out
exactly what Will had in mind tonight.

I shivered at the feel of a man’s hands
sliding over my bare shoulders.

Will’s strong, delicate fingers knew exactly
where to excite me. His lips pressed against the delicate skin of
my neck and I stifled my gasp of pleasure.

I loved the way he looked at me when he sat
down. He was even more beautiful to me than I remembered, and I
wondered if I’d ever get enough of him.

“Hi.” His voice sounded rough but happy, and
he grabbed my hand. I could see the pleasure and relief in his
eyes, and knew he wanted to say something, though he didn’t.

I couldn’t wait to go to our room and give
him a proper hello. “Welcome home.”


Before I could ask if he wanted to head
upstairs, he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. He looked
around at several other couples, slow dancing to some song. “Want
to dance?”

I accepted, even though all I could think
about was tearing his clothes off.

He took my hand, and when his arms wrapped
around me, my greedy hands wandered over his body.

“You’re driving me crazy,” he whispered.

“Likewise,” I whispered back.


“Let’s go upstairs.”

He stopped and looked at me. “We’ve got all
night. What about dinner?”

“Room service later?” I suggested.

He scrubbed one hand on his head and
squinted, the way he always did when unsure about something. “Okay,

I grinned, trying another tactic to get him
over his apprehension. “Don’t you want me?”

“I always want you.”

“Then let’s go.”

I grabbed his hand and yanked him toward the
elevators up to our room.

Adrianne was right. I’d gotten spoiled by him
over the last few months. He always had a plan for us. Whether it
was dinner in a beachfront restaurant and a walk on the sand,
coffee and a museum I’d always wanted to visit, or a picnic at the
beach, he was always the gentleman. Despite his plans to make it
more than that, I would have been content to do nothing but have
sex. Tonight, I didn’t want anything else.

Inside the quiet room, I shut the door behind
us. Will pulled me toward him. No work, no distractions, and he was
all mine. The thought made my heart race.

He tried to kiss me, but I ducked away,
giving myself more room to remove his jacket and unbutton his dress

“Mmmmm.” I savored the feel of him as my
hands roamed over the hard muscles beneath the soft skin of his

He opened his mouth as he watched me, like
there was something he wanted to say, but something held him

“You’re acting strange,” I pointed out.

“We need to talk.”

“Let’s do it first.”

“You’re making this hard.”

“I hope so.”

He started to laugh as I undid the button of
his pants and unzipped the fly. “You’re not funny.”

I pushed him onto the bed and smiled down at
him. “You don’t think so?”

Leaning back on his elbows, he shook his

Feeling all alone with my desire, I decided
to make him as turned on as I was. In our time together, he’d given
me more pleasure than I ever dreamed, and I wanted to return the
favor tonight.

I climbed over him and slipped his pants
down, followed by his boxers. I slid my fingers over the head of
his cock and trailed them down the shaft, feeling him grow harder
at my touch.

When I settled myself over him, Will knew
what I was about to do. He sucked in a breath and tried to sit

“What? You don’t like the way I go down on
you?” I smiled. I already knew the answer to my question but I
wanted to hear him say it.

“I love the way you go down on me,” he

“Then let me.”

“I want to go down on you first.”

He reached for me but I pushed him back down
on the bed. As much as my knees buckled with his admission and how
wet I got at the thought of him between my thighs, I couldn’t let
him do that.

“Me first.” I opened my mouth over him and
glided my tongue over the tip of his cock. He gave in with a
defeated groan and leaned back against the bed. I slowly licked
circles around the crown, the way I knew would drive him out of his
mind. I loved that I’d learned exactly how to drive him crazy.

One rough hand reached out, his fingers
delving through my hair. “Michaela…” His voice broke and trailed

I stopped. “Am I doing something wrong?”

“Look at me.”

I looked up.

His mouth fell open, like he had something to
say, but he didn’t speak. I didn’t know what he wanted, so I
continued my efforts. I ran my tongue up and down his shaft to wet
him, and the rough sound of his groan when I finally took him in my
mouth made me ache with pleasure.

My hand splayed over his stomach and I felt
the muscles contract as I began to suck. His thighs felt like steel
as he thrust his hips. A few strokes of my mouth later, he groaned
loudly and pulled me up to him. “Wait.”

I leaned up, liking the fact he could barely
get the word out. “Don’t you want me to make you come?” I

He breathed hard. “Hell yeah, but if you do
that I’ll be lying on the bed half-dead.”

I smiled.

He looked serious. “You think I’m kidding? Do
you remember the last time I made
come with my

“Hmmm…” I sat back on my knees, pretending
not to remember.

“Remember what happened after?”

I licked my lips. “I lay there practically
unconscious,” I admitted with a soft whisper. “For hours.”

