The Mystery in Dracula's Castle (6 page)

Read The Mystery in Dracula's Castle Online

Authors: Vic Crume

Tags: #mystery, #dracula, #juvenile, #disney

BOOK: The Mystery in Dracula's Castle
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Noah's hollow-sounding voice came back loudly.

"How do I know?" he shouted back angrily. "Keep going."

Just then the tunnel sloped steeply downward. Watson skidded along for a short distance before the surface beneath his paws flattened out again. Noah Baxter came sliding and sloshing after him.

Outside, Keith reached the end of the long drainpipe where it hung out over Town Lake below.

Carefully, he stretched out over it and took an upside-down look into the pipe. "I see him!" he yelled. "Noah! You got him now!"

Watson could see that the situation was desperate. Behind him Noah Baxter was floundering onward. In the opening ahead of him, an upside-down face had suddenly appeared.

Deciding it was better to go on than go back, Watson gathered himself for the big break to freedom, plunged ahead — straight out into space and made a daring dive into the lake below.

Flying through the air above him came Noah Baxter. And almost at the same moment, Keith Raynor made
dive for the Daumier jewels.

At the very last moment, Watson might have lost the race, except for one thing: Keith and Noah collided going into the water.

It was the chance that Watson needed. While the two men were still holding their heads, sputtering and treading water, Watson paddled briskly toward shore, the necklace still tightly held in his mouth.

To Keith Raynor and Noah Baxter, it was a terrible sight!


Alfie Booth was still sound asleep, but the morning sunshine on Leonard's side of the room awakened him.

He blinked sleepily, yawned, and stretched — and suddenly his toes met damp, gritty sand.

He lifted the covers and peered down toward the foot of the bed. "Watson! What happened to you?"

Watson thumped his tail in a sleepy greeting, then immediately closed his eyes.

"What a mess!" Leonard said disgustedly, looking at the sandy sheet. "We've got to get it cleaned up before Mom sees it or you'll be sleeping outdoors from now on."

The little dog waded out of a tangle of sheets and blankets — the slightly soiled Daumier necklace still dangling from his jaws.

Leonard's eyes widened. "Where'd you get this?" he asked as he took the necklace from Watson and rubbed it against his pajamas. The four rubies, set in gold, sparkled in the morning light.

"Wow!" he gasped.

"What's that?" Alfie spoke from his bed.

"It's mine," Leonard answered. "Watson gave it to me."

"That mutt been thieving again?" Alfie asked.

"He just found it," Leonard answered.

Alfie yawned. "Yeah — in some junkyard."

"You don't find gold and rubies in a junkyard," Leonard replied.

"Gold and rubies! Leonard, they're glass.
would know that."

Leonard didn't bother answering. He swung the necklace in the light. Suddenly, and for the first time, he became interested in Alfie's movie.

"Dracula can wear it," he said generously.

Alfie sighed. "That's dumb. Dracula doesn't wear a necklace. He wears a ring."


"Because it's part of my story, that's why. That's what's left of Dracula after his body's gone."

"Ugh!" Leonard made a face.

Alfie got up and reached for the Dracula cape that was flung over the back of a chair. He put it on and leaped up on his bed, waving his arms wildly over his head. "Sure. The stake is pounded in. Dracula turns into ashes. The wind spreads the ashes in the air. And all that's left is Dracula's ring. The

"He could wear a necklace too," Leonard said stubbornly.

"A ring, Leonard, a ring — like the one we saw in the jewelry store!" Alfie jumped out of bed. "Hey! you might not be so far off after all. Maybe your necklace is worth something."

"What?" Leonard eyed Alfie suspiciously.

"Get dressed," Alfie ordered. "I've a great idea."

Noah Baxter was keeping a watchful eye on the Booth cottage. Sooner or later those kids would appear, and Noah planned to be around when they did. He slumped down in the Volkswagen and waited for Alfie, Leonard, and that villain, Watson.

Luck was with Noah. Mrs. Booth came to the door just as Leonard was slipping a rope leash over Watson's head. "Where are you going, boys?"

"Just to the jeweler's, Mom," Alfie said. "We'll be back soon."

"Jeweler's?" Mrs. Booth looked a little puzzled. "Well, all right, but be back in twenty minutes. Don't let Watson get into mischief."

That was all Noah needed to hear. He started the car and, looking straight ahead, drove past the boys.

Before heading for Bill Wasdahl's shop, he stopped at the lighthouse to pick up Keith.




Bill Wasdahl was polishing a silver teapot when the boys came into the shop. He looked up. "Get that dog out of here!" he exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wasdahl, we've got him on a leash," Alfie said. "Anyway, we've come on business."

He turned to Leonard. "Show him the necklace, Leonard."

Leonard stepped forward and held it out.

Bill Wasdahl's eyes widened, and suddenly, he became very friendly. "I'll have to have a better look," he said smiling.

"It must be worth something," Alfie said. "About thirty dollars?"

"Afraid not," came the reply. "It's only costume jewelry."

"I bet it's worth as much as that Dracula ring," Alfie said.

Leonard pulled back. "Alfie! You said we would just find out if my necklace is worth anything."

Before Alfie could answer, Bill Wasdahl leaned across the counter. "You've been good kids…keeping that dog away and everything. Let me have the necklace. I'll trade it for the ring."

"Great! Leonard, give him the necklace."

Leonard pulled back again, and Alfie stepped over to him. "This is a good deal. Come on."

Bill Wasdahl smiled. "It's a lady's necklace. Not for a real boy like you."

"I like it," Leonard said stubbornly.

