The Mighty Quinns: Devin (8 page)

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Authors: Kate Hoffmann

BOOK: The Mighty Quinns: Devin
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She was a woman, with a particular set of skills that could ensure Dev a night of intense pleasure. Using her lips and her tongue, she teased and caressed him, bringing him close to the edge before letting him slip away. Dev understood what she was doing, and he whispered desperate encouragement and then soft commands to slow down or stop. His fingers, still tangled in her hair, gently drew her away when it became too much.

Elodie knew he was dancing dangerously close to the edge, and she expected him to finally surrender, his body's need for satisfaction outweighing his ego's need for control. She drew him into her mouth again, but when she pulled back, Dev reached down and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her body along the length of his.

She wriggled around on top of him, and he held her hips tight against hers. “Don't move,” he murmured.

“Why not?” she asked, shifting above him. The tip of his shaft slid along the damp crease between her legs.

“I want to get a condom.”

“I've got that covered,” she said. She pushed up on her knees and the next time she moved, he was there, ready to slip inside her. With a sigh, Elodie sank down on top of him.

It was the most marvelous, electrifying sensation in the world, having him, warm and hard, buried deep inside her. They'd enjoyed an emotional connection all those years ago, but this was much more than just sweet words and soft caresses. He was exposed and vulnerable, and she had his release at her command. Elodie felt powerful, yet blissfully happy at the same time.

She began to move above him, slowly at first, her palms pressed against his chest, her tongue teasing at his as they kissed. Her body reacted to each thrust with a wild rush of sensation, a current that set each nerve on fire until she could focus only on her own need.

And when he reached between them and touched her, his thumb gently massaging, Elodie realized how close to the edge she was. Instinct drove her ahead as she reached for the final wave of pleasure that would wash her into oblivion. Again and again, it was almost within her grasp, only for him to draw her away. And then, the first spasm hit and her breath caught in her throat before she dissolved into a maelstrom of pleasure.

When she was nearly finished, Dev finally let go and gave in to a powerful orgasm that left him shuddering and trembling with each movement.

Slowly, they drifted back to reality, their bodies damp with perspiration, the sheets tangled about them.

He buried his face in the curve of her neck and groaned, taking care not to move, still hard inside her. “I have to say, that was worth the wait.”

Elodie laughed, and he groaned again. “Sorry,” she murmured.

“I just want to stay like this for a moment. Then we'll do it all over again.”


“I'm making up for twelve years,” he said. “That's how long I've been imagining this.”

She rolled to his side, draping her arm around his waist and snuggling up against him. “Is that true? Have you thought about us?”

“Sure,” he said.

“What did you think about? Was it just about the sex?”

“Only sometimes. You'd appear in one of my fantasies. You know. Self-gratification.”

“Really?” she said. “You do that often?”

He shrugged. “There have been some long periods where I haven't had a woman in my life and...well, a guy needs some relief.”

“And when you weren't thinking about me sexually? What about then?”

He pressed his lips to her shoulder and considered her question for a long moment. “I would try to imagine you in different places, doing different things. There were nights when I'd just sit and stare at the moon, and wonder where you were and how long it might take for me to find you.”

“You could have searched for me on the internet,” she said. “Or found me on social media.”

“I suppose I could have. But then I would have known for sure, and I would have felt compelled to do something about it. And I was pretty certain that your life out there, beyond Winchester, was better than what you would have had here with me.”

“Why would you think that?” Elodie asked.

“Because you never came back,” Dev said.

Elodie looked up and met his gaze. Though he was smiling, she could see tiny shards of pain in his blue eyes, memories that just wouldn't go away. She'd had the whole wide world to help her forget him. He'd had only this place, this town and the people in it.

“I'm here now,” she said. “And it's not too late.”

Elodie wasn't sure what she meant by those words. Too late for what? But any regret she had in saying them was brushed aside as Dev pulled her into a long, delicious kiss.

