The Medici Conspiracy (74 page)

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Authors: Peter Watson

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Chapter Eight
These objects are important enough to feature in Mario Cristofani's book
Etruria e Lazio arcaico, Atti dell'incontro di studio
Archaic Etruria and Lazio: Documents of the Study Meeting
), published in 1986 (p. 155 ff.). Mario Cristofani was a distinguished Etruscologist. In fact, it was Cristofani who excavated the temple dedicated to Hercules at Cerveteri in the early 1990s (see p. 202 and 384).
The first was a skyphos by the Trittolemos Painter, showing Menelaus and Helen at the conquest of Troy, which was sold to the museum in 1970 by Nikolas Koutoulakis. The second was an Attic kylix, showing a blacksmith sitting at the anvil, acquired from Robin Symes in 1980. The third acquisition was the most important and took place in 1983. This involved a group of twenty-one Apulian vases all coming from the same tomb. The photographs in Medici's warehouse didn't show all the vases, however, but just four of them in fragments, lying on the floor. In this case there were three series of Polaroids—one of fifteen photographs, another of six, and a third of two—that show the vases in various stages of restoration, the most important of which was a krater by the Darius Painter. Later investigation by Ferri and Pellegrini unveiled the manner in which the Berlin museum had been “tricked” into buying these objects. These maneuvers are described in Chap. 12.
Chapter Ten
There is further exploration in Chap. 12 of the cumbersome nature of international letters rogatory. This is the mechanism whereby law enforcement authorities in one country can officially pursue investigations in another. At the best of times, they are crude, ponderous instruments. On top of that, however, clever lawyers exploit the sheer slowness of the procedure. Knowing that a rogatory is in the works but may take months to worm its way through the system, the prudent lawyer
to give information. This may seem surprising, but it has one crucial advantage. If a party—such as Sotheby's or the Getty, say—volunteers information, the other side is likely to accept. An investigating prosecutor, such as Dr. Ferri, will agree because it speeds up the procedure and prevents the investigation from running out of time, going beyond any statutes of limitation that may be looming. The advantage for parties being investigated is that by volunteering information,
they do not have to provide all relevant details, nor do they subject themselves to the pre-trial process of “discovery,” under which they can be subpoenaed, compelled to produce all relevant documentation.
In other words, by submitting documentation voluntarily, a party can appear to be cooperating willingly with an investigation, while at the same time legally holding back certain sensitive material. This is always difficult to prove, of course, but readers may judge for themselves.
Chapter Twelve
That Hecht supplied other important museums with illicit material is also indicated: “My friends were loyal during this period and brought me such fine objects as the Attic r/f kylix [now in Munich] by the Elpinidos Painter with Theseus binding the rascal Sinis to a tree.”
In a magazine article published in July 2001, Hoving added that he had bumped into Hecht the previous December, at the opening of the Hermitage Rooms in London's Somerset House, when he asked him “directly” if he had switched Sarrafian's documents on to the Met's vase. “He turned his face to the side after looking at me intently and said, ‘Of course.'”
Perhaps the most interesting client of Summa and NFA was Gordon McLeudon of Dallas, Texas, whose father was the owner of some newspapers and a television station. “Gordon purchased fragments of Greek vases, Greek amber figurines and beads, Roman marble portraits and donated them to the Getty Museum with the connivance of Jiri Frel for an exaggerated appraisal for a tax write off. Some of the amber beads worth $5 to $25 were appraised $150 etc. It is no surprise that the IRA [Internal Revenue Administration] ordered a re-appraisal of Gordon McLeudon's gifts. Apparently Frel made the appraisal on the stationery of Royal Athena Gallery and forged the signature of J. E. [Jerome Eisenberg], the owner.”
