Read The Mission Online

Authors: Fiona Palmer

The Mission (24 page)

BOOK: The Mission
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Tonight he was clean-shaven. Her fingers itched to reach out and feel the smoothness of his skin. But that wouldn’t be enough, she’d want her lips to touch the softness of his cheek down to his firm jaw. Jaz wasn’t sure why her thoughts were torturing her. This was only the first five seconds, she still had a whole night to go yet!

‘Jaz, you made it,’ he said. His voice shook her core like a vibrating bell from the bell tower.

She forced herself to concentrate. ‘Of course. I promised Steph.’

He reached back and flicked off the inside light and then pulled the door shut, making sure it was locked tight.

‘Let’s go, shall we.’

Jaz nodded and just followed him to the car.

Inside she was quiet, not really sure what to say or do. How did she behave with him now? Professionally? Maybe that was her answer.

‘I have lots to tell you,’ she said turning in her seat to face him.

Ryan put his finger up to his lips, shushing her. ‘That’s nice,’ he said coldly. She might have taken offence had it been anyone else. So she remained quiet. A few minutes later, he pulled over. ‘Come on.’

They were stopped on the edge of a road; cars were passing them, their lights blinding Jaz as she got out. She felt Ryan’s hand pull her to the front of the car.

‘We couldn’t talk in the car; I haven’t checked it for bugs lately.’ He let her hand go and she missed the contact. ‘What is it you wanted to say? Is something wrong with the mission?’

Jaz had to lean in close to hear Ryan over the night traffic. She guessed at least no one could listen into their conversation.

‘Okay, well, Carl met with Salvatore last weekend,’ she said.

‘What, when? How do you know?’

Ryan stood wide-eyed while she told him how she overheard Carl’s phone call and then followed him to see who he was meeting.

‘Jaz, you should have told me about this before going off on your own. I can’t believe you did that,’ he almost yelled.

That made Jaz angry. What an arse. She pushed her hands to her hips. ‘Aren’t you the one who wanted me to be a part of this stuff? Doesn’t that mean getting information and taking risks? I thought you’d be happy. Isn’t this what it’s all about?’ Jaz spat.

Ryan stepped back and brushed his hands over his head.

To the passing traffic, they probably looked like a couple having a fight.

‘Jaz, you’re new, you shouldn’t be putting yourself in danger. What if they’d seen you? You could have blown everything, or got killed.’

Jaz felt the hairs on her neck prickle. He’d pushed her away, so he wasn’t allowed to care for her. He couldn’t have it both ways. It was doing her head in.

‘Well they didn’t,’ she growled back. ‘I’m not stupid, I was disguised well. I did everything you taught me.’ She felt like kicking him in the shins. ‘I guess you don’t want to hear what else I…’

Ryan grabbed her arms, bringing her closer. ‘Jaz. What else have you done?’

Jaz wrestled out of his grip, her arms still tingling from where he’d held her. His condescending tone made her clench her fists. ‘Just shut up and listen will you. Taylor and I were followed by a car; it belonged to Mallinya Party Limited, which is owned by Nicko Serveyous.’

Jaz almost smiled at Ryan’s reaction. He looked like she’d just slapped him across the face. For once it was nice to see him on the back foot.

‘How…’ he begun but then shook his head as if it wasn’t important now. ‘So the Shesha Serpents are working under Nicko?’ he said, more to himself.

‘That’s what I think, or vice versa. So would it be Nicko pressuring Taylor’s dad? Is there anyway you can stop it?’ Jaz asked.

‘Soon. Those documents and photos we brought back all tie Nicko into the poppy fields in Pakistan. It’s ironclad evidence so the authorities have to take notice, he can’t pay his way out of this one. He’s going down, but the only problem is what happens to the Serpents? We have nothing on them.’

‘If Nicko is put away, will they forget about threatening Taylor?’ she asked hopefully. Jaz had relaxed her stance, her anger melting away into concern.

‘I don’t know, Jaz. Depends what kind of deal was struck. Did Nicko pay them to do this job or is he at the head of the Serpents? Maybe he was owed a favour or they both went in on it as a joint venture. Putting Nicko away won’t solve this problem. I think we’ll need to infiltrate the Serpents.’ Ryan pressed his hand to his forehead. ‘Come on, we’d better go, we’re late as it is.’

Jaz felt a tinge of pity for him. He looked stressed, which was probably from the combination of this news and the approaching dinner with his parents.

‘Um.’ Jaz still had one more question before they got into the car. ‘Does Sal own De Luca Industries?’ she asked. His body froze at the mention of the name.

