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Authors: Shiloh Walker

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Romance Suspense

The Missing (7 page)

BOOK: The Missing
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She met his gaze levelly. Taige knew he didn’t get it. Knew he didn’t understand. Working at the little restaurant might not be the best-paying job, and it wasn’t anything special, but she didn’t need special. She didn’t need glamorous, and she didn’t give a damn about pulling in a six-figure income.
What she wanted was quiet and solitude. Here, at home, she got that, to an extent, anyway. People here knew her. Some of the locals still treated her like some sort of freak show, but she couldn’t imagine going to someplace where nobody knew her. She’d really look like the bearded lady then. Or a charlatan.
Taige could handle people not believing in what she could do, but too often that interfered with doing it, and she didn’t want to risk that.
“The restaurant’s all I need, Cullen.”
He reached up and fisted a hand in her hair. “Maybe, but you deserve more.” He leaned in, and she held still as he kissed her, soft and slow. He touched her so gently, so carefully. It seemed reverent, somehow, and it never failed to melt her heart. His tongue touched her lips, and she opened to him, groaning in her throat as he tugged her closer.
“You know, when I was a kid, that wasn’t called fishing.” Cullen jerked away as the sound of his dad’s voice intruded. Blood rushed to Taige’s face, and she covered her face with her hands. She glanced through her fingers to see Robert Morgan watching them with a stern look on his face, but his eyes were smiling. “Sorry, Dad,” Cullen said. His voice didn’t sound sorry at all, and Robert just shook his head and grinned.
“Can’t say I blame you, but if your mama knew I was letting you two carry on like that, she’d have both our heads on a platter.” Then he winked at Taige. “And she’d feel the motherly duty of giving you a talking-to, Taige. So you two just save us all that, okay? Wait until I’m gone.”
Summer 1996
The sun had set and with it went the heat.
Taige lay on the beach blanket, staring up at the stars overhead and trying not to panic. Cullen was crouched over the small campfire they had built, and she wanted to roll over onto her side so she could watch him. That man certainly looked good in the firelight, the yellow orange flames deepening his already tanned skin, casting dancing shadows all over the long, rangy muscles in his body.
He’d been seriously cute that first summer, but now . . . saliva pooled in her mouth just looking at him. That man was definitely drool worthy. Over the past four years, his lanky body had filled out, his shoulders had broadened, and his face had gone from good-looking all-American teenaged male to pure male perfection. Without a doubt, the man was a work of human art and definitely worth staring at.
But if she stared at him for too long, Taige might start thinking about what she was planning to do once he joined her on the beach blanket. They’d been seeing each other for nearly three years now. Only during the summers, and neither of them talked about how serious they were. Taige wasn’t really even sure if they were serious. Sometimes, especially after he left to go back home, she had to wonder how serious they could be. They were able to spend eight weeks together during the summer. A few days over Christmas break, and this past spring, Cullen had come down on his own.
She’d almost done this then. But then Taige had a bad one. Real bad. They had been lying on the couch in his parents’ condo, and it had come on her like a heart attack, a girl’s screams ringing in her ears. She had shoved Cullen away and rolled to the floor, crouching there like some wild animal. She could hear the girl’s screaming, and she could feel the girl’s terror, and when Cullen touched her, it had terrified her.
He had jerked her close against him and shook her gently, murmuring her name over and over until she finally saw him and not the men crowding around the girl. They hadn’t had any time. It was happening then, and they rushed out of the condo so fast that neither of them even bothered putting their shoes on. They were halfway to the car when Taige realized her shirt was hanging open, but her hands shook too badly to button it. Cullen had done it.
He had stopped, turned around, and buttoned enough of the buttons to keep her shirt closed and then he had kissed her, soft and gentle. “Calm down. It will be okay.”
Taige knew then. Not right that second, but later on. She knew he was it for her. Nineteen years old, and she had found the man she wanted for the rest of her life. He knew about the weird dreams, knew about how she saw things that normal people didn’t see—things that people probably weren’t supposed to see—but it didn’t freak him out.
How that was possible, she didn’t know. The only thing that made sense was that he was the one. The one meant for her, just like she was meant for him. That was why he didn’t freak out when these things hit her, and that was why she could touch him without picking up on all those weird blips and images that happened when she usually touched people.
That time, the attack of fear had been brought on by a couple of college boys intent on getting a piece of ass. One of them had brought a girl with him, a girl who had thought she was going to a party; she didn’t realize she was the party. The beach house had been back off the road.
Neither Cullen nor Taige had seen the house, or the drive that was a little overgrown, but they hadn’t needed to see it. Taige had known where it was, and when she pointed to the roadside, Cullen slowed down without her having to say anything. They’d pulled up in front of the house, and they had both heard the screams. Cullen used his cell phone to call the police, and he had wasted five seconds trying to convince Taige to stay in the car.
When he figured out she wasn’t listening, he had opened the trunk and grabbed two clubs from the golf bag. It was the first and only time Taige had ever held a golf club, and she was damn thankful she hadn’t had to use it.
Jerked back to the present, Taige rolled her head toward him and smiled.
“You were out in orbit again,” he teased as he stretched his body out beside her on the blanket. He dipped his head low and skimmed his lips along her shoulder.
Taige rolled toward him and smiled. “Daydreaming.”
He grinned. “Really? About what?”
She covered his grinning mouth with her own and murmured, “You.”
