The Mystery of the Shemitah (14 page)

BOOK: The Mystery of the Shemitah
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The Fourth Collapse and the Biblical Shemitah

The Shemitah ended on September 17, 2001. It would thus contain the calamity of 9/11 and its traumatic impact on the American and global financial realms.

The Mystery of the Fifth Turning Point

The stock market reached its next peak on October 9, 2007, then turned downward in what would become one of the greatest collapses in stock market history. In December of 2007 the economy descended into recession. The financial collapse lasted until March 2009, while the economic recession ended three months later. Is there any connection to these events and the mystery of the Shemitah?

The next Shemitah of this period began in September 2007. With its coming the world’s financial markets began to turn. In fact, it was in the Shemitah’s opening month that the stock market’s years of ascending ended and the collapse began. And three months after the Shemitah’s starting point the economy began to collapse as well.

The Fifth Collapse and the Biblical Shemitah

Both collapses took place on historic scales. Both began in the Year of the Shemitah. And before that Shemitah was over, it would bring the greatest point crash in stock market history. The majority of what we today call the “Great Recession” was actually the Year of the Shemitah.

The Sinai Cycles

We have found an amazing phenomenon:

1. In the Bible the economic and financial realms are timed to a seven-year cycle. This cycle concerns an economic cessation and a financial remission centering on the seventh year in the cycle.
2. Behind the past four decades of financial and economic history is a seven-year cycle. This cycle concerns the greatest financial collapses and crashes together with economic downturns and recessions. The record reveals an amazing phenomenon: all the greatest peaks and crashes of the past forty years take place in a seven-year cycle with regard to the previous or subsequent collapse.
3. The greatest peaks and collapses of the past forty years are not just timed to a seven-year cycle but to a
seven-year cycle. They are timed specifically to the ancient biblical year of economic cessation and financial remission—the Shemitah. In other words, behind the great crashes and economic recessions of modern times lies the ancient mystery of the Shemitah.

In other time periods this pattern does not necessarily appear as obvious, consistent, or present as it does here. The reason that the period beginning with 1973 may be especially significant will be addressed in a later chapter.

The facts remain, and they all point to the ancient mystery. Here are some of them:

  The greatest financial turning points of the past forty years have been connected to the Shemitah or its wake
100 percent of the time!

  The greatest financial turning points, peaks, or long-term collapses of the past forty years that have taken place within the biblical Year of the Shemitah or its autumn wake is
100 percent!

  Where there has been both a financial collapse and an economic recession, the period connecting their starting points has fallen within the biblical Shemitah
100 percent of the time!

  Thus, from the forty-year period beginning in 1973, every single one of the five greatest financial and economic peaks and collapses have converged, clustered, and taken place according to the set time of the Shemitah.

We have looked into the greatest overall collapses and crashes in modern American and world history and found within them a three-thousand-year-old mystery determining their course.

But what if we embark on a different quest? What if, rather than looking at the greatest turning points and overall long-term collapses, we look instead at the greatest
crashes in stock market history? These are governed by different laws. What will we find?

The results will be no less amazing.

Chapter 12

The Days of Collapse

our search has focused on the
crashes of the financial and economic world, collapses spread out over a period of months and generally lasting more than a year’s time. But now we begin a new search. We will now look at the stock market’s greatest
one-day crashes

The search is different and will involve different principles and dynamics. Long-term collapses tend, by nature, to be caused or affected by long-term conditions, trends, and dynamics. But single-day crashes are more volatile, unpredictable, and susceptible to fluke circumstances and “chance” factors. A good example of this is the Black Monday crash of 1987, the causes of which have been attributed to everything from rising interest rates to the quirks of computer trading programs.

The Shemitah’s Other Keys

Another major difference between long-term crashes and single-day crashes is, of course, the time frame. A long-term collapse will generally involve several seasons. A single-day crash will, by definition, involve a single season, month, and date. So beyond the component of the seventh year, we will now be able to look deeper at the Shemitah’s other components—namely the
time of year
the month, and the days.
We will now more clearly be able to see if there exists any connection between modern financial collapses and . . .

the month that leads in and builds up to the Shemitah’s beginning and its climactic conclusion.

the month most central to the Shemitah, that which marks the seventh year at its beginning and manifests its financial repercussions at its end.

The Shemitah’s wake,
the season that immediately follows the Shemitah’s Day of Remission and manifests its repercussions.

Having now the keys, let us begin the search.

The Ten Greatest Single-Day Point Crashes in Stock Market History

For our first search we will look at the ten greatest
crashes in Wall Street history. These are the financial collapses in which the greatest number of stock market points were wiped away.

The Seven-Year Key and the Ten Greatest Point Crashes

Of the ten greatest stock market point crashes in history, are any of them connected to the Year of the Shemitah? Since the Year of the Shemitah comes around only once in seven years, the chances would be one in seven. There are ten crashes on the list. So the chances of any one of these crashes taking place in the Year of the Shemitah is 15 percent. But if there was something else going on, then the number would be greater than 15 percent.

Do any of these crashes have a connection to the Year of the Shemitah? The answer is yes. Is the percentage greater than 15 percent? The answer is, again, yes. How many of the greatest single-day point crashes in Wall Street history are connected to the Year of the Shemitah?

The majority of them!

Over half of the greatest point crashes in Wall Street history are joined to the biblical Year of Remission. An incredible
60 percent
of the ten greatest crashes take place either within the Shemitah or in its wake. Or to put it another way, only a
of the greatest crashes take place
the biblical Year of the Shemitah.

The Tishri Key and the Greatest Point Crashes

Now let’s take another component of the ancient mystery and see if it bears any relation to the greatest crashes in Wall Street history. Are any of these greatest point crashes linked to the Shemitah’s key month of Tishri, including the day on which Tishri begins at sunset?

There are twelve months in the Hebrew year, with the exception of a thirteenth “leap month” inserted in the calendar about every three years. So the odds that any of the ten greatest stock market crashes would take place in the Hebrew month of Tishri are a little less than one in twelve. Thus we could expect that, at best, one of the ten greatest point crashes might fall in Tishri—or none at all. But if something more than natural were going on, then the number would be greater than one in ten.

So do any of these crashes have a connection to the Hebrew month of Tishri? The answer is yes.

How many of the greatest single-day point crashes in stock market history are connected to the Hebrew month of Tishri?

The majority of them!

Over half of the greatest stock market crashes in Wall Street history are connected to this single solitary Hebrew month. The number is
60 percent
. That the majority of the crashes should cluster around a single Hebrew month—and that only
a minority
take place outside of it—is remarkable.

The Last Tishri and the Greatest Point Crashes

Let’s raise the parameters. Do any of the greatest financial collapses that fall in the month of Tishri fall specifically on the
Tishri of the seventh year

and, even more specifically, do any of them fall on the critical Tishri that
the seventh year?

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