The Manticore Ascension: A Short Story in the Arena Mode Universe (8 page)

BOOK: The Manticore Ascension: A Short Story in the Arena Mode Universe
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Chapter Ten

A light snowfall dusted us, made almost surreal by the shaft of moonlight pouring in through the hole in the ceiling.

The horde of kneeling red soldiers stared up at me as if in anticipation. What were they waiting for: orders? A rousing victory speech? Permission to leave?

Drake and Dawson stood beside me, seemingly as perplexed as I was.

“What now?” Dawson whispered, scratching at his mop of blonde hair.

It was a good question, and I had no idea how to answer. I ripped a small swath from my shirt, using it to bandage the flesh that dangled from my thumb. I used my teeth to anchor one side of the tourniquet and yanked the fabric, tightening it until the bleeding stopped.

King Lehmann dusted himself off and marched towards me, adjusting his bathrobe on the way. It was difficult to appear regal in fuzzy bath wear and slippers, but somehow he managed to pull it off. At least for the most part. “Stand,” he shouted, turning towards the soldiers. “You are now under my command.”

They remained still.

He scowled and turned towards his sons. “Drake, Dawson, take Taktarov’s body down to the laboratory and tell the scientists to begin extraction. I want every drop of blood squeezed out of this superhuman and harvested for research.”

“What?” I shouted, throwing my hands apart. “Are you kidding me? This crap is what started the war in the first place! Once the superhumans find out you’re desecrating their leader’s body and weaponizing his blood, it’ll start an all

“Maybe,” he said proudly, motioning to the kneeling soldiers. “But if they
come, my new army will be ready for them.”

Drake stepped forward, placing a gauntlet on his father’s shoulder. “No.”

The King’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “What do you mean n –”

“I mean
,” Drake stated, more forcefully. “This has gone far enough. I don’t know if there will ever be lasting peace, but for now ...”

“We have to at least
,” Dawson added. He glanced at me, offering a small nod. “For all our sakes.”

“Give Taktarov a burial at sea,” I said. “Toss the remaining blood in with him, and call a cease–fire.” I turned to the kneeling soldiers, and motioned for them to stand. It was like controlling a video game: one wave and they all rose, falling into perfect formation. “Your leader is dead,” I announced. “And you now have the option to join House Lehmann.”

The King threw his arms up, mouth agape, but whatever he was about to say got lodged in his throat. By the redness in his face I could tell it wasn’t going to be complimentary.

,” I added, “you
have the option to return home and do whatever the hell you want. No prisoners will be taken.”

After a moment of confusion the red soldiers ambled around and made light conversation, seemingly stunned that they were free. I knew how they felt.

“This is it for me, too.” I said, turning to Dawson. “Are you still in the mood for an adventure?”

The knight’s eyes filled with fireworks. “Are you...are
taking one of the jets?”

“If you
,” Drake added, “I’m coming with you. I don’t trust either of you to return Kingdom property in one piece.”

“Fair enough,” I laughed. “Pack your bags. We’re heading out.”

Drake breezed past me but stopped, turning on his heels. “Why did you choose us over Taktarov?” he asked.

“I read him. As soon as he promised to reward me I saw visions of torture chambers dancing in his head.

“And,” I added, “I read
as well – as soon as I got my ring deactivated. I know you’re not filled with hate. You just want to protect your family, and you’re...passionate about it.”

“Thank you,” he said, his voice softened. “I really do owe you.”

“I know,” I smiled. “Now go pack your stuff.”

The knights turned to leave when the booming sound of their father’s voice stopped them mid-stride. “Halt,” he commanded. “I cannot allow this to go any further. I won’t authorize someone from outside of House Lehmann to leave in one of
aircraft with two of

Drake stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on his father’s shoulder. “Surely we can make an exception. Brynja has proven herself an ally.”

“She is
an ally,” the King said matter-of-factly, reaching around his son’s neck with both hands. He pulled a chain over his head, revealing the House Lehmann sigil – the same necklace that Dawson had given me earlier. “She’s family.”

