The Mendelssohnian Theory: Action Adventure, Sci-Fi, Apocalyptic ,Y/A (3 page)

BOOK: The Mendelssohnian Theory: Action Adventure, Sci-Fi, Apocalyptic ,Y/A
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Chapter 4

“What do you know about the Mendelssohnian Theory, chick?” a
voice was heard behind him. A few moments ago, Adam had awoken from a sleepless
dream into an unfamiliar room, lying in an unfamiliar bed. From where he lay,
he noticed a large window overlooking light blue skies strewn with green. He
had not yet managed to process this visual information when the sudden voice
was heard.

“What did you ask?” he turned around quickly and saw his
abductor leaning on the doorpost.

“The Mendelssohnian Theory,” the main repeated patiently, but
Adam could see in his eyes that he was anxious.

“What does it have to do with you kidnapping me?”

“It has to do with the question why you, and not someone else
or no one at all, are here,” said the man, “so what do you know about it?”

“What I’ve learned in school,” the boy answered, not without
hesitation. “I know it defines the relationship between various events and that
every invention has a probability chain that led to it.”

He arrested from his speech when he noticed the elderly man
was nodding his head.

“It’s more exact to say that the theory is a type of code
that allows the understanding of processes in the world,” the man explained,
“like a map that allows you to find your way inside a maze.”

“What does it have to do with me?” asked Adam, but it
appeared the man did not hear him, or chose to ignore his question.

“Ever since the theory was first formulated, and its accuracy
proven, many improvements were added to it, improvements that helped people,
countries and corporations discover shortcuts in the probability chains in
order to come up with new inventions or developments, personally, I prefer the
term ‘discoveries’, with greater speed. In other words, they have found a way
to leap over a few probability rings.

“Why did you kidnap me?” Adam asked again.

“Enough of that!” the man raged at him, “I know you’re not
stupid enough to think I really abducted you. Figure it out, but be quick about
it because we don’t have a lot of time and you have a lot to learn. Both our
lives depend on it and let me tell you a little secret, chick: the life of
every human being depends on the way you’ll act, so you’d better have the
proper means to handle them.”

“Handle who?” Adam was startled. He was afraid of the
stranger but feared his words even more; petrified by their sound, even though
he didn’t fully understand them.

“Take this,” the man handed him a booklet with a bookmark
shoved between its pages, “read.” The man turned around and left the room and
Adam recalled that he did not even know the name of his abductor, or perhaps he
was his savior. He held the booklet and examined its cover, which looked old
and tattered. A long time had passed since he’d held a paper with information
printed on its surface in his hands. At school, he had gotten used to
connecting to the information network through the subcutaneous socket beneath
the nail of his little finger. Only in the Jewish Reservation’s synagogues was
the Bible kept in book format, mostly for sentimental reasons. The last time he
had visited a synagogue was during his parents’ funeral, just because the
temple stood next to the burial-recycling apparatus and the rain had chased the
mourners inside. He opened the booklet slowly to the bookmarked page, an
unofficial journal called ‘What the Fuck Happened There?’ (What The Fuck
Happened There? The Truth! January 197’ J Publishing House ©), and began to
read the main article:


The 197 year to the Mendelssohnian count begins as one
filled with promise for mankind. After the financial crisis of the previous
decade and the long recession the world had experienced following the third
great depression, came the discoveries at the end of the nineties and the
developments that followed. These gave the decision makers among the super
powers the feeling that the year of ninety-seven would be better than the ones
that preceded it, perhaps the best of all. They hoped that this year would mark
the end of man’s search for meaning.

Is that so?

In order to answer this question, we must go back to the


Adam felt uncomfortable. Normally he did not like looking
back, delving into the past. Still, he returned to the booklet and continued to


During the first half of the century, a mighty blast had
demolished the city of Jerusalem and sent the members of all three monotheistic
religions to conduct some self examination. The religious boundaries were
broken, followed by the state boundaries. The sense of revulsion and anger
toward religions and governments has led to a state of complete distrust toward
all governmental systems. When paralysis and confusion overcame governmental
systems all over the world and it seemed that mankind was stranded, a new
theory began to spread. First, it passed by word of mouth, then through the
unsupervised social media, until finally it could be ignored no more. Then,
after many years in which it was uncertain in its decisions, the United States
Government decided to adopt the theory and to apply it to all areas of life.
This ingenious strategic decision reestablished its position as an innovative
superpower. Some skeptical historians believe to this very day that the
decision to implement the Mendelssohnian Law in the United States, and then in
the rest of the world, was merely a desperate attempt of President Geraldine
Jameson to stop the rising power of the Christian church in the country. The
United States recognized the Mendelssohnian mapping system as its official
currency, and all payments and collections were derived from commerce in
options for future discoveries and fees charged for usage of existing
inventions. Less than two decades since, the Mendelssohnian economic theory
replaced the old stock exchange, credit, and bank fiscal systems. To this very
day, researchers are in disagreement regarding why the transition to the
Mendelssohnian system had been so quick. The fact remains, that while the
transition from using money to using stock exchange related credit was long and
difficult and took over a century to complete, the transition to the
Mendelssohnian economy was quick and easy.

The moment the theory was declared as the official new
religion of the United States, it was only a matter of time before the rest of
the superpowers would recognize it.

In accordance with the Stockholm Treaty, signed in the
year two thousand one hundred and thirty-three AD and twelve in the
Mendelssohnian count, all members of the New United Nations organization (NUNO)
adopted the principles of Mendelssohnian lore as the basis of the legal, social
and financial organization in their sovereign territories.

