The Mistletoe Experiment (7 page)

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Authors: Serena Yates

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: The Mistletoe Experiment
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sorry I forgot the time.”

“No problem, the shopping trip took a lot longer than

expected. I"m glad you had someone to keep you company.”

Well, that was half true. Magnus did wish the

“company” hadn"t been quite so good-looking or friendly

around Lance after so short a time, but fundamentally he

was glad that Lance hadn"t been alone.

The other man shot him a grateful look and was about

to speak, when an elated scream from the kitchen

interrupted them.

!” Jakob"s voice could have woken the dead.

“Lance, did you make these? They look awesome!”

Magnus grinned as the boy flew into the living room,

looking for Lance and stopping in his tracks when he saw

the stranger. He eyed him carefully but obviously decided he

was harmless and turned back to Lance.

“No, Jakob, I didn"t make them.” Lance pointed at

Ragnor. “This is our new neighbor, Ragnor Eklund. He

brought them over as a housewarming gift.”

The Mistletoe Experiment |
Serena Yates


“Cool! Thank you very much. They are my favorites,”

Jakob turned back to Lance. “When can we eat them?”

“That"ll be my cue to leave.” Ragnor turned toward the

door. “Thanks for your hospitality, Lance. We have to do this

again sometime. I"ll be sure to bring some recipes for us to


Lance accompanied Ragnor to the front door and locked

it firmly behind him once the man was gone. Magnus would

have liked to find out more about him right now, but getting

the groceries settled, dinner going, and Jakob to bed took


When they finally sat down in front of the fireplace to

stretch their legs, Lance sighed deeply as he leaned against

Magnus, putting his head on his chest.

“God, he was persistent.” Lance"s hand took residence

on Magnus"s thigh.

“Did he bother you?” Magnus was going to have words

with him.

“Not really. He just—he kept looking at me, wanting to

touch me. He even said how much he liked my „exotic looks",

can you imagine?” Lance blushed.

“Well, yes, actually I can.” Magnus grinned. His fiancé

was one
good-looking man. “I think we"ll be facing a lot

more of this sort of attention. You are a bit of a rarity here

with your dark hair, eyes, and skin.”

Lance just groaned and snuggled closer.

The Mistletoe Experiment |
Serena Yates


Chapter Five

MAGNUS stretched as he got ready to get up from his

mother"s comfortable couch. He"d eaten too much of his

mother"s good food, as usual. Between her and Lance"s

cooking, he had a hard time staying in shape. He was just

grateful that his parents got along with Lance now. They"d

even offered to help with the wedding preparations, which

was great, since they planned to use the gazebo in their

garden. It had been a wonderful Sunday afternoon, but he

was eager to go home now.

He was so ready for a break. He"d only been teaching at

the university for about six weeks, but the students were

exhausting him, and the rumors about budget cuts didn"t

help his peace of mind. Luckily, he"d been able to take

Tuesday off, thanks to a colleague taking over his lectures

for the day. He couldn"t wait for his Valentine"s mini-get-

away with Lance to begin.

“Bye, Lance.” Jakob was grinning from ear to ear as he

remained seated while Lance and Magnus rose.

“What?” Lance"s eyes widened. “Aren"t you coming home

with us?”

“No, I"m going to stay with
Carine and

Enar for a few days.” Jakob shrugged. “I thought it might be


“Did you know about this?” Lance turned to Magnus.

The Mistletoe Experiment |
Serena Yates


“Yes, I did.” Magnus held up his hand to stop his fiancé

from protesting. “I believe we need some time to ourselves.”

“You do?” Lance"s eyes lit up when understanding

dawned. “I guess you"re right.”

“Well, that settles that.” His mother laughed.

They all went to the front door together. It was still too

cold out for Lance, who"d declared he was going to make the

arrival of spring an official family holiday. His fiancé bundled

up as though it was still mid-winter while Magnus had

changed to a warm jacket, glad to be rid of the heavy winter

coat he"d worn for a few weeks.

In the car, Lance put his hand on his thigh, dangerously

close to his now very interested cock. His fiancé could get to

him faster than any man he"d ever known. Not that there

had been that many. He"d never made having a relationship

a priority. Lance, with the help of the Mistletoe Phenomenon,

had quickly become the center of his world. Well, it was more

Lance than the effect of kissing under the mistletoe who"d

gotten him to admit that he loved the man, but at the time it

had all been so new to him that he"d looked for a scientific

explanation. He shook his head. He"d been amazingly

shortsighted for being a supposedly open-minded scientist.

“You"re thinking too much.” Lance"s voice was husky,

and his hand moved closer to where Magnus so desperately

wanted it.

“Just remembering.” Magnus grinned. “How much we

owe to the mysterious qualities of the mistletoe.”

“You"re thinking about
?” Lance squeezed his

thigh and started moving his hand away.

The Mistletoe Experiment |
Serena Yates


“Amongst other things.” Magnus grabbed Lance"s hand

and put it right back where he wanted it. Well, almost. It was

as close as was safe while he was driving. Only five more

minutes and it would hopefully go where he really needed it.

“I hope one of the other things is me?” Lance chuckled

and all too briefly caressed his aching cock. “Not that this

leaves me in any doubt. I don"t believe mistletoe could have

much of an effect on you.”

“No, you"re the only one who does.” Magnus glanced to

his right, and the smoldering look Lance gave him made his

pants feel even tighter.
, he wanted to be home already.