He rolled onto his back and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her with him so that she ended up on top of him. She shifted, planting a knee on either side of his hips and bracing her elbows on his chest so that she could grin down at him. His brilliant turquoise eyes glinted up at her. “So what am I doing in these daydreams?”
Now or never . . .
Taige pushed up. As she straightened up over him, she felt him between her legs. She’d touched him before, knew that his skin was strangely smooth, like silk, and under the silk, he felt hard. Right now, he was damn hard, and Taige shivered a little. It had nothing to do with the cool breeze blowing off the Gulf and everything to do with the look in his eyes as she reached behind her neck and undid the tie to her bikini.
His eyes slowly drifted down. She felt the blush creeping up her cheeks, but she didn’t stop. She reached behind her for the tie at her back, and the swimsuit top fell off, landing on his belly. His belly was left bare by the faded Hawaiian-print shirt. Taige pushed the bikini top off and leaned forward. “It was something like this,” she murmured, and then she kissed him.
Taige loved kissing Cullen. Flat-out loved it. She’d gone more than half of her life avoiding the touch of most people, so it was bizarre that she now craved it. But not just from anybody. She wanted Cullen’s hands on her, loved the way he touched her, so gentle and slow, loved the way he made her feel so cherished.
His hands tightened on her waist, and he arched under her. For one hot, brief minute, he was pressed against her, hard and close, and Taige whimpered as a slow, hollow ache spread low through her belly. But then he shifted, bringing his knees up and slowly edging her forward so that she wasn’t pressed right against him. Taige pushed back as far as the tight grip of his hands would allow.
She lifted her head up and licked his lower lip. Taige wanted to say something to him. She wanted to tell him that she was ready, but the words seemed to knot inside her throat, and she knew if she tried to say anything, all she’d manage was a squeak. That wasn’t the image she was going for. Taige would have liked to manage something sexy and mature.
Wanna do it?
wasn’t quite what she was going for.
She figured she could manage that, or maybe just some terrified, incoherent babbling, but she didn’t want to do either of those. So instead, she pushed to her feet and shifted so that she was standing at his side instead of over him. Taige waited until he looked up at her, and then she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and pushed them down, taking the bottom half of her swimsuit with it.
When she straightened up, she was naked. Naked and terrified; her heart felt like it was banging away inside her throat instead of her chest, and she was clenching her fists so tight, her nails bit into the flesh of her palms.
“Taige . . .” His voice sounded tight and choked. He also seemed to have trouble lifting his gaze any higher than her boobs. Slowly, she sank down beside him, throwing one leg over his hips, once more straddling him. She still couldn’t talk, and just then, Cullen was still staring at her and looking a little dazed. She reached for her discarded shorts and reached into the pocket.
His eyes met hers as she held up the foil-wrapped condom.
“Taige . . .”
She forced herself to smile. Her voice shook a little, and she said, “You said that already.”
He reached up and took the condom from her, closing his fingers around it. “You sure?” he asked hoarsely.
Her lips curved up in a slow smile. That smile alone would have been enough to fuel every hot, desperate dream Cullen had for the next month. Of course, there was the very hot, very real dream of Taige sitting buck naked on top of him. He had fantasized about this so many times. But the reality of it . . . whoa.
Her breasts, full and round, were a soft, pale creamy brown, topped with nipples that made him think of chocolate. In the flickering light from the fire, he could see the tight, dark curls between her thighs, and Cullen was pretty sure he could feel the heat of her burning him through his shorts.
She bent low and pressed her lips to his, her breasts flattening against his chest. His breath hitched a little as she slid her tongue into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around her. Then he slid his hands down her sides, cupped her butt, and pulled her close. She felt so good. Cullen rocked against her, rubbing against the hot, wet vee of her thighs. He was going to come in his shorts if he didn’t slow down, though.
That wasn’t how he wanted her first time. He definitely wanted her first time to be better than his had been, some hot and sweaty fumble in the backseat of a car with a girl he barely knew. Taige was rocking against him, wiggling and moaning deep in her throat. If she kept moving like that, it was going to be over before he even managed to get his zipper undone.
Cullen tightened his arms around her waist and rolled until she was pinned beneath him. It wasn’t much better; now he was pressed against her heat, and he couldn’t stop the involuntary rhythm of his hips. He stiffened his arms so that he wasn’t pressed so tightly against her, but Taige slid her hands down his sides to his hips, trying to pull him closer.
Her misty gray eyes had gone dark. She said his name, and her voice was so throaty and hoarse, if he hadn’t already been hard, that sound would have done it. Her nails bit demandingly into his sides. Gently, Cullen pressed his lips to hers. “Why are you rushing?” he murmured.
Then he moved down, pressed a kiss to her shoulder. He cupped her big, warm breasts in his hands and watched, fascinated. Her skin was shades darker than his tanned hands. He pinched her nipples gently, and she moaned, a sexy little sound low in her throat. Cullen lifted his gaze, stared at her as he did it again, rolling her nipples between his fingers. Then he dipped his head and kissed one, taking the hard flesh into his mouth and sucking on her. Beneath him, Taige bucked. She brought her hands up, fisted them in his hair. His name escaped her lips in a shaky sigh.
Wanting to feel her bare body against his own, he shrugged out of his shirt. He loved the way she tasted, salty and sweet. He could hear the rough catch of her breathing, and when he slid a hand down her side, over her hip and between her legs, for a second, she stopped breathing altogether.
This was new. This was different. As often as he’d touched her, kissed her, this was different. Cullen hadn’t ever had her completely naked before him. The curls that covered her sex were darker, tighter. He shifted to his side and lifted up so he could watch as he touched her. She was wet. Silky wet and hot when he pushed one finger inside her.
BOOK: The Missing
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