* * *

, becoming aware of his surroundings bit by bit—the feel of unfamiliar sheets beneath his naked body, the floral scent that seemed to suffuse his pillow, and the sound of trees rustling in the morning breeze.

He smiled to himself as he reached out for Elodie, the memories of the night before flooding into his mind in a rush of wild images and powerful feelings.

When he found her side of the bed empty, Dev sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Ellie?” he called.

A moment later, she appeared in the bedroom doorway, wearing his T-shirt, a tray in her hands. “Breakfast,” she said with a grin. “I'm starving. What about you?”

“I could eat,” he murmured.

She set the tray on the bed, then crawled in beside him. “It's nothing fancy. French toast, some fruit and coffee.”

“Coffee,” he said. She picked up an odd-looking glass pot and began to pour. “What's that?”

“What? The coffee? I think it's Italian roast.”

“No, the pot. It looks like a beer mug.”

“It's a French press,” she said. “It makes really great coffee.” She frowned. “You've never seen a French press before?”

“Here in Winchester,” he said with a thick drawl, “all our coffee comes direct from a Mr. Coffee machine.” He took a sip of the coffee and was surprised at the taste, rich and syrupy, like nuts and chocolate.

“We need to get you out into the world a little bit more,” she said.

“They might have a few of these French things over in Asheville. There've been some rumors, but I'm not sure if they're true or not.”

“Do you like to travel?” she asked.

“Yeah, but I haven't done much. It's not a lot of fun to go alone. Where's the joy in seeing something amazing if you don't have someone to share it with?”

“Where would you go if you could?”

“New York. LA. Australia. Spain. Egypt.” He glanced at her over the rim of his cup. “I suppose you've been to all those places.”

She nodded. “I have. But they're all places I'd go again. And there are lots of places that I've never been that I'd love to see.”

“Well, when I inherit my millions, we'll just hop on a plane and check out the rest of the world. Although, I can't imagine any place better than Winchester.” The last was laced with enough sarcasm that it brought a giggle from Elodie.

“I don't know. Winchester does have its charms.”

As she reached for the plate of French toast, a loud knock echoed through the empty house, followed by the frantic ringing of the doorbell. Elodie frowned. “Are you expecting anyone?” she asked.

“No one knows that I'm here.”

She jumped out of bed and searched the room for something to put on. When she picked up his cargo shorts and hitched them up on her waist, Dev had to chuckle. “Now that's a sexy look,” he said.

“How small is your butt?” she asked. “These almost fit me. Clearly I need to go on a serious diet.”

“Don't you dare,” Dev said. “I like you exactly the way you are.”

“Plump?” She hurried out of the room, and Dev listened to her footsteps as she descended the stairs to the foyer. He heard the creak of the front door and then a man's voice. Frowning, he pushed the breakfast tray aside and crawled out of bed, searching for something to wear. All she'd left him with was his boxers. He grabbed them from the floor and pulled them on.

A moment later, Kyle Dunphy peered around the bedroom door. “Hey, boss.” He held out his hands. “Let me make something very clear. I can't see anything. I'm not making any snap judgments. I'm just here to deliver some information and then I'll get out of your way.”

“This couldn't have waited?” Dev asked.

“I didn't think so. But I'll let you be the judge. By the way, we've been trying you at home and on the radio and we were all getting a little worried. It's half past ten and you're—”

“What? What time did you say it was?”

“Half past ten?”

“Sorry,” he said. He glanced around. “Where are my clothes? I need my clothes.”

“Let me just deliver my news and then I'll get lost,” Kyle said. “I checked the registration on that gun that we pulled out of Jimmy Babcock's car. It came back as stolen.”

“No surprise,” Dev said.

“Except that it was stolen in that gun store burglary in Asheville last month. The one where they got away with nearly a quarter million dollars worth of guns and ammunition.”