"Leonard!" Alfie pleaded. "

But Leonard turned and hurried to the shop door. Alfie rushed after him, and both boys nearly collided with Keith Raynor on his way into the shop.

"Hey, watch it! What's the matter?" Keith asked.

"Leonard won't trade that dumb necklace," Alfie said. "And we really need Dracula's ring instead."

Bill Wasdahl hurried around from in back of the counter. "I'll tell you what I'll do, Leonard. I'll give you two rings for it. One for each of you. Now that's downright generous."

Leonard's jaw set. "No!"

"What's so special about that necklace?" Keith asked.

"It's rubies and gold," Leonard said. "That's special."

Keith smiled. "Really? May I see it?"

Leonard unclasped his treasure and handed it over.

"It's just costume jewelry," Bill Wasdahl said.

Keith nodded. "Yes. And some of the stones are missing too. Can't be worth much."

"I don't care." Leonard reached out for the necklace.

Keith lifted it a little higher. "I could use it, though. I'm working on a collage now where these might fit in. A collage is —"

"I know," Leonard said quickly. "We make them in school all the time. You can use shells and scraps of almost anything."

Keith looked at him. "You're right, of course. But Leonard, these fake rubies would help me a lot, and I'd pay you hard cash. How much are you willing to sell them for?"

Leonard grabbed the necklace dangling from Keith's fingers. "I'm not selling," he said firmly, stuffing it into his pocket.

There was a tense silence, then Alfie spoke. "Okay. Let's go home. I've got a movie to make."

Keith Raynor's thoughts raced. How could he get the necklace back? And what about Noah, who was standing guard across the street? What would he say if Keith came out of the jewelry shop without the Daumier necklace?

Suddenly Keith smiled. "Alfie, I'll have some free time tomorrow. Would you like to film inside the lighthouse?"

Alfie's eyes glowed. "In Dracula's Castle? Really?"

Keith nodded. "There's only one thing — no dog."

"Watson goes wherever I go," Leonard said.

Alfie ignored this. "You have a deal, Mr. Raynor," he grinned. "But Jean will have to come. Jean Wyndham. She's Dracula's victim."

Keith frowned and hesitated. "Well, all right. Okay." He patted Leonard's shoulder, looked past him at Bill Wasdahl, and grinned triumphantly.




Noah Baxter watched as Keith worked on the fake necklace that they planned to switch with the Daumier original. Keith had given up working in the lantern gallery. It was inconvenient and at night it was too conspicuous.

"Aren't you finished yet?" Noah grumbled. "We don't have forever you know."

Keith lifted a piece of red glass and set it into position. "Don't rush me," he said slowly. "This has to look right."

"Come on!" Noah exclaimed. "That kid isn't going to spot the difference when we switch them."

"He might," Keith replied.

Noah grunted, turned away, and picked up the box containing the dynamite. He started for the stairs.

"Where are you going with that?" Keith asked, looking up.

"Locking it up in the lantern gallery with the rest of the dynamite — and the fireworks you bought for your guests. You and your big ideas…telling those kids they could film their dumb picture here." Noah's voice trailed off as he circled up the iron stairs.

When he returned to the workroom he was carrying the empty box.

"What'd you unpack it for?" Keith asked. "You do your work and I'll do mine," Noah replied. "Just get that necklace finished, Raynor."




Noah Baxter couldn't have done a nicer thing, Alfie felt, when they arrived for the filming next day. His toughest prop problem had been finding a coffin for Dracula — and the pine dynamite box was just about the right size for Alfie's leading man.

In fact, Leonard, lying in it with eyes closed, pearly fangs glinting, and a touch of catsup on his lips and chin, looked horrible enough even for Alfie.

"Mr. Baxter," Alfie said excitedly, "you stand here and hold the movie light so it shines down on Dracula. Wow! The necklace looks great! Jean, when you come up, you look revolted, but you bravely hammer in the stake right through Dracula's heart. Then, Dracula, you — "

Keith interrupted. "Alfie, isn't that too…er, realistic? It sounds dangerous to me."

Alfie shook his head. "Don't worry, Mr. Raynor. It's the effect I'm after. Actually, Jean hammers down the stake in the space between Dracula's ribs and his arm. But it will look great."

Alfie turned toward his cast. "Okay. Keep your eyes closed, Leonard, and remember to shriek when you feel the stake is driven in. Now, positions please. Action."

Jean, her hair piled high on her head, and wearing the evening gown she had worn at the Junior Prom, closed in on Dracula. She shuddered, put the stake in place, and lifted the hammer high.

! Leonard shrieked loudly, and Alfie called out, "Great shot. You can get up now, Leonard."

Keith tilted the light away, and Leonard started to sit up. "I can't," he said anxiously. "Something must have happened to me!"

Alfie sighed and walked over to the pine box. "Leonard, nothing's happened to you. Your cloak is just nailed to your coffin — that's all." He tugged at the stake. It wouldn't budge.

"Here," Keith elbowed Alfie aside. "Let me try it."

He pretended to struggle with the stake as he felt in his pocket for the fake necklace in case a quick switch could be made.

But it was hopeless. Too many pairs of eyes were watching, and both men realized it. So Keith quickly jerked the stake free. "There you are, kid. Dracula can rise from his coffin again!"

"Okay," Alfie said briskly, as his brother was helped out of the pine box. "Next setup. On the stairs. Makeup!"

setup!" Noah exclaimed. "I thought you'd just killed off Dracula."

"Oh, I can work that in anywhere," Alfie replied.

"What I need now is something with real atmosphere." He turned to Jean. "This time I'll film the action on the stairs, using your shadows on the walls. You'll run up the stairs, Jean. Leonard, you'll follow. Okay. Lights, please. Action."

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