Chapter Thirteen
The Morgantina Venus is considered to be one of the most important objects in the Getty, and Italy has been trying to get it back for years. It is a life-size statue of Venus/Aphrodite, circa 420 BC, dressed in clinging drapery that both conceals and reveals the form of the body underneath. Opinion on the piece has ranged at various times from characterizing it as very beautiful to “scandalous.” There is also a dispute as to whether the head belongs with the rest of the body. Three heads are known to have been excavated by a tombarolo at Aidone, part of Morgantina. Two of them reached the Getty via the Tempelsman Collection, but the third is missing—unless it is the one atop the body of the Morgantina Venus.
Symes admitted he had seen the Pompeian frescoes seized from Medici. In his opinion they could not be sold. He himself had sold the Griffins, the Tyche, and the Kore acquired from Koutoulakis. These objects went
to Koutoulakis, he said, because it was more plausible for Greek objects, originating in Macedonia, to come from a Greek dealer—in other words, the arrangement distanced them from Italy. He said he did not know they came from Medici (as the Polaroid photo of the Griffins proves). He had then sold the Kore to the Getty, the Griffins to Tempelsman, and the Tyche to Fleischman, who then sold them to the Getty (see p. 198).
Chapter Seventeen
This access was limited but unique.
Other details from the inventory: On December 19, 1998, Symes sold Leon Levy three objects: a Roman marble bust, third century AD, for $230,000; a Hellenistic over-life-size marble head of a woman, third century BC, for $500,000; and three gold vessels, north European, thirteenth century BC, for $750,000, making that day's takings $1,480,000. There was also mention in the files at that point of a fresco sold to Levy, valued at $1.6 million, which turned out to be fake.
More details: an ivory left foot, Roman, first century AD, valued at £15,000; an Egyptian basalt seated male figure, valued at £100,000; an Egyptian blue figure of Shu, valued at £100,000 (these three amounts were Citibank's valuations for Symes's loan). A Roman wall fresco of a portico, valued at £25,000.
Another note, addressed to “Monsieur Jacques,” said that $1.5 million was due to be paid in to Xoilan on February 4 (the year was not specified), but out of that, certain payments had to be made—the note then detailed fourteen banks to which proceeds of between £2,877 and $166,888 were to be paid, banks in New York, Florida, Munich, Geneva, Zurich, London, and Guernsey.
In March 2000, Nonna Investments, another of Symes's companies, negotiated a “rolling facility” with Citibank of $14 million, later increased to $17 million. The loan was guaranteed by Despina Papadimitriou, Christo's sister. A note of June 5, 1990, referred to a Cult Statue of a Goddess, acquired July 22, 1988, with an “unpaid principal balance of $9 million, maturing on July 21 1992, and accruing interest at 5 per cent per annum.” Other documentation said that the draped statue, probably of Aphrodite, was by an unknown Greek, probably south Italy or Sicily, dated to 425–400 BC. It was around seven feet in height and had originally been carved in pieces. It had been damaged when it had toppled,
caused either by an earthquake or by vandals. Part of it was encrusted with soil. There were also Polaroid photographs of the statue, showing how it was pinned together.
Another note, dated 1996, confirmed that Symes had eleven objects on loan to museums, valued in all at $9,095,000. These objects appeared to include three Villanovan, Etruscan, and Greek gold items. There was also a letter, dated July 25, 1991, from Malcolm Bell about Morgantina. It was not clear who this letter was addressed to, but it was in the Symes files alongside much material on the Getty.
There were two other notes, this time on Robin Symes Limited notepaper, dated March 1987 and March 1989, which listed, in all, nineteen objects that Symes had on consignment with George Ortiz.
Other material included Cycladic statues, Sardinian marble idols, Greek stone heads (one valued at $80,000), a marble kouros, Greek marble stelae, Greek bronzes (one valued at $65,000), a bronze Kore referred to as Griffins from Olympia, Greek arms and armor, early Greek pottery (one vase valued at $45,000), a life-size bronze head of a ruler valued at $850,000, an Etruscan bronze Hercules of the fifth century BC, Etruscan sculptures, terra-cottas, pottery, and jewelry. There was a letter from the Getty agreeing to buy various objects but setting off these purchases against a Diadoumenos head—part of the Fleischman collection—and a torso of Mithras, which were being returned to Italy. In October 1992, there was paperwork in connection with a Greek statue being sold to the Getty for $18 million.
