The Mermaid's Knight (12 page)

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Authors: Jill Myles

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Mermaid's Knight
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Warm hands stroked across the front of her sherte, moving across her belly and gliding over the hard tips of her breasts. Leah sucked in her breath at the hint of a touch, her eyes going to Royce’s. His gray eyes were dark as he stared down at her, hot with desire.

“You’re trembling,” he said, and brushed a lock of hair back off her shoulder.

She was? She didn’t realize. Suddenly self-conscious, she crossed her arms over her chest and shivered. She didn’t feel cold. Leah stepped closer to him, slipping her hands around his waist and pulling her body close against his. She heard him inhale as her stomach touched the hard erection just underneath his breeches.

With a low groan, Royce grabbed her under the legs and lifted her into his arms, striding toward the bed and dropping her in there. “God’s wounds, woman, but you’re a heavy wench.” That broke the thick, almost awkward tension in the room. Leah giggled, reaching up to smack him on the shoulder. He stared down at her, the half-smile frozen on his face, and she sobered. “You’re lovely when you smile, Leah. I wish you’d smile more often for me.” She bit her lip and smiled shyly up at him, dazzled by the attention he was showering on her. A girl could get used to this – she felt pampered, beautiful. Special.

“Come, Leah. Show me that beautiful body of yours.” He offered her his hand and she took it, letting him pull her into a sitting position atop his massive bed.

Suddenly struck with shyness, she clutched at the collar of her loose sherte, and he chuckled. “Do not play the shy virgin with me now, Leah. We’ve tortured each other for too long.” He slid his hands over her legs, where the dress was rucked up around her knees, and eased it forward. “I want to see your beautiful white flesh,” he said, kissing at her neck. “Your long, long legs that are going to be wrapped around me as I bury myself deep inside you.” His words were like a sensual balm, and she obediently let him lift the last remaining article of clothing off of her body and slowly raised her eyes to his.

His eyes were dark with desire. “Lovely,” he said, reaching out with one darkly tanned hand to brush against the tip of her breast. The nipple puckered in response, and Leah clutched at

his forearms at the jolt of sensation that tore through her. The feeling was intense, almost frightening, if it weren’t for the shock of pleasure that had centered through her.

“Your breasts are perfect,” he murmured, watching as the other nipple tightened. “Just the right size for my hand.” He cupped one and flicked his thumb over the pink crown, his eyes locking onto hers.

Leah gave a sigh of pleasure in response and arched against his hand. That felt…

exquisite. She wanted more.

He released her, though, and slid into bed next to her, still dressed in his breeches. Leah lay back on the bed, watching him expectantly. Would he undress and show her the rest of his magnificent body? Was he large all over? She blushed at the thought. Modern women weren’t supposed to be such ninnies when it came to sex, but here she was, giggling internally at the thought.

She stopped laughing when his hand stroked her breast, his fingers teasing her nipple.

The world tilted at the touch. Sliding her hands over to his chest again, her fingertips brushed against his nipple, exploring. Her eyes went to his, as if seeking approval.

Royce groaned, and he leaned over her, burying his face against her breasts. “God help me, Leah, but you are so beautiful. You make me mad with wanting you, with your pale skin and staring up at me with those big eyes.” He nuzzled against her breast and she squirmed underneath him, arching against his face. His chin abraded the tender skin between her breasts, but it was a curious mix of pain and anticipatory pleasure. If he would just put his mouth in the right spot…

Her breath nearly exploded from her when he did. Royce’s lips closed over one nipple and gently rolled it between his teeth, and Leah’s fingers dug into his shoulders, her breathing escalating. He nipped at her and chuckled. “Like that, do you?” She flexed her fingers against his shoulders in response, then pressed her breast back against his lips. She wanted more.

He needed no more encouragement, and the sensitive tip of her breast was again enveloped by his lips—stroking, teasing, sucking gently. Leah’s hands frantically moved against his body, her fingernails digging into his skin as sensation drove over her. It felt so good, and yet made her so restless.

His hand slid up her leg as he tormented her, and, to Leah, the sensations suddenly tripled in power. He leaned half-over her in the immense bed, his mouth making love to her breasts, his hand sliding up between her legs and sending little thrilling shockwaves reverberating through her body as she twined her fingers in his hair and gasped and panted like she couldn’t breathe.

