The Millionaire Myth (21 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Taylor

BOOK: The Millionaire Myth
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“Well, what do you call renting? Look, when Jack and I bought our first house, we didn't have anything to put down.” She chuckled at the memory. “We barely had enough cash to cover the closing costs. And rates were so much higher back then.” She looked at me silently.

“What?” I asked, her look making me self-conscious.

“This isn't about money. I think you're afraid to move out of that apartment.”

“I'm not afraid. What am I, six?”

She shook her head. “Exactly, you're not six anymore. You're thirty-three years old. I think you have it in your head that you can't own a home without a husband, and that is simply not true. Why not do this on your own?” She walked back into the kitchen and out to the backyard, and I followed her. “Looks at this, Estelle.” She opened her arms in front of her. “Look at all this space! I think you were right, you would love it here. You could get the dogs you've been dying for, you could have a little garden, whatever you want. Why wait?”

I looked at the yard, trying to keep my face from showing the excitement I was starting to feel. I could see myself living here. But I knew Kami was right; I'd always thought I would buy a house with someone. I wasn't sure if it was something I could do on my own.

I took Kami's arm and turned her around. “Come on, we haven't checked out the garage.”

Back in the house, we went through a door off the kitchen, and stepped down into the two-car garage. There were washer and dryer hook ups, and another door leading to the backyard.

“Not bad,” Kami assessed, her voice echoing in the empty space. “Plenty of room for your car, and storage.” She looked at me. “How nice would it be to be parked in here when it's raining? Or when it's scorching outside?”

I nodded. “It would be nice.” I walked toward the kitchen. “Come on, we've seen enough. Let's get you back home, and get those feet up.”

Kami moaned. “That sounds good to me.” As she followed me out of the house she said, “I don't want to bug you about this, but I really do like this place. Aren't you the least bit tempted?”

“I am. But I really don't think this is the place for me.”

“Why not?”

“No dimmers.”

Kami laughed. “Have them installed. I'm going to.”

I waved her outside, and locked the door. “What are you talking about?”

She smiled. “I called Jack after we saw that first house. I told him to get to the hardware store.”

“When did you call him?”

“While you were ordering my chocolate shake.”

I looked at her. “I thought you went to the bathroom while I did that?”

“I did. I can multi-task.”











Chapter 36


“So, what do you think?” Gina asked, as we walked into the office. “I know it's not huge, but it doesn't need to be,” She continued, as she led me through. “There's room for four agents, plus there's a conference room.” She pointed to a large room to our right. “I think this will work great for a while.”

I looked into the offices, all of them were small, but still had plenty of space for us. It had wood floors, and the walls were painted a nice cream color. It was bright, but not sterile. I loved it. “I think it's great!”

Gina let out a breath. “I'm so glad you like it too! I think we can stay here for a long while. I'm going to be picky about who we bring on. I want us all to get along and have the same ideas about how we treat the clients, work ethic, all that.”

I nodded. “I am so glad I'm working with you Gina.” I gave her a quick hug. “Honestly, you have no idea what you've done for me, encouraging me to get my license, trusting me to work with your clients. I can't thank you enough.”

“You don't have to thank me, Stella. You're the one who's saving me, remember? You have kept this whole operation organized. Without you, I would have lost paperwork, and I would have lost clients.”

“Speaking of clients,” I sang, so excited to tell her the news. “The Bradley's just signed the offer!”

“They did? Which one?”

“The white house on Maple. They loved the back yard and all the space. They're so excited!”

“Me too!” Gina said. “I'm just so glad they found something before she has that baby. Will they be in before then?”

I nodded. “Oh yeah. It's a thirty day close. She's not due for two more months, so they should get moved in and settled just in time.”

Gina gave me a high-five. “Great job, Partner!”

I was so glad that I made Gina proud. I was serious about how much she'd helped me. I was so worried that I'd get my license and be horrible at selling houses. The Bradley's were the fifth couple I'd helped get into a home. Not only did I love the job, it was looking like I was pretty decent at it too.

After we'd celebrated our new office over dinner, I went back to my apartment. I was still so excited about the Bradley's that I didn't even notice the man leaning against my apartment door. When I noticed him, I jumped a little and took a step back.

He stepped toward me, his face illuminated in the light.


,” He said with a grin and he moved closer. “Been a while.”

“Charlie? What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to say hello.”

“Goodbye.” I said as I turned and headed back to my car. I refused to be trapped in my apartment with him again.

“Hey, wait up!” He called as he jogged to catch me. “I'm not here to upset you. I just wanted to see how you've been.”

I stopped and turned to face him. “I've been fine. I do have good news for you though, my secret's out. Everyone knows about my lie. I don't even work at that place anymore. So you can quit coming by here and threatening to out me.”

“Now why would I want to make your life harder?” He asked, his voice full of innocence.

“I have no idea, but that seems to be one of your favorite activities.”

He shook his head. “Come on, I'm a nice guy. I just can by to tell you the good news.”

I sighed, crossing my arms, and losing patience. “The good news?”