“Uh-huh. Do you want me passed out or do you
want me to be able to give you pleasure tonight?”

I sucked in a breath. “Is that what you want
to do?”

“You have no idea.” He sat up, got off the
bed, and headed toward the bathroom. “Like I said, I’ve got plans
for us. At least give me a chance.”

“Where are you going?” I watched with a
helpless look while he strode past me.

“To take a cold shower.”

“And then?”

“Dinner reservations. In twenty minutes.” He
shut the door.

What is his problem tonight?
But not
wanting to ruin his carefully made plans, I decided to go along
with them.

I scooted off the bed and unpacked my bag. I
heard the water running, and when Will came out a few minutes
later, I brushed passed him into the bathroom, ignoring the freshly
shaved and showered smell of him.

I needed a cold shower, too, if I planned to
survive dinner without coming undone.

When I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a
towel, I caught him watching me, hunger in his eyes, but he stuck
to his plan.

“Ready?” he asked. He held his arm out for
me, acting like he didn’t notice how frustrated I was.

A block away at The Lorie, a tiny, romantic
seafood restaurant tucked away in a quiet spot on the ocean, we ate
crab appetizers on the veranda. When our entrées arrived I watched
Will intently eating and figured he hadn’t had food since before
he’d left New York. Guilt filled me. Food had been the last thing
on my mind earlier and I hadn’t realized he’d been starving.

A cool breeze blew in from across the

“You cold?” Will asked. “We can go

I shook my head. Despite the air, I felt
warm, and my cheeks flushed.

Will answered my questions about his trip,
and asked me how I’d spent my two weeks. He listened to my plans
for the following weekend, and just to make him wonder if we’d see
each other, I revealed my plans to go hiking with Adrianne. He
responded with his plans to go biking in the hills with the

We exchanged a look.
Are we going to meet
up next weekend, or what?

“Maybe I’ll see you on the trails,” I said,
trying to sound indifferent while I sipped my glass of water.

He gave me a knowing smile. “Yeah,

In trying to torture him a little, as usual,
I was the one who ended up frustrated.

“Want to take a walk on the beach?” I asked,
after we’d finished dinner. Despite the wet ache between my thighs,
I decided to draw this out, just like he apparently wanted.
Let’s see how long he can wait

“A walk sounds good,” he replied.

We stepped out into the sand, my arm linked
with his. I could tell during dinner that he was holding back from
telling me why he really brought me here, and he held back even

We kissed in the dark down near the water,
away from the rest of the world.

He took my face in his hands, his gaze
roaming over me. “You are so beautiful,” he said, his voice rough.
“Your mouth…”

When he kissed me again, something broke
inside him.

He parted my lips with his, kissing my mouth
like he’d been starved for this. “I want you. All of you,” he said,
breathing hard. He kissed my face, his hands stroking over my
shoulders, over the curve of my back. He pulled me toward him until
our bodies crushed together.

,” I murmured, anxious to feel his
hands all over me.

His hands roamed over me like he wished the
clothes weren’t between us, as if the thin cotton of my dress
wasn’t in our way. Then he grabbed my hand and we almost ran back
up to the hotel.

Inside the room, I slid out of my shoes, and
we pulled at each other’s clothes until they lay in a puddle on the
floor. When Will lay over me on the bed, his kisses were ravenous,
and mine were too as I slid my tongue against his.

I writhed with pleasure at the feel of our
naked bodies sliding against each other. When he took one breast
into his mouth, teasing the nipple with the tip of his tongue, I
cried out. He tortured me with suction as his hand reached further
down and parted my legs. When I raised my hips, desperate for more,
he kissed his way down my stomach until he leaned down between my
thighs. I couldn’t breathe. His fingers opened me and his tongue
barely touched my flesh. Then his tongue flicked over me again.
Paralyzed, I wanted to cry out with pleasure, but before I could,
his tongue circled my clit in a slow, lazy movement. When I
clenched my eyes tight, he did it once more.

“Will,” I whimpered, my whole body shaking. I
should have known I was playing with fire. I was no match for him.
The man had no mercy. Over and over he stroked me, and my thigh
muscles clenched together when his tongue delved inside me. Through
the ecstasy he created, I felt strangely empty, and only one thing
could fix that.

“I need you inside me,” I said, barely aware
of what I was saying.

I knew he couldn’t stand it another second
either when he moved away to grab the protection. It gave me enough
time to sit up on my knees so that I could watch him.

He looked so hard and ready, I was ready to
do it any way he wanted. “How do you want me?”

“On your back.”

I grinned up at him as he laid me back down
on the bed. “So ordinary,” I teased. Amazing how I could find the
humor when I was so turned on.

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