Read The Man Without Rules Online

Authors: Tyffani Clark Kemp

Tags: #Erotica

The Man Without Rules (13 page)

BOOK: The Man Without Rules
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He knew he was grinning, but the muscles in his face refused to relax. "You find me attractive."

"That's not what I said. And if you'll remember, you inserted yourself…
Aw, hell."
Mariss dropped her face into her hands.

Sebastian laughed. "You said it. I didn't even comment."

"I didn't give you a chance."

He studied her for a moment, taking in her features and the guarded look in her eyes. Sebastian frowned, understanding the look and feeling like an ass.

"Did I hurt your feelings when I ran?"

Mariss stared back, her expression unreadable. "I don't think that's an appropriate discussion to be had, Sebastian."

"I think I prefer it when you call me Bash. Not many people get that privilege."

"I'm not sure I want to be among the privileged."

Sebastian felt himself starting to get irritated and had to remind himself that she was putting him off for her own peace of mind. "My
call me Bash," he corrected.

"I think I'll call you Bassy." She tried to keep a straight face, but the grin that brightened her features won out.

"I think you won't call me that."

"What would you do to stop me? Kill me?" Her eyes widened in mock fear.

"You shouldn't joke about such things, Mariss Red." But he couldn't be stern. Not when she seemed to be relaxing and finally enjoying his company.

Of course, when he thought they were starting to get on well, there was a knock at the door.

"It's your husband, Mrs. Red."

Mariss nodded and slipped back into her casts. Just seeing her there, looking so helpless even though he knew the truth, made him roil with anger.

"Oh. I don't like what you've done to your face."

Sebastian frowned and ran a hand over his smooth jaw and mouth. "Ah. It'll grow back." The husband walked in and Sebastian stood. "I'll leave you two. I'm glad you're alright." He took her hand and squeezed it. "I'll see you soon." He nodded to the husband and left, his heart lighter - and heavier - than before.

Juliet waited for him in the lobby.

"Get hold of Herbert for me, Jules. Tell him it's urgent and I need to meet with him right away."


Herbert was a large man. He stood at six feet and three inches, the same as Sebastian, but he was easily twice Sebastian's size.
When Herbert walked through the door of Sebastian's home office later that evening, even Sebastian couldn't help being a bit intimidated.



He stood and shook the man's hand.

"What was so urgent that I had to fly all the way out to hell on earth to meet with you?" Herbert was about as pleasant as he was short. The two of them didn't get along very well, and for good reason, but they were professionals, so they did what professionals did best.

"Herbert, this is New York. We're about as far away from hell as you can get." For all his size and intimidation, Herbert hated New York. Sebastian wasn't sure why.

The FBI agent took a seat across from him in a brown leather wingback chair. "What is this important matter you need to discuss?"

"Are my records still sealed?"

If he was suspicious of the questioning, Herbert's face gave nothing away. "Why do you ask?"

"I heard rumors of rumors. I wanted to be sure."

"Your records will not be unsealed."

Sebastian nodded. "You heard of Mariss Red's accident yesterday?"

"Are you involved with her sexually?" Herbert had a way of getting straight to the point.


"Does her husband know?"

"He was involved."

That got Herbert's attention. His eyebrows went up. "Watching?"

Sebastian enunciated the word succinctly. He knew Herbert wouldn't divulge such sensitive information. He was good at his job.

"That's interesting. Yes, I heard of her accident. What do you want to know?"

"I want to find out who did it."

The two men stared each other down for a long several minutes. Sebastian refused to look away, though Herbert was the one person who could give him a run for his money.

"I'm not going to help you break the law, Boa."

Sebastian shrugged, his eyes still locked on Herbert's. "I'm not asking you to break the law. I'm asking you to do some investigating and let me know what you find. I could take you to dinner and get you drunk if that would help keep your conscience clear."

Herbert sneered. "Your charm doesn't work on me. You forget that I'm the only man on earth who knows what you've done. I can change that."

Yes, you could, but then I'd have to kill you too."

"You're funny." There was no humor in his tone. "I'll see what I can find, simply because I like Mariss Red. She published my wife's book."

"I know. I was counting on that."

"I bet you were. How's she doing?"

"She's fine, but she's pretending not to be.
Can't say I blame her."

"How did she get mixed up with you?" Herbert asked, and his tone suggested some disgust. "I have a hard time believing her husband would allow that."

"Her husband and I have an agreement. I resent your
however, our involvement was purely coincidental.
The first time."
Sebastian smiled and he knew it was devious.

"Does she need protecting from you?" Herbert asked seriously.

Sebastian shook his head. "If she did, you wouldn't be here."

"How's Hellena?"

He'd been waiting for this line of questioning. "She's well. She asked me about you the other day. I will tell her we spoke."

"I'll give her a call myself."


"Is there anything else?"

Sebastian shook his head and stood, buttoning his jacket as he did. "I'll show you out. Thank you for meeting with me. I hope to hear something from you soon."