And then his hot, scalding hand touched the flesh at the junction of her thighs and her body went into overdrive.

She panicked, her thighs clenching at the onslaught of feeling, and darted away from him on the bed.
Stupid, stupid
she told herself.
Don’t be such an idiot. He thinks you’re experienced.

You’re supposed to be experienced.

But it was happening a little faster than she could handle. Instead, she pulled his face up to hers and dove to his mouth for another long, sweet, lingering kiss.

“Nay, sweet one,” he breathed against her mouth, and she felt his hand slide between her clamped thighs once more. “Let me touch you. Look at me, Leah,” he coaxed, and slid one hot

finger through her folds. She did, and nearly drowned in his gray eyes. “Let me worship your body, like it should be.”

He didn’t have to, she wanted to protest. She liked what he was doing already very much, and she didn’t feel like she was doing enough. But then he touched the nub of her, and she lost track of her thoughts entirely. She gasped at the sensation when he rubbed it slowly, and her body grew wild with the slow, teasing, torturous touch. Her gasps turned to whimpers as her hips clenched against his hand and she bucked against him, her lips frantically seeking his and biting at his lower lip, desperate to find an outlet for the frantic sensation that was building up inside of her.

He jerked away when she bit too hard, though she could tell he was pleased by the way she was writhing beneath him. “Slow down, Leah. We have time.” He slid lower, pressing his lips down her abdomen, moving his face down her body.

It didn’t feel like it – her body wanted release, and it wanted it

And it came an instant later, the moment he parted her nether lips and his mouth touched the most sensitive part of her body. Everything seemed to explode at once in mindless pleasure, escaping her through a low, frantic keen and shudder after shudder of pleasure.

Her body was slow to calm – the immediate aftershocks rippled through her, followed by a languid pleasure that was almost as enjoyable as what just happened. Her eyes opened slowly, and she looked down at Royce, nestled at the junction of her thighs, not moving, just watching her and waiting.

“Are you back with me now?” His voice was low and husky, throbbing with unspent passion, and she realized he hadn’t come to the same shattering release she had.

She nodded slowly, resisting the urge to stretch against him. Her body began to quiver anew at the hungry look he gave her. Royce planted a kiss at the apex of her thighs and slid up on the bed, slowly covering her. He leaned in for another hungry kiss, his hard body sliding against her own, and she felt pleasure stir through her again when she felt his hard chest against her nipples. Her hands slid over his back, wanting to pull him so far against her that they’d become one.

His thigh nudged hers apart, and no more coaxing was needed. She slid her legs around his waist, and it felt natural. His hard, hot member pressed against the wet triangle between her legs, and she sucked in her breath as an entirely new set of sensations rocked through her. He rocked against her, rubbing, his eyes locked with hers, testing her readiness.

The rubbing was driving her nearly mad with desire. Leah groaned when he slid his hard cock between her slick folds again, lifting her hips in suggestion. There was a bone-deep ache between her legs, and she wanted him there to fill it.

“Do you want this as much as I do, Leah?” He rubbed against her again. “If not, let me know and I’ll stop.” His words were gritted between his teeth.

She reached up and touched his cheek gently, letting him know that she wanted it as well, raising her hips against his.

With a groan, he shifted her in his arms, and she felt the tip of his cock nudging against her, seeking. She didn’t have time to dwell on this for more than a moment and then he was inside her in one deep thrust, and the sudden, sharp pain made her suck in her breath.

He stilled on top of her. “Leah?” Royce’s body became rigid, and then he swore. “You’re a virgin?”

She shook her head at him, urging him on. The pain was still there, stretching and testing, and she wanted nothing more to squirm away… except she wasn’t supposed to be a virgin. Leah smiled faintly up at him.

He began to pull away from her. “God’s bones, woman—”

She trapped him against her, wrapping her legs around him. He paused, then looked down at her. She shook her head at him, reaching to pull him down against her and take his lips in another hot, sensual kiss. Again, she lifted her hips against his, feeling the twinge of pain again, but not as strong as before. The stretching sensation was a unique one… one that she wanted to experience more of, pain or no pain. She sucked on his lower lip, suggestively.