They barely made it inside before Lance pushed him

against the wall and got on his toes to kiss him. Magnus let

himself be manhandled. It made him so hot when Lance took

the lead like this. Not that it was rare, but he enjoyed giving

in to the smaller man. Hopefully, this meant that he"d get

fucked tonight. The thought alone made him hard enough

for his cock to start hurting as it desperately tried to push its

way out of his pants.

Tongues dueling for a dominance that bodies had

already agreed on, they were both panting for breath by the

time Lance pulled back. His eyes burned with lust and he

lifted an arm to point at the staircase.

“Upstairs. Now!” Lance"s eyes were sparkling with lust.

“Naked would be a bonus.”

Magnus moaned at the forceful tone and raced up the

stairs. He was naked and on the bed by the time Lance

followed. Lance"s eyes widened and he started tearing off his

clothes while Magnus retrieved the lube from the nightstand.

The Mistletoe Experiment |
Serena Yates


This was going to be fast and furious, just the way he

liked it on occasions like these. Tomorrow would be all about

slow and romantic.

As soon as Lance was naked, he bounded onto the bed,

grabbed the lube and slicked his fingers. Magnus had barely

spread his legs when the first wet digit caressed his opening.

Contrary to the speed of the previous disrobing, Lance now

slowed down to a mind-bogglingly unhurried snail"s pace

that had Magnus almost wishing for the urgency to return.


What Lance was doing with his finger, circling and

caressing every nook and cranny, making sure lube was

simply everywhere, had Magnus spreading his legs even

farther. He threw back his head and closed his eyes,

focusing on the feeling of his lover making this as good for

him as possible.

When the first finger finally penetrated him, he


The second finger made him groan.

The third finger"s slow entry was accompanied by an

equally slow lick from the base of his throbbing cock up to

the tip, followed by Lance enclosing his cock head to try and

suck the life out of him.

“Fuck!” Magnus"s head pushed back into the pillow as

his hips bucked upward of their own volition.

“That"s next.” Lance had pulled his mouth off Magnus"s

cock just in time to prevent him from coming.

“Please!” Magnus was
ready for more.

The Mistletoe Experiment |
Serena Yates


Lance got on his knees between Magnus"s thighs and

aimed his stiff cock at his asshole. Leaning forward, he

pushed in the first inch or so, making Magnus gasp. God,

how he loved that initial stretch and slight burn.

When Lance didn"t move, he growled.

Lance grinned, placed his hands next to his chest and

pushed in the rest of the way. The stretch was amazing.

When the other man"s soft balls touched his ass cheeks, he

let out the breath he"d been holding.

They stayed like that for a long time, trying to prolong

the feeling of being connected and increasing the

anticipation to almost unbearable levels.

“I love you, Magnus.” Lance smiled and started pulling


“I love you, too,
min älskling
.” Magnus smiled back, slid

his arms around Lance"s shoulders, and pulled him down for

a kiss. “I"ll love you even more if you start moving.”

“You will?” Lance"s smile turned mischievous. “That"s a

great fit with my plans, because I think I"ll die if I don"t get to

fuck you now.”

“No dying,” Magnus moaned when Lance started to

move back into him.

That was the last coherent sentence he was able to

utter. Lance"s thrusts were long and deep at first but quickly

increased in speed as they started to reach for completion.

Magnus slid his legs around Lance"s pistoning hips and held

on for dear life.

The Mistletoe Experiment |
Serena Yates


“I"m gonna come.” Magnus wanted to make it last, but

he was fighting a losing battle.

Lance nodded and pounded into him with such

abandon that the bed started to squeak. Unable to hold back

any longer, Magnus let go and shot semen all over his chest

and stomach, screaming his delight as his body spasmed

with ecstasy.

Lance wasn"t far behind. He stiffened as his cock let go

and filled Magnus"s still clenching channel with his hot

release. Lance collapsed onto his chest, and Magnus slid his

arms around his lover so they were as close as possible as

aftershocks kept both of them breathless for a while.

“Wow.” Lance lifted his head and grinned at him as he

slowly pulled out. “This just gets better every time.”

“Hm.” Magnus felt melted.

“Yeah.” Lance got up and padded toward the bathroom.

Magnus closed his eyes. He was more than ready to go

to sleep. A warm washcloth slid across his skin, the light

clicked off, and Lance slid into bed next to him, pulling the

duvet over both of them.

Magnus opened his arms to his hot lover and held onto

him as he fell asleep. This had been a great start to this

year"s Valentine"s celebration.

GLAD alla hjärtans dag
, baby.” Lance was proud he"d been

able to pull off the Swedish Valentine"s greeting almost

perfectly. Well, to his still sleep-drowsy ears, at least.

The Mistletoe Experiment |
Serena Yates


“Happy Valentine"s day,
min älskling
.” Magnus

responded with a big smile and pulled him back against that

strong body he loved so much.

The kiss that followed brought back memories of last

night, and Lance hardened instantly. He loved fucking his

strong Swedish lover, and while he was no longer amazed

that Magnus would let him, he was still grateful his fiancé

was as versatile as he was. It made for such an interesting

love life that things never got boring.

Lingering in bed like this, to start their day with slow

lovemaking followed by a nap and a shower taken together

was such a treat. They exchanged the small gifts they"d

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