He nodded. “Yeah. I'm getting married.”

I blinked. “What?”

He nodded. “Can you believe it? We met a few weeks ago. She's a great girl. She just got divorced. The guy was a real ass hole I guess, but he was loaded. She made out great in the divorce.” He gave me an evil smile. “I'm moving into her place. She said she's always hoped she'd meet a guy like me.”

“Jesus. She
to meet someone like you?” I shook my head. All I could feel was pity for this poor girl he'd duped. I wished I could warn her, but there was nothing I could do. I just hoped that since she'd just gone through a divorce, that she'd have enough sense to have him sign a pre-nup.

Charlie smiled at me. “Hey, don't be upset. I know you always thought it would be you and me getting married, but you'll find someone.”

I chuckled. “Charlie, I'm not worried. I could be one of those women who marries an inmate, and I'd still have a better husband that you'll ever be.” I patted his shoulder. “But good luck! I sure hope that poor girl comes to her senses before the wedding, but if not, I guess she can learn the hard way, like I did.”

Charlie just laughed and shook his head as he walked down the sidewalk, away from my apartment. I hoped that I was watching him walk away for the last time, but I doubted I would be that lucky. Then something occurred to me. “Hey Charlie! Wait!”

He turned back and grinned. “I knew you wouldn't let me leave yet. He sauntered back toward me. “Couldn't let me go without one more go round, huh?”

I fought the urge to gag. “Get real, Charlie. I'm thrilled to let you go. But I did have one last question for you. How did you ever hear about that lie about the money? I thought Kami told you, but I know she didn't. So, how?”

He grinned. “I have my ways, Estelle.”

I groaned. “Come on Charlie! Just tell me!”

“Well what's it worth to you?”

I shook my head, disgusted. “Not that much. If you're looking for a handout go talk to your fiance.”

He laughed. “Alright, I'll cut you a break. I was out one night having a drink and I heard a couple suits talking about their office. Apparently the receptionist there just came into a lot of money. They were betting each other that they'd be the one to sell her a house.” He shook his head in amusement. “Then one happened to mention that they worked at Lawson & Stone.” He tapped the side of his head with his finger. “Smart guy like me, it didn't take me too long to figure out they were talking about you.”

I shook my head in amazement. I couldn't believe that I'd spent so much time worrying about how he'd found out. Turns out he had gotten the information in the same way he got everything: dumb luck. “I hope you and your new girl will be very happy Charlie.”

He nodded. “Oh, we will be, don't you worry.”

As he walked down the sidewalk I couldn't help but chuckle. It was amazing how much time I had wasted in the past months, worrying about Charlie and what he might do to my life. It had finally dawned on me that no one could do anything to my life but me.

I looked up at the concrete steps that led to my apartment door. At the large brown building that housed so many people. It had been my place for a lot of years, but it wasn't a home. Maybe it was time that I moved on.












Chapter 37


              I struggled as I pulled up the last strip of that spotless maroon carpet, thrilled to see the plywood sub floor. I was having the new carpet installed the next day, and I couldn't wait to see what the room would look like with the light cream color I'd picked out.

I rolled up the last strip and hauled it out to the dumpster that was in my driveway. The dumpster, I was proud to see, was almost full. I'd closed on the house three weeks ago, and I had spent every free moment I had gutting the place. I had removed all the carpet, I had pried fake wood paneling off the walls in the sunken family room, relieved to find already painted sheet rock underneath. The border in the hall bathroom was gone, and I had painted the entire house.

In other words, I was exhausted. I went back into the house, smiling again at the sub floors as I gathered my tools and put them in the garage. I hopped in the shower and then collapsed onto my mattress, that was currently in the kitchen. I had my TV sitting on my kitchen table. The majority of my new house was empty, and it would stay empty for a while. I'd spent a large chunk of my savings on the closing costs and all the hardware trips for paint and other supplies. I smiled as I looked at my sunny kitchen walls. I loved the smell and look of fresh paint. And I adored the sight of something other than white on my walls.

I sighed and got off my mattress, headed to the backyard. I looked out at the large trees and green grass. Every time I looked at the yard, I pictured dogs, but I couldn't get them yet. The inside of the house was such a mess, I couldn't imagine keeping them out of everything.

I smiled as I thought of all the work I'd done in the past few weeks. The place was really coming along. Kami had been right, I was so glad I'd stopped waiting for some guy. I had done this all by myself, and that felt amazing.

From the back pocket of my jeans, I heard my phone ring. It was Kami. I answered, “I was just thinking about what a great friend you are.”

She was breathing hard. “That's great. I hate to interrupt that, but my water just broke. Jack and I are on the way to the hospital.”

“Oh my God! I'm on my way!”

“Good, because so is my daughter. Get me something cute from the gift shop.”

I laughed and ran to grab my keys. I was almost to the car before I turned and grabbed my purse. I needed my wallet. I knew Kami wasn't kidding about the gift.


              “She is the most beautiful girl in the entire world,” I said, holding Kami's daughter. “And Cara is the sweetest name.”

