The Moretti Seduction (13 page)

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Authors: Katherine Garbera

Tags: #Moretti Legacy, #Category

BOOK: The Moretti Seduction
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Her family congratulated her and everyone agreed to go to the Moretti family home in San Giuliano Milanese after the meeting to celebrate.

They went into the boardroom and after a lot of haggling, Moretti Motors had the rights to use the Vallerio name on their roadster. They also got the rights to the new engine that her father had designed.

Everyone seemed happy with the way things worked out and when they went downstairs after the meeting, Emile and Gio both placed a temporary nameplate on the Vallerio Roadster. To see the sons of two men who fought and had grown to hate each other standing side by side felt right to Nathalie.

She hoped that with the bitterness of the feud in the past, both of their families would go on to much greater things.

“Are you happy?” Antonio asked, holding her hand in his as they walked through the gardens at his parents’ house.

“Happier than I ever thought I could be,” she said. “What made you change your mind?”

“Nothing,” he said.

She pulled away. “Nothing? Antonio, are you doing this on a whim?”

He pulled her back into his arms and kissed her. There was so much passion in that embrace that she knew without a doubt he loved her.

“I knew I loved you before you walked out. I had thought that confessing my love would doom it, but then I realized that by hiding it I was cursing us to a life without each other.”

“Are you sure you love me?” she asked, unable to believe she was really going to get to spend the rest of her life with Antonio.

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And I’m going to make sure you never doubt it or me again.”

“How will you do that?” she asked, though she already felt his love surrounding her.

“By telling you of my love often, by paying attention to the little things that make you happy, by making you feel like the center of my world, because that is what you are.”

“And what will I do for you?”

“You’ve already done it. You brought color to my life and made me realize that business wasn’t the only thing I could live for.” And he kissed her to seal the deal.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-3124-9


Copyright © 2009 by Katherine Garbera

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