The Monuments Men (65 page)

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Authors: Robert M. Edsel

Tags: #Arts & Photography, #History & Criticism, #History, #Military, #World War II, #Politics & Social Sciences, #Politics & Government, #International & World Politics, #European, #Public Affairs & Policy, #Cultural Policy, #Social Sciences, #Museum Studies & Museology, #Art, #Art History, #Schools; Periods & Styles, #HIS027100

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. Houghton, “James J. Rorimer,” 39.

. Letter to Harvard from Frieda van Schaïk, November 1945, Huchthausen Papers, Harvard University.

. Letter from Marvin Ross, Huchthausen Papers.

. Hancock to Saima, November 25, 1945, Hancock Papers.

. Letter to Mr. Kenneth Balfour, October 1, 1954, Balfour Papers.

. Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Balfour, November 17, 1955, Balfour Papers.

. Letter to Mr. Kenneth Balfour, October 1, 1954, Balfour Papers.

. Stoner, “Changing Approaches in Art Conservation, 41.

. Cohn, “George Stout’s Legacy,” 8.

. “George L. Stout, at 80; Expert on Restoration of Works of Art,”
New York Times
, July 3, 1978.

. “Report on Lieutenant George L. Stout, USNR, by Damon M. Gunn,” November 19, 1944, roll 1420, Stout Papers.

. Duberman,
The Worlds of Lincoln Kirstein
, 403.

. Standen, “Report on Germany,” 213.



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