The Naked Truth (8 page)

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Authors: Lacey Wolfe

BOOK: The Naked Truth
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Chapter Eight


Josh slammed his laptop shut. As he stood, he shoved
his chair back, hearing the thud as it hit the wall. This past week had been one
of the worst in his life. It wasn’t easy putting on a happy face when his
family was a thousand miles away and the woman he loved had turned down his

Josh stood in front of his wet bar and poured a
glass of scotch. He understood where she was coming from. Abigail wanted to
take things slow and see where things went. And he supposed he couldn’t blame
her. It wasn’t like they had a history and really knew one another. They shared
a child. One they’d conceived from a one-night stand. That didn’t make them
soul mates or anything fuzzy like that.

Abigail called him nightly though so he could tell
Hailey goodnight. The little girl couldn’t wait to see him again. She’d really
warmed up to him and Josh was glad. Hailey wanted him to come see her this
weekend, but he had to turn her down. He had a big dinner to attend Saturday.
He’d asked Abigail if she’d like to be his date, and for a moment he thought
she was going to say yes, but then she hadn’t.

He took a sip of his drink, enjoying the burn as it
went down. Any minute now his phone would be ringing and Abigail would be on
the other side. Did it tear at her heart as much as it did his that they were
so far apart?

* * * *

“Is it time to call daddy?” Hailey asked as she
grabbed her toothbrush.

It still took Abigail aback to hear her daughter say
the word
. But she was glad her daughter finally had one. “Scrub
those chompers and then come meet me in your room.”

Abigail went down the hall to Hailey’s room and sat
down on the bed. As she waited on Hailey, her thoughts went where they always
did. Josh and his bed. She missed him more than she’d expected. If she had a
time machine, she’d go back right now and accept his proposal and never leave
his home again. She knew it was best that they were getting to know each other
and she enjoyed their talks. Each night when she went to bed and lay alone, she
knew her heart was opening more and more.

“All done!” Hailey plopped down on the bed.

“Blow.” Hailey leaned close and blew in Abigail’s
face. The minty scent hit her and she nodded. “Good job. Now we can call daddy.”

Abigail clicked his name and handed the phone to
Hailey. Her daughters face lit up when Josh answered. She chatted animatedly
with him and told him all about her day at school and how she came home and
made cupcakes with her mommy. Hailey giggled a lot before finally yawning and telling
him goodnight.

Abigail took the phone. “Hold on a moment while I
tuck her in.” She set the phone on the bed and leaned forward, kissing Hailey’s
forehead. “Sweet dreams, my princess. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Love you, Mommy.”

“Love you too.” Abigail picked the receiver back up
and dimmed the light before returning to her call. “Hi, Josh.”

“How are you?”

“Tired, but good. It’s not easy being home all day
and night. I’m starting to go a bit stir-crazy without a job.”

“Return to school.”

She shook her head. “I can’t afford it at this moment.”
Before she gave him the chance to offer the money, she added, “But I have
contacted a college and discussed getting student loans.”

Josh cleared his throat. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“I figured you would be.”

There was a long silence before Josh broke it. “I
miss you. I’m trying to be patient and take things slow. And I understand the
timeframe of us being in one another’s life again is short, but I can’t be
without you. It kills me that you and Hailey are so far away. I promise I won’t
push and will take things at your pace.”

Abigail grinned, not being able to help it. “It’s
getting harder on me as well.”

“Why are we doing this then?”

“I need you to know I’m independent and not going to
rely on you for everything. Just like with schooling. You’re not paying for it.
If I go back to school, I’m doing it on my own, even though it’s going to be
difficult with no job.”

“If you come to New York, you can work and go to
school and I’ll be around to help with our daughter. And don’t forget about
Janet, the nanny. I’m sure we could hire her full-time.”

“I know.”

“Just think about it, that’s all I ask.”

Abigail yawned. “I’m going to turn in for the night.
We’ll talk tomorrow?”

“You bet. Goodnight.”

“Night.” She pressed the
button and then
held the phone close to her heart. As silly as it seemed, having the phone this
close made her feel like he was there with her.

As she headed toward her room, she prepared herself
for yet another sleepless night.

* * * *

Another week had passed and Abigail couldn’t take it
anymore. She had to see Josh and she was almost surprised that he hadn’t yet
shown up. She could hear the desperation in his voice when they spoke. It
wouldn’t be long before one of them burst.

She was the one about to blow, in fact. She’d been
in contact with her old law school in New York, and it looked like things might
be lining up the way she wanted. But she couldn’t be certain yet.

She finished stuffing Hailey’s clothes in the
suitcase. Now all she had to do was get her daughter and make it to the airport
in time. While the flight might not be as nice as it had been on Josh’s jet, at
least it would get her from point A to B. The best part was Hailey and Josh had
no idea.

* * * *

Josh loosened his tie as he stepped into the
kitchen. “What’s for dinner?” he asked the cook.

The older woman smiled. “Chicken fingers and French

He stared at her and wondered if he’d heard her
Chicken fingers and French fries?
Sure, he wasn’t picky, but he
hadn’t had anything like that since Hailey had been here. He walked closer and
noticed she was making a lot.

“I know I have a hefty appetite, but I don’t think I
can eat that much.”

The woman giggled. “Don’t worry about what you can

Josh grinned, went to the fridge, and removed a
coke. He noticed a few juice boxes had been added. He was about to mention it,
but then decided against it. One of the house staff members probably had a
child visiting or something.