"Mm. Give your mother my best."

Sebastian laughed. "My mother hates you, Herbert."

"A lot of people hate you."

He shrugged. "It's the curse of my position."

He showed Herbert out and had Juliet send his car around.



The Traction Contraption

House music thumped through the walls of the back office making it hard for Sebastian to concentrate on the paperwork in front of him.

Hellena had been skimming off the top for years, but she wasn't very good at hiding it. That or she knew he wouldn't care much. Not with her. He'd known since the first time she did it and he kept a close eye on it. Until today, it was twenty thousand dollars every year. He didn't ask what she was into or even let her know he knew. But today, it was double.

Sebastian did the tally four times, but came up with the same answer. He couldn't ignore this anymore, not if she was escalating. He picked up the phone and called the front desk.

"Yes, Mr. Boa," a sweet, flirty voice answered.

"Sweetheart, could you send Hellena to the office please?"

"Yes, sir.
Will you need anything else?"

"In about ten minutes you can send in the twins."

There was a little giggle.
"Yes, sir."

Sebastian put the ledgers away and checked his phone. He had a text message.

didn't you tell me you left a shoot to come to the hospital?:

It was from Mariss. The fact that she was directly texting his cell both unnerved him and made him smile.

did you get this number?:

Her reply quickly followed.
got it from Juliet. Not supposed to tell you that. I threatened her

used to her life being threatened. She works for

! That was actually funny. So why did you leave your shoot

Sebastian thought about what he should answer.
model I was working with is insufferable.: He waited for her reply.

even says insufferable anymore?:

Sebastian chuckled.
you text this much all the time?:

have no idea. I am very high
She put a smiley with its tongue sticking out.

learn not to stick your tongue out at me.:

? Will you bite it

Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath, not expecting her to take the conversation in a sexual direction. He was typing his reply when she sent another text.

. I shouldn't have said

, are you drunk?:

Very. Holden left for basketball

Sebastian lifted an eyebrow without realizing it.
you're lonely.:

, I drunk texted you. I'll leave you

don't have to ever leave me alone.:

The door opened and Hellena came in. She sat on the sofa across from him. Sebastian checked his phone, but there weren't any text messages.

"What's wrong?" Hellena asked. "You look perplexed."

Sebastian leaned his elbows on the desk. "Are you alright, Hellena?" As per usual, anything between them was resolved without discussion.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She stared back at him with defiant eyes.

Sebastian was taken aback for a moment. In all the years he'd known her, he didn't think she'd ever looked at him like that. She knew why she was in here. She had to, or she wouldn't be daring him with her eyes right now. He had to fight the urge to snatch her up by her hair and send her packing.

"If there's anything you need, Hellena, you know you can always come to me." He hoped she already knew that.

"Yes, of course." Her eyes softened some.

She wore a red corset today and full matching skirts. Hellena was wearing the boots that laced all the way up to her thigh again. "Come here." She went to him and Sebastian pulled her onto his lap. Sebastian slipped his hand under her skirt and stroked the smooth skin at the top of the leather, just below a scar he knew was there.

Hellena dropped her head on his shoulder and he hid his face behind the fall of her black hair. His nose touched her chest. Her scent wrapped around him. This time, it was easier to push Mariss from his mind. He didn't know what the difference was. She still lingered there, on the back burner so to speak, but she wasn't a distraction as she had been the night before.

"Are you thinking about me? Or is your mind on her?" Hellena's hurt voice was soft in his ear. She tried to pull away, but he had a firm grip on her hip.

"You're the only thing on my mind right now." Sebastian stroked her thigh just a little higher up, skirting the scar. He looked up at her and let his eyes reflect himself, something he wasn't accustomed to doing for many people.
"Only you."

Hellena's eyes watered and a single tear fell down her cheek. She nodded and pressed her lips gently to his. Sebastian caught her bottom lip between his teeth. At the same time he pushed her legs apart with his hand and inserted a finger into her. She moaned against his mouth, but he silenced her with a deep kiss. The door opened and closed. Sebastian worked his finger slowly in and out of her.

"Whenever you're ready, ladies."

The twins were not related. There were many things that Sebastian was into, but incest was not one of them. The dark-haired girls had the same facial structure, body type, and grey eyes. Tonight, they were dressed to match in spandex hot pants and leather straps that covered their nipples and little else. One was in red, the other in black.

"We're going to watch?" Hellena asked.

"Mm hm."
Sebastian released Hellena's lips and turned the chair so they could both see without straining. He put two fingers inside her.

Hellena moved with him.

The twins started to make out on the couch. Tongues and lips fought for control as their bodies writhed against each other. The black strap top came off and dropped to the floor. Sebastian pushed his fingers deeper into Hellena. Her fingers raked up his scalp and into his hair and he relaxed into the back of his chair.

The red strap top disappeared somewhere. The other girl plucked Red Top's nipple with her teeth and tugged until she made a small whimper.

"Eat her," Hellena commanded. Black Top looked to Sebastian for confirmation and he nodded.