Chapter Twenty
This interview took place on July 5, 2003, aboard Mr. Papadimitriou's boat,
: Mr. Papadimitriou repeated the allegations the following day.
Interview, London, February 6, 2006.
Gill, D. W. J. and C. Chippindale, “From Boston to Rome: reflections on returning antiquities,”
International Journal of Cultural Property
, Vol. 13, 2006, pp. 311–331.
Aboutaam, Ali
Aboutaam, Hischam, Aboutaam, Hischam
Aboutaam, Noura
Aboutaam, Sleiman
Aitken, Brian
Albert, Jacques
Alsdorf, Marilyn
Alsdorf Collection
Al-Thani, Sheikh Saoud
Altman, Benjamin
Amasis Painter
American Institute of Archaeology
Amorelli Falconi, Teresa
Ancient India and Iran Trust
Anedda, Alessandro
Angeli-Cottier, Fiorella
Antike Kunst Palladion
average price at auction of
changing attitudes regarding the dealing of unprovenanced
Chippindale's law regarding illicit activities (
Chippindale's law)
clandestine network supplying and dealing unprovenanced (
Network of trade in unprovenanced antiquities)
conclusions regarding
destruction of
fakes, scholarly problems posed by
Greek (
Operation Eclipse and subsequent Greek investigations)
impact (archaeological and cultural) of the trade in unprovenanced
impact of the investigations and prosecutions on the world of
recent cases of illicit activities
return of
worldwide nature of the problem
Apostolides, Andreas
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeological Museum (Munich)
Archaeological Superintendency for Enna
Archaeological Superintendency for Southern Etruria
Architecture, consequences of the invention of concrete for
Arcuri, Vincenzo
Ariss Ancient Art
Art and Culture of the Cyclades exhibition (Karlsruhe)
Artemis, statue of
Artemis Fujita
Artemis (the goddess)
Arts Franc
Asfar, Nabil el
Asian antiquities
Asia Society (New York)
Association for Field Archaeology
Atlantis Antiquities (New York)
Auction houses
. See also
Bonham's; Christie's; Sotheby's
Bacon, Francis
Bartoloni, Gilda
Baviera, Filippo
Bearded Sphinx Painter
Beazley, J. D.
Becchina, Gianfranco
Frel and
future of
the Getty kouros
golden wreath photos in the archive of
investigation of
Japan, dealings in
judge's comments regarding in Medici trial
Medici, comparison to
Medici, rivalry with
Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, involvement in sale of objects to
name of in the organigram
Ortiz, sale of objects to
proceedings initiated against
prosecutorial interrogations of others, mentioned in
Becchina, Ursula “Rosie,”
Bell, Malcolm
Bellezza, Aldo
Bellini, Giovanni
Berenson, Bernard
Bergman, Robert P.
Berlin Painter
Bernheimer, Max
Bible Lands Museum (Jerusalem)
Bloomfield Collection
Boardman, Sir John
Bonaparte, Lucien
. See also
Auction houses
Borowsky, Eli/Elia
Bortolot Daybreak Corporation
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
. See
Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)
Boursaud, Christian
fragments of the Euphronios-Onesimos kylix, origination of
as “front” for Medici
Hydra Gallery ownership, dispute over
information on provided by Hodges
interview of Tchacos, discussed in
laundering activities, participation in
Medici's trial, discussed in
Bowles, Colin
Bozzi, Vincenzo
Brand, Michael
British Museum
Brodie, Neil
Brundage, Avery
Brunetti, Dino
Bruno, Mario
Brygos Painter
Bryn Mawr Painter
Bucchero ceramics
Bucci Painter

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