Drake and Dawson exchanged glances before turning their attention towards me, as if I had the vaguest clue what was taking place.

“On your knee,” the King commanded, eliciting a smile from his sons.

I shrugged and knelt at the King’s feet, dipping my head.

He draped the chain over my neck. “You are now a knight of the realm,” he proclaimed loudly. “A defender of Iceland, and an honorary member of House Lehmann.”

I held the emblem, running my thumbs along the intricate steel design. “I...I don’t know what to say.”

“Is this allowed?” Drake asked. “Making a superhuman a knight?”

“It is now. That’s another perk of being King: making up the rules as I go along.” He spread his hands wide and his sons reached out, wrapping their arms around their father’s waist. “Take care of each other,” he said firmly, as if it were a command, not a friendly suggestion.

Dawson beamed with excitement. “I can’t wait to see the rest of the world!”

“You’re going to
Iceland?” The King said. “B-but...that’s nonsense. You don’t know what’s going to happen. You don’t know what’s out there!”

“I know,” the young knight replied with a smile that lit up the room. “That’s why we’re going.”



“Are you buckled in?” Dawson asked, reaching forward to flip switches on the jet’s dash.

Sitting next to him in the cockpit I pulled the belt across my lap and clicked it into place. “Aye aye, captain.” I gave him an exaggerated salute and he laughed uncontrollably.

“Is it going to be like this for the
trip?” Drake asked from behind us.

“Pretty much,” Dawson shrugged. “You’re going to have to get used to these foreign laughter and friendship. And not being a dick.”

Drake couldn’t help but smile. Which was odd, since I hadn’t seen him smile once since I’d arrived in the Kingdom. He reached into the cockpit and rumpled his little brother’s hair, eliciting another goofy laugh.

“Exit,” Dawson commanded, triggering the castle’s hangar doors. They pulled open, bathing us in bright yellow sunlight, revealing the wide open space that stretched beyond the mountain tops.

Being stuck in a dystopian future without knowing how you’re going to get back to your own reality isn’t as bad as it sounds. Sure, there was the uncertainty, and the fear, and the fact that everyone kept calling me a blue-haired wench. But I could deal with all of that. Because something told me with those two by my side, sooner or later I’d find my way home...and besides, when you’re with the right people, home is wherever you happen to be at the moment.

To Be Continued ... ?
Thank You

Thank you
much for reading ‘The Manticore Ascension’. If you got to the end that means you at least liked it enough to keep turning the pages, and for that, I want to give you a big squishy cyber-hug (you can’t tell, but I’m clutching my laptop tight at the moment).

If you
happen to enjoy the short story, please leave a quick star-rating on Amazon! I would really appreciate it.

And if you
enjoy it, just feel free to keep that little tidbit of information to yourself. It’s the Internet, after all – not some place for people to complain and post negative comments about things...right? Right guys?

Either way, I’d love to hear from you: catch up with me on the
or the
if you’re into that sort of thing, or just drop me a line and say ‘hi’. :)

Thanks’re the jam in my jelly roll.


Love and cuddles,



I have a website too. It has my name on it and everything.

The Arena Mode Saga
By Blake Northcott

Arena Mode


Assault or Attrition
(Book Two in the Arena Mode Saga)




Final Empire
(The Conclusion of the Arena Mode Saga)





The Manticore Ascension

(A Short Story in the Arena Mode Saga)





About the Author
Blake Northcott is an author, Twitter-er, and Slayer of Vampires (only the ones that sparkle).


She enjoys comic books, novels, movies, travel, and the occasional rum & Coke. Turn-offs include Wheel of Fortune and Ke$ha.


Blake lives just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada with her family.


If you want to know more about Blake, visit her on one of those social media thingies. Or her website ... she has one of those too.


Character Profiles & Illustrations

For wallpapers, downloads and full profiles:






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