Ryan looked her squarely in the eyes. ‘Jaz, he is De Luca Industries. Salvatore De Luca is his name. De Luca Industries is a national company his father began.’ He cocked his head to the side. ‘Why do you ask?’

‘That’s who was listed under his car registration. I was just making sure they both fit.’

‘Car rego? How did you get that?’ Ryan paused and then sighed. ‘Taylor?’

Funny how Ryan didn’t need anymore details to know exactly what they’d done.

‘Just don’t get caught,’ he added gruffly.

Jaz was trying hard to focus on his words but the breeze was wafting his manly scent straight at her.

‘Is that all?’ he asked, challenging her.

When she didn’t reply, he turned and got back in the car and waited for her.

It was only another twenty minutes before they reached his parents’ place, which was north of the city, and the whole time they remained silent. Jaz was trying hard just to keep the images from the hotel room in Pakistan at bay. But being near Ryan unearthed her guarded memories. Why could she not control her body around him? It wasn’t fair.

Ryan’s parents place was a lot like his house. One storey, quaint, but instead of the big fence, his parents front yard was open and had a big lawn. The front of the house had lights on, waiting for them. A car was already parked in the narrow driveway.

‘Steph is here already. That’s her Holden,’ said Ryan. He turned to Jaz. ‘I’m sorry for the interrogation you’re about to receive. Just answer the best you can, and if it’s something touchy then just ask to go to the bathroom or something.’

‘Right. Got it.’ Jaz assumed he meant his job description but wondered if he was meaning anything else relationship related.

They got out and walked along a little pathway to the front door. Ryan knocked a few times, and was about to reach for the handle when it swung open.

‘Ryan, my boy. You’re here.’

A lady in jeans and a patterned blouse stood before them with her arms open. Her blonde hair was soft around her shoulders and Jaz had a glimpse of how Steph would look in twenty-five years. Ryan’s mother was beautiful, tall and thin. She latched onto Ryan and hugged him for a few good minutes. When she finally pulled away, Jaz could see her eyes shining from tears of joy.

‘I’m so glad you could make it. And this is Jaz, your friend?’ she asked as her gaze settled on Jaz. A smile radiated across her face. ‘Come in, I’m Kathy. When Steph mentioned you, we all got excited. It’s so wonderful of you to come.’

Kathy wrapped her arms around Jaz and hugged her tightly. Jaz instantly liked her.

‘Thank you for having me,’ said Jaz, as Kathy stepped back to let them in the house.

‘Come, everyone is in the dining room.’

Jaz followed Ryan down the narrow corridor, but slowed upon seeing family photos along the wall. Kathy’s home felt so warm and loving, not big and cold. It was a massive change from Marcus’s house.

‘Is this Ryan?’ said Jaz stopping by a photo of a boy about six with a cowboy outfit on. Two plastic guns in his hand.

‘Oh yes. He loved those guns. Didn’t you, sweetheart? And this one is Ryan on his graduation.’

Jaz followed Kathy’s finger to the next photo on the wall. God, Ryan at seventeen was still a hunk. Jaz wished she could be back there at that time and be the girl hanging off his arm.

Jaz didn’t get to study the picture further, as her arm was being pulled.

Ryan had come back and was now dragging her. ‘Enough of that or Mum will have you going through everything. Dinner’s waiting.’

‘Spoilsport,’ said Jaz as she glanced back to Kathy, who gave her a secretive wink.

Ryan let go of her arm when they reached a doorway into a small dining room. There was an archway on one wall into the kitchen. Again, the rooms were small, covered with photos and things collected over the years. The wood-look flooring looked new though.

‘Yay, you made it,’ said Steph who was sitting at the small six-seater table. Beside her was a handsome guy with shaggy brown hair and dimples that made his smile even cuter. At the head of the table sat Ryan’s dad. He had to be. Strong and solidly built, with a presence that commanded respect. Jaz felt drawn to him, whether it was because Ryan was so much like him or because he made her feel safe and protected. But the way he was looking at Steph was every part the doting loving father.

Ryan’s dad turned to follow Steph’s gaze and the grin that spread across his face upon seeing his son was momentous.

‘This is my dad, Frank,’ said Ryan, who was trying to introduce them, but his dad only had eyes for his son. He got up from his chair and hugged Ryan. It was like two bears colliding. When Frank pulled back he gently gripped Ryan’s face in his hands. ‘I can’t believe you’re here. It’s a miracle,’ he teased.

‘Come on, Dad, it hasn’t been that long,’ said Ryan, shaking him off.

Frank scoffed in disbelief. ‘Sure. You probably don’t even remember Gazza,’ he said waving towards Steph’s boyfriend.

Ryan lent over the table to shake Gazza’s hand. ‘Of course I do. How are ya, Gazza?’

