The Murder of Marilyn Monroe (41 page)

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(STRAIT, RAYMOND. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 13 DECEMBER 2010: “Peter got scared and hysterical so he called Fred.”)
(STRAIT, RAYMOND. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 18 NOVEMBER 2010: “Fred says, ‘You meet me at Marilyn’s house.’ And Fred showed up with his soundman . . .”)
(HALL, JAMES. INTERVIEW WITH MICHELLE MORGAN. SEPTEMBER 1997: “In 1985, I was contacted by the Flynt Distributing Co . . .”)
(Flynt, Larry. “Marilyn Was Murdered: Eyewitness Account by James E. Hall.”
, May 1986: Larry Flynt wrote: “It’s been a long time, but Hall wasn’t simply another set of hands at the wheel . . .”)
The Marilyn Files
live TV special, 1992: James Hall said, “Back in 1962, I rented an apartment, my wife and I, and my regular partner Rick [Charles Greider] . . .”)
(Carroll, Ronald H., and Alan B. Tomich. “The Death of Marilyn Monroe—Report to the District Attorney.” December 1982, p. 16: “Since Mr. Hall’s statements . . . a Mr. Ken Hunter, has been located who claims to have been an ambulance driver who responded to the Monroe residence in the early morning hours of August 5, 1962 . . . with his partner, whom he believes with reasonable certainty to have been a Mr. Murray Liebowitz . . .”)
(SUMMERS 2000, pp. 462–463: “In 1985, I talked on several occasions to the late Walter Schaefer, who was then still running the ambulance company he founded . . .”)
(CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE: December 14, 1982 tape-recording of investigator Al Tomich interviewing Ken Hunter.)
Marilyn Monroe: A Case for Murder
documentary, 1988: The narrator mentioned a “mysterious midnight traffic jam in front of Marilyn’s house the night she died.” Marilyn’s next-door neighbor to the west Abe Charles Landau relayed, “We had been out to a party. We came home and the place was like Grand Central Station. The cars were all the way up the alley . . . Some limousine was here. I don’t know who it was. And of course, police cars and the ambulance.”)
(CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE: December 14, 1982, tape-recording of investigator Al Tomich interviewing Ken Hunter. Hunter stated, “I know that Hall wasn’t there. Period . . .”)
(WOLFE 1998, p. 79: “Ken Hunter didn’t work for Schaefer in 1962. Carl Bellonzi, Vice President of the Schaefer Ambulance Service . . . stated in 1993 that Ken Hunter wasn’t employed by Schaefer until the mid-1970s, and that Hunter never worked the West Los Angeles area [but] in the 1970s and 1980s in the Orange County office.”)
(BELLONZI, CARL. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “Hunter wore glasses and he was kind of heavyset . . .”)
The Marilyn Files
documentary, 1991: James E. Hall’s social security number and employment records prove that he did indeed work for Schaefer Ambulance in August 1962.)
(WOLFE 1998, p. 80: “Hall’s social security records and Schaefer’s payroll deductions indicate that Schaefer wrongfully denied that Hall was his employee. Dated October 4, 1962, a photo in the
Santa Monica Evening Outlook
shows James Hall transporting a crime victim for Schaefer Ambulance Service.”)
(ABBOTT, ALLAN. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 7 JUNE 2012: “I knew Schaefer. We both bought our cars from the same place . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 30 JANUARY 2013: Schaefer was born Schaeffer before he changed his name. Also, Mae West was Schaefer’s cousin.)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “Mr. Schaefer was involved with all these people, including celebrities . . .”)
(BELLONZI, CARL. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “Villalobos was one I trained . . .”)
(BELLONZI, CARL. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “I picked up Marie McDonald . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 14 JANUARY 2013: “In Santa Monica, everybody used to get all the celebrities . . .”)
(“Barbara Hutton Breaks Thigh Bone.”