Kami took her from my arms. “I know, right? Jack was really pushing for us to spell it with a K, but I didn't want to be so cutesy. Two J's and two K's?
Too much

“Where is Jack anyway?”

“He's working on the discharge papers. I can't wait to take her home!”

“I'll bet. What did LBJ think?”

Kami laughed. “Not much I think. He's still so young. But I think he's going to be a good big brother.”

“You bet he is,” Jack agreed, as he entered the room. “We're all set. They're just getting the wheelchair, and I already brought the car around.”

“Fantastic. Take her, would you?” Kami held Cara out to Jack.

“Come to Daddy, little girl.” Jack smiled at his daughter.

I stood up from the bed where I had been perched. “I better get outta here. I know you're itching to get her home.”

“You're not coming?”

I shook my head at Kami. “No way! It's nice to have the invite, but you guys need to take her home and have some family time.” I grabbed my purse from the chair in the corner. “But call me if you need help.” I pointed first to Kami, then Jack. “I'm serious, now. If you need another set of hands, or you need me to run to get groceries, whatever. Promise?”

Kami nodded. Jack didn't bother to tear his eyes from his daughter, but said, “I promise to bother you constantly.”

I nodded, satisfied. “Good. I'm off to check in at the office. I told Gina I'd check out some new listings. She's been a little busy lately.”

Kami's eyes lit up with interest. “Oh, that's right! The new man. How's that going?”

I shrugged. “I think pretty well. I haven't met him yet. Gina's taking everything slow. You know, she doesn't want to deal with another situation like she did with Steven.”

“Yeah. That's okay, there's nothing wrong with slow.”

“Yep.” I smiled, taking in the picture of the three of them. “Okay, you two. Text me when you get home. Have a good night Little Cara,” I patted her head. “I'll see you soon, and spoil you rotten.”


              I pulled into the parking lot of Warren Properties and called Gina. She picked up after the second ring. “How's the baby?”

“Adorable, of course. They're probably home by now, getting settled in.”

“Wow, good for them.”

I felt bad because I knew Gina wanted kids. “You okay?”

Her voice sounded strong, “I'm okay, I promise. I'll have kids eventually. Besides, I'm having a good time with Marcus, and I'm in no rush.”

“I know I'm interrupting that time right now so I'll make it quick, what do you need me to do at the office?”

Well, I got a call from two new clients, one is looking for a bigger place, and I already sent her some listings. The other one is kind of a huge favor.”

“Uh-oh. What?”

“No, it's not an uh-oh. At least I hope not. A guy called about listing his house, and really was hoping someone could come by today and do a walk through. Interested?”

I sighed. “Yeah, I can do it. I owe you anyway, you've picked up the slack while I've been working on the house. What's the address?”

She gave me the address and I punched it into my GPS. “Can you do me a favor and call to let him know I can be there in about an hour? I just have to run home and change first.”

“No problem. He said he'd be home the rest of the day, so I don't think it'll be a problem. I'll let you know for sure though.”


              I was just slipping on my black skirt when I heard my cell beep. It was a text from Gina.              
Hey, he said and hour is good. Seems eager to sell, and that's good for us, right? Let me know how it goes, G.

I tossed my phone in my purse and grabbed my keys. I started out toward the house, grateful for my GPS. I hadn't heard of the street the house was on, and without my trusty GPS I would have been up a creek.

I made turn after turn until suddenly, things started looking familiar. I began to feel a buzzing in my stomach, realizing that the new client had a house somewhere near Drew's cabin. As each turn took me closer to his place, I started to wonder. I hadn't gotten the clients name. I tried to slow my heart rate, knowing that the odds of it being Drew were almost nothing. Drew would never sell his house. Unless...I groaned when I realized what was going on. This was Trina. She was making him sell it.

But that didn't make sense either. Why wouldn't she use Mick? She had do be doing this just to mess with me. To show me that she's the winner. I couldn't argue I guess, but I didn't need it rubbed in my face either.

My GPS told me to make one last left. As I heard, “Arriving at destination,” I drove down a gravel road that was far less bumpy than the last time I'd been down it. I guess Drew had finally gotten around to getting it fixed. I wondered if he'd finished the whole house.

I came around the last bend in the road and I saw the house in front of me. It was amazing. The tall grass in the front had been mowed, making the house even easier to see. The front porch that had once been sagging, was repaired and level, and painted bright white. It stood out in sharp contrast to the dark gray paint on the house. The trim on the windows was also bright white, while that hot pink door was now a glossy black.

I parked my car and got out. I was so amazed by the changes that all I could think about was how much work he'd done. I slowly made my way up the porch, marveling at the changes. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It was only then that I had the chance to think about Trina. I started to panic. Oh God, what if she was here?

It took a few moments before I heard shuffling behind the door. I could hear someone talking. I strained to hear a voice, but I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman behind the door. It didn't really matter though. If someone was talking, that meant there were two people in there, and that meant one of them was Trina.

Finally, the door swung open and there was Drew. He looked even better than I remembered. “Hey,” He said as he took a step back. “Want to come inside?”

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