“How long until dinner?” he asked from the doorway.

“About thirty minutes, I hope.”

“I’ll be back.” He left the kitchen and began the
path toward his office. Just as he was about to enter it, he noticed a set of
headlights out front.
Who is here?
He wasn’t expecting anyone.

Only one way to find out. Josh opened the door and
as soon as he stepped out, a small child clung to his leg. “Daddy!”

“Hailey? What are you doing here?” His arms wrapped
around her and he looked up and saw Abigail approaching, a grin across her
face. “What are you two doing here?”

“We decided to come home,” Abigail said as she stopped
in front of him, “if you’ll have us.”

With his free hand, he reached out and took
Abigail’s. “You better believe I’ll have you. And how lucky you are tonight,
Hailey. The cook is making your favorite.”

“I know. Mommy called her.”

He looked up, not believing Abigail had pulled this
off without him knowing. Especially since it was his car and driver that had
brought her here. She must have paid for her flight, because his jet hadn’t
been used.

“Come in, please.” He let go of them and stepped
back as they came in.

His family was finally home. He couldn’t be happier.
Hailey excused herself to use the restroom. As soon as she was out of sight, he
reached forward and pulled Abigail to him. Without any hesitation, he claimed
her lips with hunger. She opened to him right away and his tongue slipped in,
tasting mint.

Abigail’s arms wrapped around him, bringing herself
close. She kissed him with such tenderness and yet it went straight though him,
until the excitement settled between his thighs. He hoped she would share his
bed tonight and every night from now on. He hadn’t washed her pillow since she
left, preferring to shroud himself in her scent each night.

The kiss ended and she stepped back. “I missed you.
I couldn’t stay away any longer.”

“I’m glad. You have no idea how close I’ve been to
getting on my plane and coming out there. But I knew you needed time.”

She kissed his cheek. “Thank you for giving me that.
But I no longer want time or to take things slow.”

“Good, because if you leave here again, I’ll hunt
you down and go all caveman, dragging you back here by your hair.”

She giggled. “I could think of a more enjoyable way
for you to pull my hair.”

Josh groaned. “You just wait until tonight.”

“Believe me, I can’t wait.”

* * * *

The next day Hailey begged to have another picnic in
the flower garden. Abigail agreed since it was a beautiful day. Her daughter
had also requested Josh make BLTs again and this time she’d try the tomato.

In the kitchen, Abigail saw Josh filling the basket.
“Need any help?” she asked.

He looked up. “Nope, I got it.”

Abigail stepped up to him to plant a kiss on his
cheek that still held his morning stubble. “Any surprises in there today?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

Abigail smiled and traced her fingers down his face,
staring into his eyes. “I love you.”

Josh set the knife down he’d been using for the mayonnaise
and pulled her to him. “I love you too. Now go get Hailey. As much as I want to
eat you instead for lunch, we have a daughter waiting on us.”

Ten minutes later they were all seated in the garden
again. Only this time they all seemed happier. Hailey now knew Josh was her
father and Abigail was finally feeling like things were going to work out the
way they were supposed to. She had a man she loved and he loved her in return.

“I could never tire of lunches out here.” Abigail
took a sip of her water.

“It’s lovely out here. I need to make the time to
enjoy this garden more,” Josh agreed.

“With Hailey here now, I think you will.”

He grinned. “Things feel complete,” he paused, “well,

Abigail watched as he pulled a black velvet box from
his blazer. She giggled, knowing what was in it this time.

Josh looked at Hailey and said, “I hope this goes
better this time.”

Hailey directed her gaze toward her mother. “I hope
so too.”

Josh got on one knee and opened the box. “I love you
more that words can express. I don’t ever want to be without you again. These
past few weeks have been torture, that if I have to live my life without you,
then I’d rather it be over. You complete me.” He looked at Hailey and then back
at Abigail. “You and Hailey. Please do me the honor of saying yes and being my

Not only was this what she wanted, but she was
certain this was where she and Hailey belonged. They would all finally be a
family. “Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you, Josh.”

Josh removed the ring from the box and slid it on
her finger. After he let go of her hand, she admired the diamond and glanced
back at him.

“Kiss him, Mommy!”

Abigail did just that. She pulled Josh to her and
kissed him, keeping it as conservative as possible with Hailey watching. The
kiss ended and Abigail cupped her hands and wondered how she’d gotten so lucky.

Josh pulled another box from his blazer. This one
was a little bigger. “I have something for you too, Hailey.” He opened it,
revealing a silver heart necklace. “Do you like it?”

“Yes!” Hailey screeched.

“Is that real?” Abigail asked.

Josh laughed. “Of course.”

“Oh my God, be careful with that, Hailey, do you
hear me?” She looked back at Josh. “Have you ever been around a four-year-old?
That’s likely to end up in Play-Doh.”

Josh smiled. “It’ll make nice shapes, don’t you
think?” He leaned next to her ear. “I hope we have another very soon.”

“You want more kids?”

“Hailey, do you want to be a big sister?” Josh

“Are you having a baby too?”

Abigail giggled. “No, no baby—yet.”

Abigail snuggled up to Josh and placed her head on
his shoulder. He wrapped both arms around her and placed a kiss on her
forehead. She loved this man with all her heart. How did she get so lucky to
have a man as compassionate as him to love her in return?





Abigail walked across the stage—one she was proud to
be on—after her name had been called, not believing this day was finally here. She
had graduated and now was about to get her degree. She was officially a lawyer!

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