‘Alright. And you?’

Gazza’s eyes went to Jaz and Ryan turned, as if remembering she’d actually come with him. ‘Oh, everyone this is Jaz. Jaz, my dad, Frank, and Steph’s boyfriend, Gazza.’

‘Hi, nice to meet you all.’ Jaz felt like a fish in a tiny glass bowl as they all stared at her. Had she sprouted an extra arm overnight?

‘Sorry, Ryan hasn’t brought anyone home since he left school. Please, grab a seat and I’ll bring dinner out,’ said Kathy, indicating the closest two chairs.

‘Yeah, Ryan,’ said Steph. ‘Mum wouldn’t serve dinner until you arrived. I thought I’d be starving all night,’ she teased.

Ryan pulled a face at Steph and Jaz realised how much she was enjoying this night already.

‘So, we hardly see you, son, and then here you are with a beautiful girlfriend as well. We are so happy to meet you, Jaz,’ said Frank, as Ryan started waving his hands at his dad. ‘We’ve been hoping Ryan would find himself a lady. He’s never brought anyone home before. How long have you two been together?’ he asked, looking directly at Jaz. Frank hadn’t even seen Ryan’s attempts to stop him.

But right now all eyes were on her and Jaz could feel a red hot flush working its way up to her face. It was going to contradict everything she was about to say.

Chapter 25

‘Oh um, we’re not dating,’ she said shaking her head. Jaz didn’t think she’d convinced them so she elaborated. ‘We are just friends. I actually have a boyfriend.’

‘Yes, I remember. The guy you went to the ball with. Did you take photos?’ asked Steph.

Jaz pulled out her phone and pulled up a photo. ‘His name is Marcus,’ Jaz said to the others as she handed her phone across the table to Steph.

‘Wow, he’s cute,’ said Steph. ‘Sexy with the long hair.’

Ryan fidgeted in the chair beside her.

Kathy put a great big lasagne on the table next to the big bowl of salad, before leaning over Steph’s shoulder to see the photo. ‘Oh Jaz, you look gorgeous. Did you see this, Ryan?’ she asked.

Ryan cleared his throat and busied himself with the salad, his eyes down.

Steph showed Gazza and Frank instead.

‘A long haired lout?’ said Frank teasingly.

‘No, he’s really sweet and caring. Always puts me first and always thoughtful. Steph, flick the photos forward a few,’ said Jaz. ‘There are some of the pictures he’s drawn. A real talent.’

‘Oh my God, that’s amazing. He’s captured you perfectly, Jaz. I can tell how much he cares just by this drawing,’ said Steph, who then showed the picture around.

‘So Dad, how’s Rusty going? Still getting around?’ said Ryan.

Steph ignored Ryan’s attempt at a new conversation and pushed Jaz’s phone over the table to him. ‘Check it out, Ry. Look at Jaz.’

Ryan took the phone with a sigh and Jaz thought he’d just pass it straight back to her, but instead, once he saw it, he paused. He sat staring at the drawing of her; Jaz was dying to know what he was thinking.

‘See, he’s read her well, right?’ said Steph.

Ryan passed the phone back to Jaz while his eyes remained on his plate. ‘Ah, yeah. It’s good.’ His voice was strained.

Steph was watching her brother while Gazza was loading up his plate. Kathy returned from the kitchen with a bottle of wine and filled up Frank’s glass.

‘So Dad, how’s Rusty?’ Ryan asked again.

‘Oh, Rusty’s fine. Still kicking on. He’s fifteen now. Not bad considering he got hit by a car last year.’ Frank went on to fill Ryan in about their pet dog. ‘He’s a Labrador, tough as nails,’ he said to Jaz. ‘He was Ryan’s dog, got him for his ninth birthday?’ He glanced to Kathy to confer and she nodded as though it was close enough. ‘But then he became our dog after Ryan moved out.’

‘I told you I couldn’t look after him. My work is too hectic and Rusty wouldn’t get the love and care I know he gets here,’ said Ryan. ‘I s’pose he’s overfed and fat?’

‘No, he’s not,’ said Kathy.

Steph snorted. ‘Mum, he is fat. That is not muscle around his mid section,’ she said with an eye roll.

Kathy shrugged and then turned her focus to Jaz. ‘So if you and Ryan aren’t dating, how did you meet?’

Jaz assumed this was another one of those curly questions Ryan wanted avoided but she was sure she could explain it quite truthfully. ‘I work at my local gym and Ryan came in. We both love staying fit and working out so we became friends from a mutual love, I guess you could say.’ Jaz turned to smile at Ryan and found him watching her intently. ‘Right?’

BOOK: The Mission
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