Dev cursed softly. “No wonder Jimmy's family is willing to hang him out on this one. At least we've eliminated his father. He's not smart enough to pull off a job like that. Ray and his crew could, though.”

“Well, ATF is going to come calling, and if we don't want Jimmy swept along into this thing, you're going to need to convince him to tell you what he knows, and fast.”

“All right. You go back to the station and see what you can get me on that gun store job. All the details. Before ATF gets hold of the gun, send it over to the county lab for fingerprints and DNA. And find Ray Don Babcock. I want to talk to him before the Feds do.”

“I'll get right on it, boss.”

Kyle turned to leave, but Dev stopped him. “How did you figure out I was here?”

The officer shrugged. “It's a small town, boss. It's kinda hard to keep anything a secret. There's been talk about you two since the moment she drove back into town. Lots of it is still speculation, but...”

“I trust you won't be adding to the gossip?” Dev asked.

“No, sir.”

“Good. I'll see you back at the station.”

With that, Kyle hurried down the stairs. Dev strode to the door and found Elodie waiting for him in the hallway. Her fingers played with the hem of his T-shirt. “I guess you're going to need your clothes?”

“Was it really necessary to show him to the bedroom? You could have come up here to get me.”

“He said it was an emergency,” Elodie murmured. “And he seemed to know you were here. He must be a very good detective.”

“He's not a detective. Just a patrol officer. According to him, the whole town believes we're together.”

“Is that good or bad?” she asked.

He shook his head. “That remains to be seen.”

“You should probably go,” she suggested.

He reached out and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her against him. “I don't want to go.”

“I don't want you to, either,” she said.

“Promise me we'll do this again?” Dev asked.

Elodie looked up and met his gaze. “I promise. Again and again and maybe again—if you're not too tired.”

He brushed a kiss across her lips. “I need my clothes.”

She tugged the T-shirt over her head, revealing the sweet curves of her body. He clenched his fingers, fists at his side, knowing that if he indulged in just one caress he might never leave. When she handed him the shorts, he quickly pulled them on over his boxers, then tugged the T-shirt over his head.

Now that he was fully dressed and she was completely naked, the thought of walking out was almost impossible to imagine. Though he was as loyal to the job as they came, there were moments when he wished he had more control over his time. “What are you going to do today?” Dev asked, swallowing hard.

Elodie turned and walked back to the bed, offering him a delightful view of her rear end. “I have some projects I'm working on. And I'm going to drive over to Rocky Point. They've got a small art museum that I wanted to tour.”

Dev didn't want to leave without properly and thoroughly kissing her. But he knew he would only be delaying the inevitable. In the end, he reached for her hand and pulled it up to his lips, then pressed a kiss to her fingertips. “Last night was incredible. And I'm sorry I can't stay for breakfast—and lunch.”

“And I'm sorry if I created any complications for you and your officer.”

“I'll call you later?”

Elodie nodded. “I'll be here.”

He left her in the bedroom, standing naked, her pale hair tumbling around her face in tangled waves. He had made her look that way, Dev mused. He'd mussed her hair and kissed her so hard her lips were slightly swollen. He'd made her heart race and her body ache. He'd brought her to release not once, but three times over the course of the night. He was responsible for that sweet, yet satisfied smile that curled the corners of her mouth.

He couldn't muster a single ounce of regret for what they'd shared. Hell, he didn't care if the whole town thought they were having an affair. He knew better than to try to stop the gossips. But he would take care not to give them more to talk about. He didn't want to make more trouble for Elodie.

So, to everyone else, he and Elodie would seem like good friends and old acquaintances, a couple of people who occasionally shared a dinner out or a drive through town. But that would all change in the quiet confines of her bedroom. There'd be no holding back for either of them, no worrying about appearances.

Dev slipped out the back door, then made his way through the tangled mess that was the garden. He jumped the fence and then skirted the edges of two more yards before coming out on Azalea Street.

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