The Man Who Invented the Daleks (65 page)

BOOK: The Man Who Invented the Daleks
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Rigg, Diana

Rix, Brian

Road to Wigan Pier, The

Roberts, Meade

Roberts, Pennant

Robin Hood

Robin Hood legend

Ronder, Jack

Room at the Top

Round the Horne

Running Wild


Russell, William

Saint, The

TN’s contribution to

as radio programme

TN starts writing for

television debut of

TN writes for

American market for

TN as script editor of

similarities with
The Baron

Sanders, George

Sandilands, John

Sasdy, Peter

Saturday Night Theatre

Saward, Eric

Scarlet Pimpernel, The

Schwartz, Lew

science fiction

Scorpio Attack

Scott, Terry

script editing

Scully, Terry

Sears, Bryan


Sellers, Peter

Seventh Seal, The

Seymour, Carolyn

Seymour, John and Sally

Shaw, Don

Shearman, Robert

Shubnik, Irene

‘Sign of the Claw, The’ (
The Saint

Silvers, Phil

Simmonds, John

Simon, Josette

Simpson, Alan

Sims, Joan

Sladen, Elisabeth

Slater’s Day


‘Someone Like Me’ (
The Persuaders!

‘Something of Value’ (

‘Space Fall’ (
Blake’s 7

Speight, Johnny

Spooner, Dennis

writes for ‘The Chase’

writes for The Daleks’ Master Plan’

The Champions

Department S

The Avengers

later writing career

Spring, Howard

Spy with the Cold Nose, The

Star Trek

Star Wars

Stennett, Stan

Stephens, Larry

Steptoe and Son

Stoney, Kevin

‘Storm Warning’ (
The Baron

Story Parade


Subotsky, Milton

Sugden, Molly

Summers, Jeremy

Summers, John

‘Sunday Afternoon at Home’ (
Hancock’s Half Hour



first season

second season

third season

novel of

possible American remake

fourth season planned

2008 and 2010 remake

Survivors: Genesis of a Hero

‘Survivors, The’ (
Doctor Who


Sykes, Eric

Tafler, Sydney

Take It From Here

‘Take Me to Your Leader’ (
The Avengers

Tanner, Tony


Taylor, A.J.P.

Taylor, John Russell

Taylor, Ken

Team, The

Ted Kavanagh Show, The

‘Terminal’ (
Blake’s 7


‘Terror of the Autons’ (
Doctor Who

Thatcher, Margaret

That’s Life, Says Max Wall

‘Thingumajig’ (
The Avengers

Thomas, Dylan

Thomas, Gareth

Thomas, Howard

Thomas, James

Thomas, Talfryn

Thorson, Linda


Thriller, The

Till Death Us Do Part

Time Machine, The

‘Time Squad’ (

‘Time to Die, The’ (
The Persuaders!

Times, The

Took, Barry

Tosh, Donald

Troughton, Patrick

Tuckwell, Walter

Tuddenham, Peter

TV Century 21

Uncle Selwyn

‘Unearthly Child, An’ (
Doctor Who

United States of America

cultural influence on Britain

British film in

British television in

The Daleks

Usborne, Richard

Usher, Shaun

Vandeleur, Iris

Variety Bandbox

Variety Playhouse

Vaughan, Norman

Vaughn, Robert

Vegas, Johnny

‘Velvet Web, The’ (
Doctor Who

Venus in Furs

Verne, Jules

Vertue, Beryl

Village of the Damned

‘Voice from the Past’ (
Blake’s 7

Walker, Fiona

Wallace, Edgar

Walsh, Kay

‘War Games, The’ (
Doctor Who

War of the Worlds, The

Ward, Lalla

Warner, Jack

Waters, Doris

Waters, Elsie

Watson, Colin

‘Way Back, The’ (
Blake’s 7

‘Web, The’ (

Weightman, John

Wells, H.G.

Welsh Rarebit

Wetherell, Virginia

What a Whopper

What’s Your Story

Wheatley, Alan

Wheldon, Huw

support for
Doctor Who

and ‘The Chase’

on the Daleks

When the World Screamed
(Conan Doyle)

Whicker’s World

Whitaker, David

White, Elsie

White, Bob

White, Leonard

Whitehouse, Mary

Wiles, John

Wilkie, Bernard

Williams, Graham

Wilson, Angus

Wilson, Harold

Wiltshire, Maurice

Wish You Were Here

Wolfe, Ronald

Woodward, Edward

Worker’s Playtime

Worth, Harry

Worth, Martin

‘Writer, The’ (

Wyndham, John

Wyngarde, Peter

Young, Eric



Llandaff Cathedral following the bombing raid on Cardiff in January 1941

Mr Herbert’s class at Radnor Road Boys’ School in 1938, with Terry Nation (middle row, far right)
From Stewart Williams’ Cardiff Yesterday Vol. 21

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