Evening Independent
. [St. Petersburg, Florida] 12 June 1971: “LOS ANGELES—Woolworth heiress Barbara Hutton was taken in an ambulance to unknown hospital after arriving here from London for treatment of a fractured thigh bone. Miss Hutton, 58, was put into the ambulance on a stretcher yesterday but ambulance officials would not tell newsmen where she was being taken. The heiress was flown to London from Rome after she reportedly broke her femur—by tripping over a carpet in the Italian city.”)
(LEIB, SYLVIA. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 25 APRIL 2012: “Murray knew an awful lot of movie people . . .”)
(LEIB, SYLVIA. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 11 MARCH 2012: “It was not until a few years before he died that he told me about Marilyn . . .”)
(LEIB, SYLVIA. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 25 APRIL 2012: “Murray said, ‘Nobody murdered her. Nobody killed her. It was just an overdose. There was an empty bottle and the place reeked of alcohol . . .’”)
(Flynt, Larry. “Marilyn Was Murdered: Eyewitness Account by James E. Hall.”
, May 1986, p. 38: James Hall said, “Dr. George E. Hall, was a Beverly Hills surgeon and former chief of staff of Los Angeles receiving hospitals . . .”)
(CARLSON, MIKE. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 19 DECEMBER 2011: “When Jim was fourteen-years-old, he was swinging on rings doing doubles and triples . . .”)
(Flynt, Larry. “Marilyn Was Murdered: Eyewitness Account by James E. Hall.”
, May 1986, p. 40: James Hall said, “In 1961 I started with Walt Schaefer’s California Ambulance Service . . .”)
(Flynt, Larry. “Marilyn Was Murdered: Eyewitness Account by James E. Hall.”
, May 1986, p. 48: James Hall said, “I picked up Betty Hutton . . .”)
(Flynt, Larry. “Marilyn Was Murdered: Eyewitness Account by James E. Hall.”
, May 1986, p. 48: James Hall said, “We took her to Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, to the Pavilion . . .”)
(CONWAY, D. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 17 APRIL 2013: “I was Larry [Telling]’s neighbor. He died two or three years ago. He was a very big man, real heavyset. His wife Debra went to a bingo game and never did come back. He thought she would come home that night. She left him and just kept on driving. The neighbors there said she did give him a call and said, ‘I’m not coming back. I’ve had it with you.’ He was kind of rough on her. Then her brother had come to serve him with divorce papers and found him laying dead in the bed. He died of a heart attack. It’s very sad. Larry died of a broken heart because she wouldn’t come home. Sure as luck, she inherited everything and sold the property all off. She was a lucky, lucky person.”)
(SUMMERS 2000, p. 604: “Seven employees: int. Joe Zilinkski [sic], Carl Bellonzi, Tom Fears, Sean [sic] O’Bligh, Joe Tarnowski, Edgardo Villalobos, Murray Leib, 1985–6.”)
(ZIELINSKI, LESLIE. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 15 JANUARY 2013: “Joe was seventy-five when he passed away in December 2008. . . When I met my husband, Joe was working for one of the mortuaries there in Inglewood. Then he worked at Schaefer’s and then Goodhue. We were married in 1961. I think he started Schaefer’s in 1961 or 1962. By the time we married, he was no longer working at the mortuary. Joe was six feet and at the time relatively thin, dark hair in a crew cut. Joe used to watch any documentaries on Marilyn and there were things there that he knew were different than what they were portraying. As far as Marilyn, I know that he remembered that night very well.”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 14 JANUARY 2013: “I used to call Joe Zielinski every week . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 5 OCTOBER 2013: Rick Staffer, Donald Altrock, and Richard “Dick” Williams remember the ambulance call to Marilyn’s home.)