He groaned again, as if it was too much for him, and rocked into her once more, nearly lifting her off the bed with the force of it. Again, she gasped against his lips, but the pain was nearly gone, replaced by a curious, filled longing that she wanted more of. He thrust again, and again, his mouth sliding down to capture hers in a brief, ardent kiss between each thrust.

Between each sensual kiss and each piercing thrust, Leah began to feel that slow urgency build up in her body again. Her responses became more frenzied.

It was all the encouragement he needed; Royce leaned into her and began to thrust faster and harder, and she lifted up to welcome each hard, swift entry into her body. The world began to blend and haze around her, and nothing existed but Royce’s body against hers and the sensations between them. She whimpered against him, her nails digging into his back.

With one quick touch, he teased the tip of her breast and thrust into her again, leaning forward and grinding his hips against her own in a slow, sensual thrust. She slid apart at that moment in a gasping cry, her body clenching around him as she found release once more.

It seemed to drive him over the edge, as well. With a few more sharp, hard thrusts, before her body could even come down from the ebb of pleasure it was on, he groaned and tensed against her, and she felt his body spasm against hers. Then he groaned her name and collapsed on top of her.

They lay like that for long moments, both panting and skin dewy with sweat. Leah enjoyed the feel of him on top of her, hearing his heart strum against her own. This was the most perfect place to be in the world at the moment – against his skin, smelling his sweat, his body melded with hers.

He moved off of her too soon for her own liking, rolling to the side of the bed.

Disappointment shot through her, only to be tamped when he reached over and pulled her against him. She brushed a sweaty lock of hair off of his brow and smiled shyly at him.

Royce didn’t smile back. “How is it that Lord Rutledge’s leman is a virgin?” She stiffened against him and tried to escape, but his arms held her captive. His eyes searched hers, his mouth drawn into a grim line. “Answers Leah, I need answers.” She couldn’t give him answers. Frustrated, she pointed at his softening erection and made a crass gesture, indicating that her ‘supposed’ lover couldn’t muster enough enthusiasm.

A startled look flashed across Royce’s face, followed by a chuckle. “Now that’s something I never considered.” His arms tightened around her. “Am I the only man that’s touched you like that?” His voice took on a husky note.

Her own breathing quickened at his words, and she nodded against his chin.

Her response pleased him, and he rolled her beneath him once more, a wicked grin on his face. “Lucky for you, wench, that I do not suffer the same problem as Rutledge.” Leah giggled with delight.

Chapter Thirteen

The sun rose too early the next day to suit Leah. Royce’s chamber had no windows, but she could see light seeping in through the arrow slit and she groaned, rolling over in the large bed and snuggling up against his large, warm body. He put a hand on her hip in response and kissed her neck.

The hand on her hip sent a shockwave of pain lancing through her and she flinched.

He didn’t seem to notice, and pulled her against him, cushioning her head on his chest.

“I’d best get up soon, wench. There’s a lot to do today – the men need training. We’ve got to keep on our guard for when Baron Rutledge counter-attacks and tries to take Northcliffe back.” His arms tightened around her. “Much as I’d love to spend all day in bed with you, I’d best get out.” He pressed a kiss on her forehead and rolled out of bed.

She propped up on her side and watched him dress. There were more scars on his back, one a long gouge down his shoulder and crossing down his back toward one firm, muscled buttock. Leah blushed when she realized she was staring at his ass. The man was gorgeous clothed, but he was even more stunning naked.

Royce turned and grinned at her. “Keep looking at me like that, Leah, and I’ll forget all about my men, and rejoin you in the bed.”

She grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at him suggestively, tracing a finger on the bedspread.

He was back at the edge of the bed in an instant, leaning over her and kissing her fiercely enough to make her toes curl. Leah’s tongue stroked against his, and she gave a sigh of happiness when he pulled away, smiling up at him.

He grinned down at her and kissed the tip of her nose. “I have to go. Why don’t you head down to the kitchens and see what cook’s got to eat? If I had to wager a guess, I’d guess that we’ve missed the morning meal.”

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