Read The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead Online

Authors: Howard Bloom

Tags: #jihad, #mohammed, #marathon bombing, #Islam, #prophet, #911, #osama bin laden, #jewish history, #jihadism, #muhammad, #boston bombing, #Terrorism, #islamism, #World history, #muslim

The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead (37 page)

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To drive home the seriousness of its military threat, Iran ran a highly-publicized series of war exercises in April 2005. It named the exercises for the world’s first jihadist, “The Holy Prophet”. The Iranians showed off five new varieties of allegedly homegrown and home-built highly-sophisticated missiles.
And on April 12, 2006, Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, went on national television to make what was calculated to be a stunning statement: “I formally declare that Iran has joined the club of nuclear countries.”
[^^add material from Iran’s Nuclear Ambush]


This wasn’t as surprising as it seemed. In 1998,
, one of the two most populous Islamic nations in the world,
tested what the country’s Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto proudly called “The Islamic Bomb”
, Islam’s first nuclear weapon. Metallurgical engineer Dr. A.Q. Khan
, the “Father of the Islamic Bomb” became a national hero, and helped his country stockpile an arsenal of small, powerful nuclear warheads. Then, giving in to American pressure, the Pakistani government put Khan under house arrest
on February 4, 2004. An initial spate of information indicated that Khan had been selling atomic-bomb-making equipment along with Chinese plans for sophisticated, compact
warheads to
North Korea
. Some reports also claimed that Khan had close ties to the early 21
century’s most prominent leader of Jihad, Osama bin Laden.


[^^insert new material from
..\..\cnt\irans nuclear ambush FINAL 12-01-06.doc

On December 24, 2004, American intelligence officials were shocked to discover that Dr. Khan’s Islamic
nuclear network
went much farther than they thought. In fact, it had “tendrils…in more than 30 countries” including
Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates.
Intelligence officials wondered, “what other countries, or nonstate groups, beyond Libya, Iran and North Korea, received what one Bush administration official called Dr. Khan’s ‘nuclear starter kit’”.
Khan’s package deal for his “starter kit” worked like this: buy a hundred million dollars worth of nuclear equipment and Khan threw in the plans for a thoroughly-tested, ultra-compact, Chinese-designed, missile-ready nuclear warhead for free. The suspected list of customers included
Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Algeria, Kuwait, Myanmar, and Abu Dhabi.


Western stories about A.Q. Khan failed to reveal something even more ominous. Pakistan had two
Agosta 90B attack submarines
built with technology purchased from France’s Direction de Construction Naval International—an arm of the French Navy responsible for developing and manufacturing all of France’s next-technology ships.
In 2006, using the French technology, the Pakistanis were on the verge of completing the construction of a third Agosta 90B superstealth sub in their Karachi Naval Shipyard.
Each of these subs carries sixteen cruise missiles
equipped with nuclear warheads.
More important, the range of these submarines is 11,000 miles.
In other words, these subs can easily reach England, France, and the United States. And their missiles are capable of targeting 65% of the American population.
According to the US Navy, the ships are undetectable using current sonar.
And because of the strong support for extremists like Osama bin Laden in the Pakistani military, in the powerful Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence agency
, and in the Pakistani population,
there is a significant risk that the subs may someday fall into militant hands.


But these are not the only ways in which the violent meme-team of militant Islam, Mohammed’s own chosen form of Islam, was arming for new forms of battle in the age of mega-organisms. Between 1982 and 2006, Iran supplied its Lebanese surrogate, Hezbollah, with over 20,000
rockets, rockets intended to help Hezbollah
achieve the prime goal of its founding document—the “obliteration” of Israel
. [^^is this rep??] These were rockets Hezbollah could test by launching them at Israeli towns like Tsfat and Tiberias and cities like Haifa and Nazareth
so that their shortcomings could be analyzed and their technology upgraded.
They were also rockets Hezbollah could use to follow Mohammed’s founding pattern—do something grisly to the little guys, something so grisly that it terrorizes the big guys into surrender. The little guys Allah himself had picked as Islam’s permanent scapegoats, as its easy targets, were “the Jews”.


In my opinion, Hezbollah was softening up the West for the extermination of Israel by demonizing the Jewish nation in the Western press. How? Hezbollah built its weapons bunkers
close to towns and near a UN outpost,
built a command bunker and above-ground compound in a heavily populated suburban Beirut neighborhood,
positioned its artillery pieces between apartment buildings
, and fired its rockets from what the Australian Sunday Mail called “high density residential areas”
—including the balconies of high rise apartment buildings in Beirut’s eastern suburbs, forcing the Jews to aim their weapons at civilians. Then Hezbollah operatives set up checkpoints, stopped journalists, seized all film and footage of Hezbollah’s war-making
, and made up for it by giving reporters and camera crews guided tours of the hospitals where wounded children lay dying. Hezbollah’s attempt to portray the Israelis as child-killers in the Lebanon War of 2006 succeeded. A nation that kills seven year olds deserves annihilation, doesn’t it?


Mohammed’s strategy for taking Mecca peacefully was to attack the Jewish Banu Quraiza and the Jewish city of Khaibar, using gruesome victories over the Hebrews to terrify the Meccans into surrendering without a fight. If Iran or its puppet, Hezbollah, nuke Israel, which big guys might they terrify into surrender, into what Islamic scholar and TV personality Ali Mazrui calls “Islamization”
? My guess is that the surrender-target is the remaining slice of “Rome”
and “the West”
that Allah promised to Mohammed—all of Europe.


Could Islam’s superstealth subs and nuclear missiles explain why a Saudi al Qaeda leader, Louis Attiya Allah, said in January 2004 that the next attack against America, “Will be a surprising blow, that is, one that is completely unexpected. They cannot conceive or imagine the way in which it will be carried out… It is a great blow. That is, the losses that will be caused to America and the Western world in its wake will be very great. Due to its magnitude, the blow will change the international balances of powers…”
And could the Pakistani stealth submarines and Iranian and Pakistani nuclear weapons explain a statement reported by the Associated Press in May 2004 that, “An al-Qaida leader has said 4 million Americans will have to be killed ‘as a prerequisite to any Islamic victory.’”


Could a hungry militant Moslem superorganism really use nuclear tools to expand, to achieve “victory” over what Osama bin Laden calls “the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind”
—our civilization? Surely the jihadis would be deterred by the fact that any nuclear attack on the America could bring a retaliatory attack that could erase cities like Tehran or Karachi from the face of the map. No problem, say some Moslems. “Allah will know his own”
. In other words, death-by-nuke would do the citizens of Tehran and Karachi a favor. It would give every believing Moslem in Tehran or Karachi an express trip to paradise.

BOOK: The Mohammed Code: Why a Desert Prophet Wants You Dead
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