Since then, and to this very day, the superpowers conduct
commercial and cultural relationships based on mutual suspicion and a military
balance of power. The new United States, the great Russia, Europe, China-Japan,
India, and the United Muslim Nation (UMN) each ruled equal land and sea
territories and populations that differed in size, but organized under the same
method of government.

When the superpowers signed the agreements, they also
implemented treaties that allowed the continuation of ordinary lives for
citizens who chose to maintain their previous lifestyle under the rule of the
super powers. Most people willingly became citizens of the superpower that
governed their territory or immigrated to a place to which they felt a greater
sense of belonging. Those who chose to stay mostly enjoyed a fair treatment
from the majority. By the end of the year twenty-seven, only one area remained
in which not all religious and territorial disputes had been solved – Israel.

One can assume that unless Israel’s last
pre-Mendelssohnian prime minister, Dr. Amos Grossman, had managed to register
the Mendelssohnian Theory as a patent belonging to the Israeli country and its
citizens for a thousand years, no one would have raised a finger to ensure the
wellbeing of the Jews.

When the Muslim nation demanded to include the territory
of the State of Israel in its area of sovereignty, Israel activated its
political power and threatened to raise the tax for the usages of the
Mendelssohnian Theory. As a result, the rest of the superpowers increased their
pressure on the United Muslim Nation (The UMN), to leave the small country to

The UMN did not manage to shed its hatred of the small
country, which enjoyed the support of all the other superpowers. Actually, the
union of the Arabic superpower was achieved mostly because of its members’
mutual hatred of Israel and the rulers of the great kingdom used it for their
own gains and fired it up behind the scenes. But they eventually recognized
their limited power to resist the will of all other superpowers and relented
from their demand.

As a result of the Muslim threat, temporarily neutralized
but always a cause for concern, and to protect the few millions who remained
within Israel, the superpowers found an expensive but useful solution that
would ensure the continued separate existence of the Jewish nation. The country
was sealed beneath an opaque dome (Bubble ©) that protected its denizens from
future persecutions. The dome was an Israeli-Indian development and was
originally intended to regulate the climate in the areas most likely to be
affected by global warming. The main usage for the climate domes was a means
for protecting nature reserves in which the few animals remaining on Earth
could live, protected from the most dangerous predator of all – Man. The
transparent material from which the domes were cast was part of the array of
developments and discoveries the Jewish entity had managed to register as
patents during the pre-Mendelssohnian age.

The state of Israel, or as it has been known since – the
Jewish Reservation, conducts trade relations with all the superpowers, other
than the Muslim one, with whom the trade is conducted confidentially. The
supervised passage of men to and from the reservation is regularly allowed, and
a worldwide trend of touring the climate dome had developed.

In the year of one hundred and ninety-seven to the Mendelssohnian
count, the population of the Jewish reservation (formerly known as the state of
Israel) numbers almost five million Jews. The Muslim inhabitants had been
removed from the dome long ago in return for a generous payment, and they
became the subjects of the United Arab Nations. Jerusalem, with its numerous
conflicts and disputes, remained outside the dome. The Jewish reservation
remained an ex-territory, not subjugated to any of the superpowers, but all
superpowers had an interest in its continued independent existence.


‘All right,’ thought Adam, ‘so now I know all about the
bubble. Great.’ But he yearned for answers regarding other subjects closer to
his heart, such as who was after him?


Now, what is the Mendelssohnian Theory?

On the surface, it appears to be a collection of
meditations connected by a sequence of cause and effect and logical deductions.
In actuality, the theory provides a complete and logical explanation for life
and human existence and provides an answer for every question that was ever
asked or will be asked. The theory defines life as a chain that advances
continuously backward but branches out until it finds the initial cause that
created mankind. It also moves forward and explains the purpose of creation. It
is wide enough to contain all existing disciplines and religions, as well as
focused on and specifically addressing various aspects in the life of humanity.
The theory marks the final purpose of humanity. The innovation in this theory,
compared to others that rose and fell without leaving a mark, was that by using
it, human beings were able to create and reach discoveries that have advanced
their quality of life wherever they were located. It is founded on the
assumption that the development of humankind in all areas is composed of
sequences of events, related by a loose yet steady connection. The moment
you’ve encountered one of these events and managed to draw the previous and
following connections, you can shorten the completion of the chain of events
and bring about its realization in a much quicker developmental pace. Also, you
can follow the course that every ring inside each chain has passed. All the
related events can have an equal influence over the developmental discovery and
are responsible for a certain percentage of the profit, gained at the end of
the process, and calculated with the aid of a list detailing the proportionate
parts of events in developing a patent.

Of course, the largest profit was gained by those who have
accomplished more rings in the chains of events, and here lays the large profit
of the large corporations. They held large departments of probability hunters
and departments that analyzed and mapped the probability chains that circled
the Earth with endless loops. The corporations’ super computers managed to
predict probability chains even before they were created by using probability
analysis. Therefore, the superpowers have ruled and still rule the geographical
and demographic aspects of the world. The acceptance of the Mendelssohnian Law
and its implementation on the world’s population have created a situation in
which whoever managed to lay a hand on a new invention of a new discovery and
register it as a patent, earned a lot of money from leasing the invention, its
immediate use and its consequent uses. Also, whoever was able to prove
ownership on one of the developmental stages of a discovery, leaning on
‘Mendelssohnian Joints’, as the Jews used to call them, or ‘probability rings’
according to the scientific jargon, enjoyed a certain percentage of the profit
according to the level of influence of the invention’s development stage. The
main role of the governmental and security systems is to protect the people
with citizen privileges in the superpowers and the companies registered under
their supervision.

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