(TARNOWSKI, RUTH. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 4 OCTOBER 2013: Rick Staffer, Donald Altrock, and Richard “Dick” Williams remember the ambulance call to Marilyn’s home.)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 14 JANUARY 2013: “Hugh Patrick O’Bligh was the Vice President of Schaefer . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 23 FEBRUARY 2014: “Mr. Schaefer called him Irish . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 14 JANUARY 2013: “Because Carl was like a son to Mr. Schaefer . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “The other guy was Larry Telling, my partner . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 27 APRIL 2012: “Murray was a very nice person . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “The psychiatrist is not supposed to inject . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 14 JANUARY 2013: “Many times, we witness [an adrenaline shot] when the doctor comes in . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “One time [about a year after Marilyn’s death], I was in an ambulance in one of the intensive care units and there was a strange nurse . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 14 JANUARY 2013: “That girl was sizing me up a lot . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 14 JANUARY 2013: “Look what happened to Murray’s partner Ryan . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “You have to listen to a doctor . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “Joe Tarnowski was a driver but then he became a dispatcher . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 7 MARCH 2012: “Joe Tarnowski was the dispatcher.”)
(BELLONZI, CARL. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 20 JANUARY 2012: “I know who the dispatcher was at that time, and that was Tarnowski . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 14 JANUARY 2013: “Ruth Tarnowski was a nurse for Schaefer in the Santa Monica area . . .”)
(TARNOWSKI, RUTH. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 4 OCTOBER 2013: “At the time Marilyn died, Joe and I were married and living in West LA . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 27 APRIL 2012: “I used to fight. Amateur boxing. There were five of us . . .”)
Marilyn Monroe: A Case for Murder
documentary, 1988: Female reporter said Walt Schaefer “is now dead but in a 1985 interview, he said an ambulance did go to the scene that night but it was
driven by James Hall.” Walt Schaefer relayed, “We took Marilyn Monroe in on an overdose . . .”)
(SLATZER 1992, p. 185: Walt Schaefer relayed, “I came in the next morning and found on the log sheet we had transported Marilyn Monroe. . . Anything can happen in Hollywood.” Schaefer “did admit that Hunter had worked for him. He also admitted that Liebowitz had been Hunter’s partner.”)
Murray Liebowitz’s partner and they both went to Marilyn’s house that night.)
(From the collection of YouTube member SGTG77: 1992
Hard Copy
documentary with Anthony Summers where John Sherlock said Greenson relayed to him that Marilyn had been taken to the hospital and then brought back to her home after she was dead.)
(SLATZER 1992, pp. 185, 187: Walt Schaefer first reported that Marilyn died at Santa Monica Hospital then later told Slatzer he lied due to political pressure from the Kennedys that could ruin his business.)
(LEIB, SYLVIA. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 25 APRIL 2012: “Murray didn’t like the owner who owned the ambulance. Schaefer lied . . .”)
(SUMMERS 2000, p. 463: In 1985, contradicting his second wife Sylvia’s statement to Margolis, Murray Leib related to Summers, “I wasn’t on duty that night . . .”)
(VILLALOBOS, EDGARDO. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 7 MARCH 2012: “Murray bought himself a carwash on Pico Boulevard . . .”)
(SLATZER 1992, p. 186: Hall said that Murray Liebowitz has “been interviewed by numerous people and he won’t talk. On a radio talk show, an attendant that rode with Liebowitz later . . .”)
(SLATZER 1992, p. 186: Murray Liebowitz said, “Well, you remember I told you I’d tell you what happened to Marilyn . . .”)
(SLATZER 1992, p. 186: Murray Liebowitz said, “After her funeral, I came into a very large sum of what you would call hush money and I bought these car washes . . .”)
(LEIB, SYLVIA. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 25 APRIL 2012: “When we were watching that television program, Murray was laughing . . .”)
(LEIB, SYLVIA. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 11 MARCH 2012: “He did nothing but tell lies . . .”)
(LEIB, SYLVIA. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 3 FEBRUARY 2011: “He died after about seven years . . .”)
(LEIB, SYLVIA. INTERVIEW WITH JAY MARGOLIS. 11 MARCH 2012: “That’s how I met Murray; he was a customer at my car wash for a lot of years . . .”)

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