Red Top moaned as Black Top buried her face between her partner’s legs. She dropped her head back against the sofa and arched her back. It was
. He knew it, Hellena knew it, both girls knew it, but in the heat of the moment no one really cared.

Sebastian crooked his fingers inside Hellena and brought a soft, low moan from her.

"There you go," he purred. "I was starting to get worried."

She smiled, but it was soon wiped away by a shudder and another soft groan.

Black Top was still between Red Top's legs, the sounds coming from her now more realistic. Sebastian nipped at Hellena's shoulder and her fingers tightened in his hair. Rubbing her clit with his thumb, he listened to her moan as she arched into his touch. Sebastian put three fingers inside her, gently.

Red Top had her fingers twisted in Black Top's hair. She made a little sound that wasn't faked and then her release rippled through her.

Sebastian picked up the pace of his finger fucking so Hellena groaned next to his ear, kicking his arousal up a notch. He strained against his trousers.

Standing, Sebastian dumped Hellena off his lap and onto her feet. "Bend over." Hellena did as she was told, bending over his desk. He pushed her skirts up and freed himself from his confines so he could a slide a condom on and
inside her.

"Grind on her," Sebastian ordered. Red Top slid over Black Top's body to stimulate Black Top's clit with her own. He thrust into Hellena, pulling a strangled moan from her.

"Alright?" he asked a little concerned.

"Don't stop.
Oh, god, please."

Sebastian slammed his hips into Hellena's ass. She shrieked with pleasure as he worked in and out of her.

Red Top rubbed herself against Black Top.

"Do you like the view?" he asked as he slammed into Hellena again. She couldn't do anything but moan.
"I didn't catch that," he said. He pulled out slowly.

"Godammit, Sebastian. Yes. I'm close, Bash."

Sebastian stepped up his pace until he felt Hellena come around him and cry out in pleasure.

The twins hit their climax at almost the same time.

"Don't stop," he told the twins. "Kiss her."

Sebastian watched them makeout as he continued to fuck Hellena until he felt his own climax begin to build. Taking a fistful of Hellena's hair, he pulled her against him and licked a line up the crook of her neck. Hellena shuddered and Sebastian's climax overtook him. For a moment, he saw Mariss in his mind’s eye, but he pushed the image away and let the feel of Hellena's body and her
scent fill
his senses. He thrust into her hard as he came, repeating the motion a few more times.

"Goddamn, Sebastian." Hellena collapsed onto the desktop as he pulled out of her and sat down hard in his chair. Her skirts fell down to cover her bare ass. She handed him some tissues from the box on the desk so he could clean himself up and tuck himself away.

"Glad I could please. You two may stay as long as you need to recover," he offered, but he knew better. They were already putting their strappy outfits back on to get back to work.

Sebastian pulled Hellena onto his lap and let her snuggle into his side.

"All forgiven?" he asked.

"You never apologized for anything," Hellena chuckled against the side of his neck.


Sebastian stood in front of the three security guards, trying to decide how he was going to get into the hospital room, when one of them stepped aside.

"You're cleared for entry."

He was surprised. "Mariss cleared me?"


Impressed, he opened the door and closed it before he saw what was going on.

"Bassy!" Mariss cried. "Hi!"

Her eyes were bleary and her smile was loose. She'd twisted herself through the saddles of the traction machine and was hanging in the air on her good side, a bottle of whisky in her hand. It sloshed onto the bed when she tried to wave.

"Oops," she giggled. "Want some?" She held the bottle out to him.

Sebastian reached for it with the intention of removing it from her possession, but she jerked it back and took another gulp.

"You are far past sending drunken text messages, Red. Where's the other guard?"

"In the bathroom," she slurred. "I think I scared him."

"And how did you do that? He's ten times your size."

Mariss lifted her free arm and pointed something silver at his face.
"With this."
It was a scalpel and it looked like it was freshly sharpened. "He was trying to get me out of my swing."

"Maybe that's a good idea."

"No, I'm having fun." Mariss rocked herself back and forth.

Sebastian shook his head. If her husband's departure had this kind of effect on her, then her drunken texts were simply an extension of that. Still, he took comfort in the fact that she was thinking about him.

"Mariss, I don't want you to get hurt worse than you already are."

You only call me that when you're irritated with me. I want to swing."

He sighed. It would be funny if she wasn't being so reckless. "I'll rock you. At least you're not a naked drunk."

"Is that supposed to be sexual? I don't think I want you to touch me."

He smirked. "Don't think you can control yourself?"

"No." She frowned like she was confused. "I'm ready to get down now."

He reached out to help her, but Mariss shoved the bottle into his hands and he had to put that down first. She wriggled until she got her top half out of the stirrup. Her arms were unsteady and she lost her grip. Mariss dropped onto the bed, her hips still stuck in the other swing. She let out a bellowing laugh, the hand with the scalpel flailing about and making Sebastian nervous.

please let me help you."

BOOK: The Man Without Rules
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